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Posts posted by Ren

  1. These are all nice ideas that I'm taking into account. When quests with prizes turn up, there will be a note saying so, as well as a notice of what the prize is on the thread with the quest.

  2. Wishpoints are like a type of money that can get you special things in the game..

    I like your ideas, but they're too complicated. In the end, I can't make custom rewards for people who solve these adventures. It requires too much work out of Manu when he has so many other things to do.

    But principle increases work

  3. Soltis I was just poking fun at your motives for posting. Again, not so serious. :D

    Udgard, I definitely agree with you..although, those come up much less often. I rather hope to make use of both the quests and the game secrets. That way we get lots of places for people to participate...and occasionally awesome results. :D

  4. neg...that isn't so simple... especially because the quests are too infrequent for that. It'd take a year for someone to get a gold medal because first there'd have to be enough quests to earn it, and then you'd have to make sure you were able to solve it every time there. At the current rate of only 4ish support thread quests per main story, and each main story taking around 100 pages and 2 months time...well, you do the rest of the figuring.

    Yes...I was considering wishpoints. They're simple and get people a more flexible prize than something like skills. But, I already told you that you can't have loads of large prizes. That's a no-no. It sounds fine and dandy individually, but then it sucks when EVERYONE has the same thing...then it's not a prize anymore....

  5. I didn't say the analogy was perfect. :) Although, you'd be surprised how many people don't read the AL, or even know it exists...that you can astound with your knowledge of it. haha...

    Anyways, you don't have to be such an extremely hardcore roleplayer that you won't acknowledge something unless someone tells you about it in character...and if you want to be, why are you here talking about this at all? It's against your character to meta-game...

    You shouldn't take everything I say (or anyone..) so seriously and literally. Sure, to a character, Marind's Bell might be a large town. But, it's not like you can't easily say you ride a knator of impossible speed so that you can get anywhere quickly. The realm is large, but it's not so large that you can't take a step outside of the Sanctuaries that everyone holes up in and say "hello realm!"

  6. Alright, so here's the scoop. Sometimes there are going to be really hard-to-solve quests that aren't worth merely getting a "Congratulations!" in the AL. Those quests will be accompanied with prizes chosen by myself, and reviewed by some of the other Archivists. What I want to know, is what sort of prizes sound reasonable? I know you all want credits, or something like the luck skill, but those aren't reasonable to give out on a questing regular basis. So, would you rather more frequent quests with smaller prizes, or less frequent quests with larges prizes?

    The prizes will be given to people the same way the "Congrats" is. Only, since prizes won't be given for simple quests like that sand riddle, we won't just be looking for the first person to answer correctly. There will also be some judging in deciding who answered most cleverly and completely.

    I had wanted to start the prizes with this past quest, but none of you answered it fully... which can happen. If the quest isn't solved, that does not mean that the prize goes to closest runner up. The prize simply doesn't get rewarded, just like with RPC quests.

    In addition to how often you want those quests, what sort of prizes sound interesting to you? Remember, there are more flexible prizes than simple credits...

  7. [quote name='Soltis' post='20150' date='Nov 17 2008, 04:22 PM']You'd be surprised how many people are simply unaware that the check-boxes mean you can select more than one and radio buttons are one only. Should say so in the poll somewhere, it hasn't quite become all around knowledge.

    -All 5

    I can explain my first and third choices rather quickly- I don't know /why/ I'm reading the log at all. It hasn't affected me in-game in the slightest, I haven't been able to participate in it, and I haven't seen it affect the world in a month or so. This is offset by my second selection though- there shouldn't be a "set creativity style" for a log written by a multitude of people. Each person's going to tell their own story their own way, that's what makes that feature special. At the moment, it feels frivolous. It might not BE frivolous, but I don't see what's going on enough to care, nor get hooked on it enough to backread the thing.[/quote]

    Sorry for taking so long to reply here...I've been extremely busy.

    I certainly understand your concern here...the log often seems like it's not doing anything. I assure you though, right now is not one of those times. The log is not just there to actually change the game...sometimes it is there to inform you and let you learn about the secrets of the game and use that to change the game yourself. The Adventure Log does not come to you (usually). Usually, you have to go to it. Yes, that sometimes seems very arduous and time consuming and boring and "omg wtf who cares", but the results are worth it a little more. There are secrets embedded in the AL that people miss because they're just reading the story and hoping it changes gameplay for them. Don't think of the AL as a changelog. Think of it as...rumors that you hear when you're sitting in a common room, enjoying your tea or coffee or water or beer. :)

    I know that the AL is sporadic..that can't always be helped...although, I also know that it is a step up from what it used to be. :) So..you can rejoice in knowing the AL moves faster than it used to. :) And, I am still busy with classes, so it most likely will still be a little sporadic...but I'm trying to keep it moving. So, please be patient there. :)

    I completely agree with you. There shouldn't be just one way to interpret a story. To be perfectly honest with you...I set that particular question in the poll up to prove a point that the "history report" style that was becoming so boring with the Shade Ballance was not at all what people wanted, and that phrog's branch was more involved and fun. That's mean on my part, but it got the AL a change it needed. :)

    [quote name='Liberty4life']oke i have solution how to speed up AL, and still keep it slow

    its obvious that main story needs to be slowed down for some time for some unknown reason, so why not to start side story, and everybody will be happy ^^[/quote]

    Well, the speeding up the AL isn't as simple as it sounds...it is partially slow due to my being largely absent from the game lately. I apologize for that. The main story has enough "filler" to not need to be slowed down really. It just needs to actually be written and posted. HAHA. :) As to a sidestory, the main story needed to be much further along before one of those would pop up. Now, however, it is a long, and some new branches should be starting soon.. :)

    If I didn't answer your questions, sorry. I tend to start rambling about one thing and forget what I'm trying to address. So, ask away. :)

    Oh! And, the other problem that's making the AL move so slow is there are only 3 branches and we don't want too much to happen in just one day. :(

  8. I think your categories might be a little off... Emotional and Instinctive aren't alike at all... One is a gut reactive feeling, and is rather subconscious. The other is more like... "listening to your heart." Not necessarily reacting instinctively, but rationalizing based on what you feel instead of based on facts/lies. That having been said...I kind of think you need to make emotional into a category, and combine subconscious and instinctive...

    Though, I highly doubt those are the only categories available. I don't really feel up to trying to figure out what they are right now, though.

    I know I'm mostly instinctual.

  9. I need to talk to Saki to get the members list updated again...Anyways, they aren't geared toward loreroot. They're geared toward LORE. You know...legends...like their name... But they (at least, originally they were conceived for...) are more about collecting the stories of the game. The Archivists are a little broader than that, but this is a large section, so it split off.

  10. In the very near future, the quests are intended to be much more difficult. For everyone's delight, the thread with the quest involved with ALWAYS be open a MINIMUM of 24 hours. The quests are intended to be hard enough to take most of that time so everyone can see them. :P On top of that, I'm looking at possibly rewarding the one who solves the quest with the most clever answer... :)

  11. Yes, the AL is going to travel a teeny bit slower for a little bit...Not too much we can do about it right now, but just as soon as things are back to normal, you'll be getting 3-5 posts a day again. ;) Please be patient. We're doing our best to get back on track. -_-

    Master Archivist

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