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  1. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Chewett in Sparring Grounds - Evolution   
    [quote name='Rhaegar Targaryen' date='05 July 2010 - 10:27 PM' timestamp='1278365250' post='63473']
    uhmmm sorry Bronzometh, take no offense, but you're still pretty young in this realm and don't know what you are talking about.

    Thats just a tad rude.

    You accused me of being part of the "elite vetern circle" yet you seem not to care about someones news veiws, merely stating they "dont know what they are talking about"

    It doesnt give what they say any less worth. From what i have seen is that he has given his personal opinion of it. It may be wrong, But that is where he can learn by you explaining things, other than just going "you dont know what you are talking about"

    Really, i dont care what happens to the MDP, bring all the new players there, it just means my mp3's have easier targets.
  2. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Shadowseeker in Sparring Grounds - Evolution   
    Now, to make this clear.

    You regard the SG not as a part of the community, but yours, solely because it is located in MB?

    You hereby declare this by royal decree, against any resistance by the community? You order him to take it up?

    The SG, Sparring Grounds, is something I wrote in there. Not you, mind it. I refuse to let him have that place under these conditions, as long as it holds that title.

    You may say, it is your right to do so. Debatable I say. It existed before kings were introduced. And yet, even now, it exists..in its own ways. I intended to change the mentality back then from the dojo, and it seemed to have worked. When I was not needed anymore, I left. I also welcome change. But as of now, I see politics, power struggle and not real interest for the best of the community.

    And I ask you again. Do you order this, no matter what reaction it shall have?
  3. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Mcvitie in Who Is Mcvitie?   
    1) I do not plan to abuse anymore quests. Those that were around a while ago will know I gave a wishpoint to "my alt". I am not proud of this thus I do not want to "rig" any futher quests, not even for friends.
    2)I did not say WHEN this will end did I? I didn't even say it WILL end. I use Mcvitie alot more now, so many people will be able to see what she is like.
    3) It may NOT be original but, as Es pointed out ,neither are many of the quests in MD.

    [quote Pipstickz]
    Not to mention the fact that only you know how and why you think what you think, and the rest of us can just guess, using fancy words :/

    PS: Also the fact that you spend more time on other alts than you do on mcvitie makes it quite a bit more complicated.[/quote]

    I am asking how YOU see her, not how I see her. Though, of course, if someone says something that I agree with or that I was thinking then they will gain extra marks.
  4. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to Lifeline in Creature Species   
    its official name is wind DRAGON and not drachorn.
    and i must highly disagree with u yrth. some stupid example ...lets see...if human is killed and bitten by a vampire he becomes a vampire as well and isnt human anymore. the gg drachorn died in the mutation just like the human who going to become a vampire.
  5. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kafuuka in Killing In The Name Of......?   
    [quote name='Aysun' date='30 June 2010 - 02:26 PM' timestamp='1277900763' post='63023']
    Magic Duel is not an exceptionally dark place. Although Mur claims that one of the keys to MD is balance, I would beg to argue that light certainly trumps dark here. Part of the reason for this, I think, is the great amount of people who feel able to step outside of the game world and shout unfair when something happens that they don't like. There are more daisies and sunshine and so a majority don't seem to like rolling with the occasional punch when it comes. That these punches [i]are[/i] occasional no doubt means that they will be more headline news here compared to other games where killing and revival are quite common.[/quote]
    Most people play a neutral or a good aligned character, hence there is an imbalance towards light. It is tricky to play an evil character for several reasons. Everybody can be an annoying person, but a likable evil person? Furthermore even this time the killed character got revived. Doing evil deeds isn't that simple if your victims are certain to find out and come back to haunt you.

    [quote]Since someone brought up also that there should've been more role play to it[/quote]
    If you read the reasons why Mya was chosen to be killed... they first decided who to murder and then sought for a reason why the culprit would want to do it. That is meta gaming. Granted, a little meta gaming might be necessary to prevent stagnation, yet the main question of this thread is what is acceptable and what kind of precedent do we want to set? Should even a saint be allowed to murder just because it makes things interesting?

    [quote]how much more RP can you get than using an actual, tangible game item? Also, unless you use the blue text to *ties up <person> and gags them so that they cannot move* you'll be spending all day with your foe going *attempts to tie up <person>* and you responding with *struggles free* back and forth and back and forth because without some amount of 'unfairness' brought on by absolute moves, someone will always manage to use a deus ex machina to escape in some fashion, thus getting no one anywhere and that is not productive to the story or to RP.[/quote]
    If you're going to rely on mechanics, you can't do much. The creature battles only allow you to KO somebody, you cannot loot their corpse. People only stay dead for a few weeks tops...
    If you're relying on sparkly blue text, you'll have to obey self imposed restrictions. If you read someone's papers you can guess how much restrictions they placed upon their character. If there are none, you have the choice between ignoring that (awful) character, or to stay on their good side because they're too strong. Or you could go for the rule of coolness or even toss a coin to decide whether a grappling attempt on your character worked. Certainly if the other person is assuming using a two headed coin and you are not, you're bound to loose a toss eventually, but this is like all game theory problems: if both sides stay stubborn, everybody - including you - loses.
  6. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Aysun in Killing In The Name Of......?   
    I am extremely late to this party, as loss of internet and then travel caused me to miss this thread entirely, but since I was quoted in the first post, I would like to further clarify my views.

