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Prince Marvolo

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Everything posted by Prince Marvolo

  1. I'm in Forum PM me for YM
  2. When I hear music, I mostly "feel it" as in, accents, physical feeling, it's difficult to explain. In addition to that, I 'see' a kind of curve that goes up or down with high or low notes, but that is probably because I see music as sheet music, through the eyes of a musician. That is with monotone music (1 line music, like paganini) With polyphone music it gets complexer, more curves, different feeling for each 'voice' with the accents... I wonder if this makes any sense at all, for it's difficult to explain. Sometimes music triggers landscapes, sometimes the plain sheet music. It all depends on the music itself, classical music triggers more 'academic' feelings, while folk triggers landscape feelings
  3. Is searching for people who study(ied) Psychology, or Architecture... To find out which one is the most interesting for next year.

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Grido


      Yea, @Mystery, but I do recall my own teacher saying in the exams we could make up the names, because the examiner doesn't know what studies we've looked at :P

    3. Arcane Wanderer

      Arcane Wanderer

      I have friends who have majored in Psychology and one friend who is studying Architecture (I'm not sure if that's what the major is called). My friend studying Architecture seems constantly stressed. I, for one, love Psychology. However, I think you need at least a Masters to get a good job.

    4. Sasha Lilias

      Sasha Lilias

      *coughdobiochemistryinsteadcough* :D

  4. That's a very good one Although I'm not a big fan of Pink in paintings, this one turns out to be great in colors! I'd like to see that one full sized, because when clikcing it, you can't see it as a whole, and the thumbnail is just too tiny In the tiny one it looks like it's a tree standing next to water, while big sized it looks like it roots dig into some evil-shadow world [s]I'd like to know how high it is, because like Shadow says, it's not that clear...[/s]* [quote name='Muratus del Mur' timestamp='1293769209' post='76447'] lets generalise this...i like to think my purpose in life is to have each day idle in such way [/quote] I know the feeling very well Schoolwork - painting - schoolwork - painting (...) Meh, painting *Edit: Mur types faster... xD
    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Asterdai


      well yeah, like mushrooms growing up around a tree.. erk its just me obviously :P

      its not easy on the eye though i dont think, the metal colour adds to that effect im sure

    3. Asterdai


      dont get me wrong i really like it :P

    4. Prince Marvolo

      Prince Marvolo

      Yes, I get it now xD It's not supposed to be something figurative though, it's pure abstract.

  5. 2 Xmas cards arrived - Tnx Nim and Windy :D

  6. Yes it is Yay!
  7. Somehow, the picture of my award medal, also shows on my UTOB throphy and LR citizenship records And it shoudn't xD Anyone else got the same problem?
  8. Has had a loooong Xmas weekend, and is going '=_='

    1. Curiose


      Oh, how I know that feeling. ee;

