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Everything posted by Grido

  1. XD i think we all want hardcover if it's available
  2. bump
  3. It has Osiris Belt, but [url="http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/6853-wts-nutcracker/"]Nutcracker[/url]
  4. tomten's in game account is ID: 70k, which is about right with a 600 age creature, i would figure he's been inactive since just starting, and has come back to aged creatures and trying to get back into the game again
  5. messages (no matter where they are) expire after 6 months, could this be the case for them going missing? as for them being in the wrong places, i think there was a bug report about this before
  6. I'm a student, want to be a Paramedic Phrog (the firestarter) was a fireman, cant recall why he left, but i always remembered that cos i found it amusing And you didnt say about yourself...
  7. There is likely a Hardcover version to be printed in Romania, to the best of my knowledge the one on Lulu is only available in paperback
  8. Grido

    Wts Angiens

    closed per request
  9. [quote]"Same goes for multiple offences, how do you count them on somebody who changes his name?" I doubt someone would change their name and waste a WP only to "break the dojo rules" for 100 times.[/quote] There are other things which need to be checked for multiple offences you know...
  10. He was someone i admired a lot, when i came back from my absence (which probably only a few around currently know about), i tried to get into the game again and he helped me a lot with that. Not only was he a great LHO, he was a great friend if you'd let him be. Legends are who we make into legends, no matter what they've done, we're the ones who turn them into it, we respond to what they've done in a positive way and they would become a legend, or indeed in a largely negative way, and the same would happen, just for different reasons. Like Buns (sortof) said, the legends that are spoken of were just playing the game like anyone else, if they'd been asked when they were still playing if they thought they were a legend, they would likely have replied that they werent. Do i think Jonn was a legend? Sure i do, and it's sad to me that he's been so forgotton.
  11. closed per request
  12. [quote]Oh dear gods, I must be getting old, when I see newbies like [s]Burns[/s] [b]Metal Bunny[/b] being named living legends... No offense [s]burns[/s] [b]Bunbun[/b], but I remember your mp3 newbness quite well[/quote] I don't think i really have time to write something up for this atm, but if anyone wants to ask me stuff about someone, just send me a pm with some questions you want to know about, i'll be happy to answer if i can
  13. closed per request
  14. May the 4th be with you!!! wait, i mean, Happy Birthday!!!
  15. May as well put me down for one (for when i get there i mean )
  16. not actually a bug, reasoning resolved, closed
  17. not that it can be tested currently, but did anyone else encounter this?
  18. lvl 1 creatures dont give temp rewards, error message hidden (message and i'll reopen if not) closed
  19. Grido

    No Flags

    noobs are getting flags now, fixed, closed.
  20. still happening? anyone can confirm?
  21. nobody? well closed then, message a mod to reopen if somebody spots this again
  22. comments on self bug got fixed, K doc error can be found here http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/5440-k-document-report-error/ thread closed
  23. can anybody confirm this?
  24. unresolved
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