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Sparring Grounds - Evolution


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All this talk about kings and name tags is kind of childish in my eyes. I don't see why the location should be an issue. The new players either end up or start in the Park so that is the best location for it. The name seems to fit still after all this time so I don't see a reason for it to be changed either. Rhaegar has talked to me in length in game as well as on the forum about the changes in the Park. I have been waiting for this change for awhile now. Yes I know that I am still young in the game but even I can see that the "SG" needs to be revamped. There is no one to question or complain to and no one really follows the rules because they know there will not be any repercussions if they break them. I agree with Rhaegar's plans for the Park because I am tired of being exploited by other players who just want wins and use powerhouse rituals to ensure that they win and leave all of my creatures dead and take a chunk out of my VE. Some people have told me that I need to get stronger then if I don't want to be taken advantage of but I am strong in my mind. I can win very easily if I go about it in the same manner but I chose not to because I have been on the recieving end of these attacks and I see no need to go about it that way.

Rhaegar you already know this but I will say it here for all to see. I agree with you on the reformation of the Park and I will help in any shape or form. I will even join MB as a citizen if that is what it takes. Yes I am only MP4 but that shouldn't mean anything. There is strength in numbers.

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there is no need for someone to administrate sparing ground and enforce the rules (talking about current sparing ground), because most ppl follow the rules. Those who sometimes breaks them are newbies who didn't read the signpost (I broke the rules just first time I was in marble dale park as well, because I didn't know there are such rules, and didn't use to read signposts). If necessary, I can enforce the rules. at least for MP4. I don't have spells, but I have angien eggs (my first angien will hatch in 10 days). Indeed, there were 4-5 ppl who attacked me while I was not idle. but I guess it was a mistake, because they only did it once, and not broke the rules constantly. I guess there would be an MP3 veteran available to enforce the rules for MP3 as well.
if you really want marble dale park to be the place of new training style, then is fine as long as there will still be a place where ppl can train by the old rules (protection for the actives). It is better that players, after they fight in the new SG, and are left with no vitality, to go to another place where they are protected, and to get some wins to get a burst, then continue training in the new SG. Otherwise, if they don't get a healing spell, they need to go to a sanctuary. Or maybe ppl will need to balance their wins or losses after getting too many wins or losses in the new SG (actually, they will mainly need wins, because they could get losses in the new SG).I don't think there is any spell to help them get the balance. And the other place with the old rules should be close to marble dale park, so that ppl don't have to travel too much (they won't have too many APs left after training).

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uhmmm sorry Bronzometh, take no offense, but you're still pretty young in this realm and don't know what you are talking about.

despite what you say, Sparring Grounds/Dojo is in chaotic state. and even if the rules of the current grounds could be enforced ideally 24/7, question yourself what kind of progress it is if you level up only cause of "free wins" gathered over period of several months?

how do you plan to enforce them? attack those who seek to fight? :P
everything that you have to enforce in a community project shows that it has flaws/mistakes.

Current grounds are totally empty in action. I don't know why are you all try to put this in the mud, is it cause I am who I am, hated enemy of many? :P
They are supposed to have some projects to teach newbies and guide their way into a decent start as Magic Duelists :P

and if you want to keep the trend of asking people for a wins (believe me, if people really dislike how this goes, I will stop trying to change the grounds), they can gather up in Winds Sanctuary and chatter there (since people will do just that if they don't want to get attacked), asking "who wants to go out and fight?". that's how it works in defensive quarters for example.

if my/our project gets accepted pretty well at the start, it will only evolve and it will be a much entertaining place (MD) for youngsters at least if not for everyone, believe me I know what I am saying, you're still pretty young to force biased opinions on certain subjects :P

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soo, if I am too young to have opinions, then most of the MP3 and MP4 are too young as well. So,only MP5 and MP6 have the right to have an opinion? In other words, those who will be affected by the changes doesn't have the right to have an opinion. It's only those who won't be affected by the change that have the right to have an opinion.

