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Posts posted by thrall

  1. nu stiu cum poti ajunge la asa ceva dar... daca ai putea atrage atentia unor companii pentru care sa le rezervi un mic spatiu de reclama o mare parte din suma, daca nu toata, va fi acoperita

    prea multe detalii despre asta nu stiu, tot ce stiu este dintr-un proiect de facultate facut de un prieten (din nefericire a murit acum 1 an), dar daca ne punem toti sa cautam detalii despre asta sunt sigur ca vom reusi in cele din urma

    din cate imi aduc aminte erau cateva cerinte pe care trebuia sa le aiba un site:nr de vizitatori, carei parti din consumatori i se adreseaza, influente ...

    pana acum, din cate vad la acest joc, companiile la care se poate incerca sunt cele de sofwere si cele producatoare de jocuri pc/xbox/ps etc

    scuze ca nu am scris in engleza

  2. and with the way that the cartoon movie r developing: see final fantasy or better yet BEOWULF, in this i spend the firs 15 minute thinkink that is not a cartoon

    so if anyone nead somme exra ideeas or molding some parts of the game with the others just tell me and in a couple of days you'l have what to read for a week :)

  3. i dont completely remember how i find this game...

    the funny thing is that i don't remember either and that's a BIG DEAL couz i remember the exact location or link/mesage from friends etc. of evry on-line game i play'd and there r quite a lot

    and what is even funyer is that this is the lates game i registred (rememberd all about the first...but not the last???)

    the only thing god with this game, and i mean the only thing god, is that even if i play alot or very little it gives you somthing that no other game gives you, i dont know wat it is yet but can't be bored with it even in story mode, so the only thing to add is that i barly waiting for the new land to open and the quest to solve

  4. How do you die? I never even saw the likelihood or chance to die.

    Spoiler warning added by chewett

    So i guess you never turn down the little girl?

    Do that 3 times (each time a candle will losse its light) and there you go, your dead

    And doing that i cut short the story and i was given a prety high principles points (betwin 5 and 8), but no punishment

  5. i'm starting to have losses problems. i'm almost at the finish of mp4 and even with suicide rituales i have a great problem with losses. the only thing i could think is to wait and win some big fights (that will drop my honor) and reach the next mp so... i can make suicide rituales to losse there (becouse there i'm week) to keep my character balanced

    now with that said (i will doit becouse the game is forcing me) i don't think thats fair, meaning with my character geting losses for balance i will unbalance some of the players by giving them wins with no exp.

    i know that the wining/lossing sistem is the base of this game and that this is making him thiferent from all others but somthing shold be done so you don't have to warry about this making things dificult for others, for example i sugest that the amount of honor neaded to buy things and reach next mp shold be bouth + and - meaning you have to reach one or onother

    this could be useful if, when we will belong to one place, we get positive honor by defeting players from other realms and negative from the player that r in your realm with the exception that you will get positive honor by defeating negative honor players and vice versa

    i know this will ruin the sistem we all know but i can't think of other meanings to solve this

  6. The forum is one thing and the game is another thing. Most players don't use the forum.

    that is corect and to deleat a player who wasent active for 30 days seams a little unfaire

    i play the game olmost dayly seance almost at the begining and i have past trew a time that could not log in for 60 days and the only troulbe i have'd in that period whas that could not acces the game or the pc.

    so if deleating players that r not active would be implemented i have to insist that the players woul have a period of 60-90 days of inctivity before deletion

  7. in my opinion the story shold be change so you can be good/bad or even betwen this 2

    but i don't think this shoold be a priority, i mean it could be done in spare time or ask the player to delivre ideea of the story that could be implemented at some point, after all this is only alfa.

    no nead to hurry this, THE FUN BEGINS AFTER THE STORY ENDS

  8. i was thinking how can i help yhis game grow and after somme time i have send

    somme mesages on 2 duzin of alliances leader telling them to try the game and to send

    my mesage to all there members. i give them my referal linck and the adress of the homme page

    hope they will join

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