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Everything posted by dst

  1. Drilling holes in your own walls at hours when people rest is RO's national sport! I NEED to buy one of those drilling tools and start practicing!

  2. As I promised, I removed all the rest of the posts and let only the main one. I might add things to it if I see fit. I will also close this topic.
  3. So basically this will turn into a natzi* forum? *in the light of recent rules - I have nothing against natzies! They are people as well! I used that word to try to explain my idea better!
  4. So wait! You're banning sarcasm as well? O.o
  5. Thanks Change but that's highly counter productive: -different TZs -if I wait for a reply the subject might cooldown or the topic might get closed -god forbids I need to re-write it if you tell me it's rude
  6. You don't understand dee dee. Just because Piss Piss was born from a idea inspired by you, it doesn't mean it was rude. If I haven't said it until now, I need to thank you. Piss Piss thanks you. Piss Piss brings me a lot of joy and lots of smiles and lots of occasional itchings from her fairy dust. How can you call her rude? I agree: in general. But not always. + I really hope they will not impose a rule about respect on this forum.
  7. There are 3 things that need to be addressed here: 1)"MD would crumble were I to post all the dirt I have on 'powerful' individuals like yourself." - so far I have seen nothing and I highly doubt I will ever see (although you keep claiming you have things on me). I know what the limits are. I know what the rules are. I know where to stop. I think you are cornered and you just try to bluff. I understand it. It's normal. I would just like to remind you about the fact that you accuse me of slander but you brought no proofs and you're doing exactly what you're blaming me for. 2)"not to play your game no one/dst." Again this is slander. We are 2 different people. We are not alts. Even the system finally recognized this. If you have proof of us being the same person then I will bow to you. Until then I will consider another way of you trying to shift all the blame to me. 3)"As I have stated all along... just leave me alone (it is best for the realm). I have been willing to bury the hatchet for a long Time now - how bout you give it a shot?" I did leave you alone because I considered you don't deserve my time. But unfortunately YOU didn't leave ME alone which in the end lead to you losing your role. I have posted enough proofs in the other thread but if there is need for more I can provide more. I just need some time to gather all the info from where I have it stored. As strange as it sounds when I make an accusation I always have proofs to back it up and you should know that by now. If you don't...that's your problem. And now, for the rest of MD, let me tell you the story I promised in the title (with pictures because you know that I like pictures :) ) It all started in one fine December day when I received the below: After we talked about stuff, I asked po what she/he/it (happy now?) wants from me and I got my answer: At one point po resumed to only one request: Which I granted it: And with this the discussion ended or so I've thought back then (on 25th of December 2012). But 2 weeks later (actually 20 days) I receive this print screen: + all the insulting PL entries and reportings to Grido. This is not all the proofs I have (as I said like 3 times already:D) but for the moment I will stop here. I haven't opened ANY topics on the forum about her (until the incident with the whole MD population being dreamt) but she opened one: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/13191-whats-a-girl-to-do/ +she took ANY opportunity to complain on the forum about me. Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice shame on me. No, I don't want to be fooled a second time. So, how can I bury the hatchet? -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHAPTER 2 -----> po provides evidence!!! I'd did what she asked and searched the forums for people pluralizing proof by adding an "s". I was in SHOCK! nadrolski, Grido, Alyon, Rhaegar and even Lazarus did it! (+ a lot of payers who are considered noobs or who have stopped playing) So according to her logic I found the Council members! Btw: it was only a superficial search so I am pretty sure I can find more if i look further into the matter. Check the below archive which contains few print screens: http://storenow.net/my/?f=3c2679072dc46769e35b3aebaf222ca6
  8. Mockery if done properly is not rude. If I compare someone to half the species from the invertebrate atlas, yes, they (the invertebrates :P) can consider I have been rude to them. As for Western Culture, you seem to forget that RO was a "closed" country until 1989 (ok, you might not know the year but it doesn't matter to much) because of the communism. You don't want to hear all the stories I have about that period of time. And you don't want to hear about the period that followed! So in terms of culture we are different. Trust me on that.
