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Md Awards 2010 - Nominations


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This thread will be used to state nominations for each of the different awards that were chosen in the [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8403-md-awards-2010-suggestions/"]suggestions thread[/url].

You are only allowed to nominate one person per category. You are not allowed to nominate yourself (or an alt). Doing so may result in exclusion from voting and being voted for. If a player has already been nominated in a category, there is no need to nominate again. Please only list the categories in your post which you're actually nominating in.

Notes in brackets are up for debate, but are like it for a reason.

Adventuring Award (quester)
- dst
- Yala Sviseusen
- Kamisha
- Asterdai
- Yoshi
- Nimrodel
- Clock Master
- Mighty Pirate
- Fyrd Argentus
- VonUngernSternberg

Best Artist (give examples,link / whatever)
- Marvolo ( [url="http://siemon.deviantart.com/"]http://siemon.deviantart.com/[/url] , [url="http://siemon.deviantart.com/#/d31cfar"]http://siemon.deviantart.com/#/d31cfar[/url] )
- Amoran K Kol ( [url="http://dancingrunes.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d1q92p8"]http://dancingrunes....llery/#/d1q92p8[/url] )
- Xiizu Hatsuichi ( look at Sharazhad's Avy for an example )
- Allyce (see forum gallery)

Best Back Story / Paragon Papers (back story and quality of papers)
- Indyra
- Innocence
- Magnus Vox
- Shadowseeker
- Sparrhawk
- Amoran K Kol
- Pamplemousse
- Zleiphneir
- Akasha

Best Quote (PL, or something in chat/forum)
- Jester ( [color=purple]Princ: [/color]something along the way that he makes a desk out of nothing, then slams his fist on a desk, then throws away the desk.. I can't share the exact quotations cause I don't have those, but if somebody pulled the log, please correct me here )
- GlorDamar ( [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/8143-necrovioni-am-rask/page__view__findpost__p__70539"]Here[/url] )
- dst ( "Another challenged player." I can't remember whose PL this is in )
- Tarquinus (on Adiomino "Tongue lolls excessively, even for a dog.")
- Indyra (on Lifeline vs decision bla bla - "i would declare your brain as a separate state with a will of its own , not in relation with you or what you type, that would be your only excuse for such a nonsense.")

Best Spell Caster
- Amoran K Kol
- adiomino
- Yrthilian
- SmartAlekRJ
- Jester
- Princ Rhaeger
- Pamplemousse

Champion Fighter
- Burns
- Eon
- Clock Master
- Shadowseeker
- Leixer
- CrazyMike
- Tarquinus
- Shemhazaj
- Yoshi
- MRAlyon
- february

Elite Evil Villain of the Year
- February
- dst
- Rask
- Manda
- Firsanthalas
- Ivorak
- Princ Rhaegar
- No One
- Pamplemousse

Fossil of the year (On vet list, Chewett can't nominated, as he won last year)
- Grido
- CrazyMike
- Amoran K Kol
- Burns
- yrthilian
- Tarquinus
- Firsanthalas
- Shadowseeker
- Jesus Faction

The Golden Protector
- Amoran K Kol
- Pamplemousse
- Adiomino
- Sparrhawk
- Princ Rhaegar

Helper of the Year (Grido can't be nominated)
- BFH Lighthing
- Mya Celestia
- Curiose
- Burns
- Amoran K Kol
- Tarquinus
- Kyphis
- Fyrd Argentus

Most Addicted
- Curiose
- CrazyMike
- Chewett
- dst
- Princ Rhaegar
- Eon

Most Influential
- BigC
- Chewett
- Burns
- Grido
- Awiiya
- dst
- [s]darrydabby[/s] [color=purple]I'm inclined to remove this option[/color]
- Tarquinus
- Fyrd Argentus
- No one
- Pamplemousse
- Zleiphneir

Outstanding Service to MD
- Grido
- Rendril Revant
- Chewett
- Mya Celestia
- [s]Bob the Tree[/s] [color=purple]DENIED!! Not even a (known) player![/color]
- Princ Rhaegar

Pre-eminent Role Player
- Sagewoman
- Tarquinus
- Zleiphneir
- Blackwood Forest
- Innocence
- Eliza Te Chai
- Rask
- Keith Moon

Prime Quest (best quest)
- Fyrd Argentus (Lost Path Treasure Quest)
- Mighty Pirate (Keys quest+Pirate quest)
- Keith Moon (Mya Celestia's Murder)
- Crazy Mike (Trivia quest)
- Metal Bunny (Riddles of Doom)
- [s]Awiiya (tree something?)[/s] [color=purple]no idea what this is, so...sorry[/color]
- [s]Cutler (What number am I?)[/s] [color=purple]last year, not this one...[/color]

Rookie of the year (20 - 365 AD)
- Curiose (130 AD | Reg: 23.06.2010)
- Esmaralda (?? | ??)
- Yala Sviseusen (?? | ??)
- Ravenstrider (?? | ??)
- [s]Eon (221 AD | Reg: 19.07.2008)[/s]
- Agis Asticles (?? | ??)

