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Muratus del Mur

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Everything posted by Muratus del Mur

  1. cause: flash version updates, incompatible to the ancient version these files were exported for solution: should be fixed now but might take a bit till your browser figures it out. Open http://magicduel.com/ifrm/ifrm.creatures.php and press Ctrl+F5 , it might speed up things. issues: creature vitality numbers display weird values
  2. I might seem active in the past couple of days but you know me, next day i might vanish for a year :)) I will add something to my sponsorship. If anyone predicts the exact number, i will give 1 ancient creature to that person. Idk what creature, nothing special as species, but one of the crits on one of my ancient account so very valuable dor those that collect really really low id crits.
  3. Sunfire, you receive three wp codes for use in your future quests (one per qiest pls). Find me at def quarters. Nice quest setup :)
  4. Can anyone at all see the creatures? (ps i can't see them either, ff and mobile)
  5. IF this contest will run in other month too, whoever wins it 3 times gets the 'luck' medal... but this might happen long time from now so you will need to remind me when it happens :)
  6. I sponsor a dice item ..its luck afterall
  7. its interesting to see the interest shown in creatures, but i said existing features and creatures are not really a "feature", but NEW creatures are not existing things, obviously, so creating new creatures involves things not part of what i asked (a new creature requires art, settings for all levels etc). Unless you name two features combination that results or uses EXISTING creature..like using colored paper to pimp a grasan, that yes.
  8. pick two features in md, used or not, and present one potential use of them combined, that is not so obvious but could be done just with those two features. example: put a picksble armor suit that once you pick it up it places you in an illusion mode that makes you look just like as if you equipped that suit (illusion avatar) and give you increased stats while you have it on (while illusion is active) example 2: use a progressive combiner item placed in front of a locked path, that once loaded it runs same script as passpapers to take who uses it on the other side of the locked area, like community effort type of thing to enter one land example3: pick several items scattered across the map (pickable items festure), and combine them using a combiner item into a functional usable item be specific on names, location, functionality, etc, mention what two features are used in your example, no additional or custom features are allowed. I just gave you short examples to understand the concept i placed this in new ideas because i will use it as an ideea pool for upcomming quests, features, but i will also award wishpoints to those that submit ideas that get implemnted..so consider it a quest..and good luck you know how i like things, short and clear
  9. would be interesting to hear syggestions of a role name for one that dies often such visc clearing activities. I am planning a branched evolution of characters based on their activity and i think this activity could be included for a distinct role name
  10. currently i am using youtube for sounds, give me a youtube link to the sound that fits, and the location coords
  11. it is a feasable thing to have personal resources...but then where is the fun in that :p
  12. visibility of clickables based on inventory is now possible. I shall consider new features as i read your quest suggestions, but till i am sure they are done, don;t count on them. Also you will notice a very negative mood in my replies, thats because i point out the issues, does not mean that in the end i might not pick your quest to work on. @udgard - the golem is not available as a creature (not sure what happend to it, does it have artworks and all that? i lost track) - i never put on the "it can use" list anything related to npc "woodin-ish" sort of things, i don't intend to - having items check creature stats/level is also something that is not yet there - i like the general flavor of "building the golem core", could work, its just the way till there that has many obstacles..the big one is there is no golem (artworks mainly). - building a creature by collecting its components and merging them somehow sounds good and golem would fit best, just if you could stick to EXISTING features @rickstar - i might get the general idea of what you mean, but i have absolutely no clue how you see this done in curren scenes. Are you talking about various items that change look based on what you collect? - there is no feature to change "stage" of a clickable based on inventory, At the moment there are progressive combiners that have multiple stages based on how "completely filled" they are with the items/resources they require, but that affects all players so your quest would be a group quest if it depends on this feature - maybe you adapt to the existing features and then we talk differently
  13. I'll start doing one starting today and post in there all the things related to the work i do now, eventually while i will shift focus over older parts of md, it will contain most of it. Please do the same and complete what is missing whenever it happens you work on something that could be documented.
