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Posts posted by Ren

  1. This subforum is strictly designated for quests, mostly the Adventure Log Support Threads. This movement will hopefully make the quests that the characters have to solve a little more interesting because we, the story writers, will have a great deal more space availability to post intricate quests. This does not mean that all/any of the quests that require multiple input will be overly long and difficult. It merely means a great deal more ingenuity can go into things like riddles and descriptions. ;)

    All the same rules of the forum apply here plus these:

    1. Stay on topic! I know it's a rule that dst enforces, but we're reinforcing it here. Posts that aren't on topic (or don't at least provide some connection to why they're there) will be deleted without warning. You have been warned.

    2. Only those involved in organizing quests may post new threads in this subforum. Others are encouraged to reply and help each other solve those quests, though.

    3. For Archivists: The threads here are for Quests ONLY. I'm not going to say Adventure Log quests only because I don't know what other sort of wide scale quests Manu will want to put in here. :)

    Sorry if those rules sound mean. Assuming they're followed, all will be fine, though. -_-

    Master Archivist

  2. The point of the shop system is you have to go through them to get to the new one. That's the method of making some things more expensive while keeping everything $1. If you choose to rush and waste through those items...that's your choice. But you CAN get more of the creatures...if you have a shop reset. The creatures don't get cheaper though...except the joker I suppose..

  3. Now now...you guys don't need to argue about this.. This is the Local Legends thread after all. People can discuss things here publicly if they want more people's input about a legend they're looking into. The Totem is a part of MD lore, and these people want to research it with help from other people. True, we try to avoid spoilers, but this is essentially a thread of theories created from the same little bits of information people are able to find, not a "clear the board, I've got the answer!" submission. That's why people are encouraged to discuss it and give their ideas. If you are of the opinion that legends should only be addressed in game, all you have to do is not post your secrets here and laugh at how off the mark people get. I do that all the time. :)

    Considering the Totem once more...what could have happened in the past to need such a weapon? Surely they wouldn't have randomly created a defense weapon without something they were actually trying to defend against? (See, right here is where if you know the exact answer to this question, you stop talking and see what sort of things people speculate. :P They might even hit the right answer, but without confirmation they might walk right by it and create more giggles for you and me. :D

  4. I just thought some people would find this amusing:

    [quote]*From: I am Bored
    *sent 3 hours and 28 minutes ago

    ren i just counted a total of 169 books here....

    Your reply to this message:
    Interesting...now count how many pages that is.[/quote]

    oh, wait..this is a support thread...oh well :)

  5. Just because you think you're right, doesn't mean you are. This was FIGHTING. And yes, I do know how to raise just one or two skill instead of all at once. I TARGETED regen and attack because they're the skills I wanted. But it was still all fighting. I attacked the same people for such a long time, in a specific method that ALWAYS gave the same skill, that those skills jumped a LOT. I already told you where to attack. Do that right at a certain point, and you'll just get regen and attack. Always hit there, and you won't get anything but regen and attack.

    My record does not reflect my win|loss at all. Why? Because when I was made RPC and stuck into the Archivist, I wasn't going to get the 500 wins for the Military doc, so I asked Mur to set that up. He changed my ratio from roughly 180|230 to 501|500. This was mp4, and I only had roughly 1 mil exp. Then I was given the MP1 abilities. The rest is history as I discovered how to use my abilities to gain skills. My skills were NOT given to me. If you actually want to know, I have roughly 98 million exp to back all of this. Why? Because the MP1 ability you don't have doesn't leave an exp cap on me. I actually CAN sac 6 creatures of 2 mil exp each without it setting me back even one bit.

    Where I mentioned my "best so far" that you quoted, that was after some saccing on a day of relatively doing nothing. The creatures barely had 1000 wins on them, and really the grasan was the only one that even did that. It was also before I really understood how to get regen. Again, after I saw where to get regen, I targeted that spot vigorously.

    And what's wrong with you? How did I get 4000 wins? How else? By sitting still all freaking day and getting around 500 wins a day! I think I left some permanent marks on the chair I sat there so long.

    You don't have to go after someone just because they realized how to do something on the fights that you didn't.

    I'm not lying and am not going to argue this anymore. If you still think I'm lying, kudos to you. You've earned yourself a freaking medal of no-trust.

    On a happier note, the other day I realized how to raise my stats even faster! Can't believe I missed this before! I could have had...*does some rough guestimations* about 800 regen right now instead of 500. 3000 attack would have been quite fun too. :D Oh wells, I'll have to do it later...if I ever feel like it. Anyone curious to know how? ...didn't think so. I only know of one other person who could have done it, and now he can't either..

  6. That regen was NOT done over night. The most regen I ever gained in one night was probably 90 or so. And, that attack was practically ALL saccing. 6 grasans that gave me a whopping total of 1012 attack. They each had approximately 4000 wins and probably 2 mil exp.

    I don't care what kind of proof you think you have because it's false. I even told Mur how I did it, and he just laughed at me and commented on wondering about that rumor.

    The regen went up quickly, yes. As soon as I realized at what point it was gained, I started hitting it hard because it was my lowest skill. But it still took time. And it was all fighting, no cheating. Pure knowledge of fighting on my part.

    So BITE ME and get back on topic, hypocrite.

    BTW, just watch my attack this weekend too. It'll go up another roughly 200-500 points depending on how much I feel like training. Lovely how you didn't mention Eden's jumping from 2686ish to 3549 overnight. Didn't question how THAT could just be saccing. I have a rather sneaky suspicion that it was done in the same fashion...what's that? ...oh yeah, SACCING.

  7. wth? I was positive this bug was actually resolved. You don't see the [friends] tab below the chat window at all?

    EDIT: I now see this a bigger problem. The bug has been reported to Manu and will hopefully be resolved soon. For those of you wondering, the + add friend button is just refreshing the player info as shag said. The problem is not some error on his part, it's a serious glitch that will hopefully be resolved soon.

    Thanks in advance for your patience,
    Master Archivist

  8. dst, that's their own fault. False info is thrown out there all the time. I recently discovered a very very large chunk of false info that is circulating the MD world as almost common knowledge. But, someone doesn't have to ask for info as payment. They could ask for something like finding a way to kill someone. *cough cough* ;)

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