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Everything posted by Blackthorn

  1. [quote name='Ravenstrider' timestamp='1300561605' post='80906'] As the topic says: [b]Jeff[/b] [color="#FF0000"][b]Age: 85[/b][/color] [color="#4169E1"][b]Tokens: [antifreeze][/b][/color] I will sell only if satisfied with the offer and [b]only for credits[/b]. [/quote] 25 credits
  2. Blackthorn


    I'll go 10 sc for the Sharp
  3. I have it
  4. AVATARS FOR SALE OR TRADE I drew these just for fun...I will leave them up...contact me if you are interested (will not be sent to shop) and I will be continually adding more. so stop by now and again.
  5. Blackthorn


    6sc for Imp and Sharp each
  6. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1301208442' post='81397'] I don't mean to critique... But, I like it but what I don't like is how using gimp gives it a sense of... artificiality so to speak. Personally... I like your drawings as they are. You can see the work put into them, you can see the realism and not something artificially created. [/quote] I know what you mean...I prefer my work done with pencil too...but, thought I would give it a try...also considering the request...I thought the refined slick look might work...all things considered. Don't worry you haven't seen the last of my pencil, promise. and not only because I have the worst case of Mouse cramp either...lol I appreciate your comment. Thank You BT
  7. I received this PM for a request. I Don't mind pm's, but I would prefer to have all requests in one place...I almost didn't draw this because I simply missed it...Which would have been a shame because I really like the way this one turned out....instead of massive drawing, shading, erasing and re-drawing that I usually do, I decided to try and use Gimp more, so after a rough drawing...almost no erasing..i have completed this request almost completely with Gimp...please let me know what you think. BT "I prefered to pm you. I hope its ok. I am a new player and 2 days away from unlocking the avy thing. Though i would like you to draw it. My idea is a tall serious dressed man, with a grin, without motion just his one hand extended with a deck of cards. Like its offering the cards. Kind of a serious con man type of thing with a deck of cards.Dark serious clothes, preferrably black and stuff, and his hair should look serious, but not too much. I hope you get the idea. I can probably take a loan depending on your price. Thanks in advance" Take a Card....Any Card. LOL By request a second version..ooooo look triplets..lol Unfortunately Mur did not approve this avy...I will have to adjust the original hand drawn avy and submit without the Gimp manipulations. I will post it once ready. Or if you prefer I can try drawing a completely new avy...let me know which you would prefer.
  8. [quote name='ZenTao' timestamp='1301095570' post='81328'] [font="Palatino Linotype"]Hello Blackthorn, If I may request an avatar to and let you know now, I have 4 silver coins left and I hope this is okay. Thank You, I enjoy the art that comes through you. Description:A Female Samurai with long black hair, wind blowing it across her face and sword drawn as if she has just used it and so that one can see the the blade. You can see a small bird that lands on the tip of the blade wings stretched as she holds it. Same outfit as a regular Samurai except the hair. Many thanks in advance, I appreciate it![/font] [/quote] I would be honored...and a fine choice too.
  9. [quote name='Mith' timestamp='1301058932' post='81311'] I'll send some critiques to you over PM. If you ever need more challenges, I'd be happy to think of some more. [/quote] I would like to add your comments from the PM you sent me to this post....If I am out of order or something then please let chewie know so he can edit this out...but I am doing so so that others can understand something about the process, and what they can expect should they decide to ask for my services. pm from Mith follows: "First of all, I really really like it its one of the best avatars I've seen so far (but then again, my experience on avatars have only been limited to those with them. ). Now, on to the critiques. I've outlined them as they go in my head, so I'll try to organize them a bit. Major points: -I like the symmetry and the overall physique of the character. -the nose is too big, or too flat. -I really love how you've drawn the cloak to compensate how I wanted the arm to be drawn. -I don't know if you've made it intentional, but when you look close at the character, you'll prolly say in your mind that he's a nice guy with that nice smile, but if you look at it from a distance, it looks almost sinister. I LIKE. -What's it holding? a scroll? a stick? an ice cream cone? I don't know what it is. (I think it's a vial that the character drunk from though.) minor points: -too... many.. belts! LOL, I am fat IRL, but having three belts to fasten my armor is a bit too much. -you may want to lower the eyes a micrometer lower. though doing that may make my forehead big. your call. -The design on the circle and the lining of the cloak is superb. -looks like a paladin. ever played Diablo 2? -you no longer need to put the larger MD sign. the ring says it all. -is the mouth really a bit slanted? maybe it's because of the cloak shrouding the face so It doesn't look straight to me. other stuff: -If you ever get the chance to draw the missing hand, remember that it's the one making a facepalm. and it has the ring. the