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Everything posted by Grido

  1. to get in before dst what version of Flash are you running?
  2. i think it looks odd to me because i see no neck, it's quite good even with the bad scannering
  3. the whole thinking of good spells is needed for him to give you them lol speaking of which i wouldnt mind every available spell in the game, or maybe just some more, i like playing with new things
  4. for design like Chew i'd imagine a scroll type thing, sort of tea stained colour. i have a personal preferance to Verdana for font, not sure why though content wise i think it would be able to change week to week, depending on the sources available, but to include at least some of both types each week format, fortnightly would be good from my viewpoint, i should think we'll be able to easily fill up at least a page in a fortnight
  5. i should think it'll get transcripted, what with the thank you speaches...
  6. i didnt think that it was, i meant for realism the seal on the scroll shouldnt be on both ends, it should only be on one it appears to be a scroll so half the seal would be on one end, as it's been rolled up
  7. didnt think about that ::shakes head in shame:: i do already have a Drachorn though, wonder what we're getting for christmas this year? last year Santa was given out to players
  8. i was going to say ''i wouldnt mind a life...'' but i think it might be a bit much to ask of santa
  9. it's appears it's moved i dont really know what i want
  10. it shows doesnt it ::chuckles:: i think it was only a page or two before the server went down
  11. it loves me again ::smiles::
  12. ::whimpers:: it went away again....
  13. hehe illiterate lawyers ::pinches self to chekc if it's true:: ouch! wait that means....MD is working for me again!!!!! ::smiles::
  14. translation? what are you translating? ::refresh:: i think i've become dependant on this thread now... EDIT: huh, got strange code at the top of the login screen now, cant log in though :cray:
  15. Grido


    you'll find that the more battles you fight, win or loose, the battles will become easier for you to win due to xp gain, they might seem hard now, but like i said it'll get easier
  16. hehe i like the jedi squirrels, specially because star wars is on tv currently ::smiles:: ::chuckles at Je Suis::
  17. ::chuckle:: hey Blut when storm says ''wrong with you'' he means there's an addicted to MD thread, and loads of players are addicted
  18. hehe ''honey bunny'' real....life....? whats that again?
  19. thats fine, it's a problem a lot of users have comented about before, and it's been around a while
  20. ::points happily towards ''General Stuff'':: it's getting fixed soon! ::smiles happily::
  21. it worries me how little i do at the weekend, and that i only notice it becuase MD isnt working...
  22. this the whole bad skin on forum issue? whenever you try to start a new post it just makes everything huge? it look like it is to stop it from happening go to the bottom left of the screen, there's two dropdown menu's there, one is language, the otherskin selector, change the skin to ''Rooq (import)''
  23. ::looks at the two posts by MB:: those look strangely similar MB
  24. ::rubs his third eye:: where did it come from? yeah i was topic stalking ::looks shifty:: i didnt want to miss anything....
  25. ahh sleep blessed sleep ::puts out the previously uncontrolled flame in his hand, which has been burning there for 4 hours:: [that long? i only just realised] ::lays down ona couch in PC and sleeps:: night all
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