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  1. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    just cuz hes king doesnt mean he is everything and he is no different then anyone else
  2. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to redneck in Redneck And Non Return Of Payment   
    shouldnt you let me and sparr figure this pout?? and you keep your own nose in your own buisness cause you dont know what my life is like
  3. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to I am Bored in Wp For Days   
    well since i didn't think of the possible abuse with items, i will say that there shouldn't be alts now...... unless you make it so alts can't make items....
  4. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Wp For Days   
    And the people who farm alts for wps are either stupid, or greedy. If someone suddenly has 420 silver, or a new person suddenly shows up and asks udgard for a custom item, will he make it for them? Without checking to see that it is an alt or not?

    I really hope noone is that greedy for wps and items that they would abuse the system so badly. If they are caught doing so, there will be no second chance.

    As i have constantly said, ban alts. (go ahead neg vote spam me) Alts are the BIGGEST source of cheating in the game. It FAR out weighs those who have honest alts.

    Even if there isn't a 100% sure way o finding them. We still need to do something about it.

    Back on topic; as far as abusing the wp system, what in it can they actually get that would be beneficial to their main? No one wants a carnival joker, and I am not sure there is anything else in it. As for item creation, I trust Udgard is more than capable of figuring ou who the alts are an who are not.
  5. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Chewett in Wp For Days   
    Wishpoints will be redialy availble, so then you will be able to get coins easily since you can make items that can be traded for coins, So the marketing system will fail since with all the new items they will become worthless and coins will have a lesser values as there are so many items around.

    Wishpoints on alts will make the problems 10 times worse, Wishpoints 2 times a year will make it problematic
  6. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Udgard in Wp For Days   
    Well, one thing for sure.. 99% of requested items will be made using WPs from alts, if alts are allowed =\
    And IP scramblers are not that hard to get.. I voted for yes, but to be honest, I'm really concerned about how it will affect MD since alts are really hard to check...
  7. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Asterdai in Wp For Days   
    Everyone Loves Wishpoints.

    Its what sets characters apart, and one of the main ways that this game is Different from others. Something Hard yet possible to achieve by doing things other then point and click. I like the amount of wishpoints being kept low, as it makes you feel VERY happy when you get one, and makes a great reward for hardwork.

    I voted for None, shouldnt be given out for age and something else, i guess because i dont believe they should be given out.

    I agree with fenrir, that they could be special WP or maybe even a different name, and do a small selection of the things available to do, maybe be another factor in buying Advanced Wishpoint selections, like the 4 needed for clickables. Say they could be called Golden Mark's or somthing, and say for umm changing name location, you would need activity days "golden marks" as well as spent/unspent WP.
    They could be used like fenrir said, to make some options available, and others.. like Dream Joker and special things that are transferable not available that way.

    Also i like what Yoshi said, but instead of making One WP available after the shop is open, 60 days, have a one time special WP bonus, after another 40 days(100 in total), something the character can work towards after making the shop available. So when they realise what the WP are for, they could at least have 40 days, to search and gain one the normal way, by questing or debugging or whatever. And also take time to make the right decision and Know whats the best for them, instead of wasting it on something stooopid as soon as the shops open and regreting it.

    i think that like you guys said, New people might Need something to feel happy about at the start of the game, but im not taken in by that, i dont think that they will appreciate what it means to have one, if they can just get it by playing umm only "half of the game" and Not looking to play it in a creative, scientific, or something deeper kind of way, which i believe is what the game values itself on and makes it unique, holding a kind of mystery and intruigue which spell binds us and keeps us hooked.

    la la la so yeh um, KEEP wishpoints low petition group hiring now
  8. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Udgard in I Got Scammed By Shadowlord   
    Just my humble opinions, but a thief "role" and doing real thievery seems like a different thing to me. I don't mind RP-ed thievery, but real thievery made by scamming others, I wish not to be seen tolerated in MD.
  9. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Dmik King in I Got Scammed By Shadowlord   
    I got mail for Shadowlord and we solved everything and I got the coins that he had to give me.
    Can you please send him back the Joker?

    Thank you for the help Mur.
  10. Downvote
    Ledah got a reaction from Watcher in Wp For Days   
    I get 5 WP's I vote for the one where you get a WP every 100 days.
  11. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Muratus del Mur in Wp For Days   
    Let me know what you think about having a type of achievement that will give you a wishpoint for active days, without any other requirement.