Even if I am too young, I know some things about the game. The training you want ppl to have in your SG will give them alot of unwanted personal experience. when I was younger, I was fighting the iddlers in marble dale park, I was fighting ppl which I found in other places (was looking for targets at willow shop, winds crossing, even GOE. sometimes I won, sometimes I lost, but I got to 2 millions personal experience, and still haven't trained an angien. Then, I decided to stop, because I realized that I am getting allot of experience for creatures that doesn't worth. I got enough experience and wins to get to max lvl alot of crits, and only needed to wait for them to get the age (I still need to wait for my elementals to get the age - not to mentione that I already trained more elementals than necessary, since I have 7 of them, and can only use 3). Anyway, when I got the necessary experience, whille waiting to get the age, I thought there is nothing else to do for my main character, and started to play alts. untill, one day, I discovered GGG, and found reasons to train my main character at GGG. Now, GGG is gone. Anyway, I still find reasons to play with my main character, for training creatures for sacrificing. But I don't want to get more experience than necessary. so, I can only train them properly by fighting ppl which gives low experience. I.E: to train a barren soul, I need 8K experience and 80 wins. So, I need to get 100 experience per win. Since there is no more GGG, I can't get 8K exp from 2-3 wins and then go get only wins. I have to find a way to get only 100 exp per win. Now I can do that, because there are the dead idlers, and I am protected by attacks. I am not afraid of being attacked and loose. I can set 2-3 non dmg rituals so that I don't get experience.I am afraid of being attacked, and gain unnecessary experience. Because if I am attacked by 2-3 players almost at the same time, I will loose my non dmg defenses, and then my attack ritual will be selected, and I can get alot of experience. So, in those circumstances, I can't train in your SG. Unless I set an angien as defense, so that if I will get experience, at least I will get it for a crit that I want to get exp for. But I don't think you would like to see angiens in your SG.
All in all, I want to say that ppl need a place to train crits for sacrificing, not just to learn how to fight, and that some ppl don't want to get unnecessary experience. It is not a problem that you want to make a new SG. The problem is because you want to destroy the old SG. Winds sanctuary doesn't help. There are no idlers in front of the sanctuary. I don't use to ask ppl for easy wins. I rarely did. I rearely asked ppl for losses as well. Except the time I spent at GGG, all I got, I got by fair fighting against iddlers. And as I leraned to fight against iddlers, all newbies can leran to fight against iddlers as well. So, the current SG as it is, offers newbies a chance to learn, by fighting random rituals of the iddlers. So, if newbies can learn how to fight by fighting iddlers, why is it necessary to change the SG rulles? Eventually keap the SG as it is, and encourage ppl to not use angiens and drachs and other crits that you consider are too powerfull. Also, encourage ppl to stay idle at SG instead of logging out, by providing them healing so they can play when they get back. Ofcourse, some ppl such as myself can't stay iddle, because they don't want unnecessary experience. eventually, I could stay iddle with an alt. But ppl which need experience can stay iddle.
At first, I didn't like the SG rulles, because I wanted to fight everybody. But when I got to 2 millions experience, I understood that the SG with it's rulles as they are now, is for the own good of the newbies. You only offer them a SG where they can get experience and learning how to fight. The current SG offers alot more than that, and by it's iddlers, it also offers experience and the chance to learn how to fight. It's only problem is that there are few iddlers.

If you do not ensure me that there will still be an SG with old rulles after you make your new SG at marble dale park, then this means you don't give a damn about the newbies, but all you want is that they get to MP5 asap, so that the MP5 vets have new training dummies (everybody knows that this was the reason why MP3 and MP4 are not allowed to GGG anymore, and destroying another training place at a short time after the GGG change makes me think that the changes you want to do are realted to the failure of those who changed GGG - it is a failure for them, since even though MP3 and MP4 are not alowed there anymore, they can still train in SG, and even if they are getting experience, they can manage how many experience they get, so that they don't get more than necessary, and I guess they asked you to ensure their success - I guess Burns is very dissapointed seing I am not an MP5 yet, and I am training on idlers at SG). So, pls don't try to full us. Say it lowd and clear: I WANT ALL NEWBS TO GET TO MP5 ASAP, BECAUSE MY FRIENDS NEEDS NEW TRAINING DUMMIES!!!

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[quote name='Bronzometh' date='05 July 2010 - 10:17 PM' timestamp='1278357438' post='63465']
If necessary, I can enforce the rules. at least for MP4. I don't have spells, but I have angien eggs (my first angien will hatch in 10 days).
lol dude, you have a big surprise coming when they hatch :P

OT - since a lot of mp5's also moved to mdp lately, i've noticed an increase of newbies' questions being answered and less annoying rp, which are both welcome improvements! :))

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@Bronzometh: OMG! You are soooo out of this world!

