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Everything posted by Blackthorn

  1. If you don't already have the avy you want...let me know and I will give it a try
  2. I have an angien that has never fought and has no tokens... but it is 1309 days old. let me know if you are interested
  3. I will do it for what ever you think the finished avy is worth BlackThorn
  4. I've Been away on a long vacation...I am back now but have alot of work to catch up on...I will be back drawing very soon...some of your commissions are almost ready...others I have barely started...Sorry if this delay has troubled any of you..I appreciate your patience
  5. [quote name='Hedge Munos' timestamp='1303596216' post='83299'] Blackthorn, I was impressed with your artwork and so I decided to ask you to draw my avatar for me. I'm afraid all I have to pay you is two silver, as I am a young player compared to many. Here is a description for you: A man. He carries a wooden walking stick, wears a dark trench coat, and bears a fedora on his head. I would say he is a man in his earlier years, perhaps late twenties if you judge him by age. He wears boots but they do not rise too high. I am debating whether he will have any facial hair, so I believe I will leave that to your deciding. If I do not like the outcome of the hair, I will discuss it with you. BLACKTHORN - EDIT: Could there be a small hole in the hat? Pample is a fiesty one. Much appreciated, Hedge [/quote] I would be glad to. I've herd that about Pample. My current list is pretty long so I hope you and everyone will understand that it does take some time for me to draw your requests. I am in game or drawing requests or both when I can. I appreciate both your patience and understanding.
  6. well I would suggest a green house....a big one. perhaps a tool shed. Also a pumpkin patch...mmmm pumpkin soup... and a scare crow.
  7. [quote name='savage' timestamp='1302607119' post='82405'] ok.. BT i am RED i would request you to draw an avatar for me...and give my character a shape..an identity.. as we talked earlier , this is the formal request to you BT i would be glad if you do this for me regards RED. i am RED regarding what i want you to draw for me.. here is the description... my name is RED SAVAGE WIZARD and the name itself suggests i should look quite savage in my own ways! a wizard...who looks very young and polishes! wearing a long cloak...with mysterious symbols and languages written on it... the collar of the cloak should be hard and semicircular...covering the neck cloak should cover the hands till wrists...and myserious symbols all over the hands also the hands...one should hold a magical orb.. like the one we see with the fortune tellers! the other hand should be holding a magical staff...long one...and the upper tip should have a savage an mean looking skull on it..with horns and canines!! my legs would be covered in cloak too i guess.. and shoes should be pointed and sharp... now...my head... my head/face must look yong...but my eyes should sparkle in a way as if they have seen it all...experienced...veteran eyes!! my face will have the most deadly and vicous/cunning/wiked smile on it.... my overall body will be upright straight from spine...no bends..or stoops.. i will be holding the orb in left hand and staff in the other... my position of the hands will be this...orb will be holded back and staff will be helf forward as if i am about to cast a magic spell... my fingers long...and sharp nails.... i will be wearing a hat...a long wizard hat...or a magitian's hat...you decide what suits the best... [/quote] Yeah sounds great...I am a little overpowered at the moment..so I hope you can be patient.
  8. one more try...level 4 "Harbinger"
  9. [quote name='ChildOfTheSoul' timestamp='1303239995' post='83074'] ChildOfTheSoul Anything that fits my name would be awesome. I might have better luck just asking Blackthorn maybe, and having him draw one from scratch. Besides that, I really can't tell you what I like unless you show me an avatar you want to get rid of [/quote] I would be pleased to.
  10. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1301700601' post='81680'] I would like to ask wether you could draw me this: A young lady, in a long flowing dress,the neck in the shape of a V and an hourglass pendent around her neck.She should have long hair which flows as her dress does, as if in water. To the right of her chest she holds, with both hands, a harp with a strange bone like appearence, though beautiful at the same time. Here comes the part I think could become tricky. The ghost should have an almost transparent look to it, as if you could see through to the other side. Also if possible she should be hovering a foot or so above the ground, a very faint shadow beneath her, like light passing through steam. I would like all this whilst keeping all details of the Lady. It would be amazing to see an artists depiciction of this description, and I hope you see it as a "challenge". Faitfully ~Sasha Lilias~ [/quote] Ok this is still pretty rough...lots left to do...but I need to know what you think. still not done...just a little closer to finished I hope this last one will work...let me know
  11. [quote name='Azurekyte' timestamp='1301353330' post='81472'] Was what DST posted it? I wouldn't mind seeing it if that wasn't it though. [/quote] yes...dst is rarely wrong. I mean NEVER wrong...sorry dst.
