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Everything posted by Ledah

  1. Did someone say bump?
  2. No Tokens Age 114. PM or post doesn't matter [img]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/public/style_emoticons/default/tongue.gif[/img] Yeah I accept crits+ Items Highest Bidder - Anon 10 Gold
  3. Thanks you guys See you round Bob then?
  4. *coughLedahhasonecough* I'm sure there's more than 3 or I got mine for a good price 0_0
  5. 36 silver Edited offer.
  6. Hey! Just because I'm a 'kid' doesn't mean my opinion or anything isn't correct (though it probaly isn't) Edit: Yay thanks dst
  7. Name: Ledah the Manipulator MP-Class: MP5 Age: 595 active days Main Principle: Time Reason for applying: I like the ideas values and objectives of the alliance.
  8. 5 silver for the first joker. You win Nex I was just gonna sac it anyway
  9. 140 silver + shade for the Dark. 120 silver for the morph.
  10. The summoned or otherarmy? Otherarmy just has 2 winds, a few blobs and a Shade the last time I checked...
  11. You just wish you had my hair Z Aww man, can't wait until next year
  12. Enjoy it... I know I didn't having to sing it [url="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM_EXBBQuYM"]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OM_EXBBQuYM[/url]
  13. 116
  14. Ledah!!
  15. I actually want to get my Erolin Device this year...
  16. Not necessarily funny, just what I feel when I get a head and there's a hunt on... [attachment=1314:yelp head.jpg]
  17. Name – Ledah Player ID – 5305 Title/Tag – The Puppet Master, Necrovion Archivist (unofficial) Role – Collector and researcher of all kind of information about Necrovion, he will push himself to his own limits in persue for a single drop this precious knowledge. Interests – Necrovion Lore, Shades, Black Water, Liquid Dust, Creatures. Petition – I would like to a citizen of Necrovion because this land had always some effect on myself, ever since Khalazdad recruited me and because it the land I am most affiliated with
  18. I get 5 WP's I vote for the one where you get a WP every 100 days.
  19. Aww don't worry about Milo, he only has 8 AD, but Milordo Zik has enough, Milordo Zik as the new nominee!
  20. Split personalities all the way!

    Funny stuff =D

  21. [b]Rookie of The Year - [/b]It has got to be Milo, I mean, he makes you feel so loved
  22. I like it Will we be rewarded for the days we have now or from when it‘s implemented?
  23. More like no wonder Bob's actually been dying lately... Who needs us Haters?
  24. Keep the skilldamage! The reason Mur put skilldamge is because people were gathering so many losses, for normal players who didn't have a million losses, their honou was reduced to -'s in one attack. If you take it away, people will farm losses again.
  25. Are we even allowed to win the Heads with alts? It could be seen as alt abuse becaus eof the credits and everything >_> OR I'll start making loads of super powered MP3's
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