  9. And how do you decide the tone? It's writing. And again, I am not proficient enough in English (heh! I have MAJOR spelling issues as you all know) so maybe what sounds ok for me can sound rude for someone else. Who'll decide and most important HOW will decide if my tone is due to me being rude or simply not being skilled enough with the language. We are not all tarquinus, you know? Mock/bully is NOT rude. That's why they are called mock/bully and not rude. I mean, you have 3 words, each describing different things.
  10. I have a few...thingies. English is not my primary language nor do I come from a country with the culture similar to the one in West Europe (where most of the mods reside). How will I know what is rude and what is not because many time I was told that I was rude even if I haven't used a single vulgar/bad/indecent word. Also, what will you consider an "attack" towards a player? What if I open a topic, normal and calm and someone starts with the insults? Will I be blamed for it even if all did was to open a topic? Thank you in advance for the answers.
  11. How about you post the dirt if you have the guts? Wait...you have no dirt. I keep forgetting. :) Have a nice day! :)
  12. My dear No one, I hope my letter finds you well. If not, maybe it will help you. There is no need to worry and agitate yourself. You don't realize it but po lost. It lost everything. The selfclaimed "only dreamweaver MD ever had" lost because it...lost its temper and because it was very confident in...I don't know in what actually but it's not that important. You have no idea that all its actions in the past year (or even more) were targeted at me. - It told noobs that I made it lose its role -It posted nasty stuff directed at me in mood panel: ---the link is this one: https://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/550825_500921989928817_1812005106_n.jpg -It accused me of stuff without having any proof that I was the one to blame, and even when it was told it was wrong, it continued with the accusations like in the below print screens from its this year B-day topic (while, as you can see I still had no buttons pushed): -It kept poking and harassing me trying to obtain a reaction: -it even went that far and put fake players into dream (one of them being my friend) in an attempt to trick me: -it use its alts to PM me because I had it on ignore list: -it picked on my friends (you were one of them) by casting spells on them (remember?) while it was mp6 and abusing a bug (bug which I reported and was fixed right away - let's not forget it didn't report the bug although some time ago it even was an LHO aka someone capable to distinguish if something is a bug or not) + the blame I took for the fix since it cut its fun: Below is just a tiny tiny fraction of the amount of spells it cast on Eon (I got bored of searching through logs, but I can send you more if you want) -It used a WP to rename Plains of Liberty to Plains of Eternal Stench in a desperate attempt to hurt me by hitting Liberty. Ok...I need to attend other matters now so I will stop writing. Just remember: it lost its beloved role for which it "worked" for years (but all it did in the last year and a half was to try to discredit me) and blames me. It's normal for a certain type of people not to accept failure and blame it on someone else. It's a sign of weakness. Hope my next letter will find you well as well :). Kisses, dst
  13. The hell....MD works better from work :blink: Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 55, Received = 55, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 59ms, Maximum = 251ms, Average = 119ms This means that during important events I might become a workaholic :D
  14. From office: Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 34, Received = 33, Lost = 1 (2% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 84ms, Maximum = 92ms, Average = 86ms I'll check from home as well.
  15. I see an increase in the response as well aka I move slower compared to old server. This from both work and home.
  16. Geoip is broken. I'm in Sweden no matter from where I log in. SE was the country I had the proxy for when the server was shut down and it seems it's stuck with that one.
  17. Bravoooo!!!! *applauds*. You finally did something of common sense! You're on the right track :D. Or not.
  18. Finally some peace and quite! "Vant la pupa" as we say in RO (I have no idea how to translate it).
  19. Yeah as if we don't know it was Ackshah Be***
  20. Bah! Like it was rocket science :P. Also, Piss Piss is here! She never left! I have hidden her deep inside in a cage strapped with leather belts so she'll not turn MD into a glittering, sparkling, itching realm. But I can unleash her if you anger me!
  21. I got my Active Day muahahahaha!!!!

  22. But you are famouse. Or better said "infamouse". :D Also except for the "not abuse my powers" because we all know you'll not as long as I will keep an eye on you, what will you do? I doubt MB-ers are thrilled with a monarch that "will not abuse powers" :d
  23. It died on me as well :D
  24. MAJOR Trolling :d. The best I have EVER seen.
  25. FS, you're twisting the knife into the wound... I have theater ticktes..otherwise I would be VERY tempted to drive all the way there.
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