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Prince Marvolo

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Everything posted by Prince Marvolo

  1. I want to explain my thoughts about this, in a manner that I hope will make sense. I see the illusions, as a dam that broke, water is flooding out, and we are on the wrong side of the dam. People on the right side of the dam, tell us to swim up towards the dam, through the rushing water, and get to dry land. Telling us it’s possible to get up there. Swimming makes you survive, yes. And swimming up a river is doable, and will teach you things. But swimming up a flood, is insanity. And when you almost reach that dam, someone will just open another little hole, to make us flush away back to where we started. While some people tell us to swim, for it is a way to beat water, I would suggest fixing the dam. I think that is the more constructive way to deal with the problem. I know I will always have people disagreeing with this. There will always be people upon that dam. But illusions should be a cloak, not a tank to make you practically invulnerable.
  2. I did this for an attempt to get something done, not to cause random destruction
  3. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1327147939' post='101605'] yeah thats true, but you are forgetting the part where she is only one, while they are 4, why they didnt continue gaining loyalty, if they did she wouldnt be able to catch up, thing in here is that they are complaining becoz they werent aware of possibility to get back into ally which they should have been, it was known before about ally and illusion cmon how much times ya seen grido in gotr, i seen him twice and i dont even play that much, [/quote] We didn't spend too much time getting loyalty because we did not expect this to happen Grido in GotR, No I have never seen that. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1327147939' post='101605']so... since they werent aware of it they werent preparing for it, anyway they did it at opportune time, it was night in europe, dst has to go to sleep ya know and she is sick atm and doesnt have that much time to play anyway, so hell yeah they had awesome chances, if they kept it up she wouldnt be able to catch up and all she could do would be to stay frozen in illusion with chances to do anything else since they would be in front in terms of loyalty and since they are 4 and they spread in different timezones, its easy to keep watch[/quote] I'm also in Europe, I also had to sleep, and I'm in the middle of college exams. [quote name='Liberty4life' timestamp='1327147939' post='101605'] so stop complaining about not having chances, ya had best chance ever and you went to chill out thinking there is nothing she could do, instead of running around md and showing off your new badge ya could have farmed loyalty but ya didnt if ya want to take over ally ya need to think very well and plan it before not during, and get fully informed and prepared which ya wasnt, ya only got nice idea, awesome opportunity and ofc turncoat, ya didnt had all it takes for making such a bold move edit: yes at first she didnt remembered illusion thingy until she ended it, then she knew what to do [/quote] Making a statement about why something happened is not showing off. It's called explaining. How was I supposed to know that it was possible? I don't know anything about illusions. Now, I made this to discuss the alliance/illusion matter, and wether or not it should be possible, and not on how well we were informed. If you want to continue to discuss the takeover itself, you can always find me somewhere in game.
  4. No one stops you from making a topic concerning skillvampire.
  5. [quote name='No one' timestamp='1327109714' post='101537'] To blame the failure on "abuse" or broken or wrong feature ... that I don't agree. It is called "game mechanics" (but you probably don't know what that is) that finally decided the battle. So, [b]removing that illusion "alliance feature" is to remove a change to fight , a chance to win or lose and therefor I will not agree with it.[/b] [/quote] The illusions nullified our chance to win. dst could have had a lot of ways to get her alliance back (through the way I suggested, and probably a Lot more than that). But the illusions made it impossible for us to take it over. and therefor, made the alliance untouchable. I myself never called it abuse. I know it is called game mechanics. That doesn't change the fact that one of those mechanics may or may not be a bit overpowered in certain cases. I understand you want to have your initial 'settings' back after an illusion, but maybe there is a possibility for illusions to recognise an alliance kick, that does not influence any other settings from before the illusion. And this is not a topic to discuss how good or bad we planned things.
  6. There seems to be something tricky about mixing Illusions with kicking someone from the alliance. Someone is in an iIllusion, and get's kicked. When the illusion is reset, the settings of the player are put back to the settings before the illusion (in this case, also before the kick) This means, that said player is returned into the alliance, even when recieved a kick. I discussed this with Mur, and he told me this should be discussed with more people. Mur believes the 'bug' here, is not being able to kick a person when in an illusion, otherwise the change is futile. [b]Should it be possible? Should it be fixed? How would it be fixed?[/b] My personal opinion, is that illusion reset should not be able to interfere with alliance status. Not being able to kick someone in an illusion, I think, makes it much too overpowered. It is a cloak, yes. But you can still punch someone who wears a cloak right? (Maybe I've got to re-test that in RL, but I'm pretty sure it works ) Thank you for your time, and please leave your thoughts about it
  7. Well Dst got her alliance back, without recieving an invite by anyone in the alliance. I want to know how, since Mur claimed he did not have anything to do with it.
  8. I, Marvolo, hearby claim the takeover of the Shattered Illusions. Why? First of all “For Fun” Secondly: I want the Children of the Eclipse back. Dst, you are able to do a LOT of things in this realm. Show me your skills, and retrieve the Children of the Eclipse for me. I believe in you. You made this harder than I had hoped. And if I would not think you were able to do this, I would not have taken this risk. For a risk it is. To quote you, dst: (from here: http://magicduel.invisionzone.com/topic/4520-shattered-illusions/) [i]“I want more. I want smart player. I want strong player.I want players with initiative and with ideas. This will be the place where legends will be borne. Or where they will become immortal!”[/i] Now, Show us what you’re made of. I have an idea that may, or may not work. Take it as a suggestion. Your friends took the Seal of Six, And I believe Pip may want that alliance. Maybe you can trade? Thirdly: For all the herbs and water Sincerely, Marvolo [size=2]ps:[/size] [size=2]I want this topic closed, because I[/size][size=2] do not think this should become a forum flaming You can always contact me in game, or trough forum PM[/size]
  9. [quote name='Seigheart' timestamp='1326991047' post='101229'] What he could mean is that Eon, dst, and Granos are so annoying and purposely do things like this for fun, and some king said **** it, and gave up. [/quote] And that is Indeed worth an award. Congratulations ...
  10. I did not make this topic as a fight against dst. Neither is it about all of the Illusions. It is about the fact that they can influence/mess with lands, and roles related to lands. It's good you asked and recieved permission, Grido. But if one does not get permission, and still uses it, what is the right of that person to be something/ having a role that is so powerful?