  9. My cards will be late :/

  10. The log of the Winter Soltice or Yule Ceremony ~ Day: 355 Year: 5 ~ [Spoiler] After gathering at the Inn, we went to the Mistletoe Bridge, where our Druid Shemhazaj climbed one of the trees. There he cut some Mistletoe with his Golden Sicle. The pretty Priestesses ran under it, gathering the falling bits of Mistletoe. After we catched all bits, some taking one, other filling their skirts, we all went to the outside of the Inn, where the ceremony started. :Shemhazaj comes to the Log :Yala Sviseusen walks up the path quietly :Shemhazaj smiles to Yala :Marvolo sits down near the stairs :Yala Sviseusen returns the smile :Phear Wolf runs in, trips and let all his mistletoe fall down :lepus runs and stops at the stairs Shemhazaj:ok, you three decorate the Log with Mistletoe :Yala Sviseusen smiles :Marvolo goes to help Phear Wolf retrieving the mistletoe Curiose:Whoot. Shemhazaj:but save most of it for decorationg the Inn and other houses :Yala Sviseusen walks over to the log and silently begins placing mistletoe on it :lepus opens her robes showing lots of mistletoe & starts to put some on the yule log :mcvitie mumbles more and sits on the bottom step Phear Wolf: *starts gathering the fallen mistletoe* thanks Marvolo lepus:log ish purdy :Curiose snaps a bit of mistletoe from her bunch and places it on the log. Shemhazaj:put the rest on the cloth there *points to a white cloth on the ground* Yala Sviseusen: *st* eps back and admires the Yule log *Mya Celestia*:I have special Yule mead for once we light the log, too *smiles* :Marvolo takes one branch and places it on the log :Lintara pulls out a piece of mistletoe out of her mane and places it on the log :Yala Sviseusen steps back and admires the Yule Log lepus: *puts the rest of the mistletoe on the white cloth* there you go shemie :lepus grins :Yala Sviseusen drops the rest out of her robe and onto the cloth :Phear Wolf grabs one of his branches and put it in the log :Curiose puts hers on the designated cloth Shemhazaj: *points to a deep hole in the ground* don't fall in there Shemhazaj:I told Darigan to dig deep... :Phear Wolf falls in there :Marvolo looks over the edge Phear Wolf: *jumps back out* sorry... Lintara:Just how dee- *trips and falls in* :Yala Sviseusen moves to stand next to Shem Lintara: *quickly leaps out* Oh... :*Mya Celestia* takes a bunch of unlit torches and passes them around to all gathered :lepus stands beside shemie :Yala Sviseusen takes the torch with a nod :mcvitie mumbles as takes the torch Phear Wolf: *laughs* Shem, you should have said "fall in there" :Shemhazaj puts his hood on his head :lepus looks at the torch & at mya :Marvolo goes to sit next to Mcvitie :mcvitie blows on the end and it bursts into flames :Lintara takes the torch *Mya Celestia*: *whispers to lepus* Hold it in both hands and be extra careful once it's lit. :mcvitie shoves it in the ground and goes back to her mumbling :[Spell] Sioc :lepus looks at mya & nods & holds the torch tightly in both hands Shemhazaj:ok, I'll start now :Marvolo is happy he has a warm fur Shemhazaj:please no fooling around ok? *smiles* :Shemhazaj places his hands on the ground Curiose:Certainly. *Winks.* :Phear Wolf stares Shemhazaj attently :Yala Sviseusen pulls the cowl of her robe down farther to block the cold Shemhazaj:I call out to the Earth Mother Shemhazaj:You who support me. Shemhazaj:You who hold me Shemhazaj:You who has birthed me and will once again take me. Shemhazaj:Earth Mother, in her daily travels, the sun passes through you. Shemhazaj:Her path has grown longer with each passing day Shemhazaj:Since the last Solstice, this summer gone. Shemhazaj:It is in your power to shorten this trail Shemhazaj:The lonely one through your tunnels and caves Shemhazaj:I ask that you hear your children Shemhazaj:And show her the way. Shemhazaj: *stands up and looks towards Mya* start the fire. :*Mya Celestia* lights her torch :*Mya Celestia* carefully lights everybody's torch *Mya Celestia*:Burning of the Yuletide log is a celebration of the winter solstice. *Mya Celestia*:While we have no night in this world, there are still times of great darkness. *Mya Celestia*:The burning of the log signifies the cleansing of the past, As the slate is wiped clean and the new year dawns *Mya Celestia*:Let us lay the darkness of the past at the yule log that it may be burned away *Mya Celestia*:So may our futures be as bright as this flame and as cheerful as the adornments that welcome it. *Mya Celestia*:The mistletoe adorns the log for a purpose *Mya Celestia*:An evergreen that reminds us of life and is a sign of prosperity and good fortune. *Mya Celestia*:It brings the hope of new futures and new romances as well. Let us all remember that without love our lives are dark, too. *Mya Celestia*:Let us all step forward and light the log as one. :*Mya Celestia* turns to face the log :Yala Sviseusen faces the log :mcvitie mumbles and grabs her torch, steeping towards the log :lepus faces the log :Shemhazaj faces the Log :Curiose takes a step to light the log. :Lintara face the log, her tail twitching a bit :Azull faces the log :Amoran K Kol draws Marvolo's sword, moving in a circle around the crowd in order to reach him. :Amoran K Kol touches Marvolo with the Sword of Storms, the flat of the blade lightly resting agaisnt his forehead. :Marvolo points his ears and searcher for Amoran in the crowd :ERO ERO faces the log :Marvolo Touches the sword, and goes to stand a little way out of the crowd :*Mya Celestia* offers Amoran a lit torch so that she may join :Amoran K Kol sheathes Marvolo's sword and turns toward the crowd, observing what is happening. :Amoran K Kol smiles softly and accepts the torch, nodding to Mya. :Marvolo sits down, waiting for the transformation to begin *Mya Celestia*: *holds her torch to the log* Let us join in heart and fire :Yala Sviseusen places her torch on the log :lepus watches mya and copies her :Curiose lights the torch with everyone else. :Lintara holds her torch to the log mcvitie:Guess I should as well... *mumbles and does the same* :*Mya Celestia* smiles and nods to lepus :Amoran K Kol approaches the log and kneels, placing the small torch against the log, brushing her fingers over it's dry surface before standing and moving away. :lepus touches the log with her torch Amoran K Kol: *speaks softly.