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Prince Marvolo

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Everything posted by Prince Marvolo

  1. No, if people want regen, they should learn to help eachother. Not depending on something that makes it more easy. If you have problems with the XP cap - then Talk to others and set up some rits in group? It'll improve more to the gameplay than mindlessly attacking thise Libs.
  2. Is gone again for a day or two :D

  3. =)) Hilarious!
  4. Honestly, when reading the title, I tought we needed to guess all of your alts, Who had found the most, would win Anyways, Come up with something more original?
  5. It is PM lol PM via forum
  6. Age 104 (Day: 182) [u]Forum-PM me bids.[/u] [b]Tokens:[/b] Dark Shield Onyx Fangs Black Diamonds [i] (I prefer coins)[/i] [b]Highest Bid At this moment: [/b]3 Gold
  7. Like the topic name says: I'm selling my Shade Age 182 (day 179) PM me offers in Forum please. (I prefer coins) Highest bid: 85 silver, one Gold and an aged and tokened premium crit
  8. Sages new item is an Epic Win for sure!

  9. [quote name='Udgard' date='29 June 2010 - 11:26 AM' timestamp='1277803566' post='62924'] Some semantics: [list] [*]Our sole aim is to help the needy and protect the land of Loreroot - and worship Savel, of course [*]We worship nature [b]and Savel[/b], devise rituals, and practice them [*]Help us revive the noble spirit of Savelfuser! - he never technically died, so don't you followers kill him off [/list] [/quote] Of course, lol - we are the SAVELITES Church, it is pretty obvious that we worship Savel, not? "Revive" is a figurative way of speaking, seeing his "Spirit" as the ideas behind the Church --- [i] OOC: Also, I have to second Esmerelda. Why negative repping this? If you are not agreeing with this, (How can you disagree with a recruitment call, anyways) then Tell It To Me Personally! Repping really makes no sense here (same with + repping anyways)[/i]
  10. [center][size="7"][font="Arial Black"]Savelite Recruitment Poster [/font][/size] [IMG]http://i640.photobucket.com/albums/uu124/Siemonvdb/29b.gif[/IMG] [size="6"][b][color="#FF0000"][font="Arial Black"]Welcome![/font][/color][/b][/size] [size="5"][color="#FBB917][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"]Want to be a part of an ancient brotherhood? Want to become a part of the beautiful land of Loreroot and abide the king as a faithful citizen?[/font][/size][/color] [size="6"][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"][color="#FBB917][b]Join us in the Savelites Church![/b][/font][/size][/color] [size="5"][font="Franklin Gothic Medium"][color="#8B0000"]Prove to us your loyalty and love for the land for it is that what we value the most. And in return... you shall be rewarded. Our sole aim is to help the needy and protect the land of Loreroot. Together, we shall work on different projects based on [b]YOUR[/b] original ideas to improve [b]OUR[/b] surroundings, to help our land prosper!We worship nature, devise rituals, and practice them. Help us devise new ones with your talents! Help us revive the noble spirit of Savelfuser![/color] [/font][/size] [color="#8B0000"][size="3"][b][i]I, Marvolo, await your responses eagerly. PM me in the game or in the forum with one of your ideas to help improve MD and you shall be accepted.[/i][/b][/size][/color] [/center]
  11. Is back, and pretty dead - Folk Metal FTW

