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Everything posted by Ledah

  1. Aethon and I decided to have an explosion fight at Fenth's Press and... well...
  2. How close are people to MP6? Really sad wasting heat ;(

    1. nadrolski


      Hoping this gets resolved soon..

  3. To be fair Mur you contradicted yourself in the chat. First you say not to take anything, only to tap in to Necrovion for research purposes, but then soon after say not to take big stocks, implying that, yes, Aethon can take what he wants, albeit presumably only a limited amount for himself. Then, when Aethon lays out his intentions (to grab what he wants and keep a list) you reply in the positive, whether or not that was to something else in the chat really should have been cleared up there and then, assuming it was. Assuming Aethon hasn't recruited 20 shades and spoiled the secrets of Necrovion, I would say he kept to the spirit of your agreement, at least from his point of view and any misunderstanding was innocent. So if anything, confiscate what he gained (creatures resources w/e) although I don't think that should happen.
  4. 5GC 15SC
  5. If you're willing to take silver, 45 sc on the 6th.
  6. 4 gc
  7. 6GC on the 10th please.
  8. Ledah

    WTS Crits

    None of these unfortunately.
  9. Ledah

    WTS Crits

    Auction lasts until the 28th at midnight or 24 hours after last bid. 2x Imperial Aramors 2x Jokers 1x Sharptear 1x Root Warrior Also have 5x aged Barren Souls if someone wants them. Also otherarmy & invisibility spellstones.
  10. 4GC on the 10th anni.
  11. Why break tradition? A nice dark green Aramor.
  12. Looking for 1, maybe 2. PM prices.
  13. 2gc

    1. Nimrodel


      Aren't witchers neutral?

  15. 4gc
  16. I came here to kick ass and drink milk. And I've just finished my milk.

    1. Rophs


      Do we need to invent the Lactating Grasan just for you Ledah? :P

    2. Chewett


      +1 for implementing lactating grasan

    3. Rophs



  17. 20 sc for Timmy.
  18. Skills: Reading long paragraphs Interests in MD: Typo hunting. MD in general. What I want to work on: All the typos.
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