I will say this once loud and clear: MP3 is the level where you get introduced to the game! You're not supposed to raise crits or to get stats. You're supposed to see what this game is all about.
MP4 is the level where you should be able to do certain things you could not do at mp3. Like enter Loreroot, buy other crits, see the world as they say.
Mp5 is the level where you actually fight, train, gain stats etc etc. Why do you think that mp5 is the only mp that allows you to lose xp using GAME MECHANICS? Why do you think mp6 is the spell caster's level and mp7 the illusions lvl (mp2 is illusions but it has a different purpose)?

Destroying SG is not the way to make you come to mp5. We have other ways, meaner ways and actually more effective. I guess you haven't experienced them yet and to be honest I don't wish you to.

Also, in time, I have learned that players based projects do not have a long life. Sooner or later they change in a bad way. So it's time to move on. Maybe it's SGs turn to disappear.

be honest, right now, I really don't care what happens to it. But I can assure you that if I don't like the changes I will try to do something about it (usually I succeed). What just pisses me off it's the attitude you have. You have to adapt to the changes.And you really should try and understand the concepts of this game. Otherwise you'll be another mindless stat grinder (and this comes from a person who used to stat grind a lot BUT I used to do other things as well).

So think about it before ranting on the forum.

ps:pleas, split your post into paragraphs cause it's a pain to read it

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[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='05 July 2010 - 10:27 PM' timestamp='1278365250' post='63473']
uhmmm sorry Bronzometh, take no offense, but you're still pretty young in this realm and don't know what you are talking about.

Thats just a tad rude.

You accused me of being part of the "elite vetern circle" yet you seem not to care about someones news veiws, merely stating they "dont know what they are talking about"

It doesnt give what they say any less worth. From what i have seen is that he has given his personal opinion of it. It may be wrong, But that is where he can learn by you explaining things, other than just going "you dont know what you are talking about"

Really, i dont care what happens to the MDP, bring all the new players there, it just means my mp3's have easier targets.

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[quote name='Chewett' date='06 July 2010 - 06:28 PM' timestamp='1278433687' post='63531']
Thats just a tad rude.

You accused me of being part of the "elite vetern circle" yet you seem not to care about someones news veiws, merely stating they "dont know what they are talking about"

It doesnt give what they say any less worth. From what i have seen is that he has given his personal opinion of it. It may be wrong, But that is where he can learn by you explaining things, other than just going "you dont know what you are talking about"

Really, i dont care what happens to the MDP, bring all the new players there, it just means my mp3's have easier targets.

rude or not it's how it is, my point is that he shouldn't be offended, we all started pretty much ignorant on the surroundings, but yet my post didn't ended with that quote that you mentioned, it started with it.
if you aren't blind, I am actually trying to explain things to him, it is a bit awkward for a forum admin not be able to read posts.

and no Chewett, actually, you accused me of not informing your "elite veteran circle" of my every action, even tho it is unrelated to the same. It was you who did the accusations, not me :P
but if you want to quote personal conversations why don't you give the whole log, and not quote random things posting them out of context?
the whole issue of this so it seems is that I didn't messaged certainly people about my project, well, I made a post here so people can publically discuss, so what's the problem?

If you say you don't care about the Marble Dale Park, it just confirms that you are actually messaging people around and answering here cause of your personal issues on this, and not "business" ones.

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I'm in the game for 20 days, and I'm going to tell you- you have no idea what you are talking about. You must have learned so much about the mechanics while grinding non damaging defense rituals. How can you learn anything by attacking random rituals or non-dmging def rits? You learned how to mindlessly grind. Good for you.

And you oppose this change based on what? As I am aware, a ritual with 1 tree on 50% vit will give you a whole lot more exp then just an ordinary ritual with diverse creatures. You can learn more when fighting more "interesting" rituals...

But I see you don't want to learn, just mindlessly farm stats. I haven't seen you included in any other part of the game except the battle... And I'm not even sure if I ever saw you active in the chat. And yet you come here, "representing the new players" and offering yourself to enforce rules you don't even respect at times.

[size="4"]On the topic: [/size]

I can say that most of the mp3s and mp4s will welcome this change... We need guidance... Yes, we might be arrogant to ask for it (since many of you might not have had that guidance), but we need it.