  12. You could also hang a muffin on the top of a tree, so you first need to reach it before eating it. That way, you exercise AND get a muffin for it
  13. Hereby I want to give my reasoning and information according to the Total Cleanup* of the Savelites Church Alliance. 1. I want to make a whole new fresh start. I think that is understandable and reasonable. 2. When I became leader, I had sent a PM** to All Savelites, cointaining by ideas, plans for the future, and some things that needed to be enlightened a bit. Goldfinger Earthicus left after talking to me. And I Respect and Understand his decision. The other Savelites Decided to stay – so I make from that that they were ok with me and my decisions. This leads to 3: 3. I have sent a second PM**, asking all Savelites to make a little project, related to the Church (Etc etc, that doesnt matter right now) and only 1 bothered to respond 1! That leads to 4: 4. What can I possibly do with people who dont even bother to reply to a PM? I dont want to blame/accuse/flame (whatever) the Savelites with this. But these are just my observations. You dont bother to do something? Then please leave? If you are away, Ofc that is possible! But let me know? 5. I do not WANT to do this, I do not LIKE to do this, I don’t want to be this evil Dictator, kicking everyone, etc etc. But to keep some order and clarity, It is necessary. 6. I Did discuss this with other people, and based upon their feedback I made my decision. *Removing all Members from the Alliance. ** All Savelites have read it. This topic will be closed, to avoid any forum rants/flamings/etc. If anyone has problems with this, send me a forum PM / in game PM Any attempts to contact me via threads Will Be Ignored. I hope you understand this. Removed members can of course come back.
  14. Yoshi Edit; Bedrrom should be Bedroom @ topic title
  15. [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='19 June 2010 - 10:44 AM' timestamp='1276937095' post='62230'] Your ignorance will be your doom. [/quote] Your lack of an open mind, has already led you to your doom [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='19 June 2010 - 10:44 AM' timestamp='1276937095' post='62230'] Root of the Matter Inn republic won’t prosper. Tell me one new Lorerootian that shows some great potential? I can name at least one for every other land. You are making a land of buffoons. I see no changes and there won’t be any. Tho even with this I made progress that can be classified as greatest in the 8 month history of this kingdom - Firsanthalas actually asking other people what they think about their roles (new topic inspired by me.) but that’s just a mask. [/quote] Jeez, I knew you had an ego, but I never realised it's size untill now [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='19 June 2010 - 10:44 AM' timestamp='1276937095' post='62230'] I am gone now, and I won’t be getting back till I see some changes, till then I can try to reason some of Lorerootian people, not to act against Firsanthalas but to understand, and I’ll always be there for those just in need. [/quote] Gone now? Then STOP complaining about things that dont affect you anymore! Trying to Reason some of Lorerootian people? C'mon guy, I think he have more reason thatn you, seriously. And you'll only be there for those that stroke your ego [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='19 June 2010 - 10:44 AM' timestamp='1276937095' post='62230'] Root of the Matter Inn base, Guardians of the Root will continue this way till perhaps someone decides to do something, Children of the Eclipse will stay in their own business unwilling or too afraid to done anything of importance to Loreroot, [u]and Savelites will be now lead by the one who betrayed his oath and principles of his brotherhood.[/u] [/quote] You say I dont know the 'principles of my brotherhood' yet YOU did not understand me in my thinking cause again, it just didnt fit YOURS. brotherhood needs to come in 2 ways, I have stayed friendly with you, but if you decide to keep insulting me... Then it is noy ma fault our brotherhood ended here. Take a look at yourself [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='19 June 2010 - 10:44 AM' timestamp='1276937095' post='62230'] Good luck prospering. I will seek my refuge elsewhere – have no fear, I can take care on my own, but the problem is that you people can’t. And at the end, we’ll see the results and who was right and not. I hope that the number of good individuals will end your illusions, but I doubt it. [/quote] Ok, Bbye, now STFU, thanks [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='19 June 2010 - 10:44 AM' timestamp='1276937095' post='62230'] Some things will never change. [/quote] EXACTLY! YOU will never change, YOUR attitude will never change, YOUR ego will never change ooc: This is my 2 cents of it. And I still hope you'll change again to the one you were before. Your sudden change of character is scary, and I'm not the only one thinking that. If you decide that your 'honor' and 'right way of thinking' and especially youe Ego come before your friends, well... Thats just sad. And I hope, that you will realise that some day. Untill that day, I will just try to ignore you (edit: structure errors)
  16. But... Strawberries > Tomatoes - and they are also rred n stuff! *runs and hides from the evil cultivists and prepares to get juicified*
  17. [quote name='Lord Corg' date='12 June 2010 - 11:16 AM' timestamp='1276334204' post='61725'] Ahhhh so we need to speak with you now to join the church? I was talking with Prince Rhaegar about joining, but havent heard back from him. [/quote] Yes, from now on, everyone interested in joining the Curch should contact me.
  18. [b]Official Announcement according to the Leadership of the Savelites Church.[/b] I, Marvolo, hereby claim officially the Leadership of the Church. Also, I want to state that Princ Rhaegar will NOT lead the alliance from outside it. His influence will be gone. There will be changes in time, yet not within the first days of course. (Because of RL issues called Exams :/ Lol) Sincerly, Marvolo
  19. Spellcaster for Mya - No silver needed
  20. For the record: I have nothing to do with this all. Not has the Savelites Church. For the time beeing, I took the lead of the Savelites Church. I cannot speak for individuals tough, but as alliance, we do not want to get involved in this.. At least, not further. It is a sad thing 3 members of the church were found traitors, But that does not mean we All are. I hope this is understood. The Savelite Church IS Loreroot, and STILL is Loreroot, wether individuals might like it or not. Any questions about this matter should be adressed to me, Thank you. M
  21. I second that, just got the same thing Yet, 30 minutes ago I was able to login.
  22. I offer my spells. Which consists of some good offensive ones.
  23. Student Architecture Art school FTW!
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