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Everything posted by Yrthilian
Well this is a good and bad idea i suppose for thoes of us who have not the time to do other quests or spend time trying to create one. I voted yes 1 per year of active days other wise i think i would get more as i have been around longer then i have been active. and a defo NO for alt's Alts are created to try diffrent things or play diffrent aspects they are still in essence you the player. (note this refers to the phicial persion) i can only see alt abouse other wise. we all have one or 2 alts within the realm.
Just because someone says they are a citizen does not meen they are automaticaly entitled to WP's from the tresury. The WP's will be given for tasks done or Quests created within golemus and for other things. Some people already have been rewarded for such things. Earned = doing things to better the land in diffrent ways be it through quest or taskes given.
I have no issue with the skill damage but that may be because for most of my time on md i was always ballanced. In saying that while i am not in an allaince i did loose my ballance. but hey it happenes. But why was skill damaged brough in? If i remember it corectly (i could be wrong in this) i beleve it was brought in because of the aboue of beeing very unballanced and fighting player whom kept there ballance. From what i remember this gave great stat increases and honor bonus for thoes with major losses. This was beeing aboused some what from what i remember that is. So the stat damage was put in place to stop that issue and to stop the abuse of stat gains. so why should it be removed it is YOUR responasablity to keep YOUR ballance. that is what MD revolves around BALLANCE. So i say keep the stat damage it is there for a reasion. That is just my 2 cents on this matter
Udgard is correct. the system is not fully implemented and as of yet so the idea is to get the list sooner rether then later unless you want to wait for how ever long it will take to find out through that method. There for not allowing me to be able to give WP's to golemus people NOTE the Wp's are for golemus only and will be earned not just given away
Ok as the topic says Citizens I am looking for thoes of you that concider yourself citizens of golemus to put your name here. There will be a list made so it is easer to manage. The goal here is to find out who beleve the are of golemus. so when it comes to quests and rewards i can concider the rght people. Other wise the list will be very small and thoes on it will be the one to receve the WP's given to the treasury. This list will also be used to see what type of people Golemus has and to help make plans for the island If you feel you dont want your name here that is understandable, you may PM me on the forum or in game and i will add you to a list kept from the public. Now i have been getting requests to make people citizens so i think it best to out line stuff here 1. If i have not seen you before or only for a short time. [b]Then you will need the sponsership from an allaince member to be concidered[/b] 2. I want to know your reasons you wish to be a memebr of Golemus [b]a short PM to me in game will do[/b] 3. I would also like to know what you plan on doing as a citizen? [b]Be this research or fighting or a role you may think not concidered[/b] 4. what do you hope to achieve by become a citizen? that is my main list of information that i willneed [b]Ok so now we have citizenship in game you may ask what is the benifits.[/b] well there are both benifits and penelties. i will list what i know here. So for beeing a Memeber of Golemus land - You gain Citizenship - You get the same stat bonus the GG allaince get - you get the same penalties the GG allaince get - so far you dont gain access to Golemus So you want to know the stat bonus and penalties - regen timer is the same as allaince - so far attacking is the same as allaince everything else you will have to discover Thanks for your time Yrthilian
Research Of Locations Within Golemus
Yrthilian replied to Yrthilian's topic in Guerrilla Golemicarum
well it is a bit of both I have been pondering a few thing as of late. For example Golemus is credited with creating landweapons but they must have had a way to construct the material needed to do such a thing. Also for one to learn from magic i would beleve a school of sort would have been used to teach and develop skills in magic and combining it to technology. So even though thies location dont see to excist i am looking to see if the may have at one time or another. it am more observing that certan things i would think from my own point of view that is would have been made or used. so why not see if there might be hiden location were such work could have been carried out. I figure that the people of old would have posable worked together to help each other learn and develope there skills so what not have something like a school. or a place were weapons and armour is made or combined with magic. thies are just ideas and things i am looking into. Who is to say they dont excist or that they even do excist. -
Research Of Locations Within Golemus
Yrthilian replied to Yrthilian's topic in Guerrilla Golemicarum
[quote name='Chewett' date='17 November 2009 - 05:04 PM' timestamp='1258477488' post='47705'] They are disabled, When mp2 stage was up noobs were getting of the island! [/quote] I already know this. This topic is not for what is working what is not it is about dicovery and looking at new options and creating new ideas the mechanic are NOT important. People are too quick to point out what is not working instead of working to make something work. -
oh hell yeah i would love to get a nice BIG MUG for my coffee and MD mug would be perfect. hmm cant think of a slogan for it.
