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Everything posted by Ledah

  1. All of them scale the bonuses according to % influence used, even Blooddrop2, but Blooddrop2 gives stats at 100% influence that the token doesn't say it gives and logically shouldn't. The same rit at different % influence gives: 0% influence used 50% influence used 100% influence used Claw 1 scaled correctly, giving 1000 power at 0% influence, 500 power at 50% influence and 0 power at 100% influence. It seems Blooddrop1 scales inversely, giving no stats at 0% influence and max stats at 100% influence. It is the only token to do this to my knowledge.
  2. Yeah no activity in hidden forums shows in Activity>Unread Content. Haven't tried making a custom activity stream.
  3. Class. I'll be right over.
  4. To clarify, it is a G-string for a guitar... I think. If I have some dupes of the creature cards sure just PM a price.
  5. Thinking on it more, I doubt there is necessarily a need for monthly emails, would probably end up being a pain thinking of an email every month. But for major changes (A25, Gateway or what have you) leave it to the discretion of whoever is writing them. Really, rather than how often, more what is too many... I would definitely limit them to one a month.
  6. WTB the following: Cardboard Glue Cardboard box Black Marble Rainbow Marble Snow Globe Plush Marmoset Frank 8 Ball Gum wrapper Collection G-String Have coins/creatures/filled token vials/totems/duplicate common or uncommon items to offer, just ask. Also looking for an 8th Anniversary Aramor, can swap a 10th and maybe some other stuff for one.
  7. A summary of important monthly announcements would be interesting, might entice some people that saw something they like to come back (say, Necro reopening). Things like MD Bday/Christmas quests would be good too I reckon.
  8. Blooddrop2 seems to give a static amount of initiative (10 percent) regardless of influence used during a fight, even at 100%. Applying Ledah's Creature Tokens at 0% Aobozu (860220)'s creature tokens [stardust, claw1] Baku (860221)'s creature tokens [claw1] Chochinbi (860222)'s creature tokens [stardust, claw1, blooddrop2] [blooddrop2] Chochinbi (860222) gets 7 initiative (10 percent) Gaki (860223)'s creature tokens [blooddrop1] Ichiren-Bozu (860224)'s creature tokens [stardust, claw1] Kambarinyodo (860225)'s creature tokens [stardust] Applying MRWasabi's Creature Tokens at 100% Elemental I (750219)'s creature tokens [] Also, the text for the token makes no mention of giving any initiative bonus of any kind.
  9. The emeralglare and other tokens under the purpurfog on the white Aramor are probably the most noticeable. Left is flash, right is HTML 5
  10. I can confirm 14 of my plushies are going forward for item 4.
  11. Depends what kind
  12. They seem to have done just that this weekend... damn weeds.
  13. I should think the guaranteed rarity enough of an incentive to keep them over a 'strong' creature personally if a lack of creature slots is an issue. Unless you prefer strong creatures, that is.
  14. I would prefer that the Anniversary's remain a nice collectable rather than... a serious 'meta' when it comes to creature fights. While there might not be a massive issue with current size of the player-base, if there were, say, 1000 players that would make the combat situation worse than the shop did with tokens. At least there is no limit to the amount of tokens in the realm!
  15. 1 of each of the following please: Item 1: Anni creature 2018. Price: 20 plushies (limit: 1 p.p.) Item 8: random rp item. Price: 5 plushies Item 9: 13th anniversary spicy pickle. Price: 4 plushies Item 11: 13th anniversary piece of cake. Price: 2 plushies Total: 31 plushies (hopefully!)
  16. The same could be said of Gold and Silver coins when they were introduced but the community decided on a (somewhat) arbitrary value for them. In fact, if enough people stop respecting that value for them they, too, may become worthless (or perhaps worth more). Personally I don't think the community needs to establish a store of value in these resources. The only reason it was done before is because it was a first: We had nothing to compare them to and needed to begin somewhere. If somebody wants to become De Beers and establish a value that way, go for it I say
  17. 17 plushies from the dashing young man in the corner!
  18. Item 6: 12th anniversary creature. 15 plushies.
  19. Curse you Nim! *shakes fist* Item 1: Rustgold drachorn egg. Age: 2690. 5 plushies Item 2: Angien Egg. Age: 2022. 5 plushies Item 5: Barren soul, 11th anniversary edition. 15 plushies
  20. Item 4: Wind dragon egg. Age: 2022. 25 plushies
  21. Item 4: Wind dragon egg. Age: 2022. 15 plushies
  22. Wondered where this mood panel thingy went.

    1. Mallos


      where did it go? D:

    2. Ledah


      I was just too stupid to find it probably.

  23. I have noticed the same thing happening after un-tokening, but it usually only takes a week or so to disappear. Tokens are kinda weird on the HTML5 version too - they seem to have layering issues?
  24. What keeps you coming back to MagicDuel? That sweet +1 AD What is your favourite thing to do in MagicDuel? Grind LotE loyalty What do you do most often in MagicDuel? Grind LotE loyalty What do you wish there was more of in MagicDuel? Ways to grind LotE loyalty What do you wish there was less of in MagicDuel? Ways for others to grind LotE loyalty
  25. The Glorious East does not heed the opinions of The Great Unwashed (non-citizens). Furthermore, I personally am offended they would even consider thinking of posting their opinion in the forum, much less putting a claim in on the crown of His Majesty Sunfire, First of His Name, Emperor of the East, Unofficial Emperor of The North, West And South. I find the fact this topic is still open deeply offensive. Cease your heresy!
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