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Everything posted by Grido

  1. I have a nutty for sale, it's quite pricy though, i put it up at 7 Gold, i can be haggled down a bit though Also have a coloured (shop) Joker or two for sale if you want to offer a price?
  2. Kamil, whilst i understand your reaction, you have to understand that there's been previous issues with people providing artwork that they do not have permission to provide. So there is natural suspicion on people now as to whether it is their own or not. If they are your own art, i see no reason to get aggressive about it, when you can happily comply and aleviate anyone's doubts as to the matter.
  3. Grido


    talking about the token lists, yeah, where it says what tokens are on the creature and the description of each, that text
  4. Grido


    could the text on the creature pages be changed to reflect the change please?
  5. yeah, it was 2/3 ?
  6. (This happened to me as well btw Tarq) And if i recall right, then the principles go down a fair deal even if you sort out the amount through saccing LE: But yes, 1000 is the amount it was meant to get set to, Mur confirmed
  7. lol Ud, nono, because the silver would have to go somewhere in the meanwhile, and i would probably end up forgetting that some of the silver on my account "wasnt mine" I think they're all taken up now, Fenrir wanted quite a few...
  8. it's quite likely, pm me game/forum with breif outline/details of quest and how many you'd want for it please LE: btw, the ones i have atm are; As of; Apr 27 22:00 CTC531910IMTAW98MDC - 286 CTC545943AXIMH42MDC - 270 CTC550841ADATC17MDC - 257 CTC556696TAROZ76MDC - 240 CTC572189SEARW84MDC - 205 (was about a second away from posting the full ctc's without realising)
  9. they're pretty aged, and there's still some there...
  10. For Shadow; [attachment=1603:Boss Heads Contest.JPG]
  11. what do you mean?
  12. bump, and no, i wont offer a drach for it, i dont feel the price is comparable
  13. please can you be clearer as to if you mean Silver Coins or $(real money/game creds), you seem to have mixed them both up when listing prices.
  14. closed per request
  15. closed per request
  16. @Manda, there is a wish in the WishShop that can convert a normal Aramor into a Dream Mutation Joker (colourless), it's the only creature we can do this to currently. and please don't hijack my thread
  17. closest, like i said...
  18. i am looking for somebody who can mutate my aramor to a colorless joker. pm me if u are interested
  19. closest offer?
  20. lol dst, that's just lag on your clock
  21. Just to be clear to people, yes, it was me. The objection i raised was that since it was in the Paper cabin, that message would be the first thing a new player sees, rather than any message that would actually mean something to them. For the first message a player sees to be about getting easy wins, it gives the wrong impression about MD to them, it tells them that it is a game where you basicly just click to advance (which whilst i have, and do, use GGG, that's what it does). And MD is by no means a click to advance game, in the most part anyway.
  22. Now i finally have time to read this properly (stupid essays)... Yeah, definitely explains a few things There were some things which happened a little too randomly for Mur to have done them XD I seem to remember some person ending up dead at Gazeebo of Chaos one time, and you saying it wasnt you It's funny to think of Zleip as a God, but since none of us knew about it till recently, must've done a good job at it I look forward to whatever features come after him.
  23. That would just be like that cos it reloads quite often, if he couldnt connect to the server when trying to upload the image then the main page would look like the triggers box. So no, the big server not found bit in the triggers box isnt important If the file is under 20kb, has the right size and is in gif format (as well as a transparent backing) i dont know what'd be wrong with it
  24. close per request
  25. Since you've been so polite.... Firstly if you'd actually explained what it even was then it wouldve saved any confusion whatsoever, rather than just telling us to go there (which sounds like advertising to me, but regardless...) I reitterate that i am certain that Mur could code similar if he wanted. It's a stage you dont see which activates the credits after you voted. EDIT; ahh, Chewie posted same time
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