left hand, then should be doing the right hand's position, and the right hand's making the facepalm. well, that's mostly it. I hope you don't take critiques personally, but seeing as you're already a celebrated artiste of MD, I guess you're used to it. " And My responce: "I appreciate your criticism...but remember, no matter how many times I draw something it will never match what picture you hold in your head. The question is: Is this avy close enough? If not I will sell it so someone else or to the shop. If it is please let me know and I will upload it for approval. While your points are well received...I would like to go over each with you. The nose appears that way because of the angle of his face...ie...hiding under the hood of his cloak. it is a glass of loreroot whiskey...or whatever else you enjoy drinking. the belts are part of his armor called a Fauld...and I would have put even more belts if the arm were not there. lol the larger MD sign is because in the final scale of the avy...100x160pix that level of detail is lost...It has to be larger to meet approval guidelines The avy's right is your left...I used the hood to hide HIS right side of face and placed the ring on HIS right side....but if you would like I can easily flip it to the other side before sending to approval. the Mouth is crooked...and yes it is intentional...it adds interest and the illusion of nice guy/very cautious guy...the sinister part is because of the shading of his eyes...all of which you specified in your description. Thank you for all your comments...as I said I really do appreciate feedback from those I draw for.. BT" I hope this will help others in ordering their art work...and also on understanding what they should expect...I cannot draw what is in your head...I can only draw what is in mine...and sometimes not even that...lol Thank you again Mith...and I hope you will accept the avy. '
  10. [quote name='Sunfire' timestamp='1301000050' post='81280'] can you draw me a Pyromancer a youngaged man +/- 28 years (not too young, not old) in a traditional magiciens robe with a arragant smile and a bit know-it-all look ask if you need more details [/quote] I would be most pleased to...Thank You [quote name='Amoran Kalamanira Kol' timestamp='1301014357' post='81288'] Amazing artwork as always, Thorn. I may suggest something to you soon. [/quote] Thanks Amoran...I have the approved avy that we drew together...I'm usually at the Dome...come by and pick it up.
  11. "The mechanations of my mind are an enigma" - Patrick Starfish

  12. [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1300958845' post='81231'] I am too young in the realm to have anything valuable that could be a payment to anyone. I am also too young to have access to the avy through the shop (I'm not even sure I have understood how it works, between the avy shop and the personal avys... will have to look into it one day!) But yet I am thinking of an avatar for the future. Please don't work on it yet, but maybe you could think of it and let me know if that makes sense and seems feasible ? Then hopefully one day when I grow up, I will ask you about it. Thanks! ============================================================================ Artist's description Mandatory requirement: Compatible with MDs avatars requirements. It is a young man (could even be a teenager or a child if that's easyer) carrying a ladder on his back. He has his head turned up, as if he was looking for something in the sky. He is physically weak, so he should be rather thin. He may be tall if that makes him look weaker Optional He looks either frightened or surprised... or a mix of both. In my mind, he is sideways, but it is not a requirement. The artist shall decide what to do to express what is in the mandatory requirements. ===== EDited for God's sake! (not sure what happened, but my post was totally messed up...) [/quote] I am afraid I am unaware of exactly how that works...but if you need to unlock that feature in the shop, come back when you are ready and I would be happy to draw for you. perhaps someone else could comment on the requirements...does he have to unlock the shop avatar choice before he can receive a transfere avy?
  13. [quote name='Aelis' timestamp='1300986494' post='81257'] Oh my god, the cloak looks totally awesome!! The only thing is that I guess he's way too muscular, perhaps you can change that? And can you make the cloak cover more of his body? Perhaps even remove the armor and the sword and focus on the cloak (As you might have noticed, I really liked it) I hope that can be done! Thanks in advance. ~Aelis [/quote] No problem...I will send this one and the other knight I drew to the shop....and try again.
  14. [quote name='Aelis' timestamp='1300847185' post='81133'] A knightly man, wearing a white cloak with a sheathed sword on a sword belt. Shield is optional. Some small details on the cloak (so it won't be completely white) would be great, it's up to you! About the stance, maybe something mysterious or noble (or both), not offensive at all. Hope that is a good description. Thanks in advance. ~Aelis [/quote] Let me know if this works for you? Sent To the shop.
  15. [quote name='adiomino' timestamp='1300842729' post='81130'] Posted description as instructed: A clay model of a dovewing with a light shining directly overhead it. The shape of the dovewing is up to you, the artist. The angle is also up to you. Thank you Blackthorn! [/quote] Let me know if this will work for you...
