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Everything posted by dst

  1. I can lend you mines. I almost never use them
  2. dst

    status updates

    I think I would like that. It would be fun. But I don't know if it will bring any good....anyways...the webcam is fun but useless so why not this?
  3. I am looking forward for the battles when the luck will kick in. That should be spectacular.
  4. And look what a cute lil' rusty can hit (in a 6 crits rit so not as its full potential): dst's lucky left foot does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of XXX and: - hits haoticaly and does 56876 damage to Walking Tree creature DIES! Errr...LE: dst's lucky left foot does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of flangilaportium and: - hits haoticaly and does 30560 damage to Elemental V creature DIES! - [u]hits haoticaly and does 82582 damage to Grasan Huvourer creature DIES![/u] - hits haoticaly and does 27970 damage to Walking Tree creature DIES! - hits haoticaly and does 24123 damage to Dark Archer III creature DIES! - hits haoticaly and does 27696 damage to Knator War Master creature DIES! - hits haoticaly and does 24524 damage to BloodPact Dark Archer II creature DIES!
  5. Oh yes! Let the mayhem begin! Blood will be spilled, limbs will be pulled! Raaaawrrrrr!
  6. And the change is here. I am so curious how it will work... From the first test it looks good ^^.
  7. Hmm..look what a nice little heretic archer can do dst's Heretic Archer does damage to random creature(s) of Big B and: - Water Daimon I receives 18164 damage creature DIES!
  8. I will throw my 3 cents as a neutral observer: Loreroot doesn't work mainly because there are too many players hungry for power. Raven, BlackThorn were the ones that started this (sorry but this is my opinion). Starting with the incident from several weeks ago everything fell apart. That was just the drop that filled the glass (which made me think there were some issues inside LR for a long time). LR has too many big egos and that caused its fall. Also the secretive way of doing things made everyone look at LR suspiciously. The idea with the council seems to be bad. Why? Simply because it doesn't work. You wanted to be a "democratic" society but there is no real democracy (mainly in MD) so the failure was imminent. I agree that you wanted to do things in a different manner but this "experiment" cost LR too much. You ask for a solution? Frankly I don't see one. You are already compromised (again, this is my point of view). Maybe all you can do is try not to make more mistakes. Too many eyes are upon you and that kind of pressure will not make your life easier. In time things will probably change but if you are looking for an immediate solution...I personally do not see one. I wish you all the best and all the strength in the word to overcome this "bad" situation you are currently facing.
  9. I don't want to see new auras/crits. I want the ones already implemented to actually WORK!
  10. Hmm..I think I got carried a way a bit.I started replying to your post then I remember about the others who are pro RP-ing and I started ranting. To summarize: 1)The idea is not bad BUT it is unrealistic. Several times Mur reset the win/lose counter with the same effect: after a while almost everybody was unbalanced. Why? 2 reasons: -players like me use this exploit for their own benefit (I always said it and I always will) -weak/new players that gain loses because of players who train using them It's a vicious circle. 2)Everybody says this is a role playing game. And stat grinders (which after all are the ones with the most fighting knowledge) are seen as a disease and everybody wants them out. Isn't this a hypocritical situation? You ( i mean in general not you Will) hate us but then you ask us to share knowledge. Why should I do it? Why would I bother teaching players how to fight? Or even put up a good rit to make them search for a counter (which also means teaching)? I am done teaching since I am sick of players asking me things in PMs or even in chat and then saying that I should leave the game since I am a stat grinder and this is a RP game. So my message is: I will NOT support this initiative. Moreover, probably when I will start stat farming again I will not care (like I never do ) who I am attacking and since 99% of the time I win and when I fight I really fight (like 200-300 fights in one day) imagine in a week how many loses someone will gather (if they remain idle even if they have strong rits). And imagine that I am not the only one doing this. As long as there will be few who will not care about the balance what you want to implement will not be possible. Maybe I will attack someone just to screw his/her balance. Why? Cause I can Le: Will, I hope you are not taking this personally. I am combating an idea not a person If I sound a bit harsh is merely because this is the way I think and write. I don't really like the soft and diplomatic way of debating
  11. Nice idea but unrealistic. As long as I have more advantages from the unbalance thingy I will never get my balance straight. Several methods of countering those "advantages" have been proposed but none implemented. I don't even know if they were ever considered as an idea. So why bother? Just to teach noobs how they can win a battle with max 500 ve on all 6 crits? Why? As some of the players say:this is a ROLE playing game. So why bothering teaching someone how to fight? Everyone "predicts" the decline of stat grinders. Well...in this case I will take the info with me . I am too selfish to share it. If everyone wants to know something then that one should experiment (or ask others). You are ranting so much and hard about stat grinders but when it comes to HC or when you want to know how to defeat a certain ritual who do you turn to? The role players? Ha! Give me a break! You ask one of the grinders. Why? Cause we have the knowledge. It's easy to put some sentences between 2 stars and pretend that you are RP-ing but to actually read a battle log it's not that easy to do. So spear me about honor and learning how to fight and all the bla bla. Get back to stars and blue writing and all that stuff you do for RP. This IS a RPG, isn't it? Also for the last 2 weeks I think (maybe more) I have pretty tough defenses up. And guess what? Except eigger who wants to prove everyone that he can defeat me, nobody attacks. Or if they do, they attack to check my rit (if it is trees or not). As for the forest it was I who made the first rit with 6 trees (yeah I am bragging about it) although the idea belongs to No one who saw the outstanding potential those trees have. And as some of you know, No one brought the trees rit to a new level. I am waiting to see who will be the first to copy that also.
  12. Old bug that has been reported several times before. Topic closed. Oh..and next time PLEASE use the search button. Thank you.
  13. Yes, Marv uses tokens. I don't. I wonder what will happen when I will decide it's time for me to buy some tokens...
  14. A sens of accomplishment
  15. I am still better then you: see post no.183
  16. dst

