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Everything posted by dst

  1. dst

    Demo Account

    I consider Demo Account the dst(or Eden although he is tough but he doesn't kill you all ...which I do) of mp3. And in the light of current events....good luck in dst'ing me.
  2. dst

    Demo Account

    But Demo is a public user...it's not your private account...Yeah...I'm being the devil's advocate.
  3. dst

    Demo Account

    No...it's not. He is good because you can fight a really strong player when you are mp3. And if you know how to use it...it will be in your advantage... Trust me.
  4. dst

    Ap overload?

    Well..I am old, aren't I?...
  5. Yes it is possible to use just 1 as long as it has 301 ve or more. In the moment it has less...another ritual will be selected (that has 301 or more ve). If another ritual is not available then a random one will be generated. Piece of advice:buy more creatures. 6 is not enough... You may want to read about rituals here: [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showforum=22"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showforum=22[/url] [topic="1972"]How to survive in MD world[/topic] Also, there is a topic for comments and i'll gladly respond to any questions there
  6. dst

    Ap overload?

    I don't need to imagine, I just have to imagine about good old days ;(
  7. Let me explain: nothing happened during the fight because there were no creatures to fight. It was a non creature ritual against another non creature ritual. Not the number of rounds was important. And yes, the normal players have a bigger number of rounds than alliance players. Also against npcs the number increases even more.
  8. Nice, right? XXXX id: Creature: Level: Vitality: / Enemy Load dst creatures Load xxxx creatures Applying 100% of dst's energetic influence Applying 45% of XXXX's energetic influence ###### START ROUND 1 ###### ###### START ROUND 2 ###### ###### START ROUND 3 ###### ###### START ROUND 4 ###### ###### START ROUND 5 ###### ###### START ROUND 6 ###### ###### START ROUND 7 ###### ###### START ROUND 8 ###### ###### START ROUND 9 ###### ###### START ROUND 10 ###### ###### START ROUND 11 ###### ###### START ROUND 12 ###### ###### START ROUND 13 ###### ###### START ROUND 14 ###### ###### START ROUND 15 ###### ###### START ROUND 16 ###### ###### START ROUND 17 ###### ###### START ROUND 18 ###### ###### START ROUND 19 ###### ###### START ROUND 20 ###### ###### START ROUND 21 ###### ###### START ROUND 22 ###### ###### START ROUND 23 ###### ###### START ROUND 24 ###### ###### START ROUND 25 ###### ###### START ROUND 26 ###### ###### START ROUND 27 ###### ###### START ROUND 28 ###### ###### START ROUND 29 ###### ###### START ROUND 30 ###### ###### START ROUND 31 ###### ###### START ROUND 32 ###### ###### START ROUND 33 ###### ###### START ROUND 34 ###### ###### START ROUND 35 ###### ###### START ROUND 36 ###### ... Fight ended because it was too long. Player that lost the most of his army looses. ... dst WINS! % vs % Creature Experience reward for dst - Winning player No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward Creature Experience reward for XXXX- Losing player No creatures survived the fight for this player, no xp reward Winner does not get a won fight point. Looser does not get a lost fight point.
  9. Well....you cannot have chaos and peace on the same time...Or can you?
  10. dst

    Ap overload?

