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Ackshan Bemunah

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Everything posted by Ackshan Bemunah

  1. Number puzzles, number puzzles, number puzzles.
  2. EDIT: I will not be participating in this quest.
  3. Day 346, year 8 Gazebo of Equilibrium [spoiler] *Sunfire*: *pokes Ackshan with his staff* so you want to plant me in the lighthouse eh... Ackshan Bemunah: No reason to delay! We can go right now. : Ackshan Bemunah giggles Ackshan Bemunah: Someone have a movelock spell? Ackshan Bemunah: *turns to Sunfire* I think, since you naturally jiggle, it would be good to fix you in place, at least till you get your bearings. Ackshan Bemunah: It's only a temporary solution, but maybe we'll see some results. : Ready for the portal? Ackshan Bemunah: *jumps* Oh, sorry, I still need movelock. Ackshan Bemunah: ANYONE HAVE MOVELOCK? AcAckshan Bemunahkshan Bemunah: (Hmm, "shouts" didn't kick in ) … : Ackshan Bemunah passed Silver coin to *Syrian* : Ackshan Bemunah passed Silver coin to *Syrian* : *Syrian* passed Movelock stone to Ackshan Bemunah … Ackshan Bemunah: I guess Sunfire left? : Ackshan Bemunah touches the columns, echoing memories of a distant land : Granite Wolf watches as the 3 knators catch Asthir and lick him viciously Ackshan Bemunah: I guess I'll find him later. : Ackshan Bemunah ignites the Gazebo in a brilliant hot light, then dashes through [/spoiler] Pillars of Harmony [spoiler] Ackshan Bemunah sees that another follows Ackshan Bemunah: Hello. BlackThorn: hey Ackshan Bemunah: Ahh, and you too, concussion. Hi. : Ackshan Bemunah sees concussion run off, and shrugs Ackshan Bemunah: Ready? concussion: Hello. : Ackshan Bemunah waits for anyone else who might jump through Ackshan Bemunah: Alright, guess it's just you. [/spoiler]
  4. I have one with 249 days and nothing else
  5. [Comment withdrawn, as this is...very much the wrong forum, I believe. An elaboration has been posted elsewhere.]
  6. Just take Sunfire, drag guide him up to the top, and movelock him bring him food and stuff. Problem solved. EDiT: With permission, of course.
  7. I don't know why he wanted me posting that, but it is indeed what came up in conversation. Innocence seems pretty smart. She wrote about the sort of attitude that governed actions that actually affected the realm from then to now -- a gradual separation of instrument from merit, a domination of grace over justice. If that makes any sense at all. Speaking from a strictly utilitarian perspective, we would want as many protectors as we can possibly get, right? So why isn't there an influx of new alts into the realm that will in 100 days be able to adept more players?
  8. By the time it's getting to Fang, it's no longer your heat. It's Falronn's. And besides, in the long run, most of it isn't going to Fang...right? Downranked because it should be obvious that mallos is asking why you waste energy on labelling mallos. Nimrodel raises her proud features and matches Azull's gaze, "A victim is a victim, irrespective of what they have done in the past or will do in the future." Nimrodel turns and leaves, stepping through Necrovion's gate and towards her homeland, her mind set on convincing those of her land, and hopefully others, that a change is needed throughout the realm. Compactified and legibilicated
  9. I like Falronn more than mallos, offensive as I know that must be to mallos. And I believe Falronn would make a good protector. So he doesn't have a cause to nullify himself for, so what? That just makes him like putty in your hands, if he were more consistent. Perfect protector material, by Nimrodel's reading...LOL But seriously, where did fang come into this? Thoughts bleeding between media doesn't work except in offtopic threads, which this isn't... -- By the way, a very good initial post here. If someone were to take up all the things in that first post, which wouldn't be hard at all with the state of the realm, I'd be very impressed.
  10. If that's the case, then there's not much to discuss regarding your candidacy. Could mods please close? That's assuming he doesn't change it back. forgot my manners
  11. I read correctly -- you have been biding your time, waiting to have your turn? Would a game of rock-paper-scissors be more suiting to solving this competition?
  12. So the protector title is more of an auxiliary function, a so-called "public good"? And why do you care if Syrian has heat? What good does it do her?
  13. From Falronn's thread: I am assuming this applies here as well, and also applies more generally as the question for a protector in a realm that already has a protector (or more). Why do you feel your cause is important enough to faction an already divided realm? (is it accurate to look at protectors as they exist now as an implementation of the factions idea that was abandoned in an earlier stage?)
  14. dst, you see multiple effects and assume the bad/selfish one's the underlying. It might be good to learn to allow things to happen and derive the benefit. AB
  15. That, there, is a grim ending.
  16. Really excited for you, actually. Best.
  17. Is it me, or did someone secretly actually do this?
  18. The engulfing shadow, it's worse than before I can't see at all, it's like darkness but more the wimpering girl, the candle that shudders and throws out a spark, then stops. I want fire again, I need fire and love so the world can feel open, the covering grave but the water's too strong, flowing in from the side and I can't fight a swallowing pride. Self-absorbed Orange
  19. Tongue
  20. Related: Read this thread, reread principles, browse pictures of scenes, just sorta marveling, it's actually kinda sad. Unrelated: The readings I should be focusing on. Related, but connecting out: The paper I should be writing. Politics come from everywhere.
  21. Entirely in the public's powers to do something before immediately remitting to an approved committee by, say, opening a thread about it on the forum. This reminds me of land voting, and it seems to make sense. Also, by "manifestation" do you mean this thread?
  22. These are some good stories, these.
  23. If a reward goes, can it come back if the population's direction/ability/style pool changes?
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