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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. so last version to remain is: "This hereby is entrusted and acknowledged by the authority of the Dominion of Mur as part of Lands of the East territory" any objections? attached is a downsized version of the first seal (why so small? because i am paranoid ofc, it also has minor differencies from the actual version) This will be quite large on the page, enormous, somewhere at the bottom and again on the back maybe in UV ink, or mixed uv ink with custom ink...yeah..for chemical signature so you can't forge it too easy :P. I am working now on these details. I used to ..go the other way arround about un-making documents, now its time to do my best for something original of my own :)) Ofc nobody will need to or will try to actually professionally forge these documents...but if i do them so nice, lets do them really nice...i am having fun too afterall. There will be an other stamp to come with the signature, i think the third signature of the second authority will be optional (i can't ask everyone to purchase themselves a stamp, thats why it ill be optional and the page will be done in such way that it won't look empty without one..or ..not.. I will provide the design of the personal stamp of the second authority (the one receiving these papers to give out), if requested. An other option would be with wax seal, and instructions on how to build your own. With the right instructions anyone could build his own stamp too with minimum funds, it doesn't have to be proffesionally done...you could do it from a basic eraser and a cutter or some chemicals..i will provide several ways for those that prefer to make it rather than buy it.
  2. because the title is "granted" by two authorities combined, wouldn't it be more accurate to write: This hereby is entrusted and acknowledged by the authority of the Dominion of Mur as part of Lands of the East territory. or the two terms are too similar? I also recieved this version: This Seal imbues this document with the full authority of the Dominion of Mur of the Lands of the East. (PLEASE POST PUBLIC, DO NOT PM ME THINGS I ASK IN PUBLIC)
  3. We need to finetune the list of situations where such a doc will be needed and also the way it will be formulated. It needs to be written in such way that it is timeless. After i finish with the seal and canvas decorations i will work on some text samples. Thanks for the text update No one. sounds much better. currently when these papers will be released there will be a very high demand, ..over time this demand will be filled and things will move on a a slower rate, but at first there will be chaos :) Hopefully this will be a good motivation both for me and the respective lands to get a nice coat of arms. I am thinking to start first with GG...but i am not yet fully decided. Maybe due to financial reasons i won't be able to make stamps for each land and i will print them...i need to think of this, one step at a time. For now i have my seal almost ready, and today i will work on the paper design, then in the next days i will look for offers that will match my budget to get the first few blank docs printed. I will keep you all updated of course. I am focusing on the "real/touchable" aspect of this because this is what motivates me a lot, but there is always the virtual alternative that can be a placeholder...one way or an other this will be done sooner than my usual version of "soon" :p
  4. I am editing my part of the seal, i need some help writing the text properly, needs to be correct and to sound nice too. This will be written under the land seal, as part of the seal stamp. This is my draft, please help me write it right, also take care of what should be capitalized and what not: "This Seal certifies that this document is acknowledged by the authority of the Dominion of Mur land part of the Lands of the East territory." or if you have a better wording that would show the significance of the seal above this text, i am open to suggestions.
  5. you wouldn't collect such a thing? you would just throw it away with your bills? :P
  6. Regarding retroactive titles: it bothers me that i won't give these titles retroactively, but i also think its better like this. It will be an incentive for older characters to refresh their character and boost their activity..once they do that and remind the entire community they exist, they will get the title. When i say they won't be given retroactively, I mean i won't go through entire md history and digg out long gone legends to send them such a title document. I hope that is understandable. Variation of authority: i will issue first certificates as i said, with my authority and one of a second person...but the way this concept works allows that in the future other "combinations" of authority can be created, for example two lands partnerships, or council plus one king, or council plus one powerful role, for example council plus nimrodel for granting quest creator certificates.... the possibilities are endless and very very exciting. I think these documents will become a very beautiful collectible item. The costs for posting them will be minimum (about 1$) and the creation of the base materials i will try to support myself or through sponsorships , it will not cost you anything, in case you wonder that.