    Magic Duel is not an exceptionally dark place. Although Mur claims that one of the keys to MD is balance, I would beg to argue that light certainly trumps dark here. Part of the reason for this, I think, is the great amount of people who feel able to step outside of the game world and shout unfair when something happens that they don't like. There are more daisies and sunshine and so a majority don't seem to like rolling with the occasional punch when it comes. That these punches [i]are[/i] occasional no doubt means that they will be more headline news here compared to other games where killing and revival are quite common.

    My comments stemmed from this- when something is apart of the game reality, such as the stone dagger and the ability to kill, why do people feel the need to step outside of the reality of MD to cry unfair when it is quite simply apart of the game? It is apart of the game, created by Mur, and you agreed a long time ago to participate in MD come what may, therefore why the complaint? Since it is apart of the game world, I also don't understand why there seems to be this need for permission to use something that is in and apart of the game. Perhaps this sounds a bit cold. Maybe it is. But these are still the facts of the matter when you get down to it. If some find it that great of a travesty, however, instead of complaining about how an item was used properly, perhaps those who are that upset by it should question the existence of the item itself, perhaps to Mur. However, since Necrovion is the place of Death, and they have distributed Death as they saw fit using the tools given them, I can't see that getting very far.

    Since someone brought up also that there should've been more role play to it, how much more RP can you get than using an actual, tangible game item? Also, unless you use the blue text to *ties up <person> and gags them so that they cannot move* you'll be spending all day with your foe going *attempts to tie up <person>* and you responding with *struggles free* back and forth and back and forth because without some amount of 'unfairness' brought on by absolute moves, someone will always manage to use a deus ex machina to escape in some fashion, thus getting no one anywhere and that is not productive to the story or to RP.

    Part of role playing is also spontaneity. If everything is scripted and agreed to beforehand, I can't imagine that really being interesting in the slightest. One of the major fun points regarding RP is having to respond suddenly to a situation, whatever that may be cause by whomever, and finding your own ways using the laws of the land to combat it. There is creativity in that, not in polite negotiations where you already know the outcome.

    Anyway, this has gotten long- my apologies as I'm sure a few of you have already gone tl;dr. Still, since I was one of the few quoted, I thought I should try to clarify a bit.
  7. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to (Zl-eye-f)-nea in Quest: Funnels   
    This is not a quest for the light hearted.

    I’m going to take you on a journey, well, you will take yourself. I will just give you some arrows. It will not be easy, it will be confusing, it will not be clear – and I preface this with the following:


    The first 6 people to apply for the quest will be called “Keystones”.
    The Keystones will automatically have all information others have to search for.
    The rest of the participants are called Footstones.
    Keystones should focus on Footstones, but can choose to focus on Keystones if they so wish.
    Footstones must focus on Keystones and a focus on a Footstone will be irrelevant on completion.
    I will not be releasing information on who is who.

    You may work in groups, but if you do, it may put you at a disadvantage.

    Keystones and Footstones may tell people they are working on this quest if they so wish, but to do so may put you at a disadvantage.

    Quest “employees” MUST NOT ever tell anyone openly what their title is and are not permitted to work in groups if they choose to participate. They are also exempt from keystone status. The are not to give any information what-so-ever to keystones, but they will not be aware of who the keystones are – not by my hand in any event.

    The purpose of the quest is to gather your information and attempt to discern what it means as a unified whole. Obviously this means the more information you have the better…in theory…. Once you figure this out, you must take the required action you feel the information is pointing you towards.

    The reason this quest will run until September is because it is quite confusing and requires you to grasp new concepts and do your research on possible meanings. I fully expect most people to give up or get annoyed.

    [u]Gathering Information:[/u]

    The more accidents you make, contacting the wrong people in trying to find these characters – the more issues you will have at a later date. It will also count against you in the final reckoning. So be careful.
    The Key Keeper[/b] – Will show you the way. Is a split personality, depending on which personality you talk to you will get different information. You should attempt to find this one first. Has 3 pieces of “required” information, but will only give you two of them. Also has another piece of documentation. Depending on the personality this will consist of five or three parts, they will give you no more than two – and only when they feel you warrant it.

