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  1. Downvote
    Rendril got a reaction from Watcher in Illusions and Alliance status   
    When you become an illusion you become someone else. When you turn back, the memories of who you were will be used to put you back (like your alliance). Some of the ordeals you take as an illusion are remembered and they leave scars on your original self.

    It is possible to mimic your previous self in an illusion, like being in the same alliance. When you get kicked it is not your actual self that gets kicked.

    As for this particular case the issue I see is the amount of time being spent as an illusion, those actions can catch up to you.
  2. Downvote
    Rendril got a reaction from Watcher in Illusions and Alliance status   
    No, just be creative.
  3. Upvote
    Rendril got a reaction from dst in Illusions and Alliance status   
    No, just be creative.
  4. Upvote
    Rendril got a reaction from No one in Illusions and Alliance status   
    When you become an illusion you become someone else. When you turn back, the memories of who you were will be used to put you back (like your alliance). Some of the ordeals you take as an illusion are remembered and they leave scars on your original self.

    It is possible to mimic your previous self in an illusion, like being in the same alliance. When you get kicked it is not your actual self that gets kicked.

    As for this particular case the issue I see is the amount of time being spent as an illusion, those actions can catch up to you.
  5. Upvote
    Rendril got a reaction from dst in Illusions and Alliance status   
    When you become an illusion you become someone else. When you turn back, the memories of who you were will be used to put you back (like your alliance). Some of the ordeals you take as an illusion are remembered and they leave scars on your original self.

    It is possible to mimic your previous self in an illusion, like being in the same alliance. When you get kicked it is not your actual self that gets kicked.

    As for this particular case the issue I see is the amount of time being spent as an illusion, those actions can catch up to you.
  6. Upvote
    Rendril got a reaction from Liberty4life in Illusions and Alliance status   
    When you become an illusion you become someone else. When you turn back, the memories of who you were will be used to put you back (like your alliance). Some of the ordeals you take as an illusion are remembered and they leave scars on your original self.

    It is possible to mimic your previous self in an illusion, like being in the same alliance. When you get kicked it is not your actual self that gets kicked.

    As for this particular case the issue I see is the amount of time being spent as an illusion, those actions can catch up to you.
  7. Upvote
    Rendril reacted to Shemhazaj in Regarding Illusions and influencing lands   
    [quote]Yes, if the illusions become something public, they can be altered. But as long as only 4 or 5 people have it I don't think there is a good enough reason to disable them.[/quote]

    [i][color=#808080]I like your reasoning dst. I'd like to see it used in RL court.[/color][/i]
    [i][color=#808080]"If guns become public they can be banned, but as long as only 4 or 5 people are shooting them on the street I don't think is a good enough reason to change that."[/color][/i]
  8. Upvote
    Rendril reacted to Axel Keravnos in Global Mute Button   
    If you are that worried about it then under volume control turn down your volume from say IE to zero but leave firefox and all of that still on full volume. You know volume control rocks right?
  9. Upvote
    Rendril reacted to Pipstickz in Illusions and Alliance status   
    [quote name='No one' timestamp='1327103318' post='101523']
    I don't have illusions, i don't understand them completely but I vote to keep the old alliance after illusion reset.

    All the reasons for & against has been said already.
    True, in case of an alliance take over, you should be able to kick him out, but again one should be able to fight back.
    Yes, of course you'd prefer for dst to keep the alliance. You're obviously biased.
  10. Upvote
    Rendril reacted to Junior in Creature Bug   
    So I was messing around with my creatures when two horrible things happened.

    1. My Dark has been corrupted, i get the following msg when i try to open its creature specs:

    Warning: require_once(/home/magicdue/public_html//ui/creatures/tpl/tpl..php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/creatures/load_inspect.php on line 771
    Fatal error: require_once() [function.require]: Failed opening required '/home/magicdue/public_html//ui/creatures/tpl/tpl..php' (include_path='.:/usr/lib/php:/usr/local/lib/php') in /home/magicdue/public_html/ui/creatures/load_inspect.php on line 771

    2. After further messing around with my creatures i noticed that if i tried to select my Elu into a combat rit i get the following msg:

    illegal action reported, keeping on this path will get you banned. #ab0k

    Now am sure i've seen people attack me with an Elu before so... not sure why. Oh and also i might of tried this at least 15 times so yeah >.<

    What mainly concerns me is my Dark I hope this gets resolved soon and if you need me for testing of any sort let me know.