  7. Answers to all the above: - i intend to allow more just one tag, in fact this is on chewetts desk for quite a while, there will be multiple tags and a player could chose from his available/awarded tags. This fits perfectly with this "Titles" concept. - the only differences between current tags and these titles is that titles will be "multiple", not just main and secondary. This is something that will be reflected also in the interface when multiple tags update/feature will be implemented. Also, titles will have a more permanent "feel" since you will receive an actual document granting you that title forever. - individual powers are not titles, but a title may come with multiple powers associated with it. Granting citizenship is a kings right. To compare it with "RL" ... a doctor once a doctor will always remain a doctor. He might be stripped of his right to practice, but his title remains. A general will still remain a general even when retired. A title names a gained role, this role and the experience that lead you to it, can't be taken away from you, same way this document will never be taken away from you, but the right to apply/use it might be subject to the ongoing reality of your actions and social developments (such as elections). MD shape and structure changes irreversibly by the actions of its characters, even if these characters go crazy and abuse, break rules or go rogue, their "touch" on the realm remains. We will have to heal the wounds made by characters that will abuse, but not by taking away their achievements. This is in a way similar in concept with how active days are treated, regardless of penalty, ip ban, permanent jail, etc, the active days are never taken away or reset because these indicate an irreversible evolution note: The "TItles" concept is not perfect, this is the first time i open the subject publicly but the "feeling" that took me to it is part of the same "feeling" that guided me to shape md. That means that at a intuitive level, it should integrate with many other things and fit like a glove with the rest... i just need to adjust it and fine-tune it properly.
  8. I wish to put things a little different: "Just because I have the power to do something, doesnt mean im allowed to" This is basically true...but , there is a certain beauty in saying that YOUR POWER ALLOWS YOU TO DO IT IF YOU WANT TO. Like i said with all roles and abilities, you can use them to their technical limit and maybe report possible abuse if you think what you are doing is "not ok"...but technically Chewett, i see you as "allowed to" use your powers....but its the fact that you are not using them in such way that got you to have them in the first place. Most people do not understand this slight difference of viewing things... but for those that do understand, its important to mention that as Code Guardian, chew is allowed to do whatever he considers healthy and needed for md well being. The fact that he is not randomly cloning gold coins or rare creatures is because he understands that their actual value is given by the fact that they are not cloned. I do the same, my creatures are "real" and when i will run out of certain specimens, well thats it, my PERSONAL collection will be damaged,..this doesn't mean i am not allowed to clone/duplicate any creature, however i will not, for same reason Chewett doesn't... I respect and understand my power. I posted this not just to praise the almost all mighty wookie...but to tell to some of you a very valuable lesson about how power should be respected in order to be kept.
  9. I will present step by step ..something.. that will start to take shape slowly and will be a major shift in how the social structure, tags and roles will be acknowledged as official. This is intended as a major thing in MD, but one that i am hoping to complete how things are functioning now and not change them too much. Roles/tags are earned through your constant activity and sometimes awarded on special occasions. Currently there is nothing except the tag and description and occasionally an announcement that makes the role official...what else could it be..my, or councils "word" is enough. Well...here is where things will updated a bit. At some point in MD history, the Council operated by requireing just two votes of its members. In case no other member objected to the voted matter. Keep this in mind for now. I want to delegate council/my authority of giving roles/tags to people such as land leaders (Kings and Queens) and maybe to people that hold well known roles for a very long time. It is difficult to explain what i want to do, but the concept is simple. I will try to detail it slowly, by answering your questions and soon i will provide more detailed info. Tags/Roles will be called Titles from now on. A Title can be granted by a higher authority, such as your King, plus one additional authority, for a start that will be myself. Remember the "MD Diploma / Fancy Legacy Box" topic i posted recently, where i wanted to create fancy documents to send out to people and prepare seals and all the associated materials? It received a negative vote from the community (at least in my opinion), mainly because there are other more important things to do and because there are no funds to do such a "crazyness" at this point. However I will