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Posts posted by thrall

  1. +5000 Max Vitality - but it says increase maximum ve by 2000

    +400 Defence - it says increase youre defence by 500

    Weapon sets
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/userprofile/load_profile.php on line 168 - this is on personal page
    Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/weaponinventory/load_layout.php on line 406 - this is on armor page

  2. bugs:
    - ve and vp ilusions dont seams to work (i have try it saveral times and no result)

    - ilusion creature dont gain xp except for the joker; and there s a problem with the elite loreroothian archer and with the life stealer reinforcement (seams that everybody has the same problem with them)

    - the "achivments for today" page is blank in ilusion

  3. we all make huge numbers of def rit and attack rit (some ore than others; at least i do a lot of them)

    when we loose a fight (100% of that rit) we have to unbid them oureself, it takes time and its anoyg so what i want is ONCE YOU LOOSE 100% OF YOUR RIT THE RIT UNBIDS ITSELF, its erased

    the other thing is doing separate rituale pages (only 2).

    one will befor all attack rituales and other its for def rituaels

    i'm posting that because i'm tired to scrol down to choose the right rit

  4. for me the prize dont represent much (soleve 2 quests and did not recive nothing), what i want is to try and solve as many quests/puzzle as possible.

    so the page with player name that gives quests will help me ALOT

    but if many of you think like chewett then make a personal page with question marks (alrady mention it and at the time it was posted it was liked) that represent the quests available, so one can know how many there r. When a quest end's and you did not solve it that question mark will desapear; but when you solve a quest the "?" will show the quest and your answer and the clue that is given to you (if it has any).

    It would like a personal achevement and can be added to your profile, the number of solve quests. from here it can be expanded to somthing like this: make quests give a certaine numbre of points (maine quests alot, seondary very few) that can be turn in to prises (at 35 points you can get your first, at 100 the second, at 175....etc) - those r not the WP that r given now, there addition points and the reward can be from a temporarly power up to some feature to some creatures all of this prises shold be achive hard and get better with your scor or only give youa rank so you can brag with it.

    personaly i only wish the list but that above will be great to

  5. i spend much time in sherch of players that give puzzle, to much time

    it would be best if we have a page where you can see all player's puzzle, so you will be able to solve them without exosting your time.

    sometimes you can walk right next to a puzzle owner and not knoing this because they dont have anything specific (except when you click on them).

    so to make it easy to evryone make a page for puzzle owners just like the rpc's list but with all puzzles


  6. I m thinking of a way one could heal there creature without makingso many clicks

    in the profil page there is the globe that indicate your vitality, way not make 1 click on the globe and regenerate your creature? it would be random and only be good when you have few creature to regeerate

    Or making the line you click to regenerate in to a slide bar that indicate the percentage you want/can regenerate.

    both can charge the normal amount of action points (like you click on them over and over).

  7. If you don't gain any honor when you have more losses than wins, you will never have enough honor to use because you lose honor whenever you lose a fight. If you don't get the bonus to honor when you have less wins like that, your honor will just drop in number. At least...that's what I think you meant by that.

    and what about the player that have more than 100 lossea than wins? they give a lot of negative honor and by doing that they encorage others to reach a maximun of losses just to be able to fight normaly (not choseng only the few players that remain balanced)

  8. whell it would be cool if you can buy from md shop a quest book

    and i imagine this book this way: it only has question marks insted of the quest detaile, that is only after you deacover the quest and it tell's you your progres and gives you some clue about them

  9. when u r in mp5 the hardest thig is (from my point of wiew) upgarding the new purchess creatures, so i think this will work (after some ajustments from you):

    A DIFERENT SACRIFICE meaning you can sacrifice a max level creture to give the xp to the new creatures

    this is how i imagine this:

    -1 max crit after sacrifice it this way gives you 30%-50% of what gives when sacrificed normaly

    -you must have at least 3 lev 1 crit (max dosent count)

    -when sacrificieng it sould be a buton that alows you to chose to how many creatures you want the xp would go

    -the creatures chosen should be counted only if they dont have any xp or the xp they have is not enough to upgrade

    -the fight that the creture sacrifice had shoul be given also (but no more than the lev 1 crit neads)

    -it can be considerated like you let the new creatures sumonated to devore the old one

    -any xp/battles that r over of what the lev 1 creatures nead r lost

  10. i like where your going with this

    the creature heals themself but it is no reson to ad it to the xp, becouse if you destroi the creature/rit that heals it means that you do more damage.

    so based on this it should give the player more xp (this should be calculated based on the damage inflicted not on how much ve the crit. have - the healing poins)

    it should give negative xp only when no damage is done on the healers

  11. you can get a max of 200 honor, what exced that is transformed to bonus ex

    but you cant have a max negative honor and somme players gives -300 -400 honor

    what i m proposing is to make a limit of negative, just like the positive, if a player would give you more than -200 honor it would give you an extra negative xp. for example player A gives you -200 (-100) honor

    the honor is to important to be lost in such huge amount and if anyone think that is beter to avoid such players i ask you: way to limit fights when you should kik but left and right?

  12. i only can use the fast replay butun, the onthers make the page so huge that you can't fiend nothing in it

    at lest you can post new topics, i have to post in others

    i presentet my problem in the topic stuck at paper cabin

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