  11. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1326976890' post='101178'] Gatekeeper of Necrovion is not an ally illusion. Is a simple tag that comes along with a spell.[/quote] Did I ever mention it was an Ally illusion? It's the fact that it makes you mess with a land, and those who enter it [quote name='dst' timestamp='1326976890' post='101178']Please remove the 3rd reason if you have no proof. Don't drag my name into mud based on a rumor.[/quote] I edited it, to what it should have been. My apologises. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1326976890' post='101178']Land loyalty gained on the illusion - for me it was pure coincidence. I simply forgot to exit the illusion. I have no desire to gain such loyalties. Besides, how much loyalty can I gain compared to the ones that have been citizens for years? So I see no reason to disable it.[/quote] but what if someone DOES get the urge to do it? I have no doubt it could lead to... implications. [quote name='dst' timestamp='1326976890' post='101178'] Yes, if the illusions become something public, they can be altered. But as long as only 4 or 5 people have it I don't think there is a good enough reason to disable them. [/quote] 4 or 5 people can make a mess with it, I do not wish to insult anyone who has the illusions, or want to claim I distrust them, but looking at the aboce stated reasons, I believe there IS enough reason to disable them
  12. Lately, some thoughts struck my mind regarding Illusions: There are illusions that are able to influence a land is ways that are going very deep. My personal thought is, that they may want to get reviewed, because of this. [u]First example (Summon tag spell):[/u] Mur: “[i]My intention is to make it a shared item BUT make special shared items that can be grabed only based on land loyalty[/i]” Right now, there are illusions that are able to give the illusionist land loyalty. And I fear it might lead to having someone who is not loyal to a land grab the shared item, and ruin the purpose of it. [u]Second example:[/u] Dst now has a tag called “gatekeeper of Necrovion” and has been opening the Howling Gates. Gates that are semi-closed for a reason. And the illusion is kind of screwing with that idea. Not to mention that newbies get trapped in there, and have no AP to leave.* [u]Third example:[/u] [i]I want to say first that I have no proof of this incident, and that it happened a long time ago.[/i] [i]Please do not start arguing about the incident itself, it's about the idea behind it.[/i] The essence of the incident was that someone had the Loreroot Soldier Illusion on, and was talking not so nicely about Loreroot and its inhabitants. This illusion makes one look as an ambassador for a land. When it does speak badly/rude towards the land and its citizens, I feel there is something that does not fit well. This may not look like a big point, but it may cause confusion towards people who do not know of the Illusions, and think the Loreroot Soldier is an actual ambassador for said land. Again, this is my personal opinion, and I’d like to get feedback on this. * edit
  13. That's quite a neat thing they've developped there! definately on my wishlist now
  14. [quote name='Magistra' timestamp='1326717788' post='100968'] OMG, I don't fit in here at all! 99% of this stuff is much too heavy for my taste. My music taste is like a moonbeam peeking through branches and leaves and falling on soft, damp soil. [/quote] http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rjUrdd7V1ic http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qZXM3_aVvM
  15. If you type your MD password into the printer at college It didn't work
  16. I think it might be useful to post the council's reply to my mail, for it also brings up a valid point: [quote]For us, one of the ways we use to validate artists we are unsure about is asking for a high resolution scan to be sent in. Many times when reviewing these images, we have noticed imperfections and lack of specific drawings marks that indicate that the user has not drawn and scanned the image. If we were to allow a digital pen, ect to be used, there would be no scan, and for us it would be much harder to be as sure, that they have drawn it. As you point out, this doesnt help in the case of eye-balling or tracing an image. But it does weed out a number of artists who think we wont notice that the artwork has been "cleaned" while they are calling it a scanned image. We approving the art are here to try and make sure MD has the fewest amount of "copied" art, we have to afford some level of trust in the community and therefore are sure that sometimes copied art does get through. A scanned Hi Res image of the original before being cleaned up is wonderfully useful to us in checking. We hope you can see that the fact it is done on paper, gives us more points to check when approving avatars of unknown artists.[/quote] [size=2]Edit: Something went wrong with copying[/size] [size=2]Edit: Adding quotes (thanks Kyphis)[/size]
  17. That's something to think about.
  18. I'd like to give this image as a comparison. The three avatars on the left, are three avatars I had currently in my avatar shop. the wolf was drawn by me with a tablet, the lines around it were for testing, and I decided to leave them there as an example of lines. I added the background of MD, and made the wolf transparent (that's how it will look in MD, if it were an avatar) I personally don't think it is a lot different from the avatars that are already approved once, so, why shoudn't a tablet be approved? No, it can not reproduce a pencil perfectly, but how big is that of a problem? Some avatars around don't look very pencil-ish either.
  19. I do not wish to use a tablet for the sake of speed and money I find it useful to have with me, and to explore new media for art. In my opinion, there are avatars out there that (again, in My opinion) could fit the MD style better, and I think a tablet can produce images that do fit the MD style. I will try to make an artwork to show a comparison, when I have the time (exams coming up)
  20. [color="#CCCCCC"]Ann. 2154 - [2011-12-28 12:37:41 - Stage 11][/color] Using alts to cast spells in order to help the main character falls under the alt abuse category. For this, [u]Neno Veliki will be jailed for 1 week[/u]. His alt will remain in Prison for an undetermined period of time.
  21. About 2 weeks ago, I went a mail to the council with a question concerning avatars/item drawings drawn with a pen tablet. I was wondering if pen tables should be used for avatars or not. My opinion about it was, that it shouldn't be a problem, but I got a reply that said the opposite: [quote]All submitted artwork should be made with pencil and scanned in. Pen tablets should not be used. Not only does it provide consistency with the art in game, it also provides an added surety that the artwork is indeed belonging to the person submitting, rather than found elsewhere on the internet.[/quote] Now I must say I do not agree with what the council said. First, I think consistency with the art in game should not be a problem with a pen tablet, as there are a lot of possibilities with it. And also, it is as easy to trace an image with pen and paper, than it is with a pen tablet. (as I think that is their It's just a virtual paper, and a virtual pencil, I personally don't see the big problem here.(I also made a reply, saying this, but I did not get an anser yet) Now I'd like to ask the opinion of the community, to see what other people think about it. Should a tablet be allowed? Why, why not? [size=2]Edit: Adding quotes (thanks Kyphis)[/size]
  22. I think it's a nice idea. And as long as you don't give your exact location, what could possibly go wrong?
  23. Maybe we need a seperate subforum for fights and other silly things.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Metal Bunny

