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Prince Marvolo

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Everything posted by Prince Marvolo

  1. A random thought I had was maybe make something like a trigger box, and when you want to compete in a HC, you trick the box. Once X amount of boxer are ticked (and with that X amount of people wanting to do HC) a HC would start.
  2. I'm too lazy to be a vegetarian I once lived a week on fruit alone though, and it was a wonderfull week. Anyone else tried that?
  3. 10 points Peace Scimitar of Destruction' currently owned by Aysun (inactive account) to be returned to me and have its name changed to 'Tainted' and with the description of 'By putting all seven shards together, Peace reforged Khalazdad's sword with Shadowseeker's guidance at Berserker's Way. It emits a vile aura and whenever used against someone, the wielder gets hurt as well.' 9 points Rumi an independent rainwater harvest tool 8 Esmaralda spell to bring back the night and let the Moon rise. It doesn't have to be a spell. It can be an item that "summons" the lady moon (like a moon shard so it can be passed to someone else) and thus brings night into the realm for a period of time 7 points Eagle Eye Silvan Watch Spell or Silvan Spell ( If you deplete the resources you can't harvest in 5 days and if you collect and harvest bellow the amount of resources you can't harvest in 3 days and the cool effects is to lock move 5 minutes in every scene after depleting and harvesting bellow the amount) 6 points Lazarus my own flag, just like Shadowseeker's, and it will be called "The Infernal Order," the complete opposite and I will be the only one who can invite players in it 5 points Tal an item to give or remove the sylvan watch tag to people 4 points Lashtal A Skull shovel, able to collect skull resource (obvious description: "this tool can be used to collect skulls or dig for them underground") 3 points Udgard upgrade to my item creation ability, to allow me to create usable items, and in extension items that can create other items 2 points Hedge Munos guitar item. It would be able to change/add location music for a short amount of time by my inserting a link. 1 points Tankfans Fix the bridge at the Oak Fort, I can provide lumbers and branches if needed. This helps a lot when going to and fro from Oak Fort and GoE. Since this is a selfish wish, I hope the it will require at least 200 AP to move through that bridge.
  4. 10 Peace Scimitar of Destruction' currently owned by Aysun (inactive account) to be returned to me and have its name changed to 'Tainted' and with the description of 'By putting all seven shards together, Peace reforged Khalazdad's sword with Shadowseeker's guidance at Berserker's Way. It emits a vile aura and whenever used against someone, the wielder gets hurt as well.' 9 Rumi an independent rainwater harvest tool 8 Esmaralda spell to bring back the night and let the Moon rise. It doesn't have to be a spell. It can be an item that "summons" the lady moon (like a moon shard so it can be passed to someone else) and thus brings night into the realm for a period of time 7 Eagle Eye Silvan Watch Spell or Silvan Spell ( If you deplete the resources you can't harvest in 5 days and if you collect and harvest bellow the amount of resources you can't harvest in 3 days and the cool effects is to lock move 5 minutes in every scene after depleting and harvesting bellow the amount) 6 Lazarus my own flag, just like Shadowseeker's, and it will be called "The Infernal Order," the complete opposite and I will be the only one who can invite players in it 5 Tal an item to give or remove the sylvan watch tag to people 4 Lashtal A Skull shovel, able to collect skull resource (obvious description: "this tool can be used to collect skulls or dig for them underground") 3 Udgard upgrade to my item creation ability, to allow me to create usable items, and in extension items that can create other items 2 Hedge Munos guitar item. It would be able to change/add location music for a short amount of time by my inserting a link. 1 Tankfans Fix the bridge at the Oak Fort, I can provide lumbers and branches if needed. This helps a lot when going to and fro from Oak Fort and GoE. Since this is a selfish wish, I hope the it will require at least 200 AP to move through that bridge.
