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John Constantine

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  1. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Burns in What would you do?   
    Re-do the stats and tokens system from scratch and set tight limits on stats.

    Because i feel that we've gone too far from 'good strategy beats high stats', and i want that back.
  2. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in What would you do?   
    [quote name='Peace' timestamp='1354798146' post='127661']
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Remove killing items.[/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Why? Because killing is the easiest thing, reviving is not. It takes one person and 5 seconds to kill someone, it requires much more poeple and much more time to revive them. And people do not kill for good reasons (roleplay references), only because they do not like someone or because they are irritated for said person.[/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#008000]Instead, [b]add more reviving items.[/b][/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#008000]Keep them the same amount of killing items, and make it as easy. It would make roleplay SO much more fun. [/color][/font]
  3. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Peace in What would you do?   
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Remove killing items.[/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive]Why? Because killing is the easiest thing, reviving is not. It takes one person and 5 seconds to kill someone, it requires much more poeple and much more time to revive them. And people do not kill for good reasons (roleplay references), only because they do not like someone or because they are irritated for said person.[/font]
  4. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Nimrodel in What would you do?   
    Change skill damage to be effective only on defence.
    Why? Would be a huge plus for fighters.
  5. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Chewett in What would you do?   
    One post per person, One main idea per post.

    You say what one big change you would do. If people like the idea you or they go and make a new topic on that idea and it gets discussed. Any flaming on this topic or derivatives such as described above will be removed.

    Why? Because we are the community and we can do whatever we want.


    Get more council members/make them more active and get more coders/make them more active.


    Currently any changes that need to be done need to be coded, Clearly citizenship took a long time to program, and this was a major block on all other developments. If we had more people doing this thing then logically it would be faster, things would be fixed faster ect ect.

    Council seems to slowish to do things, and community is always demanding stuff. Solution? more councillors and/or better ones. I think its time for a council reshuffle. Assuming that council works like a council (who would think that???) then logically they have a "head" or something. Why dont we appoint BFH as that head (being an active authoriative person) who would then be able to talk to people better. They wouldnt be entirely to blame since since they would mete out things however it would still be council based. Ofc if they were to blame they could still publically go "oh well i said no but the hidden council members all said yes so..." which would alleviate some pain. The whole point of me thinking its still good to keep some members hidden was Murs reasons, which i guess very few actually know because no one actually reads wtf he says and just goes "oh he is mur, he is magical, oh wow..."
  6. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Jubaris in What would you do?   
    Kill all MD characters. Let them register one more time. Kill them again.
  7. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Seigheart in Voting Decision by Council   
    I'd like a clarification by Council on why ZenTao lost the election. We voted, more people chose her over LS. Why is it that LS won?

    What was the point of voting if they had already decided that LS would win?
  8. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Voting Decision by Council   
    [quote][color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 2428 - [2012-11-24 22:36:27 - Stage 11][/color]
    Fang Archbane resigned from the Treasure Keepers' leader position. Since he was still in his probationary period, he isn't granted the right to choose his successor. This means that there is a new job opening. Please open a new forum thread where the interested players can apply. Time period for submissions: 3 days from this announcement. Once the 3 days have passed, we will ask the community to vote for who they want, or think is most suited as Treasure Keepers leader. [color=#ff0000][u][size=5]We hold the right for veto[/size][/u][/color].[/quote]
  9. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Seigheart in Voting Decision by Council   
    Uhhh, I dont know if I wasnt clear or not, but I thought I was....

    I wanted to know, in more detail, their reason for picking LS, when the public made it clear they thought Zen would make a better leader.

    It basically comes to my belief that it was a personal choice for the Council, because of who is on it, that influenced the choice, not an unbiased choice.
  10. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Liberty4life in Voting Decision by Council   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1354756098' post='127549']
    when the public made it clear they thought Zen would make a better leader

    who did you come to that conclusion? by counting votes or?

    have you never saw md elections? each vote is valued on persons veterancy (minor value) and reasoning/opinions (major value)

    if you arent part of council how can you know exact outcome of above? can you weight reasons each person stated in same maner council does? i highly doubt it
  11. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to BFH in Voting Decision by Council   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1354756098' post='127549']
    Uhhh, I dont know if I wasnt clear or not, but I thought I was....

    I wanted to know, in more detail, their reason for picking LS, when the public made it clear they thought Zen would make a better leader.

    It basically comes to my belief that it was a personal choice for the Council, because of who is on it, that influenced the choice, not an unbiased choice.

    Which is the reason of why council should remain as a secret unknown group.

    You are old in this game Seigh, you better know that a good explained vote counts even more than vets votes sometimes.

    Yes, council can or not explain in what they based their selection, even if they already did so in a general manner, but that won;t change a thing. Zen already accepted council's decision and I value that a Lot, as it shows the kind of person she is. Now, the real question is why you haven't accepted it?

    Now, as council announced I hope seeing Zen involved. Now that she knows she have the support of many people there is not any reason to not adventuring and actually do something that can impact MD in a positive way.
  12. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Mallos in Voting Decision by Council   
    [quote name='BFH' timestamp='1354757848' post='127554']
    Which is the reason of why council should remain as a secret unknown group[/quote]

    In my opinion, that would only make it easier to make such personal decisions.