    Some like to talk to hear themselves speak, others offer their hand in hopes of friendship. my mouth moves to acquire information, my hand extends to receive a coin. My associates are out of necessity. Our meeting born out of selfish desires.

    I am generally attracted towards are those who are logical, conscience, rational, well spoken, and generally those who aren't sarcastic, or of idiotic behaviour. Having once been an idiotic, sarcastic person I now tend to realize that being like that is not the way to rationalize and to talk to people. I rather now converse with people of a more mature nature and who can logically conceive ideas, and question reality.

    [b]The Code Master[/b] – Is a split personality, depending on which personality you talk to you will get different information. Each personality has 2 sets of intel. Both sets have 4 pieces of information, and the code master will only give you two from both (so four total)

    I prefer to be with those who I can trust. Those who do not deny who they are, or what they are, on the inside, and out.

    I enjoy the company of people who are easy-going, moderately intelligent and modest, even if it is only a little. People who are very stressed out are always busy. I can deal with dumber people, usually, but it gets on my nerves. Too much modesty annoys me, but too little is fine, usually.

    [b]The Riddle Glass[/b] – Be careful how you approach him for he can give you a clue so large it could topple buildings or a clue so confusing you will get lost in it. Has two pieces of information, and will only give you one. Also has secondary documentation consisting of five parts. He will only give you two.

    Curiosity. Those that are curious are interesting and fun to have around, and those that will do something, but not for a reward only. I quickly tire of those that need a reward to do something, be it a quest, or a favour. Finally, those that can think for themselves, not having me to explain things that they should know if they just thought about it for two seconds.

    The Reckoning[/u]

    The final part of the quest is the reckoning. PM me and tell me all the information you have collected, how you got it, what it means as a unified whole and what action you took as a result of your findings - and why it worked, or didn’t. If you worked in a group please only the head of the group send me the information along with a list of participants and their actions. You need to also tell me why the things I have said will put you at a disadvantage are disadvantageous and if you chose to do them, why you did and how you overcame those difficulties or how you used them to your advantage instead if you managed to. Alts are not permitted. Each individual or each individual in any group has only one chance to give me their final answer. Be prepared I will probably then grill you on what you have said.

    The only help I will give you on your journey is a bibliography. Which parts of said bibliography I give you will depend on what your response is to what I ask when and if you ask me for it. You may not ask for this until after July 25th.

    [b]DO NOT SIGN UP HERE. PM ME.[/b] Anyone signing up here will automatically be a footstone and may disadvantage themselves.

    If you want to ask any questions you can do so here, but I will only answer where they will not jeopardise the purpose of the quest.

    Feeling a little dazed and confused? You’re supposed to be. Good luck to those that have the bottle.


    (nearly forgot....

    Rewards: 5WPs to be distributed to those who demonstrate they solved the most, pieced together the concept best and understood the information enough to use it effectively

    Possibly some other rewards.

    Last 25 players rewarded: These are people I cannot currently give wps to
    Neno Veliki
    Sir Kamil
    dr why
    Mighty Pirate
    Emerald Arcanix
    Dteah Rnig
    Rendril Revant
    Indyra Sirenias
    Blackwood Forest
    glazed glutton
    Burns the Green
    Thomas Riddle
    I am Bored
  8. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Jubaris in Youngster Grand Quest   
    I'm trying to start something that will introduce the youngsters with the aspects of MD, show them paths of knowledge, let them gain a info or two about the realm.
    it will involve many things from fighthing challenges (tho I need voluenters for that, one or two mp3 and mp4 since it is a quest meant for them.) and land teachings to adventure log tasks, and lot more.
    It will have fitting rewards for the youngsters (usable creatures hard to get for them at certain checkpoints, quality avatars for the ones who do the best overall most likely... it won't have WPs I'll try to discourage alts doing this in that way.)

    what I need from you are your applies to be part of the quest.
    Players with a developed role who usually stay at a specific location (so that can easily be found), with a great plus if they have something to teach the new players about that is specific to their background (one of the goals is also to show the player opportunities in the realm, so it can easily involve Land cultures and an option of joining one at point, or neutral guilds - with joining being unrelated to the quest) to apply to me (Forum PMs please.)

    any suggestions would also be welcome, I obviously have no personal gains from this, so let this be a project for young to get adapted into MD more easily better than seeing hundreds of people fading (I am sure at least a dozen of them would stay if they were familiar about this place and its interesting aspects).
    It will have a nice fitting story as well.

    edit: just to make sure, the project making just started, so don't expect it to be out in few days. I assure you it will be worked on tho.
  9. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Manda in Adepts   
    Im here to give some idea about how we see the list of adepts i dont like to see 10 - 20 non active adepts
    maybe someone can implement a item tool or feature to change that part