  16. [quote name='Mith' timestamp='1300877895' post='81142'] ~artist's description~ A young man in the prime of his youth, grinning. contrary to his cloak almost shrouding his face and a bit of heavy armor plating showing, he exudes a very light aura. he embarrasingly covers the right side of his face with his right hand. on that hand there is a ring showing, where the MD mark should be. because his right eye is covered by his hand, only the left eye is visible and is staring at the viewer. (view is chest and above, like he's sitting, right hand resting on a table, but the legs and the table arent in the avy.) there. I hope I have provided enough detail. Thank you very very much. [/quote] A challenging request...I have never drawn an avy that was not head to toe...so to speak...this will allow for more detail...which in turn will take more time to complete. Still I accept your commision...and I would like you to contact me soon on YM...so that I can periodically show you the piece as I draw it...so as not to waste your time or mine with a drawing that would be unacceptable. bardofloreroot@yahoo.com Thank You. I am afraid I must admit defeat...I did my best but could not draw to your exact specifications...my applologies...but here is what I was able to come up with...let me know if it meets with your approval. P.S. I was told by a very good, if not a little new, friend of mine here in MD...that I need to learn to use my Gimp better...and so to that end, I reworked the drawing in Gimp...and I have to agree...Gimp is pretty cool....Won't be giving up miy pencil anytime soon though. new version uploaded...old one tossed.
  17. [quote name='adiomino' timestamp='1300842729' post='81130'] Posted description as instructed: A clay model of a dovewing with a light shining directly overhead it. The shape of the dovewing is up to you, the artist. The angle is also up to you. Thank you Blackthorn! [/quote] Thank you I will begin working on it [quote name='Aelis' timestamp='1300847185' post='81133'] A knightly man, wearing a white cloak with a sheathed sword on a sword belt. Shield is optional. Some small details on the cloak (so it won't be completely white) would be great, it's up to you! About the stance, maybe something mysterious or noble (or both), not offensive at all. Hope that is a good description. Thanks in advance. ~Aelis [/quote] A fine description, Thnak you. I will start on it right away.
  18. If there are any players looking for art work to be done...they can contact me here or in game. I would prefer a post here of the description of the Item or Avy you would like me to draw for you... as always I prefer to discuss payment..if any..only after the Item has been drawn and meets your approval...You can always decline if it does not. I will do only LIMITTED revisions... If you are new to MD and/or you have little to offer in way of payment, prices will vary ...and some I will do for free...so don't be afraid to ask. BlackThorn A note to anyone reading this thread: I work on many avatars at a time, and some, just finish themselves...others take longer, not neccessarily because they are more difficult...but because the muse hasn't struck just yet....I have learned that if I push too hard...the drawing doesn't come out very well. I hope you all will try to understand. I'm a Toaist and I believe that art like life flows from the source and follows it's own path. Nothing is more beautiful to me than an uncarved block. That is why I love the challanges you provide to me...and as always...I prefer you describe the avy to me...rather than showing me a picture....Pictures tend to retard the artistic process by forcing form upon an unrealised idea...I literally have to forget what I saw before I can begin to draw again...If you are not certain of exactly what you want me to draw...then be general..and let me know to do it how ever I want...thats ok too....and don't worry about feeling obligated to buy it once I finish....If you don't want it...np...I will just place it hear in this thread for sale or sell it to the shop. Honesty is the best form of praise any artist can hope for because it praises the artist not their art...while it is very nice to hear that people like what I draw, when someone tells me something that they don't like about a drawing, like Couriose and Chewy did before, I know that they care enough to help me to grow and become better... Price is also not very important to me...I know that previously some of my avys were selling for quite a bit of Gold...but what I really want is to provide avys that will enhance your enjoyment of the game. If you can afford to pay...great! If not, that's ok too. so don't let price be the reason you don't ask me to draw for you. Thanks for reading this...BT THERE ARE AVATARS FOR SALE OR TRADE ON PAGE 2 OF THIS THREAD For Ravenstrider...Oh, and it was free, because he made me laugh. this second one is going to the shop...unless anyone wants it?
  19. [quote name='awiiya' timestamp='1295451904' post='77686'] "Very rarely"? Let me just say - Renavoid has left MD a few times. He thought he was leaving when he originally crashed his ship into the House of Liquid Dust, and declared himself dead, and then alive again when he came back. He's not alone: Wodin declared himself dead as have BigC, Khalazdad, Lifeline, BlackThorn and a whole host of people. Veterans fall out of the game often, and nearly just as often they come back. Awi [/quote] I never declared myself Dead. I only left. As for Renavoid...well what can be said? He was my friend. My hope is that he does not rest in peace, but rather returns often to haunt us all. [quote name='phantasm' timestamp='1295463466' post='77702'] Considering I think I was an MP4 at the time he left, when he crashed the ship, [color="#cccccc"](Page 454 [2009-02-27 23:42:34 - The Traveler][/color]), *which also happened at the House of Liquid Dust* I don't see where the timing is involved to pay respect for all the work he did. Period. Most every one of the names you have said have been gone for a LONG time, or if they do come back its few and far between (as that character of course). The rp events with Inno have happened recently and therefore this is done as a whole. It would be different if someone left and came back every other week, and then I would agree with you. Does the fact they are gone make their deeds any less valuable? If there was a memorial done for blackthorn and his additions to MD would it make his deeds any less valued, even though he has been gone for a long time? I am surprised by your reaction chewy, I would think you would give more credibility for the event then that. That last sentence was almost aggressive if i had to say. *edit* oh sorry 2 years ago [/quote] Again, I am not dead... I am very flattered, but not dead....only in prison Might as well be dead...but I am not.