    I'm not saying they do or not.
  13. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to BFH in Voting Decision by Council   
    [quote name='Falronn' timestamp='1354760226' post='127557']
    In my opinion, that would only make it easier to make such personal decisions.

    I'm not saying they do or not.

    Them been know will make them useless. Without any kind of respect from players that could be considered friends.

    Not knowing who the council members are some here are debating is they picked *Lightsage* for personal matters... Imagine if we knew them.

    Council is a group Seigh, they take decisions in consensus, it is hard to just take it personal
  14. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Seigheart in Voting Decision by Council   
    Why do you assume I am not "accepting it"?

    I quit the TKs because I stopped caring about it enough. I really don't care what happens to it now, I just don't get the Council's decision to completely override the majority of those who voted's opinion.

    The problem with the Council being so called "anonymous" is that there is no one to check to make sure they are being partial and unbiased.

    I know that MD elections are based on more than votes, but I want to see what they scored each vote by, and their own judging values, because, frankly, I don't believe that they even paid attention to it. LS won when he put his name forth because of all the... wait, what has LS done for MD besides been a professional AFKer in MD for the past year?

    I don't trust the Council to be unbiased and partial. NOTHING in my entire experience with them has shown them to be just that.
  15. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Pipstickz in Voting Decision by Council   
    [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1354768150' post='127561']
    Why do you assume I am not "accepting it"?

    I quit the TKs because I stopped caring about it enough. I really don't care what happens to it now, I just don't get the Council's decision to completely override the majority of those who voted's opinion.

    The problem with the Council being so called "anonymous" is that there is no one to check to make sure they are being partial and unbiased.

    I know that MD elections are based on more than votes, but I want to see what they scored each vote by, and their own judging values, because, frankly, I don't believe that they even paid attention to it. LS won when he put his name forth because of all the... wait, what has LS done for MD besides been a professional AFKer in MD for the past year?

    I don't trust the Council to be unbiased and partial. NOTHING in my entire experience with them has shown them to be just that.
    So what exactly could they tell you that would make you believe that their decision was fair? They could lay out all their reasoning and logic on a silver platter and you'd still have no reason to believe that was the reasoning they actually used for the decision. Sure, the Council is stupid, but good luck challenging their decision. It's made, get over it. Lightsage will do a fine job.
  16. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to DARK DEMON in Voting Decision by Council   
    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#008000]Isn't Council supposed to be bound by public opinion? [/color][/font]

    [font=comic sans ms,cursive][color=#008000]Public opinion in definition is what the Community thinks "out loud". The majority of the Community thinks that Zen should have been TK leader. Hence, my first statement in this post.[/color][/font]
  17. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Explanation for Fang's jailing   
    [quote name='VertuHonagan' timestamp='1354708018' post='127478']
    You realize that using the double negatives you just told him to call you xyz, correct?

    Anyways I think this topic is getting way out of hand and has just become a bicker fest. Can someone please close this now?

    Thank you for the grammar lesson. When you'll be speaking Romanian as good (or in your opinion as bad) as I speak English then have the nerve to correct me.
  18. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to VertuHonagan in Explanation for Fang's jailing   
    [quote name='dst' timestamp='1354620623' post='127354']
    My name is not xyz so i advise you not to call me otherwise.

    You realize that using the double negatives you just told him to call you xyz, correct?

    Anyways I think this topic is getting way out of hand and has just become a bicker fest. Can someone please close this now?
  19. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to Fang Archbane in Explanation for Fang's jailing   

    Well then.

    My sincerest apologies.
  20. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Explanation for Fang's jailing   
    My name is not xyz so i advise you not to call me otherwise.
  21. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Fang Archbane in Explanation for Fang's jailing   
    Well then. That White Widow was a little better than i thought. I told you my memory is failing me as of late. Now the only question i have left unanswered, is why did i wake up in berserkers way if i wasnt dragged?...

    Hrm. Interesting. Thank you for the concrete number XYZ. Have fun disturbing the peace, or whatever else it is that you may do when im not wasting my breath talking to you.
  22. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Fang Archbane in Explanation for Fang's jailing   
    Ive escaped four in total.

    Ive escaped twice or thrice (memory fails me as of late) in this latest jailing alone.

    I say that, because i wake up in the randomest places.

    Yesterday was the Weaponsmiths, the day before was Berserkers way, and today was Berserkers Puzzle.

    Is that okay with you XYZ? Is my explanation good enough for you?
  23. Downvote
    John Constantine reacted to Fang Archbane in Explanation for Fang's jailing   
    I have not sent Ledah a message regarding to the Leash, because Ledah (my in game brother) had stopped replying to my messages long before this happened.

    And no, i didnt have to tell Grido, or anyone else for that matter, mainly for the reason that about 5 minutes after i was taken out, i was put back in.

    But that is ok. I was able to transfer what i wanted to before i got stuck back in. Seems Lady Luck liked me today. If only for a second or two.
  24. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to dst in Explanation for Fang's jailing   
    But you said you escaped 4 times. Now you say only once? Make up your mind.
  25. Upvote
    John Constantine reacted to acage in Hellos   
    =] thanks for replying. o.O don't know how to use spells so its quite alright ^.^. puns are fun though...
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