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Everything posted by Ledah

  1. Boo Bob boo BURN Bob boo
  2. Ledah

    Alliance List

    You forgot TBK (The Balance Keepers)
  3. You may include the awesome Ledah for slavery. A male, and also an oldie, you will get a slave fun to beat up
  4. Ledah

    Bug me not

    We say that in England o.O''' PS: Does it work? I'm too scared to try
  5. I'm in and out weekends so no definite :S
  6. Sweet! An oppurtunity to advertise BURN! 'Ladies, Gentlemen.... Murs.'
  7. Can it be a reaaaaallllly long speech and boring speech. And a poem for Bob
  8. :lol: Tnks Marv :lol: Tnks Marv
  9. Join BURN- Bob U R Naughty!!!

  10. Surely the 'Master Archivist' can look after himself? NOTE: He called me mental, so I dislike him :good:
  11. Happy B Day me
  12. Ledah

    Click Me!

    A multi select thing (or scrolling down to select lots in seconds) would be useful for disbanding 50 disbanded single tree rits ><'
  13. Surely a 'neutral' ally *coughTBKcough* could 'use' No- Mans Land as a [b]base[/b], but they wouldn't control it. And get a decent signature Chewy ><
  14. Ledah


    A sneaky back ally war: Assasins, poison, betrayal at ever turn... And of, course, the Angiens actually showing themselves in a new war
  15. I'd like to die getting transported into MD and getting crushed by dst's Lucky Left Foot or burnt under Mur's Intergalactic spaceship... or drunk in the Paper Cabin Pub... Or simply be eatten by Bob *shivers*
  16. And put a better signature for yourself, Chewy
  17. Your good The virus is a comin your way.
  18. That's cause I'm stealthy as a ninja!
  19. Well, I AM an annoying prick so I'll start uploading the virus now...
  20. I wasn't [i]trying[/i], I was bored and decided to see what would happen. During the Summer Holidays is when I'll enter properly. And show my prayers to the Gazebo some respect
  21. Hey, that is a quality prayer to the Balance. I'm reciting it. [i]O Mighty Gazebo, Holy Place of Balance,[/i] I'm not doing the rest, you wouldn't appreciate it. And at least you admit the stat exists :diablo: Note: You gotta love the range of smileys
  22. No virus for you How you been, Burnsey?
  23. Since my original hello has gone off (It HAS been more than a year) it's me again First one to guess my name gets the virus.
  24. That's nuthin. You should see my 'Being Ledah' stat. It's HUGE
  25. Ledah


    Ledah is the most powerful person in a game called Riveria: The Promised Land and is also a Grim Angel (hence my forum name)
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