Rhaegar stepped up and offered an idea to help us. An idea... He presented it here before doing anything else... And it quickly became: Why is he doing this? Does he want power? What's his end game?

Can you forget the circumstances of the matter and see the idea in itself? Give constructive criticism, not question motives. This topic is supposed to discuss the idea... So I beg of you, for us, the sad f***ers who can't find out how to create a decent ritual because all we face is randoms and non dmg rits, consider the idea.If you, as I, feel it's a good one... Work it out into a plan... Make it happen. Together...

I offer any help I can... Even if it is talking to people who I met during my stay here... Or bashing you all with sticks (including you Rhaegar, well, especially you, you stubborn git) until you stop your petty arguments and work on something together for a change, I'll do it...

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[color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]A suggestion for the park to really help newbies. Present a hypothetical rit then discuss what may or may not work against it. Something like, "If I put up a single elemental IV at 100%, what could you use against it?" Keeping the discussions at a level fitting a newer player of course. Not anything spoilerish but thinking.[/font][/color]

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@ dst

I didn't stay to much at MP3 with any of my char. But I have reasons to train at mp4. Even if MP4 is not meant for training, I found a good reason to train at MP4, and maybe others found it as well (and I mean the real reason, which I can't say, because it would be a huge spoiler). The real reason why you don't like ppl to train at MP4. If I would not know the real reason, I could just go to MP5 right now, and train at GGG there, since it is allowed for MP5. The real reason why you don't like ppl to train at MP4. If you want, I will tell you what I know through PM.

And about the ways to force me to come to MP5, you got me wrong, since I was not talking about me, but was talking generally. Besides, I can play as many alts as I want at MP4, and eventually train one as much as I want.

@ ravenstrider

If you get to MP5, knowing all about fighting, and get there with, let's say 300 attack, power and defense, how would that knowledge help you to defeat someone who have 3K attack, power and defense (there might be PPl at MP4 who already have more than 3K stats - I've red in forums that someone have 10K attack)

and about the tree with 50% vit, I can tell you that it won't give me any experience (if I will fight against that rit with a non dmg rit as well - actually, thats how training was at GGG, but you didn't have the time to train there, since you are not allowed to train there - only MP5 can use GGG)

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[quote name='Pipstickz' date='06 July 2010 - 08:49 PM' timestamp='1278449396' post='63544']
Fighting knowledge > stats

Don't you think Mur considered these sort of things when designing the fighting system? I mean really, give him some credit.

Oh my god,10000 attack? and you still say fighting knowledge>stats...

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@Mya: Yes, that's a good idea, I think... At least for the couple of days old mp3s or players who are having a tough time understanding how the basics work.

Then maybe expand it to a full scale ritual, like 2 lvl 2 grasans, 2 dark archers, 2 lvl 4 elementals (I have no idea how this ritual would work, but I'm just using it as an example)... Pointing out the basic skill mechanics to the players who didn't read the creature help page... And let's face it, rare are the ones that do read it.

Then when they go trough the basic training, starting to create their own rituals and trying to beat each-other... Give it a more of a sparring grounds feel, where people wouldn't just attack idlers, but would want to really spar... Of course, respecting the rule that states you have to ask first...

A little guidance goes a long way, and the initial confusion of many of the players is great... so clearing up a few things in their (our) minds would be really useful.

And @Anatoli, yes it is... If you don't have knowledge, those stats aren't worth anything to you.

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yes Mya, it's something I had in mind, but I would like for them also to learn that from practical experience (if we manage somehow to make them so they learn this things on their own initiative, without having to beg someone to set an "interesting" rit).
but "theory practice" would come great as well. Why not, as long as there are volunteers (and I'm sure there will be number of them as soon as this gets implemented) who would be there to help (like former Dojo staff, but I doubt it will get organized that deeply since someone is bound to ruin it sooner or later, that's why I am trying to encourage learning on your own with a small help at the start and a point on where to look)

My goal is to develop this as much as possible, and ultimately, we will be able to present the players possible paths in this realm (is it stat grinding, is it role playing, showing them who's where and where to go to start your self-made tasks), but that's it showing them possibilities and helping them understand the basis of this realm, imperative is for us not to force ANY opinion about possible paths nor influence them in any way.

