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Ackshan Bemunah

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Everything posted by Ackshan Bemunah

  1. Forgot about the interference caused by sabbath, guess I'm done. Thanks for the quest, very interesting and fun.
  2. Even this would be an improvement from timed regen, especially if a few people got punished. But no, there are more robust implementations. e.g. have gain depend on reality requirement
  3. Not upranking for the wrong reasons. Whether that needs to be said. Never earned your trust in any sphere or cube, so unsurprised to be blindsided as far as what exactly was going on, though it was clear you weren't happy... .: You slowly back away and give her some space :. I hope you find wholeness through this breaking off.
  4. If it's about discovering new things, then would use of in-game chat (assuming no change to the rules of in-game chat) might make sense as a restorer of expl?
  5. There's something to volition being easier in the homeland. My father taught me that the weak outsider tends to get the management position. Couple things at play here, but volition is one.
  6. I have found a seller. Please close.
  7. Send offers to Ackshan Bemunah.
  8. Ackshan is signing up. (Expecting at least one downrank.)
  9. Seen on DST's blog: I see two solutions, one social, one implemental. Social would be something like a land rule: Please limit your water consumption to 1 water per hour. Or something like that. And I don't really see this happening in practice. Other would be to have the resources at different locations regenerate at different times (e.g. 24 batches, 1-hour intervals, or 12 batches, I don't know what's reasonable, might even vary by resource), throughout the day. This way everyone has a window of opportunity in which to collect without depleting. Possibility of simply having every pile regenerate gradually through the day is confounded by things like memory stones.
  10. Rehash Power = Deviance - Irrelevance Deviance increases with moving through low-viscosity locations. Irrelevance increases with time spent away from civilization, thus gradual removal from perception of social needs. The longer you stay away from the "hub" the more you cease trying to be involved in the bright side of changing the world. Rehash Power (RP), then, goes away over time (due to the Irrelevance effect) unless you do something useful with it. RP loss could be reduced through a skill, similarly to energetic immunity.
  11. 1. At the very least. 2. To use the same language as before: Outcomes will be coming up soon.
  12. How do you mean for these moderators to work? I assume you don't mean BHC interface. Something like Eon alts to take balls of heads, without having the power to win & be disqualified?
  13. Even so, just the push I needed, I'm in now. EDIT: Specifically as Numerius Felix/ Minty.
  14. Once upon a god not again Chew stopped coding time and space, all was lost. Meanwhile Mur and BFH did nothing to stop the streams of fiery chicken shaped shade-demons, but instead both refined their grammar drinking sake allot with green elephants while twerking on the GoE steps, holding a huge chained wrecking ball. It exploded, and the cube refolded.
  15. Once upon a god not again Chew stopped coding time and space, all was lost. Meanwhile Mur and BFH did nothing to stop the streams of fiery, but instead both refined their grammar drinking sake allot with green elephants while twerking on the GoE steps, holding a huge chained wrecking ball. It exploded, and
  16. Once upon a god not again Chew stopped coding time and space, all was lost. Meanwhile Mur and BFH did nothing to stop the streams of fiery, but instead both refined their grammar
  17. Once upon a god not again Chew stopped coding time and space, all was lost. Meanwhile Mur and BFH did nothing to stop the streams of fiery
  18. Once upon a god not again Chew stopped coding time and space
  19. Progressive combiners and Bob.
  20. Did nobody else notice that this is abnormal?
  21. Stuck replying from phone, excuse idiotic typisting. Interesting how halacha makes an exception from this for the ox that repeatedly gores other oxen. Both owner and ox are punished, and most severely. You may not consider your SELF the owner of these soul fragments... I feel your pain. I might even have answers, but the reliance on intuition (and religious/private sources) rises to such absurd levels... It's interesting, Forum Death Quest gave me a lot of answers I didn't expect in the least. I inadvertently took a model of in-game death, brought it to the forum, and said "try to make this unpleasant"... And even just the first part of that made council squirm, yet IGD doesn't. Need to think more about the differences. There is something to be said for crossover impact of calling it death and not "exorcism" or the like. In the past heat was I believe called xp and that caused fantastical problems on the forum. Included in connection with my comment about forum death.
  22. Accurate, relevant metaphor for resource depletion. Why Rumi singles out No One and refers to other depleters as "your companions" is beyond me, since the simpler alternative is to say "Depleters have overgrazed...". That is, unless it's a set-up for what follows. Continuing. This clause should not be separated from the previous one, as doing so creates ambiguity regarding the antecedent, unless the intention is to create an undertoned meaning that the sentence is directed specifically at No One. also garners support from the lack of any in-game comparative to "milk or meat" -- thus it cannot be just an extended metaphor for No One's action, it is a metaphor for No One. (Unless Rumi is saying that No One's company doesn't make tea and cake and that they should make more tea and cake, in which case I utterly agree.) EDIT: Because I suck at using quote tags
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