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Everything posted by Grido

  1. currently there are i think 4/5 protectors: .MRD., *King Bull*, Grido the Crazy, .Muratus del Mur., and King Manu i'm Grido the Crazy, cos well, i'm Grido, and i'm crazy, so yeah, make me your protector
  2. (I think Shady might have the wrong idea, you're meant to make the employer want you, not want to kill you ) what happens if i get accepted? hmm conflict of loyalties.... 1.Who is your (MD): a. closest friend - hmm, more partners in evil, Jonn b. lover (if you do not have one, tell me who you would want it to be) - Liliana Vess, havent seen her much lately though c. bitter enemy - I have no enemy, anyone who rises against me, falls again soon after by my hand.... 2. “Some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice” Tell me…of these two options, how would you like your world to end and why? -Fire, because it's pretty? wait that word isn't evil enough...hmm speaking of pretty, Scarfy is pretty, she's also really smart and lovely. 3. Where is your favorite place in this Realm and why? - Where else but Golemus Golemicarum, yes, all of it, i wouldn't be able to pick a particular location there.
  3. the Labrinth is far too easy to give everybody rewards for solving it, the BP though is difficult and is more likely to recieve rewards
  4. the entrance was open for a period, people solved it and the winners have been announced and rewarded, the labrinth is going to be open for the public to try and solve for fun in the future much like the Broken Pattern Gazebo puzzle
  5. we'll miss you Je Suis, come back soon i hope, but make sure you're sorted out with yourself before you do
  6. christmas isnt just for christmas.....wait i dont think that phrase works here....
  7. i would assume it's because of player DNA thing, click anywhere in the text when you log back in, and press tab, you'll get to the continue button for future bugs please provide screenshots
  8. Mur accidently reset his account, i believe it's from that
  9. [quote]so you wont be there forever!*Relief*[/quote] well...actually....if you dont tell the Mods of the Labrynth entrence your name and ID you could be stuck there forever
  10. i do fully support Cry and his alliance, but i think that with Cry now being able to change peoples flags into pirates, that it wont happen
  11. Grido

    quest fund

    why are the people solving the quests putting money into the fund which they're getting rewarded with? that's how i read what you just said anyway i for one have about 5 alts (more/less i dont know exactly) if i used each of those alts to answer the quest correctly then i would have min $5 which is i believe transferable again, though i might have misread something but there isn't going to be currency in MD Manu is very against it
  12. Grido

    quest fund

    a fund? people are rewarded with credits for making quests? is your idea? or that those who've made quests can give out credit rewards from this ''pot'' of money? i'd say no to both due to explotation of the system
  13. royston, i refer you to 2 posts above yours, all places are filled, there are no more spaces and i dont think that's possible dst
  14. All slots have been filled, no more aplicants please [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3435"]http://magicduel.invisionzone.com//index.php?showtopic=3435[/url]
  15. (in addition to what dst said) offline people currently do not show on the player lists
  16. can i also point out, that i for one, amongst many has Mur on my friends list, and he doesnt want to be found easily it just wouldnt work out how you imagined it
  17. i will try to make it also, it promises to be good [sorry memory misread earlier, thought you said balcony]
  18. i asked, he doesnt so much know facebook coding yet there are currently 2 facebook groups for MD one search ''magicduel'' the other search''magic duel''
  19. Mur is playing with it currently, unexpected things may occur temporarily it will get fixed soon
  20. Catch or, hmm nice name Greetings and welcome to this side of the realm, ask all the wuestions you have
  21. Grido

    MP4 Story Mode

    theoretically the fest after this would be in Autumn, but focus on the current one before thinking about the furture anyway ye, it is a bit of a bummer, but then again, it's what got me to join the forums, so it makes it all better again, having it during the fest is a bit of bad luck, but you should get at least a week of the fest after the story ends
  22. Team Brit includes anyone from Britain who plays MD Chewie so you're in as well
  23. Greetings and welcome to this side of Magic Duel be sure to ask any questions you have, lots of people will be willing to answer them for you
  24. Happy Birthday Ailith and yeah Team Brit!!! lol have a good one
  25. it's a nice jail as well, i dont imagine it'll getused for Dojo offenders though
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