      Metal Bunny

      Call it the pit, it'll be awesome

    3. Prince Marvolo

      Prince Marvolo

      Ha! That + some popcorn... I'd Love it

    4. ignnus
  24. Because there hasn’t been any progress in finding Comet Pieces the last few days, I decided to loose some more information concerning the stones. Three stones are yet to be found. 2 stones are found yet not returned to me. 5 stones have been returned to me. Here are the notes that will lead you to the places where there are still stones. Unfortunately, the fact that I needed to spread, and thus copy these notes a lot, the notes became quite… messy. I’m afraid some parts are unreadable now. Note [b]**gaping hole in the paper**[/b] someone carrying a pi [b]**Huuuge coffestain**[/b] oot Note 6: there fell [b]**candlewax drippings**[/b] ones, exactly South East of where I was observing the sky Note 1 [b]**burned paper**[/b] : I am very sure there fell some at the Centre of the World Note 10: Three [b]**ink spot**[/b] fell on a line, between [b]**spilled Aromatic Tea**[/b] rance and Winds sanctuary [size=2]Ps: the size of the stains or holes is not on scale with the length of the missing words or letters.[/size] Best of Luck to those still searching. Best of Patience and Inspiration to those are are... very annoyed with not finding the correct words
  25. I personally like The Wind and Rain more, But then again, as Son of the Storms, I am biased on that .
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