do it, in an adapted way. For now we will discuss this as if they will be VIRTUAL, its simpler that way for now. Lets try to see if you understand the "layout/structure" of how titles will be granted: Me, Muratus del Mur, -> insert fancy titles here <- will create a limited number of pre-signed blank documents that represent my authority as one of the leaders of the lands in MD. I will give these documents to other high authority characters in MD, for example the kings or other important roles. Now...that means i am blindly trusting the person i am giving such a document to, that they will use it wisely. Lets say a King holds such a blank title document. This king will be able to fill in details about a title he wants to give, only under the scope of his own authority (only matters that involve his own land). LHO leader holding such a blank title document, could fill it only with a title under his own authority...and so on. So far this is clear? makes sense for you? questions? These titles once signed by both me (already) and the second authority (king,important role,etc) will be given to a player, granting him that title FOREVER. My intention is that these titles will be created in such a way that they will never "expire". This is same concept as the King crown medal. Once you become king, you receive that crown, and it will remain yours forever regardless if you are still a king or not. In the same way, these titles will remain yours forever, without an expiry date. What will happen if two people have two conflicting titles? ...here is a big change... BOTH are valid, but the person with highest active days/activity percentage (or other factors maybe?) will have higher power, controlling the grated role/title. Ok..don't panic, this involves a lot of things, i am aware of the majority of them...and i am aware things will change, but i see this change as a complementary thing to how my vision about md is. Activity defines your influence...dead and forgotten people should not be able to actively USE titles, but should still hold them forever because at some point they earned them. THIS WILL APPLY ONLY FROM NOW ON....this is totally unfair, i know, but giving titles backwards it will be a total mess. However..any ancient role that becomes active again might receive his "Title" document. I might do an exception to king roles because they are very important and very few..maybe one or two other roles, but thats it. I said to consider these docs "virtual" .. maybe i will make items for them for now...but i want you to know that i am planning to make them actual printed documents (signed, fancy paper, gold finish and all the bells and whisles), and have them ready before this new concept will be fully integrated. This subject is open for debate, i will listen to both pro and contra opinions, but i will "fight" for this to happen, even if it requires significant sacrifices. I am however prepared to change my mind if somehow there are aspects of this that will prove to be to stupid or unrealistic...so feel free to challenge this matter if you don't agree to it...but also state your support if you like it. (Hearing positive opinions will make me do things faster and better :P )
  10. i see the general reaction to this idea is negative...its probably the realistic way to see this .. So i will keep this for myself, as a fancy thing to have :) I can't give the plans out for whoever wants them to create them because that will mean that some kings will afford it, some won't, and this will cause unfair advantages. I am sorry if my 'dreams' sounds too far from actual md reality, i still like to treat md related matters in a certain way, even if that way sometimes is far far away from the current reality/situation of the community...maybe its better like this. Maybe a ultra low budget thing would be to create individual stamps for each king, and leave the paper/packaging issue up to them to do as they wish. I will consider this subject closed, and i will let you know when/if i will make my own "box" ...maybe if you see it you will reconsider :P
  11. now i feel like a child that is brought back to reality by adults... i should say thank you probably..but i feel dissapointed... in a childish way, don't get me wrong :) Its good you tell me the things that i refuse to see myself :)
  12. black letters required mainly my time to be created and i realised my actual available time is nothing compared to the enthusiasm i had when wanting to make them. The MD Diploma remained just at concept level, and also my time was the issue, because i was supposed to make them...but with this box the certificates (lets not call the diploma because they are not), would be created by the kings. If the remark about the knife was a joke, it was a painful one. Yeah i gave up the knife, in fact i bought one that fits my budget, but thats an other story. Two important people "voted" no for this idea, that already cut my enthusiasm in half, but lets see what others say. About being a waste of time, that i am sure of, but it will be a waste of time that keeps me alive and i always have time for things that "keep me alive"..its why i spent so much time making md afterall, not that it makes any sense investing so much effort in it if it wouldnt have been pure passion as the driving force to do it.