    1. Sort you can choose the if you want, above active adepts, or inactive

    2. Hide active, or inactive adepts

    well this all for now

    *Massive hug*
  10. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to MRWander in Stop Ggg   
    [quote name='Sparrhawk' date='03 June 2010 - 10:02 PM' timestamp='1275631339' post='60962']
    Better yet take a moment to think before you post a ridiculous suggestion.
    have you even read any of the topic.
    Nope I havent even read the title to this thread i am completely illiterate and post my opinions on random ideas i have anywhere in the forum you can tell by my high post count and how i m always being flamed for spam.
  11. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to aaront222 in Signature Length   
    Is my signature too long?
  12. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Firsanthalas in Killing In The Name Of......?   
    The thing is UD, that the issue is not so much this item. Mur scripted the item and we have been told that it won't be possible for players to script such items. That being said, people have a way of finding alternative means to do things. They may be able to achieve pretty destructive results that were not intended. The question remains. If you have an item that allows you to do something, is the mere fact that you have the item all the reason needed for using it? You could extend this to spells or any other feature of game mechanics. Like the example that Pip gave of an MP3 using regen on people. That is a game mechanic therefore it is allowed. But at the very least it is an amazingly crappy thing to be doing on people and one that will surely drive people away. Is that what you want?
    Another example I can think of.
    You have been attacking someone heavily. They ask you to stop because they are about to or are suffering stat damage. You don't have to stop. You can tell them that you are not breaking any rule. But consider this. Instead of refraining from attacking them for a little while so that they can get back to a better level (at which point you could be attacking them again) you continue to pummel them. They get frustrated and leave. Ohh, one person left, big whoop! WRONG. You have now denied yourself an opponent to attack and everyone else in MD. So you are actually losing out yourself. Secondly, that person is highly unlikely to recommend MD to a friend are they? I don't know about you, but in my experience a lot of people get into a game or hobby on the recommendation of a friend. That is how I came to MD, it wasn't advertising (not that advertising doesn't help, but it isn't the only method of getting people to join). And people will also shy away from one on the basis of criticism from a friend.
  13. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to pamplemousse in Killing In The Name Of......?   
    I'm not going to argue semantics or deconstruct posts here, but I do wish to clarify just a few points that I believe might not be completely clear.

    [u]Dusty:[/u] Yes, I do believe there should be consequences. As I have stated previously, with action comes responsibility. As I have stated previously, I take responsibly. What does that mean? Well, nothing really. I can take responsibility all I want, but if there are no consequence it's just words.

    I think that items like this should come with a huge penalty for using them and you are all correct when you say that there are none (however this is a Mur scripted item, not a player scripted one). Tactics like the "murder" should have drastic outcomes and should not be taken lightly, and, again this is part of my point.

    [u]Firs:[/u] "Perhaps had you spoken to Jester about it beforehand, that could have been avoided."
    How do you know that I did not?

    The Knife cannot be transferred to anyone else, so there is no way "possible that it could end up in somebody elses hands." Also, I had no knowledge of a revive spell, or knowledge of anyone who might. I did know that on the 8th she would be resurrected, but I never willingly kept information about that a secret.

    "Regardless, the item is there and it seems that there are no consequences for using it. That, surely has to be a cause for concern?"

    YES! Be concerned, I was beginning to worry because everyone was so [b]unconcerned![/b]

    I look forward to what will happen.
  14. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to lightsage in Killing In The Name Of......?   
    For the record the following paragraph is purely hypothetical, I am in no way planning to physically harm anyone.

    If I were to grab a knife, go out on the street and stab the first random passerby, I'd get arrested and put on trial. If I did that in another country, the same would happen over there. The country I'm in probably won't not put me on trial simply because I'm dutch and the dutch government might not agree.

    Simply because you've decided not to administer punishment because of what Jester might do doesn't mean there is no possibility to do so. If your afraid of what Necro might do in return, it's your choice to succumb to them and as result inviting these sort of actions because apparently there is no consequences for killing a lorerootian.

    I believe these sort of items are an positive addition to the game, it adds possibilities of tensions to the game. I consider this quest a sparkle of activity in what is generally a dull, reserved form of politics. It's [i]magic[/i]duel so unless someone wants to, it is highly unlikely they will stay death.

    Of course there's hardly anyone whom is going to like getting killed. You should be able to rely on your land, your king or the community to protect you from this. Through repercussions that scare potential killers off or through other means. Of course, it'd be nice if they revive you too.
  15. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to pamplemousse in Killing In The Name Of......?   
    Everyone seems to think that this whole thing was scripted and planned out, play-by-play from the beginning. It wasn't. Mya was killed and then people reacted as they saw fit; the major planning was in the battles, not the actions and re-actions of other people. Some reactions were awesome (Lightsage) some, sort of disappointing.