    The implications are greater, it will cause a slight inflation of wp, especialy for the 50 days option that most fulfill.
    Wp are ment to be achieved by special merits so to say, i think age shows something even if its not a quest or a puzzle.

    What about farming alts for age , you get aged creatures and now also wishpoints, ideas, ways to avoid that? I am planning to add some very strict ways but it could be extreme.

    This idea can be made real fast, its something i started to work on but i stoped now to create this poll to see what you think about it first. If its not gonna win, maybe there are alternatives, if not, i'll focus on something else.
  12. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Jubaris in More Spell Rewards Sources?   
    My idea is giving alliances higher purpose for some members instead of "just a badge next to your name", giving them more personal goals, for ideas can live on without the status of an alliance. This is just a suggestion on one of the options, and please discuss it open-minded, I would like to hear opinion of other people, what do they think alliances mean, and so on.

    How about alliance leaders get the ability to reward low/middle quality spells (like one of the first branches from protector spells, 1 spell type per alliance? I dont know... just an idea) to its members, limited number, perhaps proportional to the size of the alliance? the leader would also be able to take away the ability, and give it to someone else (for example in case of inactivity of the rewarded player)
    This perhaps involve some work by Mur and not plausible for now, but it can be simplified with your suggestions I hope.

    Also, maybe not every alliance should get that ability at the start... maybe it should prove its worth in time by doing its purpose... or by doing its role earning the right to take it to easier level with spell rewards related to its role...

    Maybe this is not needed if Kings or perhaps future factions would have similar ability... Just a random idea I wanted to share
  13. Upvote
    Ledah got a reaction from J-D in Skill Damage   
    Keep the skilldamage!

    The reason Mur put skilldamge is because people were gathering so many losses, for normal players who didn't have a million losses, their honou was reduced to -'s in one attack. If you take it away, people will farm losses again.
  14. Downvote
    Ledah got a reaction from SubZero in Skill Damage   
    Keep the skilldamage!

    The reason Mur put skilldamge is because people were gathering so many losses, for normal players who didn't have a million losses, their honou was reduced to -'s in one attack. If you take it away, people will farm losses again.
  15. Downvote
    Ledah got a reaction from redneck in Skill Damage   
    Keep the skilldamage!

    The reason Mur put skilldamge is because people were gathering so many losses, for normal players who didn't have a million losses, their honou was reduced to -'s in one attack. If you take it away, people will farm losses again.
  16. Downvote
    Ledah got a reaction from unbelievable power in Skill Damage   
    Keep the skilldamage!

    The reason Mur put skilldamge is because people were gathering so many losses, for normal players who didn't have a million losses, their honou was reduced to -'s in one attack. If you take it away, people will farm losses again.
  17. Upvote
    Ledah got a reaction from Kyphis the Bard in Skill Damage   
    Keep the skilldamage!

    The reason Mur put skilldamge is because people were gathering so many losses, for normal players who didn't have a million losses, their honou was reduced to -'s in one attack. If you take it away, people will farm losses again.
  18. Upvote
    Ledah got a reaction from Deatznce0 in I Call Bs On The Hc   
    Are we even allowed to win the Heads with alts? It could be seen as alt abuse becaus eof the credits and everything >_> OR I'll start making loads of super powered MP3's
  19. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Assira the Black in [Tribunal]Assira The Black   
    Tribunal is my home and I wish to see it prosper. I am the barkeeper at the pub located in Tribunal and will still bartend there though I have been marked as a Traitor to the Caretaker alliance. I am also a dancer and I may occasionally put on a performance if asked and if I am not interrupting any current costumers.
  20. Downvote
    Ledah got a reaction from Tarquinus in I Call Bs On The Hc   
    Are we even allowed to win the Heads with alts? It could be seen as alt abuse becaus eof the credits and everything >_> OR I'll start making loads of super powered MP3's
  21. Downvote
    Ledah got a reaction from Watcher in I Call Bs On The Hc   
    Are we even allowed to win the Heads with alts? It could be seen as alt abuse becaus eof the credits and everything >_> OR I'll start making loads of super powered MP3's
  22. Upvote
    Ledah got a reaction from Liberty4life in Extreme Magicduel   
    [quote name='Messanger' post='17130' date='Sep 22 2008, 10:37 PM']if this is weird, you should pay attention to the next few days

    the game as you know it ... it will end, a new age is coming

    beware, be careful, be awake, be aware[/quote]