  20. [quote name='Sparrhawk' date='11 June 2010 - 04:28 PM' timestamp='1276298916' post='61703'] Call it a group, call it a guild, call it a gathering, call it a fairy circle, put any spin on it you like. You can compare to anything you please but at the end of the day it doesnt change the fact that you have ignored the point in everything I have said. You have never made it clear what a citizen can and cannot do. This whole situation is proof that this has not been made clear. There has been no communication on this. You can say all you want, I am at fault and I will accept that. I accept that if you had been told first this might not have happened. But at the same time it would not have happened if I knew I could not do it. And the fact remains that no common people know what is planned in LR. I would like to know and I can guarantee if you ask the general population if they want to know you will get the majority saying yes. I know about the Rhaegar issue as he is my friend and we talk, everyone else knows as it has been aired out in public numerous times. That is not leadership transperency. I have said everything objectively but none of it has sunk in. I don't understand why you refuse to admit any fault. There are two kinds of kings. The first surrounds himself with "yes men" who will glorify his every action. They turn even his passing of gas into an epic sonnet. The second seeks council from those who are not afraid of the king, from those who will speak their honest truth. Those who will tell their king its not polite to gas their chambers with such a noxious odour. Fear does not breed loyal citizens. [/quote] It is quite simple, Firsantahlas is not objecting to what everyone in LR has stated was a worthy Idea that would bring honor to the land of loreroot and security to it's people... He is objecting to the personal slight on himself as KING. Because he was "elected" King, he has a duty to the land of Loreroot and it's people to stand up and demand he be given respect. SparrHawk is right Firsan...respect is something you earn..not something you demand or are "elected" to. Firsan is only interested in preserving his own power, not in what is best for Loreroot. He places himself and his personal interests above those of the land and it's people. Why else weaken the land by creating this rift and removing those who's only crime was seeking to improve LR? Oh and by the way... he condemed me to prison for speaking openly against his actions and his person in support of my alliance leader, (freedom of speach was apparently the first right the people of LR lost when they made firsan king)... without questioning, without trial, and without the breaking of a single "law" or "rule" of the land. Instead He creates rules and laws after he wrongly imprisons those who disparage him openly and without fear. Firsanthalas... to condemn me without first questioning me (and others) shows you are a coward. to condemn me without a trial shows you are self serving and a tirant. to leave me there long after the term of my imprisonment (2 weeks) shows you are depraved. to condemn me and then create the rules and laws (that I am supposed to be guilty of) afterwards, shows you have no honor.
  21. I am glad it is not personal, because it is not personal to me either. It is a Game, and I come only to play and spend time with friends. You were the one who said we shape this game and make it what it is. I understand that means the whole community, but I am also a part of that community, am I not? Or is leaving for a time and then returning make me something less? I do not know. I have been out of the game for a long time, but I do not “pretend I know” anything about what has been going on. That is not to say I am blind and deaf and dumb, or that I don’t care. I certainly do not know the problems you face every day, nor was I pretending I did. I cannot see you, Md, or anything, from a truly objective view point because it is me who is seeing it. I can strive for objectivity. Strive to see from another person’s point of view, but in the end, no matter how far into another person’s view point I seek to go, I cannot ever fully remove the subjective “me”. And so what I Believe is all there really is. This does not make it true, only true to me, to my point of view. So when you say I stay in my version of what I think MD is, of course you are right…but I Believe that is true of all of us. I can never know what it is to be you, just as you can never know what it is to be me. We can use language and pictures to communicate, we can struggle with one another and share Ideas. But ultimately we will always view the world around us according to our own subjective reality and the framework of our own personal experiences. You have referenced some things that I said about you and MD but you have used them out of context. So I will try to place them within the framework of my experience. A good friend told me today that misunderstandings are most often due to a lack of communication, and I would agree with that. I was told by a veteran player when I first began playing MD, that the whole Game was just an experiment to test your Ideas, and that all the players were nothing more to you than test subjects. I did not take much stock in the Idea at that time but as my view and experience of MD grew I began to see some things that led me to believe that not only was it possible, I believed it was true. That alone did not invalidate the experience, nor make my friendship with other players any less valuable. So I saw no problem with participating. After all It was still for me just a game. It was then suggested, by you Mur, that there were players who played this game on different levels most of the players of Md would never understand and never be able to achieve. This intrigued me, and so I began to observe more closely how you and certain other players” played” the game. And some interesting patterns began to appear. I saw that you would make certain changes and then sit back and see what consequences came from those changes. I saw other players do the same. So I too sought to play at that level. But I would do it in my own way…. I saw (and this is