  13. I want to make something really really amazing, that totally exceeds my financial capability ...but i thought to open this subject publicly and see what you think. Can this be done, should it be done, or not. This idea might be a good replacement or solution for the MD Diploma ideea. I want to make a box, wooden box with decorations. This box will contain a set of special crafted papers, something ultra high quality, with security elements, diploma style decorations, like bond certificates. To match the paper, there will also be an equal number of envelopes, also something special, MD style. The box will also contain two stamps, one will be with the land crest and one will be a custom stamp special made for the current land king. Each paper will be pre-stamped with my stamp too. Special stamp ink, maybe UV sensitive ink, maybe also seal wax and rope for sealing the letter ..depends on final cost. Each box will also have a special compartment where me and the current king that holds it will fill with things to remember, these things will be passed on from king to king, giving value and importance to the king role each time its passed on. I plan to send such a box to each king. My idea is that each king will pass this box on to the next one, with the remaining papers and the land stamp, and they keep their own stamp...sort of legacy item. The king will be able to give certificates and decrees and use these documents to establish their own land specific roles and titles. This could replace the MD diploma ideea, and have each king give their own documents during their reign. Of course there are problems that we need to think of...what if the king doesn't want to pass on the box? What if the sending cost is too high for the king to mail the box properly? What should the king keep except his own stamp, ..i know it is painful to give away such a cool item along with the king role, and i don't want some angry king/queen to destroy the lands legacy in anger...the need to keep something too. I estimate the cost of such a box to arround $150 plus probably 30$ for the shipping (not sure exact numbers ofc, +/-20% maybe) i can't afford this cost. Of course i will not want anythign for all the crafting/design work i will put in this, that goes without saying, so we are talking only about materials cost. I see a couple of options to do this..maybe ask the citizens to sponsor/donate something each, or make it a fundraising with significant rewards. I am not sure how to make sure that the king will pass on the box to the next when his reign ends..maybe a financial warranty? I don't think this will work because the box will be so amazing that they will want to keep it even if paying the full price for it....but it might be an option to discuss. What do you say, can this be done? Should this be done? Are you willing to support such a project financially yourself? Its easy to talk about what others might do or not, but i want to hear concrete things so i know on what i can count. If i start making these boxes i will make one at a time, and if the community won't be able to support the construction of all of them, it will be weird to have just one or two lands with such a box. While this matter will be discussed here, i will work on my own box for the Dominion. This way i will get a good idea of the actual cost of such an item, and i will prepare the know-how so i can build the other boxes in case this idea will turn to reality. In case it won't become reality, i can still use my box :P P.s. This is a mixed concept between how i wanted black letters to be given out, and the MD Diploma idea. Black letters stopped because they are too difficult to manufacture and i don't have time to make personalzied letters for each...but these docs are entirely different, and the workload will be split to each land king.
  14. Shadowseeker receives two points to the crown. One for claiming one, one for the knowledge he has of the gate burried deep in the East. The gate points back to the creation of the realm, while itself being at the end of its creation.
  15. clickable items that are currently in the scene and are not used, won't be part of this system. This system can only work with new clickables added from now on. The "old clickies can be programmed only in the old way, either by md coder or made into a public clicky and allow md script on it. There won't be a problem to flood a scene with too many clickies because i am counting on the good intentions and common sense of the people that will have access to such tools. When we are talking about such tools we are talking about people that really want to achive something nice, not to destroy or abuse things. This is a very rare breed of players other "games" don't know about :P Turning an existing part of the scene into a clickable is possible by adding an identical drawing over the exact same spot..its a bit of a hack, but works just fine. The way i see this work is that a group of people will do artworks, an other group will do the clicky coding and placement, and these two groups will work together with quest makers to build really cool quests. I might sound utopic..but i think this will actually work. Of course it is possible just for one person to do all of these , like both drawing the clickies, placing them in the scene, and designing a nice quest..but there are very few that could do that. Also, these clickies can be limited to show just for the people that start a certain quest, so they could be set so that they won't all show up by default. This is how i made autumn2050 clickies, they only show up for those that work on that quest and later will only show up for those that participate in it.
