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Everything posted by dst

  1. This is plain BS. I have seen so many announcements made by Chewett and Council and even Mur encouraging people to create quests, host events that I find that VERY hard to believe. Chewett also offers help if the quest doesn't involve heavy coding. Last ANN was for Halloween and this time he even said and I quote: So I really wonder what exactly you were told because to me it seems you either asked something that would require heavy coding or something way too powerful (I wonder if you asked for the jump link spell and you were refused). But heh...you'll not "post 50 e-mails". Maybe the Council will be so kind and enlighten us, the mortals. Council!!! Hear me out! Make some light in this mess! Says the bitter guy who killed concussion because he was giving TS(es) to anyone would want one and the guy who killed Akasha TWICE in an attempt to get a response from her while I told him from the first time he'll not get one. That's VERY intelligent and not troll like.
  2. This is the diplomatic answer for of not wanting/ not being able to define the term. MD was in trouble a long time ago and it was not me the reason for the troubles.
  3. Please define the term.
  4. The way I remember it working: once used, you get a <spoiler> chances to receive +1M attack for 1 month. Once used, the item will be transferred randomly to any online users at that time. If not used...book stays in the inventory and rots... Also...I think (not very sure I believe) there is a cooldown (not very sure about it though...sorry). Umm...if there is no cooldown we'd have lots of players with +/- 1 M attack/def...do we want that?
  5. It's not a new idea but it still needs coding. Since there are players in MD that thought the item was a troll and since the item was created to circle randomly and since it (actually they because if I remember correctly there are 2 of those items) is locked on someone's account (no idea on who's account and I am lazy to check) I propose that this item to be coded so if it's not used for a defined period of time, it is automatically transferred to a random player (same way as it is transferred after the item is used). The item was created for a certain purpose and it should prove a handy learning tool for noobs and vets as well.
  6. Why don't you? I will tell you why: you have no guts.
  7. Awesome! I can't wait to be punished for something I haven't done wrong! And what? Did Council just sent you to chase dead horses that you HAD to report me to Mur? And you want a part of it and hate the ones that EARNED their powers IN GAME! Awesome! Thank you!
  8. And why go to Mur? You already went to Council and got an announcement about which you seemed very pleased. Or weren't you and you wanted something more?
  9. So just because one complained cause one of his quests didn't go well, everybody else suffers is punished. And for the record: I used ONE (1) spell and Eon used 3 teleport spells. Spells I got through fair means. But because I am dst and because you Mur think DD as the new fang you did what I have always told you NOT to: listened to only one side of the story. The e-mail you sent me had a nasty tone and you didn't even asked what happened. You accused me of "experimenting" on people with my spells and that's it.NEVER replied back. Congratz! Your judgement is flawless!!! And congratz for your newly acquired fang (under the name of dd).
  10. Several points to be made: I LOVE phantasm's post. He hates Eon and No one because they took over SoS and invest a lot more time and brain into gathering/using resources. He sees them as a threat to the East.phantasm would love to be the only one pulling the strings in the East. He doesn't like me (despite his bla bla) and hates the fact that I used MY SOCIAL GAME to stop him from killing me. To be honest, I didn't think it would work. I was quite surprised he didn't do it (aka kill me). This means he's a lot more scared than he wishes to admit. Seems I am a really powerful social player :D :D (the irony :P). Also, I don't like being called a terrorist. That is plain wrong and VERY insulting. You, phantasm, as an American you should know what terrorism is. Comparing me and Eon to terrorists just shows how colorblind and ignorant you are. What none of you get it is the fact that I used only powers given to me during the first years so no, there is no abuse there. There are spells I have for years and with a lot less casts now than I used to have. The killing item is not even mine. So, DD went to council to ask for safeguarding. He didn't get anything (or...he got the Ann after beg *cough* asking several times the council). He runs quest. Quest is disrupted. DD stops quest cause point was made. DD goes back to Council to ask for his "reward". DD happy that the ANN was posted and yells that he did it for the community.
  11. What did I abuse?
  12. Then I am ashamed. I made you laugh only 20 seconds while you make us laugh the whole year long! :D
  13. What was your win? As I said in my previous post: Quest smooth = white ball for Labby citizenship Quest bad = whine to council You COULD have secured this quest a LOT better but you didn't bother. You knew you had only to win from this. And stopping the quest after Eon's first tele would have been incredibly stupid even for you. Besides you now can say that "you wanted to continue the quest". Basically you did everything to plan a "perfect murder" and secure yourself a nice little alibi. @Aeo: there are other spells that can teleport including his sendtotrialofagony. There are solutions! He simply didn't care enough to find them. Or if he did he didn't want to apply them.
  14. Did you specifically ask them: should I stop the quest or not? Or you just decided to stop it because you already proved your point? @Lania: I was talking about the last teleport. After Eon's first one DD said something along the lines of: "Oh, it's just another challenge to the quest" "I'll just ask council for more rewards since it'll take longer" But then he run to council and whine. News flash: casts are limited! We cannot cast more than we have! Oh wait...I'm preaching to the deaf...Silly me!
