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Everything posted by Ren

  1. Ren

    Alliance Bug!

    heh, Well it is definitely confined to Alliances then..
  2. From what I can tell, this does not effect the normal players. Who else that is in an alliance has this? Our Win|Loss ratio has stopped moving. My wins and losses have been the same since yesterday when I joined the alliance and Wodin tells me his has done the same. But, I know it's fine off the alliances because of my adepts. Anyone else?
  3. Ren

    MD SHop bug

    GAH! why are some of the fixes working and others not? Sorry Braiton, I'll send you again...
  4. I myself have wondered about such a thing as this. I'm not as sure that it'd be useful, since when you want to see someone you generally see them in the game and it tells you who they are an adept of...but yeah. lol
  5. Ren

    MD SHop bug

    sent for the above people. Manu says he has fixed this bug, so if anyone JUST bought the friends list and it didn't expand, please come forward soon.
  6. I would like to change the connotation of "divine" here. Divine certainly insinuates a greater being, a god of some sort, if you will. But it can also be dark divinity with light divinity. There may well be a dark reflection of marind's chime inside of that black mirror that is Necrovion.
  7. Life can certainly be a cycle. Just as precipitation and pooling and evaporation, creatures are born, they live, they die, they decompose, and then fertilize something else which is born, it lives, it dies, etc etc etc. the natural world is very much in balance with itself.
  8. Ren

    I'm not online??

    this does not only happen in the paper cabin. the entire first line of people disappeared while i was sitting at willows.
  9. He looks like Morpheus from the Matrix kind of.
  10. Ren