  14. Oh but md IS a jungle, too bad we are not animals, we are shards of each ones soul.
  15. I believe the illusions update will change the perspective of how torch runs, but maybe thats just me. I am agqainst changing any rules of how torch currently runs, instead i think having "torch only" pickable powerup items that could bypass certain restrictions or offer certain advantages is something more interesting to do (and easyer for me since i don't remember how torch works, but i know how to do such items ). Chew, could you document somewhere the way torch can be reactivated? in case you remember, step by step. If i catch a full work night one day i might play a bit with this forgotten feature :) Before "fixing" torch, i think i need to do "pickables that appear based on rules", that will integrate well with the torch as well as with many other things in autumn2050. I love it when i can work on something new that fixes old stuff in a creative way :D
  16. murder in md is not by far the same thing as murder in rl. A few things differ. In rl ANYONE COULD murder anyone, in md you need to aquire tools for this task an getting those tools give you a partial right to use them as you think fit. Second, death is not permanent, even without reviving methods, while in rl there is no reviving and the punishment for murder takes into consideration the permanency of this crime. As i said, there could be any sort of punishments and rules set by the land leaders as they think fit. On a social level they can and should cover any such thing that might be missing or unregulated by md in an official way. From MY perspective, murder is not punishable, because in MD i represent the equivalent of "nature" and in nature, murder happens and nobody punishes you for it "officialy". All punishments for murder are given by representants of the same species. humans punish humans, not other animals, for murder, while in the jungle animals kill with a purpose and nothing "punishes" them for this action. So, murder, in my eyes as the one being officially responsible of md as a contained world, murder is a natural thing to happen, unpunishable by me, and i don't care, or better said i give full freedom to any social structure within md to punish it as they can, if they can.
  17. I am considering the justice system in md as an "exception" that kicks in only in some isolated cases, the rest of the justice system in md should happen between players or between land leaders and their subjects. Jail is for crimes that are not allowed to be done, while "killing" is something that has tools to be done and is part of the gameplay, i can't officialy send to jail anyone using a kill tool, as if it would be the same sort of crime with someone abusing the system or doing things i consider far worse. In RL murder is punished drasically, but there are also no "reviving" spells available, think about that.
  18. resend the question then, sp o reply and you resume..but send it whenever you can resume. I think i remember, illusion set on items to make torch armoury and or something like that
  19. well, cool, but i don't really see how is that related to a topic where i ask for signups to a contest
  20. i believe i requested torch to be stopped, regardless if its so or not, i do not remember at all WHY it was stopped can anyone make me a veeerryyyy short and radable list of the reasons? Thank you
  21. i am sorry i was away (still am) so much, but i am even more sorry that i never wrote some instructions file with details on how to reactivate torch and many other things,. I would activate torch as it is, as an experiment, and put a wild reward at the end. If it was closed due to few members, i could do a version called "entire realm" torch with two teams...or whatever..something..anything..because i want torch event again. I do not remember why it stopped, i do not remember what flaws it had. I just hope chewett knows all this stuff.. if HE has time to reactivate it, and considers there is no major issue running it again , i agree to hold this event one more time (i will add a special flavor to it, if chew has time to do my requested changes to it)
  22. you can't call any attempt of self sustained social dynamic as an "experiment" of mine. To keep balance you need to provide both destructive and creative methods, this does not mean i am experimenting anything,..its more accurate to say i used the things learned in other experiments to decide depletion is good to exist, while it is bad to happen..well ..bad for some..good for others.
  23. ummmm...i realised things in wish shop are not intended to be achievable any way else...getting wishpoints is part of how md is intended to be, has nothing to do with payments that coyld offer unfair advantages (i just saw your replies after i posted mine, so yes, without wish shop) Also younger players could simply post about one or the other item they managed to buy, telling how else could it be achieved, no need for a single person to do everything (unless you aim for a fat reward all for yourself :)) ps, can tokens be achieved anyway else than shop? my initial intention was to have them presebt in sone other form too, but i cant remember if it was done or not
  24. yes..ofc i forgot to mention this will probably require public effort or a team of people to do right. I will reward whoever does it, that is selfunderstood..but i need it done well, because i will base my decisions on it but i won't have the time to double check info in this report
  25. I am interested to have a list of features present in the shop and their equivalent ways of being obtained without spending credits (not free, not nothing). The most common option will be "wait x time (I want at least approximate time needed)"..but there are others that are unachievable without credits, or are via trade, and in that case i need more details on how to initiate or look for such a trade. I want a more userfriendly and easy to understand game flow, this is just one step in many. This list will be presented either step by step (next to each item in the shop) or centralized, to help new players understand what is it they pay for and to decide themselves if they could play without paying. No game actually does that, you discover what you need to pay for on the way, but you can't see a clear list of methods on how to achieve same thing for free. Even when it is about waiting time, they never prepare you for the amounts of time needed for deeper level of upgrades/items and such. This list will help me understand if "paid" is still balanced with "free" and adjust things as needed....plus, it will be a honest way of presenting things clearly to everyone...i do not think we have anything to hide regarding this, there are no "checkpoints" where you are forced to pay to continue in a decent way, at least none i know about, so why not actually advertise that? All games with micropayments i tried so far did this commercial trick, when you enjoy it most, they ask money, we don;t (we should, its just me that doesn;t want that )
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