    Can you SHUTUP with the 'preaching' Unless this is Mur in which I'm REALLY sorry XD
  23. Upvote
    Ledah reacted to Liberty4life in Forgotten Part Of Md   
    once mur said when inner magic put its step into game, that inner magic wasnt made for md but md was made for inner magic, concept of inner magic.. didnt improved, even worse it went forgotten, with dismissal of rpcs, inner magic docs were unable to be redistributed, and before that happened they were just used as collectibles, principals as laws of this realm, arent used in way they were meant to be used, now they fuel tokens, they arent used anymore to think about things, to try using them for something great and unusual (inner magic), this concept with inner magic and principals was most important aspect of game which was meant to teach, made ya think, made ya use your brain...

    that key element isnt only one that died, story mode... it became unimportant, not much closed locations anymore as well, poems of locations lost its meaning, nobody cares for them, signs at entrance to each land... huh? who reads it? afaik story mode was also only one that made connection of creats with us, today in md... in everyday rp how often do we have creats involved for anything? players are merchants, warriors, not circus tamers or TCG cards owners, why do i say that? simple.. creats are those days to rpers second part of game.. like Magic: The gathering is to us irl, ya trade creats, ya play some fighting that has nothin to do with ya, to fighters thats only aspect of game, now why would warrior with sword or somethin need tree to fight with? from rp view that got created in md which is realistic or godmoding one, md creats arent used in it, and in those rp situations where ya use them.. idk if it can be said that they are used as it was meant to use them

    and now... adventure log died as well it seems

    tell me what is AL today? what is story mode today? what are poems today? what are principals today? what is inner magic today? what is md's background story today? traces of it everywhere, but still... its used for nothing, does anyone that is older than 2 months in this game notice those things anymore? i dont think so

    story mode and AL got fully replaced by papers and "casual rp" of all sorts....
    poems and lands descriptions mean nothing, everyone has same opinion about every location and acts same, all they care is if location is crowded or is it remote one, thats all
    principals.. another stat to grind till 1k and thats it
    inner magic and background story.... wot are those?
    creats? ah thats some side game inside real game to one kind of ppl to another they are whole game
    this is current situation about those things in md

    papers are giving big freedom to players to express themselves, yes
    kings will assure human judgment on players
    but lately md is getting more and more automatized, and kinda more and more towards game that is actually click to advance
    md script is cool yeah but now... game can be 100% played without any contact with players, ya just roam around mainly at mdp and ggg, to improve your stats and creats, if ya want wp for something just do automated quests, but somethings keeps players socialized, is it theirs high need for socialization or are the "forgotten" parts of this game that makes them ask around when they start playing and fires up theirs curiosity? fact is that lately there didnt came much new players that stayed for longer time, and if ya ask players that are in here for longer time wot made them stay in md, wot made them keep playing, they will most likely say one of this "forgotten" parts of game

    question is... if md removes those parts of game which arent used, is md then still md or is just like any other game?

    idk and idc wot ya will say but i am one of those players that like revealing mystery, i wanna know wot happened next in story mode, i wanna know about inner magic and principals uses, i wanna know meaning of storymode story, meaning of AL since it had its message to tell each time, i wanna know meaning of poems, i wanna know more about creats, many creats dont have description, some creats like barren soul contain description that is related to ancient lore which got banned, and many more things, i cant think anymore if i could i would most likely wrote more, this is all i have to say for now

    i have been thinking about this few days ago but forgot to post it, then emerald arcanix made me remember it but then again i forgot, then lifeline made me remember it after his talk with arcanix, so i finally managed to post it, tnx guys
  24. Upvote
    Ledah got a reaction from Liberty4life in Extreme Magicduel   
    It's not spam! It's called Spamalympics where whoever sends most messages saying 'spam' in a minute wins!
  25. Downvote
    Ledah reacted to Fenrir Greycloth in Death Ray / Noxids Offensive Comments   
    Lol, I have the same thing in my logs.
    wasn't to happy about it when I saw it. Wasn't happy to see that CrazyMike posted the same thong
    Just a point to make, being called a fag is insulting to those who believe that homosexuals are bad, so they do not want to be one. If you were not insulted by being called a fag you don't mind the homosexual.

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