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Everything posted by dst

  1. 10:00 ST passed almost 13 hours ago.
  2. That's in 3 days. And working days. Isn't that a bit too soon?
  3. People that voted before you added the 3rd question cannot re-vote or vote for the 3rd one.
  4. So, since I was told that I can nicely ask why a leader joined another ally, I shall do so here, nicely. Let me begin: why have you dear, sweet mya joined Woodcutters and not stay a citizen like the rest of your fellow gotr mates? Thank you! Love, dst
  5. So, I just wanted to congratulate mya for her caring and love and all the nice stuff she does for her former gotr mates. As soon as she was out of the ally (and no, as much as you like to think you're so important mya that the ally was taken over because of you, I must disappoint you: it was not aka you're not the target or the reason, you're not that important) she jumped to woodcutters leaving all her mates out! EXTREMELY caring! This is exactly what a good consul would do! Hide their a** and not care for the others. You're an inspiration! Oh! be our captain! NONE of the other former gotr joined woodcutter except for her. They all settled for citizenship while she could not because she's too damn important to be badgeless. Again: CONGRATZ! You showed again what a true leader you are!
  6. 7 ST? AM?
  7. Since you people cherish so much your loyalty (even when it was just proven that it means nothing), I am not going to hold this tournament.
  8. I can (and probably will for the players that already said yes) ship some of the doc while sending the murmas cards (I'm already sending an envelope so it doesn't matter if i add 1,2,3 extras).
  9. Or if you are going to block something at least remember what :D
  10. You are an ANGEL!!! well..when you're not an annoying cat that is. Next catnip is on me!
  11. Envy eats you! I know it!
  12. Do I qualify for the 666 Achievement?
  13. Happy B-day Intrigue!!
  14. dst

    Gates (not Bill)

    And put a gate there so the flees will not invade necro. Wait... :D
  15. dst

    Otherarmy Rituals

    Chew, that is already possible (yes, not for mp3) but for mp4. And let's be honest...an mp3 will probably never be able to beat an mp5 if that mp5 doesn't want to be defeated.
  16. dst

    Otherarmy Rituals

  17. dst

    Otherarmy Rituals

    Use skill damage more effectively?
  18. Thank you Chewy but I already told you I will never come to any of those "meetings" :D. I was talking about principles. I was just presenting a situation where non main lands are not taken into consideration because "We've all gone through the steps to be officially recognized. When Mur did the kings, the underground wasn't given a "king". (the cow)
  19. The only thing you "get" from choosing a non main land is just some loyalty to a place where usually nobody goes. Cooperating with other lands? Why? Why can't I be my own master? Why do I have to "cooperate" just to get some minimum advantages. Non main lands don't even have their own loyalty tied tools (that others have). And to be honest I don't even know why we are called non main lands. We could be as important. We need to have at least the chance to choose (I personally might not want to get the tag of "main" land because that comes with too some restrictions I might not like but I want to have that chance). None of the non main lands were EVER invited to any of your "kings council" (wait...Kyphis and darky were at the last one but they didn't show up). Instead you invited the TKs. That's not only extremely unfair but quite egotistical from your part. You show the rest don't matter. You minimize the importance of the other lands.
  20. 1) The "terrorizing" was done using spells and items both me and Eon got as players not as bonus from the land. 2) Do you really want me to tell you out how we could have been stopped? I'm not cutting out my own branch :D. Now, I was talking about the spells that land leaders have and the ability to enter certain restricted (from all points of view) areas and the citizenship items. Also, main lands are always taken into account during changes. Other lands...no. I am really tempted to say that you have enough things to become VERY powerful lands but then again...I shall not give you the recipe :P
  21. Main lands already have tons of other benefits while "non" ones have zilch. If it's something this powerful you want to implement based on land loyalty I want that thing for my land as well (keeping the proportions of course). As I see your proposal is like: the already powerful ones will get more power. Also maybe UG is small and has just few dwellers but East is anything but small (I think it even has more dwellers that MB currently - might be wrong so I am not sticking my head for it but it does look like East has quite a bunch divided in 3 allies + few citizens).
  22. dst

    Gates (not Bill)

    And what an awesome AL chapter this could be... And the amount of possibilities this would open once the procedure is in place and the code developed. I really like the idea. I find it a lot more attractive then just having some items. It would be awesome if Lands would be able to develop themselves (resources, ideas, blue prints...LOTS of ideas).
  23. What about non main lands? Don't they deserve the same treatment?
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