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Everything posted by dst

  1. Ah, so your problem is that although you consider yourself a good guy you have tons of neg rep (and I will use myself an example as well: I am the bad gal but I have significantly more poz rep than you or than many others considered "good") and that affects your image with noobs. You don't even give them the slight chance of thinking for themselves (which is not a surprising thing coming from your side) . You think that all are easily influenced like you were. No, you're wrong. The players that are meant to be stay in MD and have an impact will think for themselves. The rest that form opinions based on what just one side says will not matter and will slowly fade away.
  2. You complain there is no activity in MD and there is you complain it's too much! Shall I say the word?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Mallos


      wasnt me complaining. actually, it wasnt even much of a complaint in the full context. good attention seeking though.

    3. dst


      Yes, you are an attention seeker. My comment has NOTHING to do with you. It was not even directed at you.

    4. Mallos


      Ahaha, yep. We are both good at getting attention when we want right?

  3. Cool! Maybe next time you'll let people know that what was considered normal behavior few years ago (sessions expiring at sharp hour) is considered a bug now.
  4. Not a bug, Normal behavior.
  5. So basically your problem is with Eon. I get it. I have bad news for you: if you cannot reproduce it, it's not a bug and this topic can be closed (at least until you manage to reproduce it). If you want more details search the definition of "glitch".
  6. Can you reproduce it?
  7. Afterwards meaning the next day (almost 20 hours after) when you have probably closed and opened MD several times or even closed/opened the laptop/desktop several times. Not to mention that as an LHO you should KNOW that in such situations clearing cache and cookies is the first thing you do. And then see if "Eon is still orange and un-atackable". Second: did you check if Eon WAS in Trial of Agony after the casts? Just to be sure he was not there.
  8. That would be quite a coincidence :D It's the Slavic inheritance :D
  9. Grandma used to have the same carpets on the walls :D With similar patterns :D. And if I think better....even with similar cats O.o
  10. You know what they say: the one eyed man is king in the land of the blind.
  11. Perfect name for a movie!!!
  12. No no no! It's VERY cool. Cats have personality and moods. Dogs just...listen.
  13. Cats will bite your face off (or scratch :D) for even less! :P
  14. PMDC - pre Magic Duel change....since A250 or A50 or however you call it is soon to come :P
  15. dst

    Teams? Teams!

    In theory I will join blue. But I might not be around for the event so don't count on me.
  16. Happy B-day lashtal!!
  17. You can scratch everything related to Innocence. He didn't even want an IN GAME item. He'll never want a RL title so imo it's a waste of time, paper and money.
  18. You code it if it's THAT important to have an useless and redundant feature to replace all the ways I have mentioned just because you are lazy. This is my last post here. Apparently it's true: don't argue with idiots cause they will beat you cause they have a rested mind. Good night.
  19. No. If someone wants to talk to someone or find if someone is online they have the PMs, the forum, the teleport spells, the "who is online", the log in page who shows more than noobs and the majority of vets will ever know and mostly of all, the friends list.
  20. lashtal killed Mur to make Mur mortal. lashtal is a godslayer so it was his destiny to kill Mur.
  21. lashtal killed Mur because through his actions/ideas/etc Mur asked for it :D lashtal killed Mur to identify himself with a god (killing a god makes you a god) it was lashtal's destiny to become a godslayer LE: I feel like a dog running in circles and chasing my own tail. The moment I will actually MANAGE to catch my tail....oh it will be PURE BLISS!
  22. lashtal's destiny/karma/whatever you wish to call it is love. lashtal killed Mur to find love ? :d (this sounds sooo mind crazy :D)
  23. So basically I have 1 point?
  24. I know!!! lash wanted to know what's a Mur!!! hence he killed him.
  25. "title": "Bug Catcher", ---it was Bugs Researcher (or similar). "title": "Abettor", "recipient": "No one", "authorities": { "granting authority": "Muratus del Mur", "confirming authority": null // Who does he abet? He helps me!
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