Superlative Orator (Debating)
- Kafuuka
- Peace
- Pamplemousse
- Agis Asticles
- Firsanthalas
- Pipstickz
- Fyrd Argentus
- Awiiya
- Aysun
- Aelis
- Sephirah Caelum

Top Techie (technical knowledge as well as technical help or script help)
- Rendril Revant
- Cutler (when was he last active properly? haven't seen him around lately)
- Chewett
- Clock Master

Nominations (this thread) will last a week, ending 1st Dec, then;
Voting, starting 2nd Dec, for 2 weeks ending 16th Dec, or until 100 votes (whichever is sooner);
Awards Ceremony will then take place on 19th Dec.

[b][u]About Schedule[/u][/b]
- Nominations must be made by other people, you cannot nominate yourself, doing so can lead to being excluded from all voting and being voted for. This includes from alts.
- The in game voting system will be used, I spoke to contact about that and seems to be alright since Mur suggested it last year. Alt votes will be removed from said list and owner voting rights and winning rights removed. There was an issue with the number of people voting last year (24 I believe) so hopefully in game system will lead to more votes, a low AD requirement will hopefully be added to be able to vote (To prevent people not knowing wth is going on, voting), but with the rookie award not sure on what that requirement should be (Suggestions?). You will not ~have~ to vote in all categories, but it is preferred.
Myself, dst, and Awiiya, will independently count up the votes, and match up numbers, to ensure that none of us are miscounting.
- Awards Ceremony will hopefully take place in Sage Keep again, need to sort that out still, but hopefully there shouldn't be any problem with it, doors open an all, wherever it ends up being, should be at 2000 server time Sunday 19th Dec, this was the time last year, if there are any objections, please state them.
Last year winners were told before the ceremony that they had won, and to prepare a speech, this year, they will NOT be told before the ceremony, a few people complained about it, all players nominated will be expected to have some semblance of a speech prepared in case they win.
I will take a chat log (will post it in the vote thread), and also post winning speeches on md-archives.

Marvolo has offered his services to draw the artwork (and is about to be sent a list to be commissioned)

Previous years threads[spoiler]2008
Can't seem to find the voting thread, pm me a link if you do please



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Adventuring Award (quester)
- Dst

Champion Fighter
- Burns

Fossil of the year (On vet list, Chewett can't nominated, as he won last year)
- Grido

The Golden Protector
- Amoran K Kol

Most Influential
- BigC

Outstanding Service to MD
- Grido

Top Techie (technical knowledge as well as technical help or script help)
- Rendril

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Elite Evil Villain of the Year

i proudly nominate my fellow filipino citizen, [b]february[/b]


i am also nominating him to at the [b]Fighter of the Year[/b] and [b]Rookie of the Year[/b] categories


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Best Spell Caster
-Amoran K Kol

Elite Evil Villain of the Year

The Golden Protector

Outstanding Service to MD

Prime Quest (best quest)
-Lost Path Treasure Quest

Superlative Orator (Debating)
-Fuuka-Bear [Kafuuka]

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Best Back Story / Paragon Papers (back story and quality of papers)

Best Spell Caster

Champion Fighter

Elite Evil Villain of the Year

Helper of the Year (Grido can't be nominated)
BFH Lighthing

Most Addicted

Most Influential

Prime Quest (best quest)
Mighty Pirate

Rookie of the year (20 - 365 AD)

Top Techie (technical knowledge as well as technical help or script help)

No other nominations for me. I'm an illiterate, art-hating ape compared to the muses here, i refuse to nominate someone in those categories.

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Adventuring Award
- Nimrodel

Best Artist
- Marvolo - http://siemon.deviantart.com/

Champion Fighter
- *Clockmaster*

Helper of the Year
- Mya Celestia

Most Addicted
- CrazyMike

Most Influential
- Burns

Prime Quest
- Mya Celestia's Murder-Keith Moon

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Adventuring Award (quester)
- Yala Sviseusen

Best Back Story / Paragon Papers (back story and quality of papers)
- Innocence ([i]Read her papers in the Indexed Room of Memories[/i])

Elite Evil Villain of the Year
- Manda ([i]Drachorn Cave shenanigans.[/i])

Helper of the Year (Grido can't be nominated)
- Curiose ([i]For her hard work on Story Night and for her work in the Legend Speakers[/i])

Pre-eminent Role Player
- Tarquinus ([i]For continuing to impress me with his ability to role play and role play very well.[/i])

Prime Quest (best quest)
- Crazy Mike([i]Trivia quest[/i])

Rookie of the year (20 - 365 AD)
- Esmaralda ([i]For not only being a decent role player, but for listening well to her protector and learning her way (mostly) on her own![/i])

Superlative Orator (Debating)
- Pamplemousse ([i]For her debates and amazing abilities in public speaking at the Howling Gates[/i])

