@Fenrir - I will not quote your entire post but i will respond using also parts of your rant:
Being ally leader is power. If you haven't understood this by now then you don't deserve to call yourself a MD player.You can make a role for yourself without being an ally leader. And this is something you already did.
There are 2 kinds of villains: the "nice" one and the ones that you truly dislike. You chose the second option and now you complain that players call you names. It's called reputation and once broken it's hard to repair it. You tried being nice and stuff but you cannot resist. After a while, one way or another, you hit the puddle with a stick. So you go back to 0 (or sometimes even lower).
You want powers? You have the option to get them yourself. But you don't like to work. You prefer to receive things. That tells me a lot about you.
You say half of MD quests are either stupid or extremely hard. If you wish so much to have powers and skills then do the stupid quests ( i presume they do not enter the hard category), win the wps and buy what you need. As a personal note and as an example: I hate quests like the one you have so it's a matter of taste. That being said I cannot trust your judgment when it comes to quests rating. The only judgment I can trust is my own.
You say that most of us interpret what you say as purposely harmful. You're wrong. I personally take most of what you say as stupid. And I bet I am not the only one.
You say that "If I spoke it, in the exact same way, you would get a completely different meaning, because in this "world" you all live in, there are no expressions, nor sounds to convey meaning." I agree with you in one direction: yes, it's a an expressionless, soundless world BUT this is the challenge: make people understand you, make players understand what you mean, find a way to communicate all those things that lack. If others can do it I am sure you can also.
The way you are in RL (or what you do) has absolutely no relevance in MD. You could be president of US. I don't care. If you step on my tail be sure I will slap you.
"Imagine me smiling when I say it if you have to" - oh but I do imagine you smile. I imagine a big grin on your face . Why? Because of your reputation. It follows you all around. Sometimes it precedes you . I cannot stop thinking that you're playing the good guy role just to gain things. Sue me but this is my impression.
And a person does not have to flip out to show he/she angry, mad etc. I for example smile when I am mad or angry. I can even laugh.
"All of your perceptions of me is skewered" this are your words against our perceptions AND your deeds. I guess the other side (me and your deeds) are stronger
Hope I covered all the subjects I wanted to.
Have a good day