    I was the one who chose Mya as the victim and I was the one who chose [b]not[/b] to ask for her permission. She was the most interesting person to have killed; she is not boring and flat, she is well loved, a prominent member of Loreroot and grown up and strong enough to deal with something of this nature. I never assumed she would be ok with it, it just happened to work out that she was gracious enough to play along, and for that I do thank her.

    I chose the moment on purpose, first because it was the wedding night and second, because it was close to the torch competition beginning. I knew she would be revived on the 8th, regardless of what happened. So, her death was [b]never[/b] permanent and I told her what she had to do to come alive again.

    [u]Z:[/u] Yes, the captivity was a farce, and I hoped for some more action, perhaps even a trip to jail. That, at least would have been sort of even. Death was forced on someone, so prison should be forced on the guilty ones. At least, that's the way it works in society, but we all know MD has its own set of mores.

    [u]Dusty:[/u] I was looking forward to some antics from you, but alas, no antics. You are not as much of an outsider as I think you would like to be, and I know that you are not easy "shut up". I hoped you would be a part of this, but instead you chose to pretend to be affected by some perceived negativity over your first post (I was happy to see a strong showing from you with that post) when we all know that if you wanted to, you would have been a major force. You cast yourself as a villain, but I know your dirty little secret, you are actually a nice person.

    [u]Firs:[/u] Again, she would have been revived on the 8th regardless of a "flaming forum war." It was not her willingness to play along that led to her being revived "at the earliest opportunity" and in fact, did you not have a hand in reviving her due to a suggestion that I made?

    [u]Moving away from the asking permission aspect of things:[/u]

    It is a slippery slope to argue that because I had Mya killed and did not ask for permission, that all of a sudden people will go around scripting items and killing willy-nilly or that an item will be created that can steal or kill a purchased creature. I know that there are people out there that would do those things, however, items like this should have a penalty and that was part of the point of this.

    This item was created and given out to someone deemed responsible enough to use it. To argue that in the future, incredibly powerful items will be given out to anyone to use without repercussion or consideration of abuse is just sort of silly. I am sure there will be safety measures put in place and that those examples you mention will be studiously avoided. (As far as I know, items are still in testing and some kinks are being worked out, although, I could be way off base)

    [u]On a sort of tangential side note:[/u]

    I don't know what it means to "RP" and hadn't ever played any kind of online game before MD (I was actually researching something for a paper when I stumbled on it and got hooked by the artwork and stayed because of the people.) Pample is me if I were stuck in some magic land without knowledge of things like Power Rangers or oil spills or lawn mowers. She responds to things the way I would and says the things I would say. I'm sure this violates some kind of RP rule or etiquette, but whatever. I say that because I have never understood the distinction between "playing MD" and "roleplaying MD."
  16. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in Killing In The Name Of......?   
    [quote name='Shemhazaj' date='16 June 2010 - 06:17 PM' timestamp='1276701466' post='62004']
    [font="Book Antiqua"][color="#808080"]one question.. if everything that's ok with game mechanics is allowed, why then are accounts with offensive names being deleted?

    Cause there are rules against it. As for items and killing players we have none. And to be honest I don't mind it. It's in the game? Yes. You can use it? Yes. Then use it. BUT don't go making a big fuss about it (aka quest that involves both RP and game mechanics).

    Tarq:I am not the latest critic. I am one of the first and probably the one who does something about it. I don't just sit on my tail and rant
    And forgive me for thinking your role is that of a mannered knight. It is not. It is just part of it. You play also the Casannova, the Puppet Master, the Spy, the <insert other roles in here cause I run out of ideas>.
    To go far into your role? To see what? Your cheesy RP with some of the MD women and then you hiding under their skirts when you get caught saying that they made you do it? (remember you post where you "confessed" how some of the female players initiated you into cyber sex in MD?) I preferred to think of you as I said above and forget all the nasty stuff but seems you don't let me.

    And why do you think I did not go into a corner and cry? Can't you see how sensible I am?
    Now seriously:it's easy to say:"Had you continued to be involved, you would have been considered for a reward" AFTER the whole thing was over. But your reaction to my input was a bad one. If I would have continued I would have probably messed the whole thing. But that's not why I didn't and actually it's not important why I chose to stay out. There is a saying:"after the battle many heroes appear". After the quest you come and say things like this that neither me or you can prove. Let's just don't do it. It's an insult to my intelligence.

    Fact is and remains:you succeeded cause you took advantage of a player's good nature.Congratz! I would probably have done the same BUT with one slight difference: I would have not tried to pose as the "good guy" who does good quests and mixes RP with game mechanics. Don't get me wrong: the main idea of the quest was good but the implementation sucked. I am not good at constructive criticism cause I usually use bats instead of velvet gloves but you're a smart boy and you'll know what I want to say (besides...my English has flaws and I might not always say what I want to say).