    -Junior The Collector of Problems

    P.S. I have a weird feeling that my Dark got corrupted after the whole confused santa fiasco (even though i didnt get my dark from santa) but thats what i suspect. Also i would like to get updated on the Dark most of all as am not willing to lose it (get it morphed like the other Santa cases).
  11. Upvote
    Rendril reacted to Junior in Creature Bug   
    [quote name='Chewett' timestamp='1326807932' post='101039']

    "Messing around" and knowing Juniors history with breaking things, i would be guessing he was doing something he shouldnt,

    History? What History? And when i state messing around i simply mean that I was putting all my crits into rits to check on their ids aswell as other characteristics. So unless you have reason to believe am doing something illegal state it.

    P.S. I get neg rep for reporting an issue?
  12. Upvote
    Rendril reacted to Tarquinus in Eclipse sabotaged   
    To the Children of the Eclipse:

    Some of you already know this, but I wish to announce it here: Lord Pip, an alt of Pipstickz, managed to gain entry to the CoE, take control of it through judicious sacrifice of creatures to boost his loyalty score, and expel all the members. He has since been joined by MRWander, formerly of the dastardly MR Fraternity.

    I am not sure exactly how I plan to get our badges back, but I am sure what I will [u]not[/u] do. This ought to go without saying, but just to be clear: I will not be approaching Mur or the Council about this matter, and I will not be attempting to prosecute Pip in the MD Court or any other body. I have no reason to think Pip used a bug or exploit to get into the CoE, but if he did, I leave such matters in the hands of those whose position it is to regulate them. Until I am given reason to think otherwise, I will assume Pip achieved this act of sabotage through honorable, game-mechanical means.

    [b]The Eclipse is not disbanded.[/b] Those who now wear its badge are not the "new" Children of the Eclipse; they are merely brigands. As for those who wore its badge until now, it remains to be seen what we are. Are we knights and priests, warriors, teachers, and questers, or are we merely talk? This turn of events forces us to demonstrate what we are made of, both in and out of character. I intend to carry on with the Eclipse - when we regain our badges, it will be because we have earned them, nothing less. Those of you who have sworn oaths to defend Loreroot and serve the Sibyl (Amoran) are not discharged from these oaths. This is [u]particularly[/u] true for our knighthood: if you think yourself a knight, now is the time to prove it.

    I asked Lord Pip (in character, as Tarq) politely to return our badges. He politely declined. While I intend to use all available in-game means of restoring them to our membership, I wish to be clear that I will use in-game means [u]only[/u]. Pip is honorable if mischievous, and I expect our knights and priestesses to treat him courteously even while we work to undo his schemes.

    I have often said that the worst thing that can happen in MD is also the best thing: that something interesting will happen. If the loss of our badges does not interest you, perhaps you have no place in the Eclipse. In the meantime, I call upon all of you to join me in fighting to restore what is rightfully ours: and I must observe that if we cannot regain our in-game alliance and keep it, then perhaps we do not deserve to have it. Let us speak through our actions from this point forward.
  13. Upvote
    Rendril reacted to Shadowseeker in Jail Release   
    Just to compare...

    You shouting : RELEASE ME NOW! (maybe not literally, but in that kind of manner) is supposed to get you a release?

    It is common courtesy to adhere to a certain standard of politeness when voicing requests- what you did in the moodpanel the whole time was issueing commands. Is it really that hard to tell Grido "Release me please?"- if you are angry about the jail time as such, you also direct it to the wrong jailer.

    I see a lot of people hoping to see you out again, but if your pride forbids you from simply asking, not begging as you put it, then you'll have to mail council simply.
  14. Upvote
    Rendril reacted to ignnus in Cowardice seasoned with a bit of hypocrisy   
    [quote]Why must everyone find SOMETHING to bitch about? It's either me, dst, or Eon. People, stop ****** ******** *****ing.[/quote]

    Well,I'm okay either way..I won't stop playing the game or anything..but I'm trying to put up a def against Eon in my own way.
  15. Upvote
    Rendril reacted to Seigheart in Cowardice seasoned with a bit of hypocrisy   
    Nope, the councils.
  16. Upvote
    Rendril reacted to ignnus in Cowardice seasoned with a bit of hypocrisy   
    [quote]So, the problem here is that... Eon is attacking people again?

