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Everything posted by dst

  1. dst


    Then it set: send them to GG
  2. Well...we can try and adapt if things are not going as planned.
  3. dst

    First step

  4. Hmm...let's see (my personal view on the matter): -I don't agree with the auction (it's probably the form that can be abused the most) -100 consecutive days...that could work. I know there are lot of avis out there that are lost. Also I agree that legendary players should keep their avis but hey! how many players are there? 10? 20? 30? (I stick to 10 so you can adjust that manually for the moment. -I am not saying: put back the avi for free. No! But the amount of credits received should be equal to the one paid (like a refund). Or maybe 1$ more to "reward" the gesture. - Avis as tradable goods? Look at my scenario: I have 10$ and 10 accounts: I buy avis one by one and transfer them to alts (you can't do it easier then this: you almost always have money on your main). Then trade them for whatever I dream during the night So...probably the only 2 ideas that stand are the one with the avis from old characters and the "return to the roots" aka shop (for a symbolic fee).
  5. Credits you say? Make that more like credit cause I already see a possible exploit . And probably the shop will be the best idea. Why? Because of this: I am online when you put up the avis. I buy several on different alts then I use them as trading material (unless....you want to turn avis into currency).
  6. A noob has nothing to lose. If (s)he doesn't like the game or gets killed over and over and over again (s)he leaves. But a veteran (I consider a veteran someone who has more than 50 active days) who has seen how things are and who achieved something (even entering LR as mp3) will want more and will not be willing to let things go. That's when that person becomes a coward . I have seen players accepting to be bullied by an RPC (yes, RPC) just to stay in an alliance or just cause (s)he was afraid of what the RPC might do to her/him.
  7. Oh Glor :cray: . I could not draw to save my life. I was asking Mur what he prefers cause he said "if you wait too much others may send first". I know there is a hunger for avatars (even I want to get ride of the stinkin' clown) but I prefer quality over quantity. One more thing: it was brought before but I think it should be reminded: what if someone wants not to have an avatar anymore? I have an account (and the majority knows it) with an avatar. It's a shame to keep an avatar on an alt. I would consider donate it (or even put it back in the shop) for someone else to enjoy it. ps: I failed I cannot do what it was written here (in the ps) some time ago
  8. LE: Disclaimer: What is started as an answer to Logan ended up in a series of things I had to say and it seems that I just found the opportunity. Again: sorry for the off-topic that will occur after a paragraph or 2. [quote name='Logan Marquis' post='34038' date='Jun 20 2009, 07:41 AM']You [...] have players, RPCs especially, who are leaving.[/quote] I will respond to this (the other issue is not really my business and what I think is irrelevant). RPCs leaving? Of course they are! Everything has a start and an end. It's normal behavior. Most of the RPCs that left are the old ones. The game has its limits and after you play for a while you reach a point where you have nothing left to do, especially if you are an RPC. Being an RPC is the highest position a player can get. And after that what? I'll tell you: nothing. You have great responsibilities and a lot of the fun is lost. It becomes a burden and you lose interest. I don't think I need to throw in some examples cause we all know them. So I expect especially RPCs to leave. And that is really not a bad thing. I may say that it is the best thing possible. New players come, new ideas are born, fun begins. Players leaving? Of course they are. This is one of the hardest games I ever played (and I am constantly playing something since I was 15). And you don't need every single player to stay. We need filters. Until few weeks back I played an online adventure. It was fun, thrilling but I quit. One of the reasons was that the players sucked (ok, maybe I was used to the players in MD and after a while you do have some expectations). I don't even want to remember the mountains of stupidity I encountered there... Only the good players stay (or the ones that are stubborn enough ). Mur had a stoke of genius (no! I''m not a** kissing - he has his flaws so don't you get started!) when he made those filters. At one point he lowered the difficulty. We got more players but... Also, scandals like this (and others - only I have a couple in my portfolio) are to be expected. I am not surprised. Players with big egos haunt the realm and eventually they collide. Unfortunately the world is not big enough...yet . And the hunger for power is another big factor (hey! I generalize here so again: don't anyone get started!). The more someone has the more it wants. And that someone doesn't want to let it go ( I like to believe that it's not the case where the player doesn't know when to stop). I am sorry to say but even if MD is played by a lot of smart players, 90% of them are cowards. They are afraid to speak their minds or takes sides cause of the fear that they might lose what they have or what they might get. Stop hiding your heads in the sand and speak! You're willing to "do pretty" for a drachorn or a RPC job? If that's so then I must reconsider my opinion about you. What is the worst thing that can happen? Mur bans you (although I have no knowledge of him doing so without the most strongest of the proofs; hell! I caused enough trouble for him to ban me 10 times -and I intend to cause more but that is another story - but he didn't; it's better to treat the source of the disease -no! I am not considering myself one! - then to treat the symptoms ).So? The world doesn't end. I know at one point the game gets really addictive but every vice has a cure. Even if that cure is another vice. MD is a small community so we ended up knowing each other pretty well. Of course you make friends and enemies(he he..this is my specialty). Of course that there will be fights (no! not the ones using the crits even if sometime those fights are used to punish players or just to harm them). Of course there will be players that get pissed and leave. But as I said: that's the normal flow. You cannot get stuck with a GAME (cause in the end this is what it is) forever unless...you are the creator . I heard so many times that public fights are not good for the new players. I agree but how do you want to handle a conflict without being accused of hiding evidences and bla bla (you all know what I am talking about). Maybe doing the laundry in public (does this expression exists in English?[color="purple"]*[/color] ) is not the prettiest sight but it would be the best IF (hmmm...I'm starting to repeat myself) you drop your cowardliness and TALK! (ok, write cause it's kind of hard to talk on a forum or in game). Well...it seems I started with something and I ended up saying completely different things so...sorry for the off topic but once I hot started it was hard to stop. Also I wanted to say many of those things long ago but I did not have the chance and again...no need for another "drama" cause it seems certain players are "sensible" to drama (and I mean it when I say players cause there are several). [color="purple"]*expression does exist in English - Grido[/color]
  9. I have my share of retarded people every single day...I don't think i want to also read about them.
  10. [quote name='Esmerelda' post='34005' date='Jun 20 2009, 12:35 AM']Wow dst! You are so optimistic![/quote] Yes, I am Want to read more examples of my natural optimism? ps: you might want to change the name of the topic though into something like: Esmeralda is bored...or I don't know...something that will not make me think at IAB cause i get kind of angry...
  11. [quote name='King Manu' post='33995' date='Jun 20 2009, 12:10 AM']if you wait too much others may send first.[/quote] Do you want quantity or quality?
  12. [quote name='Esmerelda' post='33981' date='Jun 19 2009, 11:20 PM']no he wont dst. I added sugar free artificial sweetner in the cake, the chocolate is dark and there is hardly any vanilla ice cream in that.[/quote] Then he will get cancer for all those chemicals in the cake. I told you the cake is a lie!
  13. dst