  5. Today, I am going to log out, forever. Aka, I’m leaving MD I have been here for a while, and I have the feeling it’s been enough. 5 years is quite an accomplishment I think, And I feel good about it. I have learned a lot here, but that time is past now. I need my time for college now, and art, and other important things out there in the world. I’m working to get myself away from the computer more, and go out into nature. Do things that matter, you know For those who are interested; I have hidden all my items, alla cross the realm Search them if you want to It's the last quest I'm making, enjoy it (ps; you can still find me on YM or Skype, you should find them on my profile)
  6. I think it would also be nice of the weather spells are able to trigger sound, rain sounds, storm sounds, etc.
  7. The artist can upload them, and have them go directly to their Avatar vault, then you can sell them via the transfer code
  8. Away till friday: 3 day trip to Koln/Cologne

  9. First of all, an Alliance takeover is, in my opinion, something that has a rather different scale than posting something in the mood panel. Now, you offer us no chance to do anything to take back our alliance. You offer us no terms or conditions We tried many things to get it back, and we failed. This option now, is somewhat our last option. We, Tarquinus including, DO care about this. We have worked for it, even if you may not have seen it, or don't want to see. And some of us have lives that come before MagicDuel. We need to take care of things that are more important than a game. And we are very sorry for that. Why did you take CoE? Humiliate us? For fun? To stroke your Ego? None of the reasons that I can think of are reasonable. And you never took the time to state one reasonable thing. What do you expect us to do?
  10. 158) Dst actually made the "Grail Topic" as an attempt to break the "- rep" record.
  11. http://naturesoundsfor.me/
  12. Zleiphneir is not a Goat. He is actually a Koala, and Bob is an eucaliptus plant. This explains Z's sleeping habits, and also the fact that Bob has no leaves. One plant for a Koala just isn't enough.
  13. Lines get broken when they are too light, so the lighter parts are seen as a background. As Shadowseeker said, using darker/continious lines helps a lot For the shading: sometimes the transparency stops when the shading begins, because the program sees that as a darker spot, and not as background. I used to be able to fix it with Photoshop using Ctrl+1 or Ctrl+2 (Photoshop CS3) - Then, the program sees it as 'taking all white, and make that transparent' as opposed to 'the background stops at that line' I havn't been able to do that with Gimp though. I also tried to use the tool 'set transparent color' in Microsoft Publisher, but that doesn't work very well either. So for me, Photoshop was the best program to make an image gradually transparent without ruining the image too much.
  14. Whatever drawing technique/scanner you use, you will always need a computer program to make the background transparent.
  15. And the last pieces have been returned to me. Esmaralda won a wishpoint for returning 5 Comet Pieces. Congratulations to the winners, and Thank you for those who participated!
  16. My initial thought would be drawing something that mirrored, but a plain mirror would be difficult, and raises the question "what does it reflect?" So I ended up with the ribbles of water, removing the problem of th mirror, because it's blurred and does not need to be a clear image.
  17. After scrambling up some words and suggestions here, I came up with this.
  18. Thank you for pointing that out! Something went wrong reading creature ID's. Edit 1: Above post edited with the right place [b]Edit 2: Also: I forgot to activate the clickables, so you *might* want to rechack your most recent attempts.[/b] Sorry! Edit 3: Aaaand, I'm officially a Moron - Edited the above post again, with the right anagram. (I hope, lol) Edit 4: Apparently, I did not fail enough Anagrams edited again
  19. Apart from the 5 stones that Duxie returned, there are now 3 stones unfound, and 2 stones found yet not returned. (those two stones are held by seperate people) I have the feeling that the three stones that are left, may be a bit difficult to find. Therefor, I will give a couple of hints again. Anagrams, this time! GoE - Thespian Meets Ex Heresy hut - Decent Shop Riot Defensive Quarters - Ethic Knotholes
  20. Yay for Growlithe!
  21. Weaken (level 5) stone (2) Mirrorritual stone Noarmor stone Locate stone Weather Storm stone Otherarmy stone Invisibility (level 2) stone (2) You can bid here. If I see an offer that pleases me, you'll get it.