I don't know what you all think of this and how much of you are willing to take part?

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[quote name='Ravenstrider' date='06 July 2010 - 10:42 PM' timestamp='1278456151' post='63547']
@Mya: Yes, that's a good idea, I think... At least for the couple of days old mp3s or players who are having a tough time understanding how the basics work.

Then maybe expand it to a full scale ritual, like 2 lvl 2 grasans, 2 dark archers, 2 lvl 4 elementals (I have no idea how this ritual would work, but I'm just using it as an example)... Pointing out the basic skill mechanics to the players who didn't read the creature help page... And let's face it, rare are the ones that do read it.

Then when they go trough the basic training, starting to create their own rituals and trying to beat each-other... Give it a more of a sparring grounds feel, where people wouldn't just attack idlers, but would want to really spar... Of course, respecting the rule that states you have to ask first...

A little guidance goes a long way, and the initial confusion of many of the players is great... so clearing up a few things in their (our) minds would be really useful.

And @Anatoli, yes it is... If you don't have knowledge, those stats aren't worth anything to you.

Raven we are talking about having 300 x stat and having 10000 x stat even the most worthless attack creature becomes a monster in such condition.Thats called raw power.

http://www.minscandboo.com/quotes2/This_behaviour_must_not_continue.WAV <<<<<<<<<<<< !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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when i started playing there was something in the introduction that said even a new player can beat an older one if he sets the correct rituals. or something like that. was that taken out or why are people thinking all that is needed are stats?
what makes ridiculously strong rituals are not stats at all! even most tokened creatures can be easly beaten without stats or having token urself.
how certain things work in the fighting is what makes u ridiculously strong along with the right set of creatures. those lame profile stats really matter the least and even now with the new crit restrictions its still like that.

EDIT: Anatoli i have 10000+ attack stats and i can easly be beaten by people who have no profile attack stats at all even if i set a good ritual.

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I think you rushed a bit with the announcement... But that's just my opinion... There is a ton of people who won't read either the signpost or the forums, for that matter. So this should have been discussed and talked about more in the sparring grounds before implementation...

So you'd better start shouting and explaining as soon as possible... :D

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yea I was hoping for more constructive suggestions, but people are debating are stats enough or not :D
since this started there wasn't really that amount of questions about the project or suggestions (except Mya's one and perhaps some else I might forgot, please forgive can't scroll around at the moment), people started questioning my motives, started flaming on me or anyone else cause of politics and similar (in the post or via messenger), and I don't expect that to change anytime soon.

So I'll start the testing phase. I'll start shouting around, maybe ask few people to help out with it as well, and in a period of week or two, I'll see how it functions. The Sparrings are just a starting step I hope, which will lead to other ones (this can be connected with my idea for Grand Youngster quest and Burns' fight club for mp5s. It can work out pretty smoothly for players on period of time)

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It won't work.

People don't stop using their best rits just because you ask for that. Neither will they stop using full influence.
It doesn't pay to risk losing while you still have something to gain from winning, and it doesn't help any newbie to have people with lol-defences like the people who formerly used ggg.

You need either people who see a future in that and want to help you, or have an incentive for people, like rewards for sticking to your rules.
You also won't scare people too much with your spells, they are not permanent enough...

Also, whatever you plan as lesson will turn out to be a spoiler. Grido won't agree with spoilers of such scale in a location as public as the park.

I haven't been around to see things myself, but if what you put on the signpost is your actual plan, you probably want to consider burning the blueprints and start over... Else your building might crash, and who wants to listen to architects whose structures fail?

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their rits are supposed to be proportional on the strengths of their opponents (they can also see stats of another mp3 so can learn how to wage people's strengths via that)

maybe they won't listen, but why would they listen to original Sparring Grounds then? and I hear often that they don't. (some tho are saying that nobody violates it ;))
it has flaws since I'm not that much on MD lately and can't find the time to maintain the grounds, and balancing the status of the Grounds' fighters once in 5 hours doesn't help much I guess, but the goal was anyway for it to be maintained in the long run without my presence (was gonna test it for few weeks to see how it functions this way so I could implement some small changes that could help maintain it without me)
my spells aren't supposed to scare anybody, this is supposed to work on common sense (and not total self discipline like original grounds) with my spells balancing fighters when needed so everyone can challenge the strongest.

no, lessons I had in mind wouldn't be spoilers.