    Get out from my topic with the spam!
  14. Grido! You'll get fat!
  15. dst


    I received several requests from mp3s to provide them crits like angiens or crits from necro. I am mean so I just delete the PMs (In the last one I was called "sir" O_O. I am a lady for friggin' sake! ). What do you do? Provide them or not? Should we help them based on the game's concept: help the noobs cause they are the future?
  16. I did not post to win. I did it to warn the others that the cake is a lie! Ps: I rarely eat chocolate
  17. The cake is a lie! Don't do it! Don't make her laugh cause she tries to trick you.
  18. Talking of strange coincidences: I read some posts here about Wheel of Time. Few weeks ago I go visit my parents and I look at what my mother was currently reading: surprise surprise! First book of WoT (and even strange is that we bough the books together -meaning I was with her in the library- but I never paid attention to what she actually bought (no idea why..) And now I read WoT (don't remember the name of the first book and I am too lazy to go look)
  19. Yay! Pictures! He he...I need to check all the printers from work see which one is functioning
  20. A bit off topic: O_O I just saw the "No topic" option for me . Thank you! I feel really special right now. Ontopic: I tried to follow the discussion last night: man it was hard! Everybody was throwing ideas in. Questions, answers etc etc. If you miss the beginning you are kind of doomed. So what I suggest is to organize things a bit. How? No idea! (or I have some but I am kind of lazy right now). Also if the lectures would be held more often maybe the need to "speak" for 9 hours would go down a bit. My 1 buck...
  21. [quote name='Fenrir Greycloth' post='33796' date='Jun 18 2009, 12:19 PM']Why don't you want to have a lecture?[/quote] Who said I don't?
  22. Err...there is a small issue with the poll. Even if you want to choose "No" for the first question you are obliged to choose also one of the topics for the second one. So please add an option with "No principles/I am not intereste/etc". Yeah...from time to time my bug researcher's skills kick in
  23. dst


    My name? Guess! ps: the ones that know the real meaning please refrain yourselves
  24. [quote name='Willem RedBeard' post='33732' date='Jun 17 2009, 11:57 PM']I didn't even know it had BlueTooth! [/quote] Grin in the mirror more often....
  25. Damn! Damn! Damn! I had some work to do and I was too lazy to do it! No one will kill me! Good bye cruel world... it was fun while lasted...
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