  15. Really? People didn't want to participate? Did you ask them? I believe Amber was already at the entrance of the Labby when you called it off. And Legna went to the Laby spot and waited. You canceled it because you wanted to not because others wanted it.
  16. Cause he would have done something about it. Like get some teleport spells (although he has some) for example. Talk to others and ask for help is another example (and in advance not during the quest - although since he burned most of his bridges this could have been useless). Design a quest that can be run without being spoiled by others. I refuse to believe that he didn't know the risks of making such a quest (he is quite old in MD and he was an lho after all). But he went ahead anyway. And lots of other stuff he could have been done differently. He choose a risky path imo just so he can prove a point and NOT actually run the quest. He thought it's a win win situation: if quest runs smoothly - white ball for him in his own quest for lab citizenship; if quest fails - reasons to whine and ask for rules and restrictions and so on. He never ONCE came to me and ask me not to temper with his quest. I was actually planning to participate but something came along and when Eon asked for help (he would have not need it if planned ahead) I provided. I do that for all my friends and even for some I don't consider friends but which I like for one reason or another. DD lost a valuable friend in Chewett. If Chew would have come to me and asked me not to interfere I would have probably not done it (Eon would have understood for sure so there was no reason not to listen to Chew and grant him this little favor).
  17. Trap? I don't see it as a trap. A trap causes injuries and pain and all that. It caused nothing for me except fun. And I would have done it even knowing it is a "trap". Because all in all the only loser here is DD. You for example got a free ride to East where you gathered herbs :P. What most players don't understand is that Eon is a great guy that has friends to whom he listens to and helps and all that stuff a friendship involves. Also, I will take his suggestion (Eon's) and post this link here: http://mud.co.uk/richard/hcds.htm I got this link by pulling a chat from MD ( seems the "promoter" was Amber so I am giving her credit for it although I have it from someone else).
  18. And a "solution" to all those "problems": DO NOTHING. Take it as it is and move on. NOTHING is permanent in MD (not death, not spells not anything). Imo such things bring flavor to the whole aspect of the game. If combined properly spells can create amazing effects. As for the "disrupted quest": a simple teleport to goe would have solved the entire issue and the quest could have been continued. But no! DD chose to stop it. Why? Because his point was proven. He didn't want to run the quest in the first place. All he wanted was a reason to ask Council for such an announcement (or maybe rules or punishments for me and Eon).
  19. So far only yours has been disrupted. Allow me to think that you made such a quest KNOWING it can be easily tempered with just to "prove your point". As for the "community quest" well..this is PRICELESS! I ought to see an individual quest created! Aka a quest that an individual creates and that he solves themselves AND wins the award they provided/chose/sponsor. You know what's that called, right? :D (and I am not talking about goals here as in someone sets a goal for themselves and pursues it) We are not all coming from pushing carts dd. Don't try to fool me by telling that you made the quest FOR the community :D. Not even my cat believes you :D
  20. Then I take back the insult and apologize. But the point still stands. My and Eon's actions generated a lot of activity in the past 3 months. And for a long term not just few days (like the recent LR b-day).
  21. Spells are earn. I give the right to NOBODY to tell me how to use them. You made the quest for selfish reasons so don't start yelling that you wanted activity for the good of the community. You shunned the community (or most of it) and you said it yourself that you don't need its support (should I look for the topic and post a print screen for reference?). It seems you do and that eats you alive so you run to Council and whined about your quest "being disrupted". You are so blinded by the fact that "dst hates you" that you haven't even noticed it was not me to cast all those spells. While reading the above Eon told me (and this is a direct quote for which I asked permission from him to post): Maybe that will open some eyes (I doubt it but meh...I cannot say I haven't tried).
  22. Really? I was stuck somewhere in East! Ffs! This was not planned. It was a spur of the moment thing from Eon. I cannot believe you think we'd only show this small amount of fireworks!!! Remember mya's death? THAT was a good planning. I am swayed by reason and logic (unless you're a genuine <insert female genitalia here> or <insert male genitalia here> in which case don't bother). False info: Yes, it's hypocritical from your part. Just remember who created/was the generator of the most activity in the past almost 3 months (check the forums as well especially LR one if you have no clue). And since we're talking about hypocrisy, let me show you something: AND this: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/15819-social-solution/
    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Kiley


      When I find a book that captivates me, I will not read the last 100 pages or so:P I sometimes reread a book several times before reading the ending..hehe

    3. dst


      @Kiley: you're a masochist! I, sometimes, if the tension is too high, I read the ending. This way I can relax and savor the book afterwards :D

    4. Azthor


      I must have deleted my own post while helplessly flailing about the touchscreen. :(

  23. Allow me to doubt it.
  24. It took Frodo 3 damn volumes to get rid of one ring. Did you think it would be so easy to GET yours back? Tzk tzk tzk...
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