    2. Guerrilla Golemicarum Leader: Wodin, Active: yes, Homeland: Golemus
  11. Ren

    MD SHop bug

    alright... i'll let manu know
  12. The shades have been sought, and discovered. It occurred to chewett and myself that we need to know more about the opposition, the Angiens. From this alone, we can hypothesize that the shades are either lying or not giving the entire truth. They tell us that they reflect our desires to balance the light. But, the Angiens are the actual light that oppose the shades' darkness, which means that humans are actually the gray area (which makes the most sense because our own selves can denote whether we are dark or light). Thus, perhaps the shades balance by reflecting only negative emotions and doings, like a black mirror, and the Angiens do the opposite: reflect our positive emotions and actions. Now, we do not have that much solid information about the Angiens. We know that they are the natural enemies of the shades. The ancient city of the Angiens existed between Marind's Bell and MDA Lands. We do not know if it still exists, but we hope it does. From the Legends, the Angiens also swore eternal allegiance to "all true hearts" such as Wind's. They also helped build Marind's Bell up from Wind's portion of the Chaos Woods. Thus, we went around taking screen caps and examining the couplets associated with the various scenes, including out to the Fenths Wielder and Champion's Dome. The most intriguing scene was that of the Passage of War, which says "how awfully still is this ancient place, guarded by ones that don't have a face." Thinking perhaps this connected to the Way of Cleansing in Necrovion, I requested that Glai investigate, but the scene there definitely has faces. (In fact I now think they may be Dark Sages...) We began to hypothesize that the faceless beings were Angiens. The original conception of Marind's Bell was that it would be a Stronghold for the Berserkers, but Marind appeared to Wind in a vision and begged him to not fight and make it a "safe haven for all those of kind hearts who needed a home." Wind's ideas of peace and order are what caused him to befriend the Angiens and receive their allegiance. If the Angiens helped him to construct the park for a safe haven against shades, it makes sense that in their swearing of allegiance, the Angiens decided to stay and guard the city from the shades. **This bit is very open to controversy because my talk with the Knator Commander tells me that the shades are/were in Marind's Bell. However, that could be either misinformation on the KC's part, or that the shades were once there and Angiens forced them back out.** Continuing on, Marind's Bell references to divine beings. At the park, the couplet speaks of a "divine song you know is real." The Wind's Sanctuary, which we know was completely constructed by the Angiens, says "The Sentinels of Forgotten Time, Forever guard Marind's chime." We also know from the legends that Wind associated "bell" with both the park and Marind, but why is a mystery. Perhaps, Marind was also some divine being, or part divine, and a certain divine chime had something to do with her. Thus, her spirit remains and helps for the good of Marind's Bell. That could also explain why Marind is so often mentioned with the shades. She could be one of the divine beings of good, and they are threatened in some way by her existence. Following Wind's death, Jack Willow became king. After his departure, the legends tell us that he was irreplaceable as a leader. During the war with the dark sages, he gained the title of "'Fortune's son' for he was the only Berserker ever to venture head first into battle and never receive a scratch. Actually, except his childhood scars which also healed in time, Willow never had a mark on his body." He was the designer of all Wind's armor and weapons, and even though they were all ordered destroyed by Wind when they gave up the way of the warrior, he was still a friend to Wind. On top of all of this, he went into the House of Liquid Dust and disappeared. First of all, it's amazing that he found a way in. What if Jack Willow was some sort of Angien as well? He obviously has a perfect body, which is often associated with holy divine beings, "angels" if you will. And he has a bottomless pool of forgiveness for Wind as his friend and brother. And, he had a way to get into the House of Liquid Dust, possibly to fight with the shades on some long standing campaign. I say long standing campaign, because there is a third line at the Wind's Sanctuary. The Sentinels "wait for their true king to come." What if Willows is the King of the Angiens, and will return at a later time when Necrovion has healed itself and is ready to launch another full scale war? What if, he's lying in wait to return with the Angiens to defend Marind's Bell and perhaps Marind herself? **I want to personally thank Faraday here. He pointed out a few things to me and I instantly jumped to where I thought he was leading, although I am still waiting to hear more on his theories, so this may expand.** When we initially started trying to find the Angiens, we believed we could find them at the Angien Shrine by traveling from the Angien's Ferry. The Ferry has a couplet that says "Take the boat and cross the ferry, but beware the water fairy." We believed this to be some sort of test. The Angien's swore allegiance to all true hearts, so perhaps the water fairy is a guardian that prevents others from reaching the shrine. It does not have to be violent. As a test of pure heart, a fairy could have a simple question that only a pure heart could answer correctly. There was a great deal of speculation about the shrine. Was it the ancient city? Why did it look like an egg? Did the egg represent anything? Many theories were created. The ancient city may connect to the shrine; there may be some great evil concealed in side for eternity; the egg may symbolize life and new ideals to remind MB of its peace; and many more. Combining my ideas about light and water fairy, I thought it was most likely to represent life, and the ability to continue life, as well as to remember the deeds of past life. I thought this because light and water both are often associated with life and healing. New birth certainly signifies life, and can symbolize racial healing through progress in time. But, by a little bit of digging around, I discovered that Angiens are actually born from eggs! With this new revelation, an entire new theory evolved in my mind. Perhaps the shrine is not the city at all, but an ancient, holy birthing ground for the Angiens. In terms of our Magic Duel world, I believe this could possibly be a Recruitment Area. **Again, very open to conflict. The Knator Commander told me that the Angiens were wild and untameable as creatures we can use in our armies like the aramors. However, who is to say they cannot be tamed if obtained at birth? I do not necessarily seek this route, just thought I should point it out.** GRANDGHOST proposes the theory that, given by information provided above, the Angiens may return to protect the land from the shades when they come once more. I however think it is more likely that the Angiens are waiting "in the shadows" so to speak. Like gods, watching from a distance and helping only when it is needed. That is, until their king returns. Which I already put forth as a possible Jack Willows. We seek to find more information about the Angiens. We wish to know what they are; how they came to be; what their role is in our world; how they react to the shades; what their connection to humans are; what they may know about marind and/or jack willow; how they interact; what sort of background do they have; how do they balance the shades trying to balance them. We want to know anything we can about them, hence being the Seekers of Enlightenment. (yes, the pun was intended) Thus far the mission is two fold. Many of us seek scholarly knowledge about the Angiens. Many of us also seek their aid against the recent "uprising" of shades. I'm sure there are various other reasons in between the lines, but I have not taken the time to notice them yet. If you have any theories or information that can be presented, please bring it forth. chewett and myself are very eager to see what you have to offer. On top of that, many of our other Seekers of Enlightenment would like to express their own opinions on the matter. A few of the key helpers I especially noticed in this investigation, if you're wondering: Faraday, Shadowseeker, Sol, Tremir, kempiniukas, Juni0r, and Glaistig. I would also like to personally thank Aiedail. He (She? :s) gave me the initial push that suggested we search the buildings and city to see what connections we could make to learn more about the Angiens. Oh! I forgot to mention, we also thought that we may be able to learn something about the Angiens from the Sages if anyone has a way to contact them.
  13. Ren

    MD SHop bug

    WHAA? i already got his reply that yours was fixed...
  14. I highly endorse this notion. I hate how it works..
  15. Ren


    So in other words you're screwing with the system. stop that now.
  16. I said that wrong, I did mean the shades don't stand between us and the Angiens.
  17. Ren


    If there's no button, how did you discover you could fight yourself
  18. meiche, the Angiens do not by any means stand between us and the shades. The Angiens are sort of like the natural enemies of the shades. Humans aren't the overbearing lightness that the shades seek to balance. Those with certain actions can be seen as light, but human nature also applies a balance within themselves, such that some create light, and others create darkness.
  19. Heh, K your art always makes me giggle (giggle!?!). I love it And, thanks. I'm very fond of roleplaying.
  20. Ren


    Out of random wtf curiosity, where did you find a button to attack yourself? O.o
  21. sounds like a high power stat, not a bug
  22. Ren

    MD SHop bug

    wait...so you do have the problem or you don't mysecka?
  23. Welcome I don't bite...as hard as Metal Bunny
  24. Ren

    MD SHop bug

    alright, i'm sending out the letter now. Can you guys do me a favor? When did you originally purchase the lists? Cause the issue should have been resolved already.
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