my personal point of view) much that was designed into the game to be based upon personal gain and achievement and many aggressive emotions like greed and self interest. I sought to influence the game to create systems that would encourage personal achievement through self sacrifice and service to others. And so I sought you out in marinds toilet, of all places, and asked that you allow us in Loreroot to create a NPC character god that could act as a Wodin like player that the leaders of that land would be able to play, and a religion based on that character, that players could choose to worship like a MP6 by sacrificing heat to. Obviously, for this we would require your assistance to create the mechanism. If you remember your initial reaction to the idea of a religion was negative but then you saw possibilities in a MP6 NPC system…and so you told us to go ahead and work on it but that we would have to wait until you had the time, to implement it… I know you know all this, and so this part is mostly for the sake of those who will read this. We did create a religion based upon many ancient pagan beliefs. There were many who worked on the project, though I will not list them here as I do not wish to cause them trouble. We continued to work on it as we waited for you, and then I had the idea of tying in the “ancient histories” as you later called them, into the whole back story of our god who we named Root. I understand that this has become a huge point of contention to you, but we did not do it to cause you trouble, we acted on what we thought was a sanctioned project. If we had known, if you had said something, but of course you had no way of knowing…or if we had been able to speak to you, which at the time was very difficult because you were so busy, you had declared yourself off limits to almost everyone, we would have removed that part of it altogether had we known you would object. That is not a criticism, we all knew you were working on new things for us. It is just what happened. Nelya had liked my ideas very early on and so implemented them into the leadership structure of Loreroot. A person was honored and given authority because of the service they did for others. What they did for themselves was its own reward. For a while it worked but without the mechanism to bring Root into the game, it began to fall apart as the emotions of self service and greed for power and position that were already supported by in game systems overpowered us. The alliance and council were a mess with everyone seeking to gain something for themselves. Bickering and backstabbing each other, became the loreroot national pastime. Eden quit, then Nelya and then Savel. Things just got worse in game and for me personally with my illness, and the fight I had with MRD, the one person in game I might have told about what I was about to go through for the second time. ( That fight was entirely my fault and If MRD ever reads this, let me say I am deeply sorry I lashed out at you. I know you forgave me, but I am still deeply ashamed of how I acted.) Then I finally realized that no one wanted what I had proposed, not the members of Gotr, not the members of Loreroot, and not you. So I chose to quit. I even asked you to delete my character…but you did not. As for the Logan and Amoran, they came to me after I had left in YM and asked me many questions about the game. And yes I told them my Beliefs about the game being an experiment to prove your ideas, the different levels of the game, and about how I had been told about it, and all I had seen for myself. I did not “Initiate” the resulting conflict between you and them. I am not responsable for what other people do. And as for my part, I was very sad to hear of it. I still see Md the same way. So again you are right. I still think you use it to test your ideas and that you and others are “"playing with us", not playing“"with"”us. As for some of the phrases and negative comments that you referred to in your replies, most of them were spoken to individuals as a way for me to gauge how much I can trust them and what their motives are. I have to use negative comments, for most people love to tell on others. Ren once came to me believing I had betrayed him, and I had to explain this strategy. He repeated back the exact phrase I had spoken to a player not an hour before. Lol. If you or anyone else does not believe this, check my papers, he even left a note there about it. I have always done this in the game and even in my business and real life. Tell someone a Secret and use a good phrase, one that would not just pop up in a conversation, like "Mind Control", and see how long it takes to get back to you. You are not the only subject I use, I have used many others in game,…but let's face it..you are the obvious choice. Also the way that person responds to negative comments tells you a lot about that person, how they view authority, and conflict. People always resent those with power, and here in MD, you have all of it. If you choose to blame me and hold me accountable, that is your choice. Choices are all we ever really have. We make the game what it is, and in the end, it is what it is, A GAME. I have always viewed you as an integral system within the game dynamic, a force for both positive and negative changes. I have also seen you as more than just the creator and owner of this game but as one of its chief players. I have tried many times and in many ways to engage you… I would love to debate you on the virtues of Order and Chaos.
  22. [quote name='Indyra' date='09 June 2010 - 03:28 AM' timestamp='1276079313' post='61431'] ""all you have to do is ask"" What makes you think that you have the smallest idea about how this game should be ?..you support it because you wish to and because you gain certain facillities from doing that, nobody makes you to! Point put a single game that allows to advice the game creator what he should next ? i think you are taking things out of game so you should stick to in-games matters because all the consequences you're suffering are from in-game actions. [/quote] I was talking about the problems Mur is facing with finances. something I happen to know a great deal about.
