Wow! 1 freaking year and only 133 neg rep?? Or 82 (seems like No one really hates you, doesn't he? :D). I am amazed! I would have expected more.
My first reaction was to laugh my *** off (which I actually did) but then I realized that this is wrong on so many levels.
After 5 more minutes I realized what a deranged mind you have. And after 5 more I understood why you voted and asked for the transparent reputation.
Do you realize that what you're actually asking is not dumb but INCREDIBLY stupid? Have you given 1 full minute to the thought before pressing the Submit button?
No, you have not changed. You remained the same ignorant, superficial player you were when you first joined. THIS (this topic) is the ultimate proof!
Enjoy your day! You certainly made mine! :D