Research Of Locations Within Golemus
Yrthilian replied to Yrthilian's topic in Guerrilla Golemicarum
[quote name='Death Bell' date='17 November 2009 - 03:21 PM' timestamp='1258471311' post='47697'] how about those pilars of harmony since its clickable maybe it can take you to a place no one knows. [/quote] Yes they may well do but so far i have not been able to find a good combination to activate the pillars. i might be missing something but i do keep giving them ago from time to time -
Research Of Locations Within Golemus
Yrthilian replied to Yrthilian's topic in Guerrilla Golemicarum
you have a point and is might not be a bad place to start looking you never know might find out if there is an expermintal lab somewere else. -
Research Of Locations Within Golemus
Yrthilian replied to Yrthilian's topic in Guerrilla Golemicarum
(OOC thoes locations are not open. as in i beleve they are not finished yet) Well the forth is a good place as any to look through but at the same time a bit obvious a place to have labs or magicans guild rooms. But at the same time magic by nature is unstable. This in its self would be a reasion not to have such a place withing the forth. If some an experment was to go wrong the forth might get damaged from the inside. that would make it useless. The lab for magic and technology would need to be away from the locations frequetly used or needed. Or at least that would make logical sence to me. The Mill is one place that might hold something it is after all the right sort of distace away from most structures. But i dont know if it would have the required elements to do expermental work but it is a start and you never know what you might find. The lab on golemus is also a place to start as it toois hidden away but again a bit obvious a location but no harm in trying to find out -
So i have been thinking. As a technomage i find it difficult to do a lot of my tasks without the right tools and well i figured for the people of Golemus past they must have had better tools and facilities then what i have at this time. So i have decided to look for the places of old that might contain the tools i need like a forge! So what am i asking in this post. well i specalise in my art of technomagic and i know the tools i would require and the space involved in holding them. So what tools or would mages of other type need and what sort of locations would a mage need for there work? I have decided to start looking around the island for hidded places not normaly seen or noticed. there got to be something for the land does not always show all. I welcome any suggestions from anyone and ideas. Thanks Yrth
Let me be the first to congratulat you First well apart from sagewoman that is
This is an intresting subject. I have a question i may have more as i typr When one become a citizen. Will this give them access to the land they are a citizen of? As in will this open the gates that are normaly locked to them? For the ballance of kingship. Well this is something very difficult to code into the system i beleve if it is made mechanical then one will find a way to use the system to force a change that might not be welcome to all. (no i am not saying this as a way to hold power). I would think if there is enough people to want a change in kingship it might be an idea to have on the king account or on the player running the king account a meter of sorts. As in a way to measure and truthfully measuer when people thing of the king and how well he is running things. Something like a mini vote system may be. I am not to sure but this might be a way to look at it. For the citizenship. I think the idea of citizenship point system could work. But i would think it might be a good idea to limit how ofthen one can change there citizenship. As in only allowed to chage once a mont or quarter of year. this would limit the jumping from one land citizenship to another everyday. The point system might also give more points for thoughs that stay as one citizen for a longer time. So for example for each week you gain 1 point. this is so for say 3/4 months. The after that time you gain 2 points for another 6 months and so on. This would show what land you are most associated with and show your loyalties to. i dont know if this would work or if it is a good idea but just something i was thinking of. while writing this reply. Now i cant remember most of the other stuff so i will post again later
Ok here is my opinion If you deem it worthy enough to be read Firs is a persional friend of mine as you all know so yes i am a bit biast in this matter but i will do my best to show my argument in as best a light as i can. I would agree the the 2 top players int he list about are at this point the best choices for king/archon/whatever the title is to be. But i will say that my first choic would be for Firs. This is NOT because we are RL friends. This is because in every way Firs looks at his choices and meassures the situation carefully. He also has great care for the land and its people. I have not heard of anyone saying he is unfair or unjust in any of his actions. From what i have seen and what i have heard Firs listens to the people of LR and makes a judgment based on the information at hand. I also beleve Firs has created good allais between all land and comunicats well. Princ Rhaegar, Although we have had our diffrences, I do agree he could be a good king but just not yet I beleve he needs to cool down a little as Princ can be a bit abrasive at time and has in the past ticked off people for whatever reasion at the time. I also beleve that since Princ cannot letgo of some things in the past this is cause for worry. But other wise is a good player. Sorry but i know very little of the other 2 players to make a comment on them. Thanks for your time Yrth PS. I know i have made my mistakes and that much of what i say may be ignored. But please dont use this section to flame me as this is about LR Kingship.
