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Xp Bug


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My last action in the game yesterday was witnessed by several players with whom conversed or were present in MDP, I can point out among them: nadrolski and seigheart, was talking about winning a burst to turn to face the guardian of Loreroot after some battles enabled the burst, and defeated the guardians, and went into Lorerrot move the map entered the Defensive Tower Interior and talked with Darigan and other inhabitants of Loreroot who congratulated me for winning the guards, before leaving the game, I noticed my xp very well, for Because of the great battles and I got my ballance to be at 100%.

the day truce in place today, as it could not fight, I explore some maps, send some letters, WHEN TO CHECK MY XP [i][b]was petrified[/b][/i]! [i][b]2kk xp gained while sleeping[/b][/i]!

so this only can be a bug, maybe I have clicked some forbidden thing, I really dont know!

I was told about the GGG, which was closed to MP4, so if you can check that I was not in this place, check. As there is no one in charge of the sparring grounds, I, also, was not warned of any attack illegal there, the simple fact of seeking to attack the same players idle, I knew I would win some very easy and very few XP.

then I want a [i]plausible explanation[/i] of how he appeared out of nowhere 2kk xp on my back, and wish that this error is fixed (by removing these unwanted 2kk xp) and I already anticipating a possible [b]protest[/b], case obviously impossible to be detected as a gain of nothing, as [b]abuse of power[/b] of any player who is evil-intentioned hacker or skill of the game, do not know how you can apply 2kk xp on another player, for nothing!

Edited by Espartano
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It's not very hard to give somebody EXP.

It is quite well worth noting that the Loreroot Guards give quite a bit of it as well.

If this were a bug, there would be multiple users complaining about it, or it would be recurring.

Really, what I think happened here is that you either went idle or just closed the browser without logging out and somebody decided to give you lots of EXP, and unless you know who this was and have proof of it, then there's nothing to do about it.

As an EXAMPLE: If I remember correctly, nadrolski has over 200k VE. All it takes is the right rit on your defense, and he could give you all of that.

I'm not saying he would do this, it's only an example.

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Ha ha..... I tried to idle when I was MP4, setiing elem defense and my XP overflowed the cap in just one day. But once you are mp5, dont be afraid... you will never get even a single xp rise because there are powerful players outside with tokens and crazy creatures. I tried my luck but at the end of the day I had some 25-30 loses and low xp ;).


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they both have high xp im sure an i know ;) an ive seen them asking for losses lately..i know its not polite to spam wins on peopel jsut ot get yourselves losses but they might have done that and they might have had a pretty good bit of xp on them and just thrown it on you. theres no way of you gettign that extra xp off you thats the down side. only way to get it off you is to learn rits in mp5 or get a wp >_>

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[i][b]My last action in the game yesterday was ...defeated the Lore guardians, and went into...Defensive Tower Interior and talked with Darigan...and say good night, [b]before leaving the game, I noticed my xp very well, for Because of the great battles and I got my ballance to be at 100%.[/b][/b][/i]

I dont stay idle in any place of the game, I loged out inside defencive tower AND today is TRUCE, even if Im so stupid and dont have checked the xp right because was tired and is going to sleep the 1st digit was 1KK, NOW checked all my creatures XP is 1,3KK; I have sacked only a grassan and a Aramor, so where goes the difference between about 1,3kk of creatures and 3004676 of today? someone [b]at least[/b] doubled my current XP, but the creatures dont have it.
my stats are just those boosted with set of armor Medusa and the choices in story how many MP4 with 3kk xp have such stats, pls post your info:
Regeneration:16 (14.4 + 2.02)
Energetic immunity:20 (17.9 + 2.68)
Trade sense:3 3.52)
Briskness: 18 (18.61)
Initiative:23 (23.48)
Defence: 34 (23.49 + 10.57)
Attack: 49 (35.61 + 14.24)
Power:23 (20.03 + 3.81)
Luck: 7 (7.9)

Time Principle = 192.56
Element Principle = 25
Principle of Light = 17.06
Principle of Enthropy = 14

[quote name='bfh lighthing' date='24 July 2010 - 03:26 AM' timestamp='1279938411' post='64479']
If you get idle and get attacked and won, it's not a bug, cause you received the xp for winning a battle, even while idle.

Recommendations: Log-out and don't idle
Day of Tranquillity
- No fighting all day long -I loged out or even if not, inside a sanctuary, I have at least 20 rit set with animated tree I in martir, and none of them have even 3k xp

[color=purple]Use the edit button please,it's there for a reason - Grido[/color]

Edited by Grido
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Just to check, the xp value you refer to that you checked, was in the same place each time?