    So...all in all good luck with your next RP+game mechanics quest! Hopefully I will have the time to participate.
  17. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Mya Celestia in Killing In The Name Of......?   
    [color="#8B0000"][font="Palatino Linotype"]And now a word from the victim:

    Anyone that thinks I just took being murdered without complaint didn't see my responses immediately after it happened. Though I am one that is slow to anger, it was immediate and apparent as soon as Mya was killed. It's a very different mental blow when one is killed outside the torch.

    Keith was the first person I contacted because he was the only person awake that I had on any list that was at the gazebo. I asked him if anything was said or done in chat that I missed. I knew of a kill spell, but not a kill item. That was when he informed me what was happening. At first I was excited about it because it was something to liven the realm. Time changes emotions and there were a lot of changes behind the screen. Keith and several others will tell you how I was like while Mya was dead.

    As for those that think I am simply a puppet and I know that more than dst thinks that way, you folks are sorely mistaken. Just because Mya is nice and good natured doesn't mean her user always is. I pick my battles. When Mya was killed, instead of whining, griping, or looking for blood, I started working (best I could being dead) at finding a way to revive Mya.

    Did I take Mya being killed? Yes. Why? For the sake of MD. Not because I'm nice or a puppet or whatever people think. I did it for MD. I thought about the newbies that come through the Paper Cabin. I thought about how their first experience seeing someone dead. How would it look if someone labeled 'DEAD' was acting like they weren't? What sort of impression would that give? I tried very hard to look beyond myself though at times it was really hard.
    We can sit here and debate the use of items until we're all blue in the face. Because Mya has something doesn't mean she uses it. In reality I have a gun. That doesn't mean I run around killing people. MD is different because there are no consequences for killing someone. Sure Mya could whine to Grido or someone to put the murderer in jail, but that doesn't mean she'd get it. It also doesn't mean that the item would be taken. If I shot someone in reality, I'd lose my gun. What I find more disturbing was if there was a revive item, nobody came forward with it. At the very least that person could have charged a huge amount to use the item.

    What's done is done. It is in the past. Better to learn and grow than wallow in the pain of the incident. Come on, people, for the good of the realm, move on.[/font][/color]
  18. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Pazur in Mya Celestia Is Dead!   
    I am surprised

    Not a single call for a peaceful solution? No one wants a trial? Why? Because there were arbitrary, predefined rules laid down?

    As we stand outside, and within, the gates of Troy who wonders why we are gathered here?

    Isn’t this a conflict between Menelaus, Paris and Helen? Or are they even the main characters, or forces, in this tale?

    As we sit beside our campfires tonight, let us cling to the reasons why we are here. Loyalty, duty, land, honor, friendship, chaos, greed, glory, justice, love, revenge, joy, ..., ...

    Let us cling to these reasons that turn the fall of one blade into many

    How one murder multiplies

    To Mya, Darigan and the rest of us I mention two things:
    Revenge is like a forest, it’s easy to lose your way
    A mirror turned upon a mirror reflects to no end

    Pazur will be there. Sure, for land and country and all the blah blahs. But the real reason, what he really wants to see… is how one elegantly planted seed can sow a field of flowers

    To Mr. Celine, I tip my hat
    To those who do and do not see, I say
    Kill Bob or kill me!
    All hail Eris! All Hail Discordia!
  19. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in Mya Celestia Is Dead!   
    [quote name='Aysun' date='03 June 2010 - 04:29 AM' timestamp='1275528551' post='60835']

    @DST: It's all been going on within MD itself, and someone already mentioned Ivorak and the other general knowledge in this thread as it is.

    That may be true BUT since it is a quest and since not everybody is on the same time zone I only think that if you want the quest to be somewhat fair, you should post all the info on the thread (Kyphis posted just part of it which is not that bad). How was I supposed to know what you have discussed amongst yourselves when I was not there? Think about it before writing just for the sake of post count (yeah, I am mean, I know).

    You are right Tarq: the mystery is only part of the quest.And I know that you'll concentrate more on the RP part (basically on the why question) BUT the fact that I answered 2 out of 3 questions (officially) it's a fact. And you can't ignore it or come with excuses like the ones provided above. Don't worry, I did not do this for the rewards.

    I already expressed my concerns about the quest but I still hope you'll prove me wrong.
  20. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tarquinus in Mya Celestia Is Dead!   
    Aysun - sorry for misspelling your name.

    Sharazhad - I didn't want to spoil the surprise or the shock. I've been roleplaying for a very long time myself - over thirty years - so I am aware of the "consent" issue, and I find your words and tone patronizing. I think it is unfair to Mya's roleplaying skill to assume she can't handle what happened. As it turns out, I approached her almost immediately after the fact, and she was happy to play along. When she posts here saying that I am a thoughtless bastard and a poor roleplayer, I will give some credence to your position... but not before. There [u]is[/u] a very unfortunate aspect to Mya's murder, but it doesn't revolve around her specifically, and I have tried to apologize to the parties concerned.
  21. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to awiiya in Mya Celestia Is Dead!   
    No murderer asks their victim before killing them... that would be very counter-intuitive.