  16. I would like to also a cooperation with all of you to play a bit with the new tools i am working on. These tools do not really require coding but require for now a coders way of thinking to be well understood and used, so having a group of people able to use them, or at least to test them, would be great. Nim, after you are done "enrolling" them contact me to talk about this :)
  17. =========== there are SO many options and i am so unorganized. ...so i will start with a very basic set of tools, that could be used for awesome things already, but they are just basic. Please ask questions about them if you have any, or suggest things related to them that might help you in your quest. PLEASE, ask just about things that could actually help you in a quest you are working on or plan to work on, avoid theoretical things, i am full of ideas , i don't need more, i just need to adapt the current features to actual cases while still keep them generally valid so that they could be used for other quests too. I hope i was clear enough (its late and i am tired) First tools in the backpack: 1) create 1-20 pickable items with custom artworks placed in any scene, no item functionality 2) create one public item that becomes available only if you collected all required items so, what could be next?
  18. @ary..yeah the scene could be changed a lot. Preferably not totally, for such a purpose a new scene would be better. Adding new scenes by a quest creator is something i have in plan to do. Lazarus is the first to have the chance to participate in such an experimental thing, but thats an other story. To answer your question, a questmaker of this level should be able to modify both scene and player. The purpose will not be to "transform" but to complete/enhance @rikstar .. a couple of people already deserve such abilities, one example, but not the only one, is Nimrodel. If you have proven over time to be able to build really awesome quests BUT ALSO that you understand how the values of md influence eachother and how some things are inconfortable for a purpose..then you might have a chance to get such a backpack. I will work to improve the things in this Questers backpack and will make it available to more quest makers over time, not just to the top ones. You have to understand that such quest creating abilities will have no safety features, so i need to trust the questmaker fully before giving him such abilities. This sort of quests will appear as official and will exceed the scope current quests have. Imagine a quest maker will be able to give medals or even award an entire scene to someone...hehe..big plans i know... but for now lets see them as some really cool ways of making quests :)
  19. it will take me A LOT to read long posts. I have enormous difficulties focusing on large text, i keep saying this over and over again, nobody cares. The way i manage to read them is by pasting the text in a notepad, splitting it in portions and reading some from time to time...imagine that combined with my fuckedup schedule and lack of time AND bad memory. I am very smart, sometimes writing really short things is enough to get the message through. i spotted a couple of _VERY_ interesting ideas in your posts. but i need to read everything, and i will. I am really happy to have such smart people i can learn from in here...but remember i am not interested in your education and ability to quote other smart people, i value your own opinion a lot more. Following the footsteps of other smart people that already researched this subject, will not bring anything new or enlightening. I am looking to see beyond the old borders. (give me several days to read all the above posts, i might not reply directly to them but thats irrelevant, this is not a discussion with me, i am simply an observer that watches the seed grow ;) )
  20. yes ..the "problem" is that i want resurces to be so, many reasons. the way resources are balances how easy they are to be gathered only thing i am willing to change is the presentation form. maybe instead of having 100 lumber that can' be splitt you could have more vague indicators, like "few" "some" "several" "plenty" instead of numbers ... but that an other topic
  21. pickable items are clickies that when you click you grab them from the scene and place them in your inventory (they vanish from scene and appear in inventory) Keys are ways to filter things and to place rules on what is visible when and to who. two completely separate things. However, in a larger context, now you can use items (obtained regardless how, picking them up, transfer, etc) to filter out things similar you could use keys. Keys remain the most powerful way to give and restrict access ..but thats a longer story.