    First step

    I need at least 6 players so in case I will not have enough I will postpone it until we have at least 6. The date will be announced few days before so everyone will have time to prepare.
  17. [quote name='Willem RedBeard' post='31041' date='May 14 2009, 09:12 AM']The one kind of training I haven't seen yet is training that focuses on learning new rituals and experimenting with what works best in different situations. Of course I found that I learned this quickly through training with the so-called stat grinders, but if there were a location that served that niche, I could see that has having some benefit.[/quote] Stat grinders are seen as a low level individuals in MD "society" . Haven't you learned by now that this is a RP game? So no frigging way that kind of "dojo" will be set. Also to be perfectly honest I for example would never attend such a place. I haven't used the dojo and I used the TG only occasionally ( for me GOE and former meeting place Willow's Shop worked the best).
  18. I was about to ask the same thing: WHAT did it go wrong? WHAT did you test? Also why do you want another training ground? And if you want a training ground why not use the rules the MRs use? And if you do not want a MR-like training ground what type do you want?
  19. As I said it applied for ve, vp, stats (there is a limit but it is too high to actually touch it). I used the xp example cause that is the one I tested. And yes, you can catch up as mp5. As for your statement with "I don't care about xp.." you will learn that xp is very important . Wait until mp5
  20. Yap. That's the exact value.
  21. It's not the exact value. The exact value is slightly bigger (although not 5 billions). It's a type of data but i cannot remember which and I am too lazy to look it up on google (hope I am not mistaken).
  22. Mp3s have limitations. You cannot get infinite VP as mp3. For mp5s things are different. In theory you can advance to infinite . In practice there is a limit set by the system. For example you cannot have more than 4 billion xp on a crit. And if you have let's say 3 crits with that xp your total xp will still be 4 billion. So I assume this is the limit. But no worries: without a major cheat or something there is no way to get to that value (Ve, VP or stats). This...in case you were asking about those. If you are asking about RP...then the system has no limits
  23. dst

    First step

    Thank you Udgard. And no, no WP (I am against it as well) but a spell page would definitely be very much appreciated.
  24. dst

    First step

    I know that few mp3s actually read the forum. That's why I will spamm a bit the new players' areas. This topic provides them more info since I cannot say all that in chat I didn't say that you new chars are not allowed. I just said that it is intended for new players . Additional challenge for the winner? Like what? As I said: I am opened to suggestions
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