    Mya isn't supposed to be happy about being killed. She's been thrown into a position, and it's up to her to play it how she likes.

    MD is a game, you're right, but it strives to be something better. This is a step in that direction. In addition using the "in other RP games they do this" is an awful argument. This isn't other games, this is our game. I can point to many times when people have had their course changed by others: Khalazdad with the shades, Darigan getting his brain cut out, dst's avatar changing, Knator Commander leaving his post, and the list goes on. We are meant to interact, and sometimes that interaction isn't like a tea party.

    The reason people dislike the "bad RP" is that it is based on imagination and astericks. This is a concrete activity with real repercussions. I'm sorry if she doesn't like that reality.

  22. Downvote
    Ivorak reacted to dst in Mya Celestia Is Dead!   
    It is a fun quest. That's why I solved it (partially indeed). But i still have done more then everyone else! I answered 2 of the 3 questions.

    Tarq, you know I am not interested in the "why" question. That's the least important thing.Mostly because YOU can be creative about it. I mean, even if I was to find the reason I am not sure you would admit it.

    And I was joking about WP .I don't expect to receive one from anyone for this quest. Mainly because I spoiled part of your fun Secondly because I am not the person "designated" to win this quest. I will be surprised if someone else besides Loreroot people will win it. If I am wrong then I will truly congratulate everyone that designed it.

    @Darigan:I know more then you think. And I know how to recognize an abuse when I see one. All you did with your questions is just put some more gas on the fire. You think that you know things? Think again dear Darigan.

    Anyway, it was fun. Thank you.
  23. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Kyphis the Bard in Mya Celestia Is Dead!   
    This is an edited chatlog from the GoE during the initial examination, I would appreciate if a mod would put it in the spoiler box so as to not make the topic incredibly long with logs.

    Keith Moon: *mutters* Deep incision wound, about 8 cm wide. Looks like it punctured the pulmonary artery. She died quickly, and without much pain.

    Keith Moon: No, it was a blade of some kind. *points* see the jagged edges of the wound?

    Keith Moon: And given the amount of blood on her, I'd say she died of blood loss and/or shock.

    : Virtuous Pride spies the body of Mya Celestia and the blood drains from his face.
    : Virtuous Pride falls to his knees beside the body, motionless at first.
    : Darigan watches Virtuous carefully
    : Virtuous Pride trembles at first, opening his case, but removes special eyewear, and steadies himself, taking a deep breath.
    : Virtuous Pride looks around at those gathered.
    : Virtuous Pride tugs on his shirt, and then mimes the outline of a large square.
    : Virtuous Pride looks around, a little more frantically, repeating the gesture and tugging on his shirt harder.
    Keith Moon: Let's give the doc some room.
    Darigan: I think he'd like some cloth
    Kyphis: I have a few Oilcloths in my pack, as well as a large towel
    : Amoran K Kol stands from Mya's body and moves back a bit, nodding respectfully to Virtuous Pride.
    : Virtuous Pride frowns deeply and mouths a curse, quickly removing his own shirt to to cover Mya Celestia's body as he tears open her clothing.
    : Kyphis sets down his pack and pulls out two large, folded oilcloths, and a folded towel
    : Kyphis walks over and sets the three bundels by Virtuous, then steps back again
    : Virtuous Pride leans over Mya Celestia's chest, doning the eyewear to examine the wound.
    : Virtuous Pride concentrates on examining the wound, reaching out for a small, metal instrument, pulling the tissue back.
    : Virtuous Pride removes the eyewear and searches his pack for a small vial and brush.
    : Darigan mutters quietly to himself
    : Virtuous Pride brushes a small amount of the contents onto the wound, watching.

    : Pamplemousse crouches at Mya's feet and quickly collects a few drops of the woman's blood in a vial, storing it within her robes

    : Amoran K Kol watches Virtuous silently, digging her nails into the skin of her forearm.
    : Virtuous Pride waits anxiously, his previous tremors subsided.

    : Kyphis raises an eyebrow at Pamplemousses action, but says nothing
    : Virtuous Pride feels a blow from the side, stumbles a bit, and glares at nadrolski.
    : Darigan watches Pample carefully
    : Pamplemousse flashes Darigan a sharp, dark smile and stands near the steps again

    : Virtuous Pride rights himself and begins to work on Mya Celestia again.

    Darigan: *mumbles* you'd know something of snakes wouldn't you
    Pamplemousse: Mmm, what's that Darigan?
    : [Spell] Tendrils of Shadow - nadrolski

    : Virtuous Pride finds another vial, adding its contents to area around the wound to wait again.

