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Md Annual Awards 2010 - Voting Has Started!


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Chat log of the ceremony, as promised;
[attachment=2458:MD Awards, Sage Keep Interior 2039-0220 (18.12.10, Day 351).doc]

Now for naming and shaming. These players that we caught using alts (so far);
Tapphen Fenri Alexis
Xiizu Hatsuichi

The votes from these players were not counted, and will not be counted in future MD Award voting. A week was given to message me and explain, and the opportunity was not taken. Only exceptional reasoning can overturn this now, as I don't take alts voting lightly. (More names may be added later, pending investigation).

LE: Votepower list will come in a day or two

Edited by Grido
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updated list of alts;

Emerald Arcanix
Evil East
Tapphen Fenri Alexis
Xiizu Hatsuichi

---- Removal of these additional peoples votes have no effect on the winners of any of the categories

*dst* / No one (I know they're different people but they're shown as alts, not excluded, but wanted the full list shown)

Same rules apply regarding this as I stated in my previous post

Edited by Grido
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  • Root Admin

[quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' timestamp='1293092939' post='75914']
Burebista isn't Emerald Arcanixes alt.Emerald gave him his password so he could log daily, cause he couldn't be present for some time due to internet issues.

And however much i like emerald, then this is his fault. That is not allowed, mur has repeatedly spoken against getting people to log you in a such. Kinda his just rewards for the time he gained using someone else.

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for the sake of answering, you might have (I don't know about that) proved that you and 'No One' are different persons, that person 'No One' exists, but with that, you don't prove that you don't use his account.
If I cared, I could easily fix that, but I'm not trying to hunt down Dst, I just don't want to see Emerald being labeled as an alt abuser since Burebista is not his alt (not made by Emerald and not used by Emerald).

I won't speak instead of him tho, I'll send him this link so he can respond himself.
If he confirms what he told to me a lot earlier (that Burebista was helping him get activity days, or whatever he was checking instead of Emerald himself), I would politely ask you to add the detail along Emerald's name in the list that it is just a technical detail rather than him being pointed as an alt abuser.

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Since when are you his lawyer?
I am waiting for emerald to prove that him and the other guy are 2 different persons. How they will do it I don't care but I want 100% irrefutable proof. Until then they are alts that abused the voting system.

And princ, yes, try and prove I use No one's account. And again, I want 100% irrefutable proof.

Edited by dst
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How many times are people jailed with 100% irrefutable proof? Looking back at the case with the drach lair, we don't even know which of the people sent there left and which stayed inside, all we have is their word. People were punished anyways.

In any case, dst, you used No one to store some items and then sold them off, taking the profit for yourself. You may have No one's permission and all, but how many people are allowed to do such things? Just trying to say; you have a special privilege, perhaps you should use it with a little grace.

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Yes, I have a special privileged: it is called friendship first. So? What do you want actually? What are you accusing me of? Alt abuse? If yes, please bring proofs not the lame excuse you posted above.

I am sick of all of you with your lame attacks and with your lame excuses. This started just because princ felt the need to be a lawyer and of course you ended up accusing me of all sorts of things. This is my last post on this subject. It has gotten off topic enough.

Emerald needs to prove himself. Why the heck do you all stick your noses where there's no business of yours? Go chop a tree or something!

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I'm not accusing you, simply making a suggestion. Though if you really want an argument, many people would be happy to oblige, I'm sure.

And no, your privilege is being exempt from a rule
[quote][2010-08-01 21:24:09 - Stage 10]
To avoid confusion, unwanted penalties and such, avoid giving wp to work colegues, people playing md from same computer or network, brothers, sisters, etc. [b]If my alt checker sais you are alts, you are alts.[/b][/quote]
Yes, the announcement is about WP, but it applies to alts nonetheless.

Edited by Pipstickz
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I don't care for other people posting, or messaging on behalf of people, don't do it

What does matter, is if the people listed want to protest their innocence, then they, personally, message me explaining their actions. Nothing else will have any chance of overturning the vote ban on the MD Awards.

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I've messaged the link to Emerald to respond (he has lack of internet and will have it for some time, so don't expect him soon)

I personally didn't ask for him to be allowed to vote, it's up to you folks, Pip quoted the rule, and if the technicalities have to be pursued so be it, just, I would like that it is clear there (like it is for Dst and No One) that Burebista isn't Emerald's alt (I assume dst/no one isn't allowed to vote either? please make that clear), would like to see the same treatment.
Of course, it is up to you what will your write Grido and such, but since you have much moderator abilities and trust of Mur in certain things, your words carry some weight, and I would like for you to keep some standards like you did up till now.
Thank you in advance.

Of course, like I said before, it's up for Emerald now, but I wanted to make the grounds easier cause I felt I can - if some like dst are puzzled why am I responding here anyway, and cause I believe (out of stated reasons) that Emerald is no alt abuser.

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He has almost a year to respond about it, like I said, the removal of the votes didn't affect the winners, so he has until the voting starts next year to prove his innocence.

If Emerald / Burebista can prove that they are separate people, then yes, I will add that note after them, and also allow their voting, until proof is given, I have little reason to believe otherwise, no offence, but I never take one persons word as fact.

dst / No one's votes counted in the awards, this is because they have previously proven to be separate people, as an example of this, both have met Mur on multiple occasions.

So long as players prove themselves to just be using the same connection, and are not in fact the same person, then I have no issue with them both voting, if Emerald can prove such, then he is more than welcome to vote again.

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interesting things happen when i am away....no Burebista and Emerald Arcanix are 2 different individuals, NOT ALTS...we may be seen as alts because:i live in a students hostel that has only one IP for about....300 ppls....BUT me and burebista attend different universitys so different politics for ISP and the way they provide the internet...with one search you can see that 80-90% of the time we are loged in MD we are from 2 different IP'

also no i did not used him to make active days for me....i was at him every allmost every time i was loged in from his ip/place...almost because when i had no internet i asked him to just see if i have new pm;s NOTHING else...even some days ago i asked the person that plays as Burebista to log in with my account and get the gifts(dont worry i didnt got then, to few AD it seems)....we are from that same city so even there i visit him oftem another way we may be seen with the same ip

we even have 2 different forum accounts...yes i have an alt,AmShaegar (ID:16314; Days:196...with an id like that and those active days you can see how much of an alt abuser i am

if this cannot prove we are 2 different ppls, please tell me what will do and i will be more then happy to provide that evidence

i asked that person that plays as burebista to replay if he can...i still i dont have regular acces to internet and wont have until the winter vacation is over

ps: thank you Rhaegar

Edited by emerald arcanix
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The question is though, did the player behind Burebista log into your account and vote? Or did you do it yourself?

You said right there that he logged into your account to get presents. That's already evidence that some of this "logging in to help" has been happening. Based on that, it seems a tad likely that he logged into both his and your accounts to vote.


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no he didnt vote for me....compare the votes, i dont even belive we voted from the same place but from different locations with different ip;s....and to me it seems very normal to ask a friend to help me geting gifts if i cannot acces the internet, i dont see this as an abuse....but to the point HE DID NOT VOTE IN MY NAME...he didnt even knows who most of those that were nominated are

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