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Hedge Munos

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Everything posted by Hedge Munos

  1. This is...curious. Have you even tried to talk to Grido in person, discuss your...accusations...with him? If so, I relinquish my harshness, if not, I ask that you do, if you both wish to. And, is this not bashing a player, indirectly? Hedge
  2. Bump.
  3. Alrighty, thanks. The sale goes on...
  4. I believe dst wants it, according to her voters. Ah, well.
  5. Hello. I've been looking through avatars, because I enjoy the history of them. I purchased a shroom-like avy, and though I like it a lot, it doesn't have anything to do with my character, so I'm selling it. I'll accept whatever you have to offer for it, coins, credits, creatures, items...I don't really care. It is an auction, and I'll run it for a few days, perhaps longer, so no specific ending date yet. Here's the avatar: [url="http://storenow.net/my/?f=3271%20"]http://storenow.net/my/?f=3271 [/url] (There's a link because I couldn't get the image to work properly) This is the history I have on it, received from someone else... The last twelfth generation avatar, artist unknown but most likely BlackThorn. There is little more I can tell you about this, as it is not in my records anywhere, and therefore was most likely grabbed by someone who went inactive almost straight after. Auction open now ----------------------- Hedge
  6. Definitely Grido.
  7. I have found the avatar in the shop. Thank you for helping, Shem. Please close the thread.
  8. Adding on to this topic, hope no one minds, but, when you have 2 avatars in your vault (plus your current avy), do you need to continue this process to obtain a fourth? Hedge
  9. Hello, I've lost an avatar that I uploaded. I changed it out, because I'm going through the credit shop, and I didn't know I'd lose it, I assumed it would be stored in my vault. It's a man holding a walking stick, magnifying glass, and a piece of paper, wearing a fedora, and a trench coat. If you see it, please purchase it, and I will repay you with coins. Thank you, Hedge (I just noticed the warning on the shop...I apologize for my ignorance.)
  10. I have 178 AD and would like to apply...I know that's under 200, but I've been with MD longer...on another account. Probably not an exception, but I thought I'd ask. Hedge
  11. All of the entries are wonderful, it was a difficult decision. I've decided that first place goes to living_puppet, and second to Phantom Orchid. However, I've decided to give all other entrants 1 silver coin each, for participation and quality of entries. Please message me and let me know when you are around so I may reward you. Thank you all! Hedge UPDATE: Grido, Living Puppet, Fyrd Argentus, Phantom Orchid, Tipu -- Have been rewarded
  12. 4 Silver for one
  13. Yes, I'm still selling them. C'mon, Mur said aged creatures might be of more value soon.
  14. I donate 5 silver to the Community Garden, looking for Rumi... Hedge
  15. 4gc for the morph, if it's tradeable.
  16. Is it strictly waitresses? What of waiters?
  17. Due to the lack of voting, I will judge the two winners. I appreciate all competitors and it's been interesting reading your responses. For any more entries, I give you 24hrs to post them here. If by then, there are no new entries, I will declare the winners. Thank you for your participation, Hedge
  18. Shade: 3 gold 17 silver - Which rounds up to 4 gold, 2 silver
  19. Updated. Thank you Soothing Sands, The Warrior, and Pothos.
  20. Bump. Entries are still accepted!
  21. Need atleast two more entries.
  22. Bid withdrawn - Not understanding the rules of this auction.
  23. Wonderful entries! Looking for a few more! Need voters! Thank you all for your participation! Hedge
  24. Hedge Munos


    I'm going to call Granos 'Beans' now.
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