  23. [quote name='Lady Ailith' date='09 June 2010 - 02:14 AM' timestamp='1276074874' post='61426'] So where have you been for the last year? How have you been actively protecting the land during this time? You abandoned Loreroot a long time ago, and suddenly you arrive back.. spouting the same embittered nonsense that you did before you left. You have returned simply because you still hold a grudge over this imagined betrayal. Would it surprise you to learn that Firsanthalas was trying to get yrthilian to lay off Raven? I suppose you wouldn't believe that as it is not compatible with what has been clearly going round your head for the past year. Where is Raven in all this? You are using his name to attempt to get power.. should he not be called in to back you up? The Kingship election happened SIX MONTHS after the end of the LR/GG war. Who did he hear this LR history from? You and Logan? Fearful? I doubt it. If Firsanthalas has been thinking the same as the rest of us that were a part of the damage limitation caused by the real troublemakers of that time, he was probably as amused as I was to see Logan in the Savellites. Now you suddenly appear and help start causing trouble. Don't you think that those of us who remember can see this for exactly what it is? A perfect piece of propaganda, very emotive.. and misguided. Just because he is not working to YOUR idea of what LR should be, it doesn't mean it is wrong. The repetition of the word 'fearful' is also interesting. Is that what is actually true or the image you have built up inside your head? I suggest those who follow you (and yes I mean you and the other 'spirit of the past', not Rhaegar) find out a little more about what was happening behind the scenes all that time ago before staking their reputations on an action urged on by paranoid trouble makers. Blackwood, who I respect and have a great deal affection for, has already had his name tarnished for simply wanting to be loyal to his friend. Rhaegar refers to Firsanthalas in the other thread as a puppet King, anyone with any sense can see who is the real puppet in this situation. You have already referred to Firsanthalas as a 'RL friend' of Yrthilian. There is no distinction between Blackthorn and Jon here. You still do not understand? Having imagination as a principle does not automatically imply that anyone taking part in Mur's project can do whatever they like to change the basic story and meaning of MD to fit their own ends. I was sorry to hear from one of your friends all that time ago that you spent a long time creating something wonderful that ultimately didn't fit with what Mur wanted, you are a talented artist and have a vivid imagination. It is a shame you abandonded it rather than looking to adapt your work. My opinion on this is that if Mur wants to run down the number of participants in his game/project so that only he remains, good luck to him. The people who actually took part in MD and understood it, even just in part, will be happy to have done so and will remember it fondly. NB In case any think I am a 'Firsite', I would like to state that I do not care who leads Loreroot.. you could vote for a piano playing Gibbon who smokes a pipe for all I care.. as long as said Gibbon is not being influenced or led by people who are well established troublemakers who helped to bring a great deal of heartache and division to the realm in days gone by (in character and out). In the hope that people learn from history and do not repeat it, Ailith [/quote] in that post I signed the game play as BlackThorn...and the side note to mur as me...jon. this feels more like a personal attack on me...not a game play so I will answer it as myself. Again Lady Ailth you attack me without understanding me. You call me a trouble maker and say that all of this is because of me. I had thought to put the YM chat up of the last time you accused me of being such a monster...but I will not. we parted as friends that time...I cannot understand why you now think me your enemy. I am sorry you have such a low opinion of me. I hope that is not how all of you the community of MD sees me. If so...please ask me to leave and I will. I came to play not to cause trouble. As for the reasons I left MD...there were many...nelya had quit and Savel...and the game was not as important for me without them. also I could see that I had upset Mur in some way with the projects nelya and savel and I were working on. If he had simply spoken to me about them and explained I would have gladly revised them. MRD and I had some misunderstandings and I lost my temper...which I rarely ever do...and that bothered me alot. For that I do blame myself. to be honest it was a rough time for me. oh well I have come this far so i might as well just say it...though I would appreciate that no one comment to me about this subject. It is not something I wish to speak on. the main reason...and I have kept this to myself...is that I became sick again and was going to go through some long and painful treatments. I decided that I did not wish to share that with any of you...perhaps that was selfish...but it was my decision all the same...the treatments are over and I am well again... and mostly still intact...though I am missing a few more of my parts...I think that is why I lost my temper with MRD...something I still regret a great deal. and yes BlackThorn is different from Jon. I attack Firsan as BlackThorn and not as Jon...I have no problems with B***y K***Y, whom I consider a friend. I do not use his full name because I am not sure he would want me to. he is my enemy in game because he is Rhaegars enemy in game, and Blackthorn swore a blood oath to follow Rhaegar. I am not pulling any strings...I am barely in the game at all. my note to Mur should have been placed elswhere. my appologies. and since Yrth and Firsan had refered to rl friendship in context to their charecters...I felt that it was appropriate to do the same within my role. I am not sure how you see me as BlackThorn or as Jon since you seem to mix the two up...so this is just me...jon... I am a simple taoist who sees the world for what it is as best I can. I niether seek nor do I run from confrontation. I have faced Cancer twice in my life after watching it take the lives of both of my parents and one of my siblings. I am no coward. and Mur you were wrong to name me as such. Jon is also no ones enemy here..and I am very sorry to have to explain this to you. If you don't like me..ok so you don't like me...I can live with that. My efforts were ever to contribute to MD... not to disparage it. If I am not welcome here, say so..