    Good old times when the ap bug was alive and kicking....I miss it (sheds a tear).
  11. Some players receive those errors some not. It has to do with many things (starting with the country the player lives and even maybe the internet connection....). I don't think you need to report every time a voting link doesn't work. It will, maybe, start to work.Or not
  12. He he...I was young and inexperienced . Since then I learned a lot. Nice to see that I made some progress...
  13. Trust me. The joker is soooo goood.
  14. Question answered. Topic closed.
  15. Actually this appears if you click to battle a player exactly when the 8 minutes elapsed. You just need to close that window and click again.
  16. The idea is here but we don't know if or when it will be implemented.
  17. When I saw the title my heart started beating faster (and my brain cells started screaming:what is going on? Has Chewett gone mad?) but after I have read the post I calmed down:what you propose it's a great idea. It will make a lot of players happy...(if their happiness resides in correct spelling of this game...).
  18. It stinks
  19. It's not about the rewards it's about the chance to get them. I mean I find it harder to do the role thing than solving even Nelya's damn quest (which btw I abandoned a long time ago because I lost to many brain cells in the process of trying to solve it). And maybe you are right: the way most of you hate head contest, me and other players dislike role playing. Anyway...we discuss discussions . We'll see in time how things will evolve. Good thing that all players need to fight but only few are required to act . ps: I think I complain too much these days...I should stop....
  20. "the fact you beat up on noobs " - this hurts! I don't beat up noobs. I beat up everyone. And sorry but I will not come to Ren's office. Me and he do not like each other. So I prefer not to cross paths. And why should I come? To talk about my role? I don't play a role. This is who I am. Everyone is free to like it or not.
  21. If a LHO does not do his/her job he/she can be demoted. Easy peasy. And as for that bug...i don't know. My job is to find them not to fix them.
  22. My personal opinion on this subject is not a positive one. I mean if you want to be a LHO then you go to Jonn and ask him. He will give you let's say 2 weeks to prove yourself and if you're good then he hires you. The system right now is as strange as hell. I mean think of this: you want to work for Microsoft (or whatever). You go to M* office, sit in a corner with a laptop and start writing code. If they notice you (and the fact that you come every day and do this ) you're hired. This is sick!
  23. I think you misunderstood Logan. MD requires more than "just be yourself" (or "who you are") role. Why? Because this is the path Mur wants to set for this game. A few months back when I met him he said to me and No one: "Find a role for yourselves". Also he told us that this is how he wants to develop the game. In the end IT is a ROLE playing game. What makes it unique is the fact that everyone makes his/her own role and you must agree that Mur was a genius when he thought of that.This way new ideas are brought to the game and everyone is happy cause they have the opportunity to play as they want. I tried to think of a role for me. I simply cannot find something that fits the game.And I'm fully aware of the fact that if I will not find a solution, after a while I will stop playing. Maybe my big NO to RP points is a way of delaying what in the end is inevitable: MD becoming a game where role player has a really great importance. Don't get me wrong: I enjoy watching all of you playing even if some players overreact but it's not something I can do. And I think there are more players like me. There will always be quests and puzzles but this is for both types of players. Head contest? After you won it twice it's not that appealing...believe me.... But at least I mess up the contest from time to time New creatures?I know about them. I helped making the stats for them and I hope they will be implemented soon. This will bring some fresh air into the game. And returning to our sheep (yes...a romanian saying that sounds awful translated to english): This game will eventually reward more role playing players than the normal ones (like me) so I don't see why those RP points will be necessary. They will just increase the gap between the 2 types of players.The gap is there and will increase in time but why do you want to speed things up? Just for rewards? There are a lot of them without those points. Do you want me to play a role just to get the points? Then I will: I will be the mean, cruel one that will attack everyone and kill them and prevent them for upgrading creatures etc etc(and you all know that I can do it). Because this is a role that suits me and it's easy to play. Or do you want me to play a role as guardian of the clickable tile in Sage's Keep ( some of the players know what I'm talking about ) and show how fake I can be doing it? I'm stopping cause I have to many ideas and I cannot put them in order.... I was so gone with the wind that I posted this here instead of RP points but just because in the end it went to the "role-playing" issue....
  24. dst

    RP Points

    I didn't imply that you're trying to pick fights. But you gave me as a bad example so...I replayed. I don't like to owe someone anything
  25. I think that the community will be split in 2: the ones that play roles and the ones that enjoy battling. The good part (or the bad one) is that you cannot play a role without having to fight. So the first category will have a slight advantage. But if the game will continue to encourage role playing (which will do from what I know) then the first half-community will slightly fade away and eventually will disappear. It will be a shame from my point of view since I know many good players which will eventually quit. Anyway....time will tell and I hope I am wrong...
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