  12. [b][/b][size="5"][/size]#1 & 2 5sc each
  13. [quote name='Curiose' timestamp='1302420093' post='82277'] While I love your drawings, Mister Blackthorn, I do have to pop in one last critique... For the Avy of ZenTao, you drew the upper body facing forward, while the lower half is twisted to be at say... a 45 degree angle. To me, when you have two different angles like that, it looks a bit abnormal-- Like... a puzzle piece that needs to be turned to fit properly, if that makes sense? When I drew, I always faced that problem, and so I would always choose an angle, and stick with it. My suggestion, is to perhaps keep the face forward, but slightly to the left, while turning the torso in the direction of the legs a tad. It just seems unnatural that a person would be able to twist their body in two completely different angles, unless, they are a contortionist. : p I hope this helps. [/quote] Your eye is much better than mine...I think it is in the feet that makes it look like that..I drew them before I finished drawing the armor and could have skewd it...to be honest this is the thing I struggle most with...I can't tell you how many avies wind up in the circular file for this very reason...I start with the shoulders and move up to the head...I agree that turning it to the left would have made it better. I drew the hips in line with the shoulders...but had intended something a little different for the legs than I finished with...Do you see the same problem with the attached unfinished pic? Cause I have to confess I don't really see it until the finished version and then only slightly and if I am lookin real hard...fortunately for me and my poor talents, the scale down size hides alot of my mistakes. And please don't call me mister...I am BlackThorn or BT. Thank you very much for your critique
  14. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1302339558' post='82208'] Seeing as my Avi would seem to be the more difficult one to draw I am not going to accept a no as an answer for payment. (: You work far to hard to go unrewarded, although I know your reward could be seen as seeing the pleasure others get from your amazing drawing skills. Due to this I am going to pay you a MINIMUM of three gold for the drawing(when/if done)and most likely more. Thank you for all the hard work you have, and are, putting into all your drawings for others. ~Sasha Lilias~ [/quote] Wow! That is very generous. Thank you indeed. It is proving to be a challenge....and in order to make the transparent aspect work I may need either some props like a table...or pose her floating in a setting...any additional suggestions?
  15. [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1302403540' post='82267'] I like the changes you have made. The staff shape and texture is certainly appropriate to my vision. The size does not appear correct. In the original drawing, the end of the staff goes right past the edge of the picture, portraying an indefinite length (which is no problem). In the new drawing, the staff is completely in the picture and appears to be too short in proportion to the body. If the man were to stand and hold the staff, the staff would be the same height as the man. The cloak hood revision looks great. I see you have altered the bird's tail angle to give it less of an appearance of landing. I might still invert the wings and tail, giving an appearance of downward flight, rather than upward flight or create a little more distance between the man and the bird, possibly by making the bird smaller and/or moving it toward one of the corners. The beard is correct. The hair is still a little more bushy than I have in mind, but I could live with it. And the angles... The angles are important to me. As a character who values openness as a key ethic, it is important for me not to have the back to the viewer. As mentioned before, I would prefer an angle of the arms that portrays active movement. I have waited very long now for an appropriate avatar and it is difficult to pass up such an incredible drawing. I will wait patiently until you have completed the other drawings for a second drawing of the image I have described. I value your creativity very much and I appreciate your willingness to continue working with me. In the meantime, I look forward to seeing the other avatars you draw. Contact me if you have any questions. I'm not much of an artist, but I can continue to build simple manikens that might assist you. [/quote] np..I completely understand. I will offer this one for sale here or send to the shop. I will let you know when I will be able to start drawing a new avy for you. Thanks again Rumi...Ok I will reserve it for you...
  16. Wow sounds great...Count me in.
  17. [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1302373410' post='82244'] First off, this picture is amazing. You have incredible talent and I am very happy that I chose to come to you for assistance. Now for the details The plant is perfect. I love the cloak/robe. It is exactly what I had in mind, and the specific design is very nice (I like the border a lot). I would make the hood a little looser and hanging down the back, rather than bunched up behind the neck. The hair and beard are the right texture and are much too long for my taste. I attached some images of me that can give an idea of appropriate hair/beard length. The rest of the face is perfect. The bird is beautiful, and very much what I had in mind. It is at an angle such that it appears to be landing on me. I would prefer for it to appear to be passing overhead (perhaps inverting the wings and tail). I have in mind a staff without a bulb at the end. I use a staff as my weapon in roleplay combat, in which I wield is as a bo staff. I imagine it being the slightest bit rough to show it's origin as an tree sapling. Now for the angles... There are two particular angles that don't work for me. You have the body with the back to the viewer and the head set to the side. It is very important to me that the viewer sees the chest, rather than the back. I would keep the head exactly as it is now, and orient the body (and staff) to be parallel with the head, rather than perpendicular, as it is now. I think this would also mean adding the second arm and moving the plant to the front of the image (closest thing to the viewer) I realize this pretty much means redrawing the entire image The second angle is the angle of the arm, reaching out toward the plant. The upper arm is in line with the body, giving a passive appearance. I imagine the arm to be reaching out from the body in more of an active movement. I appreciate the energy you have put into my avatar up to now and I hope you can still develop it to meet these needs. I know you said there is a limit to how many times you will redraw an image and I am communicating my needs as exact as possible. Once again, incredible drawing. I like it very much. [/quote] I revised the image for many of the details you wanted changed...the angle is not something I can revise and you are correct it is an entirely new drawing...so...revisions are one thing...a re-draw is entirely something else. I am willing to draw an additional drawing for you after I have finished all the other Avys I have on order (10)...and at no additional cost. I tried to draw the original description that you posted with the addition of the song bird as we later discussed. I hope this is acceptable. pease let me know.