  24. [quote name='Muratus del Mur' date='09 June 2010 - 02:00 AM' timestamp='1276074059' post='61425'] I woke up on the wrong side of the bed.... As much as i wish to stay and just look at what the result of this will be, i have to answer when you derail from the subject by using myself and "how bad md became" neverending excuse to "make a point". If you plan to reply me and continue this rant about how bad my influence is on md, please do so in a separate thread so that we can discuss it without using this side topic to hide the real discussion here, about LR. [b](mods pls split this if it continues)[/b] You will be surprised why. First of all, the financial situation prevents me from keeping any onstant advertisig for md, except on the sites that i own. In better time i would flood the internet with ads, but now i can't. Second, the few new that come every day, end up in a network of fake friends that slowly start to intoxicate them about how annoying md actualy is and in a day or two they are invited to continue talks on yahoo or other messengers where that imagination you talk about is unrestricted. Third, and i have to say this even if it will be taken as an official position to a "community driven project", GGG killed it and astral plane took it in a alternate reality...WITHOUT intending to do so at all....(i had to say it) It is your lack of involvement that creates very little to role-play about. The moment you expect someone to give you something to rp about you can stay aside and watch other players that FIND something to rp about. If you stay outside md, you only see the things that have little to do with rp. You make it sound as if i am some sort of puppet master. If i wanted a puppet theater i had one by now. The things i want to control are the neverending rants and bitching about how bad md is, and the intoxication of new players by a certain group, just because they run out of veteran players to brainwash, ..ooppss...i used same word as you did some time ago. That answers your previous concern..you need them so you have something to ROLE-PLAY about. You also need them because freedom without order is generally called chaos. Thats actually some peoples problem here, they wants freedom, they want to do whatever they like, but without caring of the others. When they cant do that, they move to separate chats, or go and do it outside of md, then return and complain "how bad md became while they were away" Of course i am behind it all, didn't you knew that Yrth, Firs, Jester and Lifeline are all my alts? I am the evil tomato trying to controll all lands, its obvious. Md doesn't even exist, its just an illusion. I enjoy waking up in the morning and pull my hair out for whatever new scandal pops up. Seriously speaking, you don't understand my motives? I think you can just say you don't understand my involvement first, then say you don't understand my motives for that involvement. You assume i want to control all, just because the things that happen don't go in the direction you like them to go? This kind of mentality is an educated form of cowardness. Face the facts, handle what is happening, and stop blaming a greater force for it. If I want something in the realm, I do it, i dont need excuses. Ontopic: don't mistaken my support to firs and the answers against princ with a persoal friendship relationship or hate or such with any of them. I represent the higher authority the kings rely on. I respect them as leaders, because they earned their throne. I respect their citizens because they mean MD. My only problem is that ONE CITIZEN does not balance ONE KING. A king is a king because the majority of his people elected him for that. I can't allow a king to fail because he doesn't have the support or tools to rule his people and because one or the other abuse this lack of tools. (for example untill now there was no way for kings to punish citizens). [/quote] Why do you attack me and berate me? you put words in my mouth like you know what I am thinking...and you do not. I was not criticizing you, nor was I disparaging MD. I was honestly voicing my consern over the condition of things in game. If you would bother to look before Attacking me...you would see that I am supporting the game (financially). and before you fire back that my pittance means nothing to you...let me say I was asking honest questions and voicing honest conserns and supporting the game as best I can....I should know better than to be conserned for you or try to help. as for the rest you took it out of context. If you can actually discuss things without personal attacks, I would welcome an opportunity to discuss with you what can be done to help Md in these difficult times. Even if you are an evil tomatoe..you do have friends here and support...which is what my note was about. my consern for you and md and my inquiry about the direction the game sems to be going in. sometimes a person can be too close to something to really see it. You taught us that...remember? perspective...If you and MD need help...all you have to do is ask. there are plenty of us here willing to help.