I assumed you were talking about personal xp, that is until you just said creature xp, and different places display either one.

Personal xp can be seen in the shop and on the daily progress page, creature xp can be seen when you click your name in playerlist/chat and check the details to the right. They do not refer to the same thing.

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Some people can attack you without you being attackable, and any jerk can force xp on your person without giving any to your creatures ;)
And i have seen considerably lower stats on many mp5, don't worry about that... if you have brains, you don't need brawns xD

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Animated Tree I

Targets: Random
Abilities: Martirism
Actions of this unit are performed on allied targets

Experience 2521
Won battles 39

Needed for upgrade...
Experience +9479
Won battles +21

Another Tree I

Targets: Random
Abilities: Martirism
Actions of this unit are performed on allied targets

Experience 3165
Won battles 47

Needed for upgrade...
Experience +8835
Won battles +13

and the 3rd Animated Tree I

Targets: Random
Abilities: Martirism
Actions of this unit are performed on allied targets

Experience 1545
Won battles 29

Needed for upgrade...
Experience +10455
Won battles +31

I know my English is not the best, and the google translator does not help me much when to try to improve it, etc..
Kyphis (on PM), Grido (on edit), and Burns (about: GGG), and where is Shadowseeker(about sparring grounds?)

[b]I happen to be some kind of retarded noob who loves creating posts controversial to say a few truths and be negated by others, I am appealing to every honest player and good sense in this game to attend to what is at stake here!

the three creatures that were in my defense, set 20 times, remain completely intact, I am able to keep absolutely everything written down, apart of the game, they were not touched in any way if I had lost or won a single battle ever before, LOG OUT INSIDE DEFENSIVE TOWER, or come out, AND LOG IN AGAIN A DAY THAT IS NOT POSSIBLE FIGHT! if I had won a battle only able to give me almost 2kk xp they would gain one win point, if someone can explain this convincingly through a battle I challenge you to do so again.

Burns you are able to give mp3/4 about 1kk xp like you say in GGG pillar, Shadowseeker, you dont have anytime in your life in the past 2 years doing something like that to punish the sparring grounds violators?

so keep trying to explain it as if it were the result of a single miraculous battle at the same time gives me almost 2kk xp while the creatures are still without proper xp and were not used later for a possible miracle and defeat can suck exact amount of XP, let them the exactly way I left them before goes to bed, with exactly the same XP and the same amount of wins; the exactly sum of my creatures xp remains near 1.3 kk xp, unless I'm retarded in mathematics, unable to add the xp of 16 creatures and then click on the compass one day later and found that someone gave me almost 2million FREE XP, or at least doubled my previous xp in the last 24 hours prior to this post while I was loged OUT,and between subsequent minutes until I see the XP in the compass after log in again and walk around a little, back from loreroot, trought MDP and head to MDA in lost fountain.

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As Grido said, you are referring to two different stages of experience. Creature experience is not the same as your personal experience.

Heat leads to getting more experience. You mentioned activating a burst before fighting the guards. That burst would have given you a lot more heat. The extra experience you gain from this is not given to your creatures, so only your personal experience would have increased.
However, I don't think a single fight with the guards would have given that much experience, I don't remember how much VE the Loreroot guards have at MP4 but it is probably less than 500k.

Perhaps I am misunderstanding but that is what took from your comments:
-You fought the Loreroot Guards and entered Loreroot
-Took note of your personal experience and the experience of your creatures
-Logged out at the Defensive Quarters, a sanctuary
-Logged back in on a day of tranquility
-You looked at your personal experience and it was 2mil more than when you logged out

Is this correct?

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[quote name='Espartano' date='24 July 2010 - 01:57 PM' timestamp='1279972670' post='64518']
Burns you are able to give mp3/4 about 1kk xp like you say in GGG pillar, Shadowseeker, you dont have anytime in your life in the past 2 years doing something like that to punish the sparring grounds violators?

Do I assume right from your text above, that you know the MD game for at least 2 years now and you ask about rits and their happenings and all the XP stuff which other can explain but now? It doesn´t mean, if you can´t explain your fight logs, that there weren´t fights you don´t see any more. Have you included this?

