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Everything posted by Ledah

  1. No, Pip, you are not king!
  2. For me, it is only 2 days of the month. It is nice for people who don't want to be attacked to have 24 hours to explore the realm and I don't feel it hurts people who want to grind stats that much. They used to be the only time I would come out of hiding when I was in skilldamage so I see the use they have.
  3. If whoever is holding the tournament wants to, they can request temporary tools to host a BHC, like Mallos was given temporary access. Dunno if they would/should get them though. Alternatively, people can try hosting their own tournament with tournament/stats and see how that goes but I'm sure it would be inclusive. You could see the requirement of keeping a roster of untokened creatures/token removal gel as part of the entry requirements too.
  4. Ledah just has to participate, I can't let Juba win.
  5. Aramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832951 - 929 days - 2GC 30SC
  6. Aramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832951 - 929 days - 3GC Aramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832955 - 1028 days - 70SC
  7. Well, seeing as there is a super cool critter up for grabs, what choice do I have but to participate? Ledah 5305 MP5
  8. Different kinds of conversations in the Discord compared to in game chat I find. Also, voice chat. It's also a better way to help newbs, I would say, as it certainly seems more 'live' than the live help button.
  9. Aramor 832951 - 1GC 30SC
  10. I didn't have the silver to put 10 on each SW but I do now thankfully
  11. Loreroot Archer - 828849 - 1029 days - SC! It's the principle Shem
  12. Just to outbid Chewy Aramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832951 - 929 days - 30 SCAramor Warrior - 10th anni edition - 832955 - 1028 days - 30 SC Loreroot Archer - 828849 - 1029 days - 5 SC
  13. Extra bids
  14. Perhaps it is best to have periods of time where you flat out take no suggestions and finish tasks that you want or feel are vital. Seems like a lack of time being the issue, not management of it.
  15. Ledah

    spam topic

    Purple monkey dishwasher.
  16. I just still had them in my log. Round 1 Round 2 Round 3 Round 4
  17. Accounts can be traded at any time. Maybe Granite Wolf wanted to stop you using it and changed the password? 1 possibility. I would hate to come back in 10 years and find Chew gave my account away on some piss poor proof.
  18. You can never have enough explosions.
  19. Add some cool magic, exclusively for battles that rely on principles. With lots of flashy effects and sounds.
  20. Personally I don't see it as a positive behaviour and it is certainly harmful to the forum. I don't think making a hard and fast rule against it is the answer, however. Perhaps some way to view the history of a post would be better? That would make these sorts of edits pointless.
  21. Token removal gel.
  22. https://magicduel.com/mobile/ Perhaps force mobile users on to that then and block Puffin entirely.
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