  22. A water lily. Not yet 100% finished, but since the deadline for the forst artwork is coming soon, and I do not want to forget about it, I'm posting it now. Edit: Added my freshly drawn interpretation of the Greenhouse and the Windmill
  23. [quote]It took me a looong time to decide weather or not this thread deserves an answer. It doesn't but on the other hand maybe it's time to clear some things and enlighten you a bit once and for all. Let's start with a bit of history: Shattered was created for me. I didn't "work/plan/etc" to have it. To me it was "perfectly perpendicular" (as we say in RO aka it didn't matter) if I had an ally or not. My goals were different by the time I got SI. So, because Si was created for me I became Role Leader. I guess you all know what that means. If not then maybe you should check the announcements (hint: look for DS and simplyzero). --fail no 1 for former CoE members[/quote] I know what a Role Leader is. [quote]SI is a bug testers/game mechanics alliance. I know things that few know and I dare to say I am very good at doing my job. You underestimated my intelligence and my potential. --fail no 2 for former CoE members[/quote] Indeed, I underestimated you. [quote]You are willing to trade SI for CoE. And you were "kind" enough to give me a hint on how to achieve that. The answer to this needs to be elaborated a bit. First: you underestimated my friendship and loyalty. I would have NEVER EVER asked Eon to give SoS back to pipstickz so I can get SI back and you can trade for CoE. I would have simply moved to SoS and waited for your next move about SI. When I would have gotten bored by SoS see my first paragraph and you will understand what I would have done. Second: I would never ever help Loreroot even if that means that I will lose some things especially if it comes in the form of a blackmail. NEVER EVER try to blackmail me because it will never work. NEVER EVER try to squeeze my hand like that. --fail no. 3 for former CoE members[/quote] Concerning CoE: I see it as a crossroad, with a couple of paths I could have taken. And all paths are covered in mist. I chose one, it was a grab in the dark, and I knew it was a risky thing to do. Sitting idly though, wouldn’t have helped more. [quote]I showed you what I am made of. I am not a whiner and a beggar. I took the matter into my own hands and ALONE I handled it (ok, not completely alone since Eon morally supported me all the way and I have to thank him for that). I got my ally back through my own powers. I didn't make forum posts complaining about the issue. I never came to any of you asking/demanding/begging for my ally back. And with all the above, you all screamed bug abuse and other **** like that. You should be ashamed. You're like the young dog that barks at the passing cars showing how brave it is but when it gets hit by one it starts crying[/quote] . Yes, you indeed showed me what you are made of. I never started shouting ‘bug abuse’ and other *** like that. Of course it popped up in my mind, and I discussed it with some people. But this was because we had no idea how this all was happening. We were only trying to find out what happened, for one can not know everything. Others may have called you names, but I was merely trying to find out what happened. [quote]If you were noble and moral as you pretend, instead of whining and screaming and probably go to Mur/Council (to report me that I used bugs) you could have simply talked to me and asked me. You preferred to go to 3rd sources. I was the most reliable sources but I guess you are not brave enough to face me. Strength and Honor? I say BS. You have no idea what strength and honor are. You're weak and you are cowards. So don't come to be telling you know more about it then I do.[/quote] I asked Mur if he returned your alliance, because we did not know what happened, and because I know you are a role leader. Council? No. I also never said to Mur that you used bugs. I explained what happened, and I got my reply. I did not ask you directly, for I thought you were going to respond in a not so nice way. You would indeed be the best source to go to, but I thought you wouldn’t have liked talking to me then. A misjudge maybe, but mistakes happen. And when did I tell you I know more about it than you - I know that, and even more so now. There happened things, that I thought were not a good thing, and I started a topic to explain my thought about it, is that forbidden? There is a difference between voicing an opinion and whining, although it may seem like a thin line. I always try to understand others when facing a disagreement, and I ask others to try to understand my reasoning too. I’m not a wall to talk to. Nor am I perfect. I misjudged and I made mistakes. Afterwards, I tried to voice my opinion upon a matter that bothered me.
  24. So basically, what you are saying, is "Yes it is a tank, deal with it and learn to swim"
  25. I'm happy with my rewards, you can give that imp to a quest who has more problems with getting rewards for the winners. Thank you, though.
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