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Posts posted by thrall

  1. Sorry for posting the bug here but... it seams that i dont have the patiens with te new forum

    i have tryed to post a new topic but that page shown to me it is so huge that i can not write in it. It is not in hight but in lenght that in the problem, it is so huge that i can't fiend the begining or the end of the box in witch we write by scroling with the mouse. Using the arrows will take me houres and what ever i do i can not fiend the topic name box or the post button.

    i dont know what it is but evrything in the forum seams fine, except for this problem, hope it will be fixed

  2. If they give a penalization for this problem :D then i'm gonna come for you to recuperate my 80 losess :D

    And I'm not always winning (only like 10% of the time).

    You make the math if it's possible for all to stay even.

    ;) nice one :), but i did not say that this is perfect, i was trayng to fiend somthing that will make the players balance more easely.

    what is yuor ideea for this problem?????????????

    and come and get me if you want i m waithing :)

  3. The thing is that most of the players dont know how to kep a balance (neubys) and the oters (the majority) still have implemented in there minds the honor problem, so to have big honor they losse and losse and there goses the balance.

    I have 8 losses more than wins and the majority gives me negative honor, i drop in 2 days of play from 5000 honor to 2847 honor, and that is becouse i was trayng to kep my balance and i still fiend some players that gives me -200 -300 honor /fight.

    So i propose this (FEEL FREE TO ADD ANYTHING THAT WILL IMPROVE THIS): put a penalisation for having to much losses, im thinking about 40, what gosses after that there shold not be added, somthing like when you reach -500 honor.

    This could be done with the wins to. With this i think players will take in consideration the balance more seriosly. The ideea is far from perfect so i ask of you to put your brains to work to eliminate this problem.

    I m shure if we fiend somthing in the MD spirit Manu will implement it.

  4. i dont know what hapend but today i cant play the game becouse of somme erors

    first is the sintax eror that is shown over and over, but his is minor problem


    Microsoft Internet Explorer


    Error: TypeError

    Err description: 'erolin' is undefined

    Err number: -2146823279

    Err message: 'erolin' is undefined

    Ajax response:

    erolin.SetVariable("heat","0"); //debug sound

    //var sounds = document.getElementById('sounds');



    parent.textArray = new Array;



    var errtxt = "Error: "+err.name + "\nErr description: " + err.description+ "\nErr number: " + err.number+ "\nErr message: " + err.message;






    the main problem is that neither the left menu or the map dont load, i cant replanish my creature, i cant go anywere, i cant continue my story....i cant do anything

    what is rong, refreshing wont help and neither deleting cookis

  5. Heh i'd like to ask what your regen is at because i only get about 300 VE per regen i have 6000 VE and im mp4 so it takes me about 3 hours and 20 mins to get my max VE and then i need about 3 hours 20 misn more after i've healed my creatures and i want to get max VE for the big fight. I think that the regen should be made proportional looking now i think it is with 5% of max VE per regen but i think it should be 10% which would still make it a good 1 hour 40 mins for a full regen

    . Also i'd like to add i dont know if this is a bug or something but a few times per playing when im a few minutes away from regen i sometimes go idle for a min or so and when i get back in game the regen has been moved backward 2-3 mins is this a bug or just the games way of fixing game lag or something?

    evrione gets 300 ve/regen and that is way i posted this becouse in mp5 or more you have biger fights that you cant win without max ve or close to that i m now at 13k somthing ve and it takes forever to be in god shape to fight

    like some said on this post the regen should be given more starting mp5 or somehow be based on your character regain skill

  6. you talk about school and exams :(, hm you shoul see the school program for the romanian studens (very big, very fast, many domanies)

    i had once a program for the USA students it was ALMOST HALF as the romanien program, o ya and the program changes evry year (almost evry year gets biger, this year is an exception, gues they overduet last year) and no one gets any credits

    how about that?

  7. from my point of wiew this will erase FARMING from this game

    some complaine about the new sistem but look a little back: you where complaining about farming and geting to much wins and how they r not able to have a high or positive honor

    the new sistem is GOOD, mayby it neads a little work, but is good, you no longer have to make suicide rituales to have losses, they will come to you eventualy, now you have to strugle to get those wins to get your character balance

    even if you r declared, after a battale, winer your creature still gets the won fight, so there is no problem there, the only problem will be now to kep your wins close to your losses


  8. for mp3 and mp4 its not that a big of a deal, but when you reach mp5 you would probably have over 10000 ve so what i want is, if posible, to improve the regeneration at each counter, i'm not saing you should increaset to... i m saing it should be based on your character regeneration stats

    just give 5 ve/1 point regeneration on top of the curent regeneration, i m saing this becouse it takes more and more time to rech the max ve

  9. hey manu if you put us choose from so many features it seams that, if not all half, r almost rady


    and if i m this mean that the game is going to have a lot of new thing added, what i want to know is WHEN DO YOU THINK IT WOULD BE ALL RADY?

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