  25. [quote name='CrazyMike' date='08 June 2010 - 08:50 PM' timestamp='1276055415' post='61409'] First and foremost, I would like to say that Blackthorn is a player that I respect very much. He was the player who inducted me in the GOTR. I still remember the day he called me away from the dojo to GOE. It was one of the most memorable days of my life in MD. It is most unfortunate that I must speak up against him today. @Blackthorn There is always two sides to a story. During the days of Raven’s leadership in GOTR, there were a lot players who are not happy with him. Raven made decisions that was not accepted by many. Just as Ammy had the same problem, Firsan too faced that issue. Correct me if I am wrong, but I believe even Mur faced the same issue. Leaders will always have to make decisions and unfortunately, not all will accept it. You say Firsan will kick out all that is against him? Well, without naming names, I know of a few that is against Firsan as a King, and even Firsan knows it, but he allows them to continue to be in Loreroot, allows them to continue annoying him with questions and actions. In a way, it a check and balance as these enemies of Firsan keeps him on his toes. Note that this group are enemies of Firsan, NOT enemies of Loreroot. They question the actions of the King but never at any instant they endanger Loreroot. When they question the King, it is to his face with heated debates. No openly criticising rudely in the Forum. No inciting of war. No talk of civil war. That, Blackthorn is the issue. You will always have my respect for what you have done for me, but on this point, I would have done the same if I were the King. [/quote] I appreciate your kind words, you are a good friend.... but I would appreciate even more a more careful read of the situation. I have made no crime against the land of Loreroot or it's people. far from it, I have always supported Loreroot and I always will. I say Firsan has, both in the past and even now since he has been king, acted in a criminal way toward both individuals and loreroot itself. He has excommunicated an innocent man and put him in jail. what was Blackwoods crime? He cared for a friend after he was vicsiously attacked by a tyrant? how long was it exactly from the time Mur gave to firsan his new King powers before he attacked Rhaegar with them? Quote from Forum "mur" " what about this: - king can allow new citizens in based on their intention letter - king can kick people out of the land (remove citizenship) only if they did something against the land. That allows people to be part of a land but also be against its leader and be immune to revenge on this reason, unless they do somethign wrong for the land itself (land image, military, treason, abuse, etc) in other words, citizenship is gained by making the king accept you, but cant be removed same way" what about this then? apparently if you criticize firsan in no man's land you can be excommunicated and sent to jail without so much as a question being asked. and if Rhaegar attacked firsan and firsan alone...then why is he excommunicated? Rhaegar was his chief competition durring the "election". Rhaegar is his chief Rival...so he has made a point of denying Rhaegar's desire to improve things here in LR, time and time again. Firsan acts in his own best interest, by attacking and excommunicating Rhaegar, not in the interests of loreroot. no matter what Rhaegar said or did in anger, a true king would have acted in the best interests of his land and it's people, Firsan has shown he is incapable of doing that. He made no attempt to reason with any of us, indeed he did not so much as say a word to me or question me or Blackwood in anyway. Whether people were dissatisfied with Raven or not is hardly the point. He owed Raven and GOTR and Loreroot a duty, one that he chose not to fulfill. Firsan was complicit in Golemus's attack on Loreroot. If in no other way, then by failing to act as ambassador and stop the war, or as a counsel member and speak out against Golemus's attack. Ah yes, but that would not have been in HIS best interest, now would it. How did I ever endanger Loreroot? I did not...I spoke out against the unjust actions of a tyrant. I criticized Him AFTER he decided to excommunicate Rhaegar and send him to prison. for my role, I have bound myself to Rhaegar, and for good or ill, I will support whatever action he so decides is best. I have not in any way incited war against the land of Loreroot, nor did I speak to any member of loreroot to start a civil war. I have taken no action what so ever against my homeland, I have only spoken out against Firsan and Firsan alone. And it causes me much pain to hear you claim otherwise. . I do not support Firsan as King and I have made no secret of that fact. Until he attacked Rhaegar, Blackwood, and myself and threatened to excommunicate the entire Savelite church from Loreroot, I was content to let him "play king"; (after all who am I but a lowly Bard) but only out of respect for King Mur's decision to allow such a pimple of a man to call himself King. Still I remained silent my opinions about his kingship and counciled others against taking any action against him. But I have known Firsan for a long time....and he has always acted out of his own best interest and never out of what was best for Loreroot. Rhaegar on the otherhand follows a Knightly Code layed down by Savel himself...he is sworn to uphold what is right and to help all those who seek his healing. He has remained MP6 so that he could perform his healing duties, even though that kept his Loyalty low and endangered his possition within the savelite order. He placed others above himself...these are the actions of a king...one who will place the needs of others above his own selfish interests. He has struggled to stay true to our Code while enduring the selfserving darts of firsan. but it is a hard cross we bear..."to always do what is right"...and so he was forced by Firsan own actions to finally stand up and rid Loreroot of his taint. please re-read the chat Firsan posted now in this light and with this perspective. then I think you will see it is not something we desire, but something that we must do to remain true to our Code. We must do what is right no matter the personal cost..and not what is right for us...but what is right for Loreroot and it's people. IF that means that Rhaegar is guilty then so be it...I am too. for I am also a Savelite....as I said he is my liege and I will follow him because he is most worthy. Firsan has weakened his own land because he cannot wait to abuse the power that Mur has given him by excommunicating one of its greatest warriors, leaders, and men. And I dare say some would say the same for Blackwood and myself as well. Firsan is the one who attacked the people of Loreroot...not me, not Blackwood, and certainly not Rhaegar.
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