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You think i'd disclose secret stuff just because you have no clue?
I can do 1m in one go, this process can be repeated as often as i wish. And i'm not the worst thing to happen to somebody.
I could do that while you are offline, in a sanctuary, on day of tranquility, or in another location than me. As long as my victim has at least a single stupid creature, i can. And i bet other people can, too.

Of course, without any traces you could ever find.

That's how evil MD is when you are on the wrong side of the force.

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[quote name='Burns' date='24 July 2010 - 02:57 PM' timestamp='1279979858' post='64523']
You think i'd disclose secret stuff just because you have no clue?
I can do 1m in one go, this process can be repeated as often as i wish. And i'm not the worst thing to happen to somebody.
I could do that while you are offline, in a sanctuary, on day of tranquility, or in another location than me. As long as my victim has at least a single stupid creature, i can. And i bet other people can, too.

Of course, without any traces you could ever find.

That's how evil MD is when you are on the wrong side of the force.

I wish i had more time to chat..anyways just dropping in to support Espartano (Spartiatis). Keep on the track!

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[quote name='dst' date='24 July 2010 - 03:30 PM' timestamp='1279981821' post='64526']
One question: why do you say power abuse? Do you have any proof of this? Or is just something to draw attention. Accusing someone of power abuse is a serious thing and you should bring solid proofs in order for someone to take you seriously.

EXACTLY this if Burns can do this someone else have done this also and like I say without NO REASON, because Im not a sparring ground violator, if I say like exaustive explained above my last actions was trought the MDP activate a burst, goes to the guards defeated them and goes to a sanctuary area, all my VP after that battle was about 200k, because this checked the requirements of all my creatures and take note of this, some of them used in the fight get 200k xp, so some of them goes between 214k~229k, and if you really dont have get the point the total xp of my creatures is at most 1,3kk now, and I have checked the compass too after the fight with the guards to see how much was my personal XP and was 1kk (lets asssume 1,5) so my xp at least doubled for no reason.
the fights against the guards dont have a log, and today is no way to check a log of 24h ago, but anyway isnt the case because no fight happen after the guards, because my last def is intact(the trees I, will get something for any kind of win, or will martir itself for a lose) And I only have see the compass few min before make this post after walking for some places, so maybe that extra XP comes after I log in and someone targeted me to this, thinking I will not notice the [b]small difference in xp[/b], so because of this I'm saying that about [b]ABUSE OF POWER[/b].
If the guy seigheart get offended because I counter attacked him after ask to not being attacked, or to SHOUTS to rednecks alt to eveyone hear: "HELL redneck make an alt to kill mp4" so is them that have to take the word.
I never spam active players at MDP with successive wins, because was take care of my XP and HONOR, so was targeting idles low vit players, and also never goes train at GGG after the warning of Burns, so again no REASON to be trated like a criminal "wrong side of the force" unless was the inverse. and "this was happen" because not at "this" side of the force.

Edited by Espartano
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[quote name='Blackwoodforest' date='24 July 2010 - 01:47 PM' timestamp='1279975630' post='64520']
Do I assume right from your text above, that [b]you know the MD game for at least 2 years[/b] now and you ask about rits and their happenings and all the XP stuff which other can explain but now? It doesn´t mean, if you can´t explain your fight logs, that there weren´t fights you don´t see any more. Have you included this?
[quote name='Rendril' date='24 July 2010 - 04:47 PM' timestamp='1279986470' post='64528']
Exactly what power are you saying was abused?

My nephew played the MD about two years, he was a DOJO violator, was threatened with being pulled from under your MP3 to five, so he could attack anyone he "wanted" of course after get pulled just to mp4 he quit the game, well at least was that he told me. So is this kind of POWER Im asking if have been used in my character for no reason!

edit: come on keep me negated with _quote, this proves that they are on the side of players who abuse their knowledge of the system, and who abuse their power

Edited by Espartano
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So basically you have no idea what happened but you jump to conclusions and accuse us (the other players) of capping you. You have no evidences but you scream and yell on the forum.
IF indeed someone did this to you with no reason and you have no idea who did it what do you want? What do you want us to do?

And how did you reach the conclusion this is a bug? Do you know at least what a bug is?

LE: your totally unfriendly attitude gets you negative points so stop blaming everyone cause you'll solve nothing

Edited by dst
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[quote name='dst' date='24 July 2010 - 05:25 PM' timestamp='1279988716' post='64533']
So basically you have no idea what happened but you jump to conclusions and accuse us (the other players) of capping you. You have no evidences but you scream and yell on the forum.
IF indeed someone did this to you with no reason and you have no idea who did it what do you want? What do you want us to do?