    Eon. Stop that. Stop attacking people. It's mean and naughty!

    Why can't you just walk away after he teleports you? It's costing him a crap load just to do this to you, so, keep running away, and he will keep finding you. In reality, you are effectively slowing down his training when he is hunting for you. And whenever he buys these stones, he's wasting more and more money.

    Keep up the good work Eon![/quote]

    That's the thing here.He couldn't follow us today..We are sorry we'll just shut up,it was a big mistake and let's keep playing

    [quote]Iggnus, screenshot her threats, and sue her if its so bad. [/quote]

    She can threaten me all she wants..I don't care...wait..should I sent this to your E-mail?
  17. Upvote
    Rendril reacted to Seigheart in Cowardice seasoned with a bit of hypocrisy   
    Iggnus, screenshot her threats, and sue her if its so bad.
  18. Upvote
    Rendril reacted to Seigheart in Cowardice seasoned with a bit of hypocrisy   
    So, the problem here is that... Eon is attacking people again?

    Eon. Stop that. Stop attacking people. It's mean and naughty!

    Why can't you just walk away after he teleports you? It's costing him a crap load just to do this to you, so, keep running away, and he will keep finding you. In reality, you are effectively slowing down his training when he is hunting for you. And whenever he buys these stones, he's wasting more and more money.

    Keep up the good work Eon!

    Why must everyone find SOMETHING to bitch about? It's either me, dst, or Eon. People, stop ****** ******** *****ing.
  19. Upvote
    Rendril reacted to dst in Cowardice seasoned with a bit of hypocrisy   
    Lately the in game mood panel and also the forum panel have been invaded by posts like the one below:

    [quote]"His fighting skills are now legendary and should be a model for all other fighters." (So using alts to scout for the main is to be tolerated to aspirants?)[/quote]

    I will resume a bit the history for those that are not familiar with it: Neno Veliki got banned for using an alt to cast spells on Eon, spells that were helping the main.
    From that point on, some of his his friends (or whatever they are) and I am talking mainly about nadrolski and ignnus have constantly complaining that Eon uses alts as well and even more, he got rewarded for that.
    I'm ok with complaints, everyone can complain BUT I hate the way they do it: through mood panel. I am getting tired of seeing such comments every time i open the forum or the game. I have asked them to take action: sue Eon if they have proofs or at least open a topic to debate the subject.

    They did neither. Furthermore, the response was (again in the mood pannel) and i will quote it:

    It is not about i do not have the guts, but it is about that i do not have the money to help keep the servers up.

    Proof? I do not need to provide any, just a waste of everybody's time. Pointless to make such against a loyal and untouchable SUPPORTER.

    Also, I had an in game chat with them about the same topic and I received the same answer:
    [quote][05/01/12 16:49] nadrolski:before we accuse someone, let us check our supporter status first and compare them with

    I understand: they are cowards. And nad is also a hypocrite (he was banned because he used alts to receive the 15 credits referrer bonus).

    I have opened this topic to COMPLAIN (I have also the right, correct?) that I am bothered by the spamming those 2 players keep bringing to the game.

    So here it is guys, the topic you are soo afraid to open. I have done it: i have opened it for you! Go ahead! Complain and leave the damn mood panel alone!
  20. Downvote
    Rendril got a reaction from Sasha Lilias in A not so very Merry Murmas   
    Santa is confused, is the name not clear enough?

    [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1324840755' post='98571']
    A percentage that once it has gone below the required it cannot be reached again, it will just remain equal if you log on every day. Therefore making it near impossible to ever gain the required active days.
    This is not the case. If you are active both values increase at the same rate, total activity percentage therefore tends to 100 as activity tends to infinity.

    [quote name='stavaroiu' timestamp='1324853983' post='98608']
    And here i almost thought i was alone with my impression of "a not so very Merry Murmas".

    Indeed, Activity days hurt more then they do good.
    This has been my third Christmas with MD and probably due to my relatively low activity days(677 out of 889 days), my third disappointing Murmas.
    The days that have been lost due to some reason you didn't log in scar you for your entire MD life.

