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Everything posted by dst

  1. That's what you get from meeting MDers . Especially old ones
  2. [quote]Be a Creature You have to disguise yourself in a MD creature, and post a picture for the contest. Make it look as funny/cool as possible! It will be enormous fun to see all your pictures with you trying to look like one of the creatures . Remember, it has to be your photo, not one taken from the net and altered. You should not modify the picture after taking it. Rewards? fat credits packs, wp codes and full tokened creatures (_ALL_ tokens on one creature). [/quote] Let's make this a clean topic. Only pics allowed. If you feel the need to comment please open a new topic (or I will open one if you are too lazy). Let's keep this one only for pics. Mur: create the pic FOR md. I am talking about a good impersonation not a general pic that "could be" interpreted as a creature.
  3. dst

    Who Is Right?

    So...me and Grido had an argument today about who is right (in general). We did not reach a conclusion so we submit the question for voting. Who is ALWAYS right? Me or Grido Come and vote!
  4. dst


    No tokens? I'm in!
  5. Hope I will get to see them first and to censor the ones I don't like
  6. It is today.
  7. Fine by me. I'm using the subway anyways...
  8. Sure fenrir. Fight me without tokens. If you dare.
  9. Who's the 4th member? Also why is a council needed when you say this at the end: [quote]However, the final decision will be the Queen’s, even if it goes against the council.[/quote]
  10. [quote]Princ cannot letgo of some things in the past [/quote] Meaning?
  11. Err...did I say that? I doubt. I said I WISH there were some special achievements. But I did not say they are implemented or that they are not publicly activated. Cause I have no knowledge of such things.
  12. dst

    Bob Lovers

    One more cannot hurt
  13. *cough* hitwoman *cough*
  14. So....in case you win basically MB will have 2 kings?
  15. dst

    Forum Alts

    @Fenrir: what?
  16. Bribe them to join? Ha! Maybe they should bribe you to be accepted! As for paying for dark deeds *grins*...just come with a GG drach CTC. Or some WPs .
  17. One question: who is going to oppose you? You're the only candidate for MB so...
  18. As I said: I am closing the vote. As you can all see/count the winner is player L. Congratz! And this is the mapping of the players: A=Burns B=Juntaozhu15 C=AqlBeast D=Phantom Orchid E=Kamisha F=Shadowseeker G=Death bell H=Rhaegar Targaryen J=Lifeline K=asryn L=Observer M=Udgard N=No one O=eigger Pipstickz and tanksfan were dq for sending only the questions.
  19. It's not about trust. It's about the fun they provide . Lib's arguments are delicious
  20. Hmmm...I am a bit disappointed. I was expecting more to vote but it seems that if they have nothing to gain (but they are asked just for a bit of work and a little of their time) they will not do it. I will extend the voting period till tomorrow at noon. Then I will close it and reveal the players mapping.
  21. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' date='13 October 2009 - 05:36 AM' timestamp='1255401394' post='44536'] I believe a more specific approach is needed for this. Perhaps players with less than 50 age and no creatures that have been traded? [/quote] And how are you going to test the creatures' thingy? I can check for age but not for what/if crits have been traded.
  22. First of all mods are not hasty. I, myself, I think I warned maybe 5 players in 18 months. Second:if one player activates for 7 years and he continues to get warnings then he hasn't learned anything and deserves a ban.
  23. You...lazy lazy lazy boys! You're young! Go there and work! Don't ask for things like that even if I admit...the message is pretty cool
  24. Any chance? I am 100% sure he was.
  25. It just crossed my mind...have any of you thought that maybe Mur DOESN'T want to do it? Maybe he has his reasons not to (I would certainly not be surprised of this giving his way of thinking).
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