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Prince Marvolo

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Everything posted by Prince Marvolo

  1. Do you mean "paper on paper held to light" trace? as in, 2 papers upon eachother and draw it? I don't think that was done, since there are details that suggest otherwise. I'm not against copying a pose (as in, seeing how the anatomy works, and proportions), but this is too obvious the same thing. Wasn't it stormrunners avy?
  2. Ha! Immortality Ftw
  3. Call it "Marvolo"
  4. http://siemon.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d32fqbd And an older work that was not made specifically for this, but does fit the theme (and for the sake of self-advertising) http://siemon.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d2xbs36
  5. Needs someone who can speak Spanish to translate a 4 minute interview for me - It's for school - Please?

  6. I need a someone who can speak Spanish, and someone who can speak German to translate an interview for me into english. It's for school - Please?

  7. Can a goaty count too? >.<
  8. 3 hours of sleep, for 2 nights... Long live halloweenZzzz.... *whacks the keyboard with his head*

  9. Die architecture, die! ... Or stop driving me nuts, thanks :D

  10. You need 2 persons to make a piece of art; one to make it; and one to tell when to stop (aka - I just finished a huuuuge painting :D)

  11. [u]MD related:[/u] Trying to play the song at the park on my guitar Or playing with my dog, imagining it's a knator Thinking my room looks like Necrovion... (Dust, dust and dust ) [u] None MD related:[/u] Homework ... Architecure homework to be exact Line, line,line,line,line,dot,dot,dot,dot,dot,line,line,line,line... *Gets headache and starts throwing with his pencils* I haaate complex technical drawings...
  12. Is getting buried in schoolwork... Save me?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      too bad, im in a pile too, you try and save me!

    3. The Great Pashweetie

      The Great Pashweetie

      bfh your too good for help.

    4. Prince Marvolo

      Prince Marvolo

      I could buuuurn the pile but... Yeah.. I wouldn't like doing this year over again lol

  13. The Celestine Prophecy It's good, but the translation isn't...
  14. 19. Fruit harvesting will never be implemented because it will cause mass tomato deaths...
  15. Agreed with Udgard... a list active and inactive would be very useful
  16. Sold - Can be closed
  17. 5 days... And then I'll be in Paris - watching art and architecture

  18. What about only citizens of a land can carry the torch of that particular land. Since it's fighting for your land... Edit: typo
  19. Prince Marvolo


    1010000100011001010000101 0010110011 Player name: Marvolo
  20. What do you say when you're shooting a Duck? .. .. Duck!!
  21. Yaay! *shares the cookies and keeps the cake* Thank you all!
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