  18. [quote name='Passant the Weak' timestamp='1301904968' post='81808'] Hello again! After participating in the Head Contest, I have got enough to unlock the Avatar Gallery. As discussed, I come back with my request, for you to have a look whenever you have time. Thanks in advance. [/quote] Very good then I have added you to my ever growing list. please be patient... A note to anyone reading this thread: I work on many avatars at a time, and some, just finish themselves...others take longer, not neccessarily because they are more difficult...but because the muse hasn't struck just yet....I have learned that if I push too hard...the drawing doesn't come out very well. I hope you all will try to understand. I'm a Toaist and I believe that art like life flows from the source and follows it's own path. Nothing is more beautiful to me than an uncarved block. That is why I love the challanges you provide to me...and as always...I prefer you describe the avy to me...rather than showing me a picture....Pictures tend to retard the artistic process by forcing form upon an unrealised idea...I literally have to forget what I saw before I can begin to draw again...If you are not certain of exactly what you want me to draw...then be general..and let me know to do it how ever I want...thats ok too....and don't worry about feeling obligated to buy it once I finish....If you don't want it...np...I will just place it hear in this thread for sale or sell it to the shop. Honesty is the best form of praise any artist can hope for because it praises the artist not their art...while it is very nice to hear that people like what I draw, when someone tells me something that they don't like about a drawing, like Couriose and Chewy did before, I know that they care enough to help me to grow and become better... Price is also not very important to me...I know that previously some of my avys were selling for quite a bit of Gold...but what I really want is to provide avys that will enhance your enjoyment of the game. If you can afford to pay...great! If not, that's ok too. so don't let price be the reason you don't ask me to draw for you. Thanks for reading this...BT
  19. [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1301804348' post='81756'] When I first joined MD, the avatar shop, which I could not access had a beautiful avatar that I wanted very much. Before I could access the shop, my avatar deck was somehow shuffled and I have now spent over 70 credits searching for that avatar with no success. While I very much liked that avatar, I have an idea for my own that would certainly suit me. I am very impressed with your artwork. I considered commissioning my wife's cousin to design an avatar for me for MD, but I think you may be able to draw what I'm looking for. My role is a gardener and poet. The following parameters describe the image: I imagine the avatar is oriented facing the bottom left corner, with his back to the upper right corner. A man with short, but slightly scruffy curly hair and beard He wears an open type robe/cloak, similar to a Jedi robe style, with the hood hanging back below (not on head). Underneath the robe, he wears a simple shirt and pants, with a belt. Nothing raggedy, but nothing ornate. He is either barefoot or wearing sandals. These clothing elements are how I imagine the avatar to be dressed. I recognize that all of these elements may not actually be visible, given the form I describe below. Consider the listed clothing elements a template to work from. The focus of the image is between the man's face and a small seedling sprout in front of him. The man's hand reaches out to cup/caress the small plant. He kneels on one or both knees. He has a simple straight wooden staff, which is either held in the other hand to help prop him up or sits parallel to his orientation on the ground beside him. I know this is a very specific image request, and it is beyond my skill to draw it the way I envision it. Please let me know if you have any questions. I appreciate your help and I will provide payment as requested. Manikens attached. At the moment I'm leaning toward the form on both knees with the ground and the sapling in hand. [/quote] I know this is not exact...not sure I can do the sandals at this angle and the hood needs to be romoved from the head...beard added etc... but am I even close? Couldn't do sandals... but I fixed the hood...what do you think?
  20. both birds 5 sc each
  21. [quote name='ZenTao' timestamp='1301894507' post='81799'] Blackthorn, Thank you, the avatar is beautiful. I appreciate the time you took to make it. Please pm me how I can pay you (I have 4 silver coins). Great detailed work, thanks again. Regards, Zentao [/quote] You may keep your silver sweet lady...your thanks is payment enough. If my small contribution will allow you to enjoy the game more...than I am well compensated.
