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Everything posted by dst

  1. The problem is not really about crits. It's about those new items. Hence why the idea was brought up for discussion now and not when the alts trading was forbidden.
  2. I am willing to trade the sword shade for coins of credits. I'll sell it only if I deem the price correct. If I find no buyers/traders, shade stays with me :D
  3. Maybe it's time for a new rule since the alts transfer one has a loophole.
  4. What stops an alt to trade for what the main wants? It EASY to get same items on 2 accounts.
  5. Idiotic thinking (if by hazardous means I can call that thinking) as always, dd. That is ABUSE. With the new items the chances for "illegal" tradings which DO cost money (money that can be spent on server/ads/etc) are higher. It would be perfectly fine if we would NOT have the free credits.Especially now that the incentives have been raised. There are people in this game who used alts to vote daily and gain credits which they used for all sorts of stuff including buying crits/items in the shop and then trading to main (some were caught, some were not due to the fact that it happened when logs did not exist) etc etc. And yes, I am all for the restricted trading. The coin example is petty.
  6. Happy B-day Amber! (ladies first) Happy B-day Princypuss!!
  7. Ffs! He changed the rules on the 11th at 02:16 AM. This and this: are the post blackshade rider posted asking rophs to contact him because the last leg of the race had a bug. I was the ONLY one who got to that step at that time (I even have the PM from blackshade stating so). So rophs DEFO knew I was leading. Also, I received a strange PM from blackshade where he told me that one of his sponsors wanted to know how I finished so fast. Care to guess which of the sponsors asked? For the record: blackshade rider is not to be blamed for anything. He made a quest and run it as he thought fit. My beef is with rophs who is CHANGING rules based on his personal likes and dislikes.
  8. Scan the drawing(s). Send them to Mur. I think he'll like your way of drawing (suits MD style from what I have seen in your pic). And we are always in need of good artists.
  9. How nice for you to do that AFTER you found out who won the quest. VERY nice.
  10. I gave it a try. Everything worked perfectly fine for me. No errors, no broken links.
  11. Ressurecting dead topics. We never received those drinks...The new feature reminded me of this topic.
  12. I sent a forum PM with my item of choice.
  13. Sunnybedroom should also not be allowed.
  14. dst

    Pet rock

    That's a band... I wouldn't be worried about that but I might about the below: http://runescape.wikia.com/wiki/Pet_rock Oh and...runescape has also a cat basket :D
  15. dst

    Pet rock

    Actually I like the ideas more if pet rock would NOT be a "normal" creature (like the ones we already have). Meaning that all the above can and why not should be applied even if pet rock is not a crit. Think at the bestiary concept.
  16. dst

    Pet rock

    A rock that rolls so it will gather no moss. If it doesn't roll for a defined amount a time, moss starts to grow. And soon it will cannot move at all so you lose the rock. Also, moving the rock might reduce viscosity(?).
  17. The tea is in the medicine cabinet in a box of cocoa on which is written "salt"

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Aeoshattr


      Don't worry, TeamBrit comes with its own tea.

    3. Ary Endleg

      Ary Endleg

      Mostly because real Brits dislike tea with taste of paper coming from paperbag?

    4. dst


      I can gather some herbs from which to make them tea...like...MANDRAKE :D

  18. dst

    Trap Spells

    Even better. Locate will become a VERY popular spell in this case :D
  19. dst

    Trap Spells

    Then devise a counter spell as well such as cast the spell on the next scene (if you know the coords). Of course, next scene might contain no trap spell...
  20. Here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HIML7qn9NuM
  21. By performing the rain dance.
  22. According to this: http://magicduel.com/page/Announcement/view/3327, Black rose should be an Unique item. Howevere, I found it under the Default section: Unless it's another item called "back" rose :D
  23. Not to mention trying to restore the "historycal truth" about how much 5 inches actually mean.
  24. Actually it is not a mistake. It was intentional...
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