A nice battle log:
Load dst creatures
Load creatures
Influences for dst: creatureboost, antifreeze, freeze, levelscare ######
Influences for : creatureboost, antifreeze, freeze, levelscare, creatureboost, antifreeze, antifreeze, antifreeze ######
COMBO: Adding 640 combo vitality bonus for this ritual
Applying 100% of dst's energetic influence
Applying 100% of energetic influence
dst's lucky left foot does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of and:
- hits haoticaly and does 10507 damage to creature DIES!
- hits haoticaly and does 3447 damage to creature DIES!
- hits haoticaly and does 4537 damage to creature DIES!
- hits haoticaly and does 7077 damage to creature DIES!
- hits haoticaly and does 4762 damage to and remains with 688 vitality
[color="#FF0000"] - hits haoticaly and does 11912 damage to creature DIES![/color]
does damage to all creature(s) of dst and:
- lucky left foot receives 459 damage and remains with 48834 vitality
###### START ROUND 1 ######
dst's lucky left foot does haoticdamage to all creature(s) of and:
- hits haoticaly and does 2636 damage to creature DIES!
###### START ROUND 2 ######
dst's lucky left foot cant find any enemy creatures to target, skipping turn
... dst WINS!