And how did you reach the conclusion this is a bug? Do you know at least what a bug is?

LE: your totally unfriendly attitude gets you negative points so stop blaming everyone cause you'll solve nothing

then in addition to threatening the players with increased free XP for no reason, massacre players trying to advance to MP5, think that I will comply with such a situation and be quiet just because they are offended because I'm complaining and demanding a convincing explanation of how My XP has doubled from one moment to another without having fought, and thus received some benefit in exchange for XP, but to be pulled mp5 and turn your new punching bag?

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Shrug..I could give you exp if I wanted to, but why should I bother?

Hell, I don't even know you. It's true that I can give exp that's unwanted to people, but so far I don't recall ever giving the full treatment. Well..you can try to live with the exp, or just rank up in MP's though.

If you hit mp5 it's less scary, capwise.

It sounds odd from what i hear, but unless this gets into a massive abuse or something alike the community won't move...and you can't do anything without proof right now.

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[quote name='Espartano' date='24 July 2010 - 07:48 PM' timestamp='1279990116' post='64538']
then in addition to threatening the players with increased free XP for no reason, massacre players trying to advance to MP5, think that I will comply with such a situation and be quiet just because they are offended because I'm complaining and demanding a convincing explanation of how My XP has doubled from one moment to another without having fought, and thus received some benefit in exchange for XP, but to be pulled mp5 and turn your new punching bag?

You've received all the possible explanation we can think at of this point. But you accept only the one that suits you: the one you consider an abuse. Let me tell you something:it is not an abuse. It's game mechanics.
Also, you have absolutely no proof of what happened. How do you expect anyone to do anything based on something that none of us (you more then all of us) are sure of?
What do you want? To ban all players capable of giving you xp? Sure. Let's do that. You'll be alone in MD and nobody will ever give you xp. Happy with my solution?

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Explanations where given, there is no bug that randomly yields 2mil exp nor was there an abuse of a spell or ability.
I think it is clear that you were either mistaken about the experience or it came from a battle. I find it unlikely that someone went out of their way to to dump 2mil exp on you.
Also, you are not required to go to MP5, no player can force you to do that.

You are not being threatened here. There will always be someone able to massacre you regardless of your MP, and there will always be someone you too can massacre.
I would like to see some evidence to found your claim of "abuse" when players are allowed to fight and give exp, although drowning someone in exp would in many cases be frowned upon.
Finally, you are not made to be a "punching bag", it is easy enough to avoid fights or altogether counter them.

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[color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]I was one of the people Spartiatis spoke to when he first entered Loreroot. He did log out after speaking to Darigan and me. I cannot verify his xp, but it was his first time defeating the guards.

If someone did do as he believes, it is disappointing that someone would take advantage of a young player(game age). This isn't the first time I've heard of something like this.

Generating a negative response to MD won't help to promote it. I realize this is not a game for everyone, but we don't want a negative opinion generated either. If the attack "loophole" gets into the wrong hands, it will do much more harm than good.[/font][/color]

Edited by Mya Celestia
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Again, maybe some of you dont have get the point, I already asked the MUR to check this. Of course I cant make any proof to any of you just with my words. I even have asking to someone being punished, but the 2 players that I know that have the power to give a player XP out of a battle already have talked, but still some of you think this is fine. I dont know who or why someone whant give me about 2million xp for nothing (Burns because I goes to GGG only once and checked the altar) or (Shadowseeker because he and no other is in charge of sparring grounds, and I dont have mass atk any player active there) or any other person because this character have few active days and dont have doing anything else other than train 6 chosen creatures to defeat the Lore guards at MP4, because this isnt my 1st character, I do some others before to try find a good path trough the story mode and all of them finished the story mode and defeated the Lore guards and none of them get even 1,5kk xp, now in just one day I come out to free roam MP4 story with some 500K xp make a burst to atk the guards take very note the each of my creatures status/xp/wins/health...,and take a look on my personal xp and see something around 1kk(at max possibility 1,5kk because have sacked a few of them with no much XP)
So if you still think is fair to give someone XP like this is fine, because them will not notice that or have doing something bad, its ok; [b]BUT[/b] I do not did anything to have taken those around 2kk xp, [b]AND I HAVE[/b] noticied this because loged out inside a sanctuary and today is a day that is impossible earn xp trough battling another player.
Or if I have no proof of that and no one give me that, so this is a sort of BUG, because this amount of xp dont comes from nowhere.

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