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I think you overestimate the common sense people apply in MD as long as they haven't seen MP5 ;)

Most people only stick to the rules of SG while it pays for them to do so, that's how selfish most people are. They still think that they can't be bested by anybody, becasue the haven't seen MP5, and what people actually can do to them. Only few MP3 believe in SG after the point where they survive the attacks of its defenders, same goes for MP4. Some people simply don't have common sense, and most don't apply it in their firm belief that MD is so linear that the poor folks they annoy can't have their revenge.

And i'll wait to see a lesson of yours before believing that they are not spoilers XD

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I'm a bit confused now by this thread, so can you clear up some stuff for me Rhaeg?

First it says part of the main issue is that Shadow left the "community" to manage their own area and that argument has been used all over the thread to pick at him and to pick at the current set up, but then thats what you are now going to do so I don't really understand?

Then you said you would use weaken etc to "enforce" rules. Well I think Burns makes a pretty good point but also if you arn't there then what happens? Especially with the set up of attack anyone, to me it just seems like sheep to the slaughter if they all follow you on it - at least the old way some people followed the rules...I dunno, I feel like I'm missing something.

You've said you don't want power, but then you've also said you want to integrate this into quests like your younglings thing. Its also a fact that Calyx gained any power she accumulated from the creation of the Dojo. Mostly though that doesnt bother me in the slightest, what does confuse me a bit is you kinda started saying it was to become some sort of guidance area quite aside from the fighting aspect...but I mean isn't that what LHOs are for? Or are you turning the entire system upside-down and trying to create a full scale induction scheme of sorts?

I just don't really understand what is being attempted here...at all...


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[quote name='(Zl-eye-f)-nea' date='10 July 2010 - 12:33 PM' timestamp='1278758030' post='63730']
I'm a bit confused now by this thread, so can you clear up some stuff for me Rhaeg?

First it says part of the main issue is that Shadow left the "community" to manage their own area and that argument has been used all over the thread to pick at him and to pick at the current set up, but then thats what you are now going to do so I don't really understand?

Then you said you would use weaken etc to "enforce" rules. Well I think Burns makes a pretty good point but also if you arn't there then what happens? Especially with the set up of attack anyone, to me it just seems like sheep to the slaughter if they all follow you on it - at least the old way some people followed the rules...I dunno, I feel like I'm missing something.

You've said you don't want power, but then you've also said you want to integrate this into quests like your younglings thing. Its also a fact that Calyx gained any power she accumulated from the creation of the Dojo. Mostly though that doesnt bother me in the slightest, what does confuse me a bit is you kinda started saying it was to become some sort of guidance area quite aside from the fighting aspect...but I mean isn't that what LHOs are for? Or are you turning the entire system upside-down and trying to create a full scale induction scheme of sorts?

I just don't really understand what is being attempted here...at all...


first, the issue wasn't targeted at Shadowseeker AT ALL. Shadowseeker had problem that he wasn't contacted about it (as first problem) which wasn't needed since he left the Grounds WITH announcing it before leaving entirely from it.

no, i didn't say I would use weaken (it was a matter of freeze and no multi ;) mp6 weaken doesn't help that much) to enforce the rules, the point is not to ENFORCE something, the point is to set aside the rules that can't be enforced (since in Sparring Grounds without Shadowseeker, there are rules that cannot be maintained which contradicts the idea of a rule) therefore this was created - free fights with common sense ( :P which is up to people will they follow, it is based on free will), with my spells not targeted to stop someone "violating the grounds" but to BALANCE the strengths of players. (not as a punishment on individual, understand that)

yes, integrate quests within it... for the younglings... which doesn't give me power... at all :P

Calyx did get power, tho that was a period of RPCs, and that power came from Mur. Since I try to make something without interference of "higher powers", there's no reason for me to gain anything from Mur, and even if it did, I doubt Mur would give anything to me, so your concern is unjustified.
Yes well I was LHO till I dropped since I didn't have time at that point to commit myself to it enough. Probably not even now as you can see. The point is if the LHOs are meant to do that, then see me as one of the LHOs, it makes no difference. The learning aspect consists not that much of telling spoilers as Burns 'gently' put, but of showing options to players, where can they go and develop, explaining more about the paths from the very sources.

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