[quote name='Jester' date='14 October 2009 - 02:59 AM' timestamp='1255485585' post='44621'] Before Khalazdad left he gave me one final mission, which I have been waiting all this time to carry out. Since I haven't accomplished it yet I will not reveal what it is, but it had a lot to do with Yrthilian at the Necrovion Land Weapon. I followed Khalazdad's orders while there, and it got me attacked by the Summoned Army and branded as a failure in the Announcements and the Forum. [/quote] Hmm.. I find this a strange statement Esp since back when myself and Khal were talking i had no idea of the land weapons and there power hell i was not even researching them at the time. So for Khal to make a mission for you regarding me and the land weapons i find strange. Aslo since myself and khal had come to an agreement over the lands and what might happen this Land weapon issue may never have happened. But since the war and gaining access for the first time to the land weapon (thank you jester for that) I know have more info and have a much better understanding of the land weapons. Something i was a bit stuck on untill i seen the necrovian land weapon. So in essence if Khal told you to not do anything while i was there then he must have wanted me to gain that info. Also just a side not congratz to Peace the new Queeen of Necrovian
[quote name='DarkPriestess' date='11 October 2009 - 12:05 AM' timestamp='1255215918' post='44329'] I have to state that as for the planning to takeover Guirrilla, I had nothing to do with it. Moments after Liberty had the declairation of war and was already within my lands, I turned to Granos asking for aid and the answer I got was what you all saw when I had the badge of this alliance next to my name. [/quote] This is one of my regrets Peace that we ended on the path we did because of this. I hate the fact i was played like this and have realised much and learned much too. But as i said what has been done has been done.
At this point i would like to say that i knew of the war months ago. It played out very diffrently to what i had expected and no i dont meen loosing the war. I was approached and asked to allow the war to go ahead BUT i was tolds LR was the first target. As many know i would not allow LR to be attacked even without the treaty that i broke. I have sinve realised that info might have been faulse info in order to get me to attack the Necrovians. So on my part i trusted someone that i should not have and now we have the mess from that. Well done Granos on sturing the pot and causing great chaos this is well played. Golemus and its people will get reveng on you for this I promise. Looking back on it now i know i was played like a pawn and for this i fell stupid and should have realised. But what has happened has happened and now it is time for Golemus to get back and work to resolve this together EDIT: to fix some spelling mistakes and i am sure i missed others.
I was thinking on this for a while. But not sure if it can be done. But basicaly i would like to be able to forward PMs to my email account outside of MD. (yes i know jst copy and past and send but i am lazy ) Would it be worthwile doing this or am i just talking BS. The main reasion for this is i seem to be loosing PM every few days even ones i put into the sorting cloud. The same has happened to my notebook so i would like to backup my PMs somewere else. But would like to be able to do it quicker that copy and paste. So verdict good ida bad idea? Thanks Yrth
[quote name='DarkPriestess' date='10 October 2009 - 10:16 PM' timestamp='1255209360' post='44316'] He said that as an example. [/quote] Ah i see what you meen. Then in essence yes that i think is posiable but i dont think there is enough people to do that with. But yeah you might have a point.
[quote name='Jester' date='10 October 2009 - 09:29 PM' timestamp='1255206595' post='44310'] So what you're saying is that if I can get enough people to vote for me to be King of Loreroot, and none of them are Lorerootians, I can still win Kingship of Loreroot? [/quote] I think you would have to be lorotian to be able to get on the list of selecties
Ah it would be easy to argues till we both fall over dead. So i wont argue anymore you have you opinion and well fair enough. I have mine and that is that. There is no point in argueing over who is rgight or who it worng. what happenes happenes and that is all that really matters.
If it is anything like the public vote for my kingship i beleve it is open to all but your land people will have a slightly higer vote number
I never said i played both effeciently. hey i even admited i didnt. the statement above is as it should be. you see it and assume one thing and not open your mind to what may realy be happining. You have done the same mistake many of us have. you read what is posted but not ask questions of it just make an assumption.
[quote name='Watcher' date='10 October 2009 - 03:44 AM' timestamp='1255142674' post='44228'] Finally, Yrthilian is still playing a martyr while [u]simultaneously[/u] threatening Burns, Metal Bunny, and Grido's control over the military. [/quote] well look who makes statment he know nothing of you say i am threatening Burns, Metal Bunny, and Grido's over control of the allaince. How little you really know as i said to pip. dont comment unless you have fact or at least know what you are talking about. A note on Wodin. Since the changes were made to stop multi accounts logging in yes wodin became neglected I fully admit to this and i also admit to the papers beeing out of date. How may can say the can play to RPC's at once and run them well The was much to be changed and thoes i spoke of it to know the truth This happened before other actions could be done. This was unfortunate. All i can say is what has happened has happened. Things are going forward and thnigs will change as they should.