  22. --THESE ARE PRIVATE NOTES, I WILL BE CHANGING THEM AS DEVELOPMENT ADVANCES . i PUT THEM PUBLICK SO YOU CAN HAVE A PREVIEW :) -- I am working on a set of tools to allow quest makers to build realy well integrated quests. I will be posting here the list of PREDEFINED actions to be found in the Questmakers Backpack. RAW POSSIBLE ACTIONS TO MIX, PENDING EDITS: - create pickable clicky in a location - assign existing item functionality to a clicky (LIST) - require to have other named items to show a clicky - require not having named items to show clicky - trigger overlay image on clicky action (quest related visuals) - trigger secondary actions on clicky action (like focus inventory) - create progressive clickies (like the bushy) POSSIBLE ITEM FUNCTIONALITY: - all current existing items with all settings variable - (need to check if illusions and spells work as expected on items) I have terrible memory so having this here will help me plan things better. As you can see there can be any combination of the above and that allows limitless possibilities...however, i will prepare PREDEFINED sets of actions/settings as quest building blocks to place in the Questmakers Backpack. This is not due to any limitations but to make things easier and more clear also to less experienced quest makers that might find real examples more inspireing than totall freedom. ---- Please feel free to suggest such functionality presets if you think you understood what is going on. Best if you would make recommandations based on quests you would like to implement yourself. If you are not totally sure you understand what is going on, please do not reply here. I will be posting updates as i will start to create such presets and things will become more clear. --- Current work done: - assisting tool to easy place clickables on the scene (see screenshot) [attachment=4447:clickyassistant.jpg] below i will post the updates ====== 30 dec 2013 ===== First tools in the backpack: 1) create 1-20 pickable items with custom artworks placed in any scene, no item functionality 2) create one public item that becomes available only if you collected all required items
  23. No one - looks good, name your reward Ackshan ...what..on..md realm...is that? seriously..looks like a wet napkin? :)))))) i won't say "no" yet ... i say try again in doing a drach out of a napkin, there are so mny ways to do it, no need to use just one. You could mix them with glue, or water and flour, or other things and use them as a clay replacement...or do it from one if you want..but these pictures are not very fortunate in my opinion :) Nice seeing you tried, so keep trying :) UPDATE: No one, please post at least one pic with same drach but with the message _as required_ ..with year and playername. This is so that after years from nwo when i will forget your listing and i won't be the one checking, someone else won't simply grab it from the internet and submit it, plus the ppics will be used for a hall of fame at some point....so i am waiting for the pic with the message. Thanks
  24. Your answers (that i tried to resd entirely, but sorry if i won't reply to each) are very interesting. I see you grab onto PERCEPTION to build this thought process, i think that is an anchor due to "fear", you need to grab on things you "know". I literally believe that events in the future cause events in the present. They build roots into reality ad form the needed paths for them to happen. This is just my opinion. We can see this best in how nature works. The amazing complexity of a plant is there jut for the purpose to create the fruit, that will eventually hold the seed. The "result" (fruit/seed) is not a simple result that randomly coes out of the complexity of the plant..but it is its PURPOSE, it drags events in the "past" so at some point in the future it will come to existance. Think of something, explaining how something happend is often so complicated and amazing, if we look at it in a past-present-future direction, but if we consider events in the future "drag" events in the past to result in their existance, it becomes esier to explain. An artist sees the result of what he wants to achieve, then guids the creation process so that thing comes to reality..the "future", in this case the creation, is the first thing that is there, while the past and present are built to lead to it. (note: would be interesting to use the post voting system to see how many of you sympathize with one or the other ideea posted by someone writing here, i will consider that a form of reply too.)
  25. Plain and simple thought seed i found lost in my gardener pocket, lets see what it grows into: The present is caused by both the past and the future. We see this very clear when we talk about the past, but the other half of the picture that we miss is that the future is also causing the present in equal proportions as the past does. ..and yes this is a forum post because i am waiting for some smart replies
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