Top Techie (technical knowledge as well as technical help or script help)
- Chewett

[size="1"](Edited: Edited heavily by a very mean frog mod.)[/size]

Edited by Amoran Kalamanira Kol
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Adventuring Award (quester)

Best Back Story / Paragon Papers (back story and quality of papers)
-Magnus Vox (easy to read but very entertaining and... simple. i like his story a lot)

Fossil of the year (On vet list, Chewett can't nominated, as he won last year)

Most Addicted

Most Influential

Rookie of the year (20 - 365 AD)
-Yala Sviseusen

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Adventuring Award (quester)

Fossil of the year (On vet list, Chewett can't nominated, as he won last year)

The Golden Protector

Most Influential

Outstanding Service to MD

Superlative Orator (Debating)
-Agis Asticles

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Best Spell Caster

Champion Fighter

Helper of the Year (Grido can't be nominated)
Well from my humble opinion that would be Burns.

Most Addicted

Pre-eminent Role Player
Zleiphneir. I just love his RP, hehe.

Prime Quest (best quest)
Well, i didn't take part in it, but there was this wonderful quest of Awiiya with the tree which talked in his language. We had to write our names in his language. Wonderful one, definitely worth the nomination!

Last, but not least. Good luck to all nominated!


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Adventuring Award (quester)
- *Clock Master*

Best Back Story / Paragon Papers (back story and quality of papers)
- Shadowseeker

Best Quote (PL, or something in chat/forum)
- hmmm... Ok let's say... one by Jester, something along the way that he makes a desk out of nothing, then slams his fist on a desk, then throws away the desk.. I can't share the exact quotations cause I don't have those, but if somebody pulled the log, please correct me here

Best Spell Caster
- ... SmartAlekRJ for sure :D his spells brought most controversy

Elite Evil Villain of the Year
- Firsanthalas, the most vile of them all :D

Fossil of the year (On vet list, Chewett can't nominated, as he won last year)
- *Burns*? one of the most active "veterans"

The Golden Protector
- Sparrhawk

Most Addicted
- *dst*

Outstanding Service to MD
- Rendril Revant

Pre-eminent Role Player
- Blackwood Forest

Rookie of the year (20 - 365 AD)
- Ravenstrider

Superlative Orator (Debating)
- Pipstickz :D

[b]for grido:[/b]
I'm sorry but I don't have the exact quote on what Jester said :D
If only I could remember who exactly was there at the point, argh, I should start screenshoting those things.

Sparrhawk was a protector during the beginning of the year I believe, as far as I recall he was an mp6 for a month or two (I don't know how to check exact date, but many Lorerootians can confirm that he was one if you're in doubt), was at the Park healing people while he was mp6 and then he decided to drop.

that's it about the corrections

Edited by Rhaegar Targaryen
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Champion Fighter
- *Clock Master*

Elite Evil Villain of the Year
- *DST*

Fossil of the year (On vet list, Chewett can't nominated, as he won last year)
- *Burns*

The Golden Protector
- Pamplemousse

Helper of the Year (Grido can't be nominated)
- *Burns*

Rookie of the year (20 - 365 AD)
- Curiose (130 AD | Reg: 23.06.2010)

Top Techie (technical knowledge as well as technical help or script help)
- Rendril Revant

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Adventuring Award (quester)
- Mighty Pirate

Best Spell Caster

Fossil of the year (On vet list, Chewett can't nominated, as he won last year)
- yrthilian

Outstanding Service to MD

Edit: thanks, I get it now. I did some changes.

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Just a side note: don't nominate people that have stopped playing a loong time ago (like Blackthorn for example - he came back for few days then he went MIA) or players that are almost unknown (darrydabby). Writing a name down doesn't mean we'll accept it just cause you spent 2 minutes in writing a post. Instead of wasting those 2 minutes go do something constructive.

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That's exactly why I said we'll not consider players that are MIA. Last year we did it and there were many voices saying we should have not done it. So, to avoid such things, we will exclude players that left.

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Best Back Story / Paragon Papers (back story and quality of papers)
- Sparrhawk

Champion Fighter
- Crazy Mike

Fossil of the year (On vet list, Chewett can't nominated, as he won last year)
- Tarquinus

The Golden Protector
- Amoran K Kol

Most Influential
- Tarquinus

Outstanding Service to MD
- *Mya Celestia*

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[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1290606837' post='73041']
Khalazdad was MIA since month of May I believe last year, yet he won a reward for that year's "most influencing" reward

Actually there was a debate from Mur whether Khalazdad could get it or not. He did win the award but never received it.

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Adventuring Award (quester)
- Fyrd Argentus

Best Back Story / Paragon Papers (back story and quality of papers)
-Amoran K Kol

Champion Fighter

Helper of the Year (Grido can't be nominated)
-Amoran K Kol

Most Addicted
- Princ Rhaegar

Most Influential
- Fyrd Argentus

Superlative Orator
- Fyrd Argentus

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