    Darigan: *takes a deep breath and glares at her with subtle fury* what do you plan to do with the vial

    : Virtuous Pride cocks his head to the side as a faint blue glow surrounds the wound.
    : Amoran K Kol shakes her head and looks toward Virtuous once more, her features softening to a look of deep sadness.

    Pamplemousse: Darigan, if you are going to call me out, you best use your boldest shout. The blood of the innocent is useful in many areas, no?
    : Darigan twitches once more

    : Virtuous Pride pulls out his tome, scribbling notes.

    Pamplemousse: I'll take your twitch as an agreement.
    Darigan: *stares at Keith and returns his gaze to Pample clenching his fists* you have no right to that blood
    Pamplemousse: I took it, did I not?
    Pamplemousse: And you didn't do much to stop me. Nor did you do much to stop the muder of your lovely wife, either.

    : Virtuous Pride sits down heavily and sighs, shaking his head back and forth.

    : Darigan shakes near uncontrollably
    Darigan: You....
    Pamplemousse: Again you shake your assent.
    Pamplemousse: Did you swear to protect her, Darigan?
    : Darigan releases an inhuman growl from deep within his chest clenching his fists as his knuckles turn white
    Pamplemousse: *tilts her head towards him and says softly* Did you vow to let no harm come to her?

    : Virtuous Pride slowly packs up his equipment and stand, tears appearing in the corner of his eyes.
    : Darigan stares at Virtuous his attention breifly diverted
    Darigan: what was the blue glow
    Darigan: what did you find
    : Virtuous Pride stares down at Mya, his lower lip quivering.

    Pamplemousse: I think he found that you failed, you betrayed your wife, Darigan. You caused her death.
    : Virtuous Pride quickly turns to Pamplemousse, eyes dark, and slaps her hard across the face,
    : Virtuous Pride turns on Darigan and backhands him in a similar way.
    : Amoran K Kol jumps slightly and looks to Virtuous Pride and Pample, eyes wide.
    : Darigan snaps to staring at Virtuous
    Pamplemousse: She was such a wonderfu- *holds her hand to her cheek as it burns with his slap*
    : Virtuous Pride turns away and stalks off.

    Pamplemousse: *smiles* A slap from a dragon, my, I feel lucky today indeed.
    Darigan: I did not slap you dear pample if i had...you'd be laid out upon the ground
    Pamplemousse: *soothes her cheek* Doesn't change a damn thing, Darigan.
    Pamplemousse: If not a slap, then what would you call that, dear Dairy?
    Assira the Black: Pample, It was Virtuous who slapped you.
    Amoran K Kol: *to Pample.* Her many faces do not smile upon you this day.

    : *Mya Celestia* moans softly as she drifts among the pillars of the gazebo

    Pamplemousse: Or too many faces, it would seem.
    Darigan: *sighs* well that was somewhat useless
    Amoran K Kol: Yes.. just as you have.

  24. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Tarquinus in Mya Celestia Is Dead!   
    Someone has murdered Mya Celestia! Who? How? And for the love of MagicDuel, [i][b]WHY?[/b][/i]

    There will be hints, clues, plots, and counterplots.

    There will be fights.

    There will be consequences.

    Wish Points and at least one drachorn will be given as rewards for sleuthing and good roleplay.

    Let this outrage not pass unanswered!
  25. Upvote
    Ivorak reacted to Fyrd Argentus in The Eternal RP Debate   
    This thread recreates the history of chemistry. Organic/inorganic originally refered to source of a compound, living or dead. When they realized the same molecule could be made from either sort of raw material, the definitions got more technical, around the element Carbon.

    Reproduction, once considered a hallmark of the living, is now a commonplace occurrence on your computer - in the form of digital viruses.

    So to have meaning in life, the discussion must turn to the nature of the soul.... bringing us back to the topic.

    There are so many metaphors for the child trapped in the cube, the gnostic christian soul without stains, the Hindu/Buddist soul without karmic burden, the born-again christian, capitalist trying to "think outside the box", folk songs encouraging us to find the inner child..... The child's skull is still soft so the brain can grow, the adult's skull hardens for protection and so limits growth. The snail is my favorite example, it builds its own shell for protection, then must live within its confines.

    We roleplay to escape the RL shells we have built for and around us. We try alts to see what a DIFFERENT shell would feel like. In these ways, we escape our protective biases and limitations, and experience a bit of the freedom that is our birthright, is lost as we live, and we constantly strive to find again.

    The only problem I see with "birthing" an alt is that it carries on the karma/history of the parent with it. It is not a clean start to try on a different shell. And so, THEORETICALLY, ought to be a less satisfying way to play, since the "escape" factor is diminished.
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