    The Confused Santa was also very random at best. The way he distributed the gifts and the very gifts themselves were chaotic.
    Some people received overpowered gifts like ou de dragon(a lot), darkling and reindrach egg, while others received joke rewards like scouts,Toxicodendrite Seeds and imps(i checked the logs).
    You have the required activity, you should not be having a problem with the GoE tree gifts.
  21. Upvote
    Rendril got a reaction from Junior in A not so very Merry Murmas   
    Santa is confused, is the name not clear enough?

    [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1324840755' post='98571']
    A percentage that once it has gone below the required it cannot be reached again, it will just remain equal if you log on every day. Therefore making it near impossible to ever gain the required active days.
    This is not the case. If you are active both values increase at the same rate, total activity percentage therefore tends to 100 as activity tends to infinity.

    [quote name='stavaroiu' timestamp='1324853983' post='98608']
    And here i almost thought i was alone with my impression of "a not so very Merry Murmas".

    Indeed, Activity days hurt more then they do good.
    This has been my third Christmas with MD and probably due to my relatively low activity days(677 out of 889 days), my third disappointing Murmas.
    The days that have been lost due to some reason you didn't log in scar you for your entire MD life.

    The Confused Santa was also very random at best. The way he distributed the gifts and the very gifts themselves were chaotic.
    Some people received overpowered gifts like ou de dragon(a lot), darkling and reindrach egg, while others received joke rewards like scouts,Toxicodendrite Seeds and imps(i checked the logs).
    You have the required activity, you should not be having a problem with the GoE tree gifts.
  22. Upvote
    Rendril got a reaction from Brulant in A not so very Merry Murmas   
    Santa is confused, is the name not clear enough?

    [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1324840755' post='98571']
    A percentage that once it has gone below the required it cannot be reached again, it will just remain equal if you log on every day. Therefore making it near impossible to ever gain the required active days.
    This is not the case. If you are active both values increase at the same rate, total activity percentage therefore tends to 100 as activity tends to infinity.

    [quote name='stavaroiu' timestamp='1324853983' post='98608']
    And here i almost thought i was alone with my impression of "a not so very Merry Murmas".

    Indeed, Activity days hurt more then they do good.
    This has been my third Christmas with MD and probably due to my relatively low activity days(677 out of 889 days), my third disappointing Murmas.
    The days that have been lost due to some reason you didn't log in scar you for your entire MD life.

    The Confused Santa was also very random at best. The way he distributed the gifts and the very gifts themselves were chaotic.
    Some people received overpowered gifts like ou de dragon(a lot), darkling and reindrach egg, while others received joke rewards like scouts,Toxicodendrite Seeds and imps(i checked the logs).
    You have the required activity, you should not be having a problem with the GoE tree gifts.
  23. Downvote
    Rendril got a reaction from ignnus in A not so very Merry Murmas   
    Santa is confused, is the name not clear enough?

    [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1324840755' post='98571']
    A percentage that once it has gone below the required it cannot be reached again, it will just remain equal if you log on every day. Therefore making it near impossible to ever gain the required active days.
    This is not the case. If you are active both values increase at the same rate, total activity percentage therefore tends to 100 as activity tends to infinity.

    [quote name='stavaroiu' timestamp='1324853983' post='98608']
    And here i almost thought i was alone with my impression of "a not so very Merry Murmas".

    Indeed, Activity days hurt more then they do good.
    This has been my third Christmas with MD and probably due to my relatively low activity days(677 out of 889 days), my third disappointing Murmas.
    The days that have been lost due to some reason you didn't log in scar you for your entire MD life.

    The Confused Santa was also very random at best. The way he distributed the gifts and the very gifts themselves were chaotic.
    Some people received overpowered gifts like ou de dragon(a lot), darkling and reindrach egg, while others received joke rewards like scouts,Toxicodendrite Seeds and imps(i checked the logs).
    You have the required activity, you should not be having a problem with the GoE tree gifts.
  24. Upvote
    Rendril got a reaction from Peace in Bestiary Bug   
    Known issue, it will be fixed.
  25. Downvote
    Rendril reacted to Curiose in What is going on?   
    Figures you'd burn things to the ground.

    Figures that you would upset people.

    Figures that you would complicate things and only deem things 'worthy.'

    Figures that power would go to your head.

    Figures that you truly don't want to help people, and do not realize the role of sponsorship.

    Fyrd, I think I have some old WP codes for you. I will sponsor.
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