I the only not friendly to environment in here? Or the only one admitting it?
Also: eco friendly guys say:save water, use less chemicals(like soaps, shampoos, detergents bla bla). I cannot save water! And I cannot stop using soaps, shampoos and other nice things.
Save energy! Well...I would if all my appliances would work with sun power. Or if they would install devices that store sun power and then use it for supplying appliances. Or at least if they would offer a subvention for it cause here they are quite expensive...
What about poor countries? Let's say I do all those eco friendly stuff cause it is supposed that I live in a civilized country and I have the methods and money and proper education. Or we have to keep the balance? We must be enough eco-friendly to counter the eco-phobics from other regions of the globe where they have other, bigger problems then environmental....?
Ok, I will stop cause I am starting to write non-sense...
LE: @Esme: We are SUPPOSED to be civilized...