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Prince Marvolo

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Everything posted by Prince Marvolo

  1. Moonlight Sonata is my choice
  2. They keep getting better Very nice
  3. Marvolo AD 1105 Choose me because you can
  4. If I can help with artworks, let me know Btw Blackthorn - very very nice drawing! Love it!
  5. Yes yes Samon, that one is very good! Maybe try to get the text a little bigger maybe?
  6. I like the idea! But I'd like to see something similar to the old forum header.. It was a scene (winds sanctuary) but more... edited, so it fitted the purpose, not just scenes next to eachother, but more blending with the text on it.
  7. Y'know, the more space you use there, the less it'll become the void...
  8. [color="#999999"]697777? Maybe [/color]
  9. Well, I'm glad I'm not alone
  10. From the announcements: "The following players are under investigation. All their current creatures and items will be checked and several of them will be removed based on the results of this investigation. It is likely that these accounts will be removed without further notification. We advise you not to do any trades or deals in the following days with these players or you might be considered an accomplice. Players investigated: Brankabrastan, Rikimarrru90, [b]Marvolo[/b], XeericbaiOanqes." What is happening? Did I do something wrong? I'd be happy with a clarification... Oh wait... *checks calendar* I sooo hope this is a April 1st joke Wolf prankers Or maybe I AM a big bad wolf? Later Edit: Well ... Yeah... Rofl...
  11. Tomorrow: Evaluation 2; Wish me luck!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Phantom Orchid
    3. Tipu


      all the best dude. I just got my results all Clear. Wish the same for u hehe

    4. nadrolski
  12. Learn to live together
  13. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1298637000' post='79587'] Ever saw the sun? In MD i mean...you see its light, but how can you say there is a sun if you don.t see it? You associate with what you know same way like a night butterfly confuses a lightbulb with the sun. [/quote] I saw the sun http://magicduel.com/art/weather/sunny.png
  14. I'd like to help creating too
  15. I'm in Wolf + teeth = Dead rabbit?
  16. I'm in! Don't care what team. Wolf brains Ftw
  17. Stop it already! Jeez... Take your issues somewhere else and stop annoying the people who are trying to enjoy their time online, instead of listening to all this BS

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Jubaris


      I admire your logics Chewett :P

    3. Chewett


      oh no, some of the anger goes onto me.

      Logically if you are trying to solve a problem, and one side wont move, surely the other side has to give to try and solve it, if they indeed want to solve said problem.

    4. Sharazhad



      * holds her tongue from saying something that may get her into trouble* I agree with Marv, some of us just want to enjoy our (precious) online time sans a dst/Fenrir death match

  18. Below here: the reason why I tend to just ignore the forums...

  19. When I end this year, I'm gonna feel like I can conquer the world

    1. Pipstickz


      Tell that to the FBI or something, they'll enjoy it.

    2. Sharazhad


      @ Marvolo: ditto!! :D (presses the like button)

  20. Let me know what you want, and I'll give it a try
  21. I like it! Keep practicing! Maybe you could shade it a little more I'm not a big fan of the 'pointy' stuff, but in this one, it makes it look nice and agressive About the sizing: It won't make a problem, just put it in the middle or bottom (depends on your own personal taste) and things will be fine, no need to add stuff. My avy is about half the height, and still looks ok when used.
  22. What is good? Something that has both functionality and estethic beauty What is your best physical attribute? My hands - they create What is your best non-physical attribute? my thoughts - they create What do you value most? Honesty What is 2 + 2? 4 What do you know? Less than I want to know
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