  22. [quote name='Sunfire' timestamp='1301000050' post='81280'] can you draw me a Pyromancer a youngaged man +/- 28 years (not too young, not old) in a traditional magiciens robe with a arragant smile and a bit know-it-all look ask if you need more details [/quote] OOPS I got the age wrong...sorry...If this doesn't work for you...I will try it again. The first is the one I like best...but unfortunately since the rules have now changed against using software to improve the drawings...I will have to upload the un-eited hand drawing...Which I don't think is as nice..ah well. OK I tried to adjust the picture and give you the 28ish age...let me know what you think... I removed the knot and made the hair straight...let me know if this will work?
  23. [quote name='Sasha Lilias' timestamp='1301700601' post='81680'] I would like to ask wether you could draw me this: A young lady, in a long flowing dress,the neck in the shape of a V and an hourglass pendent around her neck.She should have long hair which flows as her dress does, as if in water. To the right of her chest she holds, with both hands, a harp with a strange bone like appearence, though beautiful at the same time. Here comes the part I think could become tricky. The ghost should have an almost transparent look to it, as if you could see through to the other side. Also if possible she should be hovering a foot or so above the ground, a very faint shadow beneath her, like light passing through steam. I would like all this whilst keeping all details of the Lady. It would be amazing to see an artists depiciction of this description, and I hope you see it as a "challenge". Faitfully ~Sasha Lilias~ [/quote] Wow...this one will take some time. not even sure how I would make it look transparent...hmmm... [quote name='Pothos' timestamp='1301670498' post='81621'] If You ever Have time, I have an avater I would rather like done. At this point and time I am well known 'the scarf man' But finding an avatar for it is not.. easy. Tall, lithe (thin but relisticly so) Black hair pulled back and braided, with stray strands tucked behind his ears. Youngish face. Think early twenties. A slight smile. A long patterned scarf wraped about the neck in semi loose folds, one end left long to blow in the wind, the other end short to lay on the chest. A large bag at his side, be it on the ground and the strap held in his hand, or him having it on (think messenger bag) This could have scarfs of different types poking out of it, or not. Up to you if you do it. Clothing is nothing special, Presentable, but casual. [/quote] Ok I think I can do that...You are on my list [quote name='Rumi' timestamp='1301804348' post='81756'] When I first joined MD, the avatar shop, which I could not access had a beautiful avatar that I wanted very much. Before I could access the shop, my avatar deck was somehow shuffled and I have now spent over 70 credits searching for that avatar with no success. While I very much liked that avatar, I have an idea for my own that would certainly suit me. I am very impressed with your artwork. I considered commissioning my wife's cousin to design an avatar for me for MD, but I think you may be able to draw what I'm looking for. My role is a gardener and poet. The following parameters describe the image: I imagine the avatar is oriented facing the bottom left corner, with his back to the upper right corner. A man with short, but slightly scruffy curly hair and beard He wears an open type robe/cloak, similar to a Jedi robe style, with the hood hanging back below (not on head). Underneath the robe, he wears a simple shirt and pants, with a belt. Nothing raggedy, but nothing ornate. He is either barefoot or wearing sandals. These clothing elements are how I imagine the avatar to be dressed. I recognize that all of these elements may not actually be visible, given the form I describe below. Consider the listed clothing elements a template to work from. The focus of the image is between the man's face and a small seedling sprout in front of him. The man's hand reaches out to cup/caress the small plant. He kneels on one or both knees. He has a simple straight wooden staff, which is either held in the other hand to help prop him up or sits parallel to his orientation on the ground beside him. I know this is a very specific image request, and it is beyond my skill to draw it the way I envision it. Please let me know if you have any questions. I appreciate your help and I will provide payment as requested. Manikens attached. At the moment I'm leaning toward the form on both knees with the ground and the sapling in hand. [/quote] As we previously discussed. I like this one very much...very original and creative...
  24. [quote name='ZenTao' timestamp='1301095570' post='81328'] [font="Palatino Linotype"]Hello Blackthorn, If I may request an avatar to and let you know now, I have 4 silver coins left and I hope this is okay. Thank You, I enjoy the art that comes through you. Description:A Female Samurai with long black hair, wind blowing it across her face and sword drawn as if she has just used it and so that one can see the the blade. You can see a small bird that lands on the tip of the blade wings stretched as she holds it. Same outfit as a regular Samurai except the hair. Many thanks in advance, I appreciate it![/font] [/quote] this si what I have so far...what do you think? the second one is finished avy....I hope you like it. Let me know.
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