* May you light the way as the world falls to rest. :Shemhazaj watches the log starting to burn :Yala Sviseusen motions for Lepus and Curiose to join her and begins gracefully dancing around the fire, very quietly humming low tones :lepus joins yala and dances around the fire Curiose:Must I dance? :Amoran K Kol watches Yala with a soft smile set in her features. :Marvolo feels his legs and arms becoming longer, and his nose shorter :Yala Sviseusen the soft hums quickly elevate to a strong chant lepus: *nods* curiose dance! :Lintara catches the tune, but resists the urge to dance Curiose:Nah, I'd rather stay rooted. :lepus puts a hand out to curiose :mcvitie goes back to her seat, sitting next to Marv as he transforms :Phear Wolf moves his head with the rithym Shemhazaj: *looks at Curry* it'd be good if you did Curiose:Shroomness is calling and... shroomness does not dance. :Marvolo feels his hairs grow shorter Curiose:... Curiose:Oh fien. Curiose:I'll do it for the ceremony. :Amoran K Kol turns to Marvolo and quietly unfastens her cloak, gently draping it around Marvolo as he begins to transform. lepus:yeah!! :lepus grins happily at curiose :Shemhazaj smiles to the the priestesses :Curiose gets up and awkwardly begins to dance. :Shemhazaj faces the Fire Shemhazaj:Snow and ice have cooled our minds :Marvolo tries to stand up once the transformation is almost complete Shemhazaj:Cold winds have blown away our fertile thoughts :lepus dances around the fire :Mystic wanders over next to Amoran and takes a seat Shemhazaj:Silent days have stilled our tongues Shemhazaj:Like the bear, the fox, and the toad Shemhazaj:Our creativity hibernates without the warmth of the sun. :Yala Sviseusen 's chants rise to the point of climax, accentuating Shems words Shemhazaj:Come to us now, Inspiration, as the sun returns! Shemhazaj:As the sun grows in strength Shemhazaj:So may the fire in our hearts! :Marvolo stands up, wrapping his cloak thighter Shemhazaj: *turns to Marvolo* Gatekeeper, open the gates. :Marvolo smiles to Shem and turns to the hole in the ground Marvolo:Open the way Marvolo:Open the way Marvolo:Great Spirit Marvolo:Open the way :Marvolo makes an opening triskel over the Hole; envision it as a gate to the Underworld :Marvolo turns to the fire Marvolo:Open the way Marvolo:Open the way Marvolo:Great Spirit Marvolo:Open the way :Marvolo makes an opening triskel over the Fire; envision it as a gate to the Upperworld :Marvolo turns to the surrounding Trees Marvolo:Open the way Marvolo:Open the way Marvolo:Great Spirit Marvolo:Open the way :Marvolo makes an opening triskel over the trees; envision it as the crossroads of the Worlds Marvolo:Let the Gates be Opened! :Shemhazaj nods to Marvolo :Shemhazaj looks around at all the people gathered :Marvolo nods and turns back to the fire, warming his hands :Shemhazaj faces the Fire again :lepus stops dancing and stares into the fire Shemhazaj:Now, I close this rite. Shemhazaj:But first, let me thank those who have offered help: Shemhazaj:Nature Spirits, for adding your voice to mine, :Phear Wolf lays down as he starts to feel dizzy :Mystic shivers and moves closer to the fire Shemhazaj:I thank you. Shemhazaj:Earth Mother, for showing the sun the proper ways, Shemhazaj:I thank you. Shemhazaj:To all the powers who have here aided me, Shemhazaj:I say again, I thank you. Shemhazaj:Gatekeeper, Firekeeper and Priestesses *looking at them accordingly* Shemhazaj:I thank you. Shemhazaj:This rite is ended! :Yala Sviseusen smiles :Marvolo smiles :lepus looks at shemie and grins :Shemhazaj takes off his hood :Phear Wolf grins softly *Mya Celestia*: *smiles stepping toward Shem* Nicely done Curiose:Yush, well done Shemhazaj: *points to the pile of mistletoe* now that the ceremony is done, Shemhazaj:everyone can take the mistletoe and hang it above the entry of their homes :[Spell] Light the Way - Marvolo, Mystic, Tarquinus, Curiose, Fyrd Argentus, BigC, mcvitie, *Mya Celestia* Curiose:<< Curiose:>> Shemhazaj:it'll grant good fortune in the year that draws near Curiose:Sankie :[Spell] Light the Way - Shemhazaj, Yala Sviseusen, Azull, Ero, Lintara, Phear Wolf, Rumi, VonUngernSternberg, lepus, everyone Yala Sviseusen: *hugs Shem* Beautifully done A’maelamin Shemhazaj:let's us decorate the Inn *grins* End [/spoiler] Special thanks to Shemhazaj and Mya Celestia, who did the preparations for the event! And of course to all who attended the ceremony! Happy Yule
  11. Yay! Last exam tomorrow :D Freeedoooom!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Sunfire


      last one today hahah! ;)

    3. Roland


      good luck:)))) Then a nice deep breath!

    4. Atrumist


      First in Friday hahah!


  12. Meh - Art History

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Prince Marvolo

      Prince Marvolo

      *blabbers smt about Abstract Expressionism and Colorfield Painting*

    3. Sunfire


      sounds very interesting...

    4. Lintara


      Plenty of ways how it could've been worse...

  13. Made his exam about the Cold War while it was snowing like helll... The Irony

  14. Made his exam about the Cold War while it was snowing like helll... The Irony

  15. History... And Physics... What a combination to study :/

  16. http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu124/Siemonvdb/Sharpening.jpg?t=1292334062
  17. Maths + (Tiredness x blackout) = Fail^2

    1. Brulant


      (Amount of fail/mood)^2 + niceness = proper amount of sympathy.

  18. http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu124/Siemonvdb/CircleDot.jpg?t=1292162526 (Dot is placed upon the inner circle, if it'd be a whole circle, if that makes sense)
  19. http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu124/Siemonvdb/Countersymbolsq.jpg?t=1292162114 Cancel, in a breaking way Edit: Seem Miq was faster than me lol Edit2: Sorry, Mith xD That's what you get with reading fast
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